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Thread: TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #61

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    I hear you.
    I find the actress really attractive to look at but i've been struggling with her performance for a few seasons now. She seems to be playing it sassy which really seems out of place to me.
    She is pretty good looking, despite her grand canyon-esque dimples of peace. In fact, she looks JUST LIKE a girl I had the biggest crush on for many years, but that girl and me didn't end on good terms, and thus, is not a good person to be reminded of for me

    She is playing it way too sassy, and she always has this....sarcastic looking smile on her face. Like she thinks she's hot shit. Maybe her condescending mannerisms stem from the fact she's one of the few remaining females on Earth that has makeup in the apocalypse

    Seriously though, Andrea needs to shape up, or get eaten. And NOT by the governor.

    What did you think of my comparison to Jerri Ryan? I feel like they are both playing the exact same caricature, and it's almost as shitty as the "Alice" from the Resident Evil movies Mary Sue caricature.

    BUT AGAIN, I loved this episode and this season. I'm really nitpicking this one
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 11-Nov-2012 at 01:37 AM. Reason: rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble

  2. #62
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JonOfTheShred View Post
    ...Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.
    ...and like on the 'World War Z' thread, I find myself in complete agreement with you again.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been irked by the way this actress moves. It's way too forced and it's really bugging the shit out of me. Nobody moves like that. What the hell is that all about?

    But, she's not the only one doing it. Yer one who plays Michonne is at it as well.

    I think they just need too be told to quit it.
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  3. #63

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    Andrea (IMHO) lost her way after Season 2 ended,
    The stuff with her and Michonne on their own was ok, but on the way down...for reasons stated more eloquently by other. After Andrea and Michonne get co-opted into the Woodbury group however, it's like the actress portraying Andrea is just phoning it in. I don't know whether that's the fault of the scriptwriters or the actress at this point. After all, it's not like they've given her much opportunity/evidence to substantiate Michonne'e how is someone who was on death's door before the medication from Woodbury saved her, supposed to react with nothing but vague suspicion to go on?

    The absolutely maddening thing is, for anyone who's seen The Mist they know that the actress portraying Andrea is capable of at least good (if not great) performances. If she were a total loss talent-wise it'd be far easier to write her off. That isn't the case though. She's got the mojo to make it work, but for reasons yet to become clear just hasn't been bringing it since the third season got underway.

    Personally, once Shane taught her how to shoot I saw a lot of potential open up in front of the Andrea-character. In hindsight, however, I don't believe the character had been well established enough as yet to be the "left behind member" of Rick's group. It wasn't clear what she stood for, wasn't clear where/when she draws the line about basic moral decisions...and overall her character just hadn't solidified enough (IMO) to be the foil to the Governor's deceptive-charming facade masking his evil.

    Perhaps this isn't so much an Andrea-specific problem. Other than Rick, the late Shane, Dale, Glenn and Daryl...with Carl BEGINNING to get there, the others have been rather flat...not to the point it really shows when the group is together, but it's something that comes into relief whenever these less developed characters become the focus of individual attention. IMO, it's definitely something that needs to be addressed if they want to shore up the individual performances of the "satellite members" of the group.

  4. #64
    Just been bitten

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    BLUFF: I do not like the TV version of Andrea. However, I read somewhere that the actress hurt her back during shooting. That the reason she played sick, weak and frail the first half of this season.

  5. #65
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, i've been complaining about andrea for some time now. i watched just a couple of pre-season interviews about the making of TWD and whatnot, along with new cast members, and if i recall, the actress playing andrea used the word "sexy" to describe at least two of her cast members.....okay, we're dealing with a show about a living-dead pandemic, not fucking desperate housewives.

    seems like that's my main gripe, she is always looking like she's wearing lots of make-up, making that duck-face, being coy and flirty with people (that scene with the her and governor was eye-rolling), and on top of all that, just being having a cunt-attitude. even from her very first scene in the 2nd episode of the show, it just struck me that they got the wrong actress to play andrea. and since the 2nd half of season two, with the stand-off with lori in the kitchen and then the bit where she went against everybody's advice and took the shot on daryl with four of her fellow group members only feet away, she's been my least favorite character on this show. hands down.

    i seriously hope they kill her off next. i think i'd start a slow clap.

