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Thread: Season 4 Official Preview Images, Clips, and Interviews...

  1. #136
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But on the other hand, if you don't know how to cut your own hair - or those around you don't know how - then you'll end up looking like a rag doll ... and that just ain't a good look for a long-running TV show. Lori knew how to cut hair - and was cutting Carl's hair in season one - but she ain't around these days.

    Shears - no electricity, and even if you find a battery operated pair, the batteries would have to still be good. With looting etc, you might not be able to find batteries - functional batteries - all that easily at this point in the apocalypse.

    Admittedly, you could still hack your hair down with scissors and then wet shave it off ... but again, I don't think many actors are going to be that committed, least of all child actors, to that sort of thing. You could fake a shaved head, but then you have a long time added to your daily prep (plus maintainence during the day) to keep that hair & make-up in place ... and with normal hair underneath, they never look that convincing anyway.

    So there's certain concessions to be made - in a real apocalypse sure, but this is fictional and a television show production.

    Leather - sure, great protection against walkers, but at the same time you'll be sweating buckets in the Georgia heat wearing that sort of get up. The actors spoke of how hot they got wearing just the riot gear - hell, they all speak of how hot they get just standing in a t-shirt in Georgia - so running around in leather, while the good option for avoiding bites, won't work for keeping you cool. You don't always know if you're going to have water and you might get dehydrated - and then you're in an even bigger pickle ... the characters also might think they'd prefer more ease of movement, and if it's their time, it's their time.

    Leather would work much better in colder climates though.


    Here's an interesting interview with Scott M. Gimple about Season 4:

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 02-Apr-2014 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #137
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    yeah, i guess as far as looks for the tv show go, long hair makes the boys look pretty or whatever, but it just looks silly...and as a guy who was in the military and keeps his hair super short to this day, i can tell you first hand that long hair ( a phase i went through for about a year after my enlistment ended) is a much more irritating way to keep your mane, especially in humid climates such as georiga. i'd be finding some scissors and chopping that shit off, looks be damned. what good is a proper-looking haircut on you when you're dead?

    on a related note, i did some military training down in louisianna during the summer of 2004, and we had to wear full combat gear, including long-sleeved button-up shirts, helmets, kevlar vests with armor-plates inserted, etc. troops train for that shit year-round, and understand that it's a necessary evil for survival in combat zones and the like.....for abraham to be walking around wearing what he does is rather odd, given how up his own ass he is about getting his precious mission completed. i realized he donned a jacket when it got cold, but when he first showed up, he looked like a damn cosplaying idiot, as someone (can't recall who) posted in the thread covering the episode he appeared in.

    speaking of winter, i really do hope they actually show more cold weather next season. the pattern for the last three seasons has been: start off in hot weather, then just before the end of the season, everyone is wearing jackets and coats, indicating autumn conditions, then they skip to the next season and totally gloss over winter. seems like they'll have to pick up season 5 right where they left off, so maybe we'll see some of the winter months.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 02-Apr-2014 at 07:32 PM. Reason: .

  3. #138
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Woops, posted some schnizz somehow in the wrong place. WTF, brah?!?
    Last edited by rongravy; 05-Apr-2014 at 03:09 AM. Reason: retardation.

  4. #139

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    Last edited by JonOfTheShred; 24-Nov-2022 at 08:52 PM. Reason: sdafgdhj

  5. #140
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    don't take it personally, brother. i was just saying that as far as TWD characters, especially darryl with his pixie-boy haircut and carl with his girly looks, long hair just seems an odd choice. the "silly" part wasn't directed at all folks with long hair, just those two characters.

    i am unable to read that article just yet, but i will this evening when i get back from all the shiz i gotta do today.....but personally, i'd rather not have a something that would make me easier to latch onto by walkers, plus it really is cooler (temp wise) to have a short hair-do.

    it's just a matter of opinion/personal preference though, sorry if i came off as a bit of a mr. know-it-all and offended you.


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