  6. #66
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Actually, I find Carol's flirting alot creepier.
    Gray pubes, ew.
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  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I always thought that Andrea was pretty sassy and forthright in the comic books, even to a fault at times. I think it's part of her character. Like some of the bitching that befell Lori, I don't understand some of the sheer bother some folks here are experiencing with Andrea.

    I do think we need to see more from her, definitely, as so far this season she hasn't been able to live up to the woman we saw slogging for an ENTIRE DAY through the woods, exhausted, being chased by walkers - that was hardcore and made her mightily impressive - at the moment she's a bit underused/underwritten, but then neither her nor Michonne have had much screentime compared to our prison folk ... which is understandable as there's a LOT going on there, and the majority of the group is there.

  8. #68
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    To professorchaos I to saw her taking that long distance, attempt at ego boost, rifle shot as the point in which I started to care less of Andrea. Daryl had every right to knock her the F out. Who knows maybe she will be the focus of a major heroic act and redeem herself similar to Lori's exit

  9. #69
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Actually, I find Carol's flirting alot creepier.
    Gray pubes, ew.
    Run, Daryl, run.
    I KNEW i wasnt alone on this one!!

  10. #70

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I always thought that Andrea was pretty sassy and forthright in the comic books, even to a fault at times. I think it's part of her character. Like some of the bitching that befell Lori, I don't understand some of the sheer bother some folks here are experiencing with Andrea.

    I do think we need to see more from her, definitely, as so far this season she hasn't been able to live up to the woman we saw slogging for an ENTIRE DAY through the woods, exhausted, being chased by walkers - that was hardcore and made her mightily impressive - at the moment she's a bit underused/underwritten, but then neither her nor Michonne have had much screentime compared to our prison folk ... which is understandable as there's a LOT going on there, and the majority of the group is there.
    Yes, but in the comics she always retained a sort of college-aged naivete. In the TV show, she has the middle-aged, condescending vibe that ruins her character. She wasn't in her late 30's in the comic, she was college aged. And not only that, but her body language in the show is extremely exaggerated. Always doing unnecessary head swivels, like she's about to say "No she dint, uh UUHHHH!" It's really annoying. The perfect representation of a similar portrayal by an actress is that Jerri Ryan in the Mortal Kombat video. Same EXACT problems I see with Andrea are in that 30 second - 1 minute performance. For some reason, that style of acting....generic, cookie-cutter BITCH....just really rustles my jimmies. Especially when it's used to portray the sweet, kind-hearted but takes-no-bullshit Andrea from the comic.

    Maybe if the actress was younger I wouldn't feel like it was so out of place, but she feels completely off.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    I KNEW i wasnt alone on this one!!
    You know, its funny you guys mention Carols flirting being creepy, because now that I think about it the actress playing Andrea would have been PERFECT to play the Carol from the comics. I'd love to see that actress portray a more mentally unstable character, as opposed to the "I think my shit don't stink" Andrea we are presented with. They should have cast her as Carol (giving Darly a reason to want to smash) and picked another actress entirely to portray Andrea. Someone with freckles
    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 11-Nov-2012 at 08:54 PM. Reason: carol

  11. #71
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    Still can't figure out the governor's gig. He likes being in charge of his little town obviously. He's a nutso surely. He seems to want his town to be like the "Roach Motel" where roaches check in, but they don't check out. Very odd and that's all Andrea needs in a man to bend waaaaaay over.... again lolz.
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  12. #72
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Was that Greg Nicotero doing a cameo zombie (aka the Swing Bridge zombie in 'Land' & the Dr. zombie in 'Diaries') taking a chunk out of T-Dog as he closed the fence gates?


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