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Thread: on Remakes....or Reinvisionings

  1. #16
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    Jack Nicholson played Jack Torrance; there was no "Johnny". That was a line used to bring memories of Ed McMahon introducing Johhny Carson on The Tonight Show to the surface of the mind. This being one of your favorite movies, I'm suprised you didn't know that.

    nicely done.

  2. #17
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    I would like to see Tank Girl redone. Although the soundtrack rocked and I love Lori Petty. It just wasn't what I expected after the comics.

    Boinking kangaroos?? No, man, they're mutated kangaroos. Boink away.
    A penny for the old guy.

  3. #18
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501
    nicely done.
    There was a reason I said Johnny. The people that need to know know what I mean. I know exactly what the characters were I only watch the movie 20 times a year.

  4. #19
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr

    Y'know what I wonder? When are they going to start remaking the Police Academy films? You know it can't be far away, and I bet 10 to 1 that someone in hollywood has already suggested it!

    They are making a new Police Academy! No need for a remake just yet.

    I am really sick of remakes, especially since 95% of them are horrible attempts to cash in on an already established name... its like when these rappers "sample" a song, they are just cashing in on popularity that is already there. People see a familiar name and go to see it since they "loved" the original.

    One of the few remakes I liked was The Hills Have Eyes. I wasn't sure if I would like it because of how awesome the original is, but Aja did a good job on it... but then again High Tension rocked. I am a little worried about this sequel in the works, but then again, it may be good.

    The one movie that if remade will make me personally drive out to the sight just to bitch slap the makers is the Warriors. I own both the original version and the Directors cut and that movie is just great.

    The funny thing is that working at a Blockbuster I keep getting customers who complain about all the remakes, yet they still go see them at theaters and rent them since there is nothing else out there. If they quit renting them and going to see them at the theaters there would be no market for remakes! But that is just me complaining as I still rent them also... but I get them for free!
    Last edited by DeadJonas190; 18-Aug-2006 at 04:53 AM.
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  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, I know, Drive-In Massacre is a blight on my DVD shelf ... although I do own some more turkeys. I made the mistake, as a young lad of 18, to believe the "hype" of the DVD cover. If you put a kick ass pic of a classic car covered in blood and write things like "Previously BANNED!!!" all over the cover, or "UNCUT!!!" then you're bound to get my interest, lol. Sadly, the movie was atrocious, and is a prime candidate for a GOOD remake, it wouldn't be hard. Heck, I could remake it with soft toys in my bedroom (a la Adam & Joe) and make a much better flick.

    Aye, the new Fog and Precinct 13 sucked, you can't beat the originals. Carpenter's "The Thing" is a friggin' classic. Not a hardcore remake, because it went back to the original source material and showed what Hawks couldn't show back in the day, hence sticking with a dude in a suit, lol - the movie should have been called "Not The Thing, But A Dude In A Suit".

    I dig Kubrick's Shining, it's legendary. The TV movie was dud in my eyes. "Maniac", I thought that movie was good, one of the few video nasties that actually lives up to it's hype, none of that Drive-In Massacre wank.

    *oh my friggin' gawd - Snakes On A Plane - is actually getting a segment about it on Channel 4 News...blimey!*

    A Rob Zombie Halloween movie? it a remake or is it a sequel (as if 2 ... or maybe 3 through 8 never happened?) It'll be interesting, but I'd rather see him make something original, like The Devil's Rejects - that was superb. I'd also LOVE to see a Rob Zombie zombie movie, now that'd be a good flick!

  6. #21
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    MZ - you've seen "Maniac" too?! OMG, I thought I was the only one that lost 90 minutes of their lives watching that!

    Y'know, i'm so torn on The Shining. I mean, you really couldn't get a better person to play Jack Torrence (Nicholson), but see, my problem is I read the book before I saw the movie. If you do that and watch the Kubrick version of the flick you're left going "WHAT THE HELL?!" because Kubrick's version only touches on about 1/2 of what's in the book - and misses some INCREDIBLY important details (uhhh, the boiler?!) that are pertient to the story. That's mainly why I like the TV version better (closer to the original novel) but there's no denying that Nicholson owned the part of Torrence in the Kubrick version. Bah, I like 'em both, I just think the tv series kept closer to the novel, which is what I expected Kubricks to be when I saw it. It's decent, yes, but it just left out too much for my taste. In the novel, the job interview was almost 1/3rd of the book and had lots of detail and info in it - and in the movie they touched on that interview for maybe what, 5 minutes? huh?!

    About RZ's upcoming Halloween - y'know, I do have faith in RZ to make a decent Halloween film. After watching the cinematography of The Devil's Rejects (which is still my favorite movie to come out the past few years) I think Rob has a really firm grasp on how to achieve that 70's "look" on film. I mean, TDR could've come right out of 1976! It just has that look and feel of the 70's classic horror films, and I'm hoping he applies that to the new Halloween movie. He'll pull it off - I'm worried about it a bit, but I think RZ has the best chance (other than Carpenter) of taking that series back to where it should be. That cult BS they started with Meyers was just stupid beyond stupid. They should've quit after part 4 (which I liked, surprisingly). I have one word of advice for RZ: Get Nick Castle to play The Shape again!

    DJ190 - are you serious? there's a new Police Academy movie coming out?! Where's my 'smack myself in the head' smiley?! and for the record, The Warriors was a totally kick ass movie!!

    ...and I still can't think of a single movie I want to see remade.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 18-Aug-2006 at 12:09 PM.

  7. #22
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Why didn't you like Maniac? I thought it was a good flick, Joe Spinnel was genius in it ... wasn't a waste of 90 minutes to me's a question, do you reckon that's a boner the killer is sporting in the cover art, or is it just unfortunate, Larry David style "bunching"?

    Indeed, RZ is the man for the job regarding the new Halloween, I want to see the series go back to it's roots. Personally, only #1 and #2 cut the mustard, #3 was just stupid and the rest just got worse and worse and felt "flimsy" to me, while #1 and to a lesser extent #2 feel tough and robust, they feel like films ... not TV movies, which is a taste I get from part 4 through 6. #7 was just stupid and #8 was just pure turd, a Halloween movie ... with Busta Rhymes in it ... and that stupid "Myers was tortured by his parents" junk, I mean COME ON!!!

    Now, what with all this "returning to" franchises that's going on lately (Batman, Superman...), I'd like to see a return to Friday 13th and Jason, but none of that Jason X or whatnot nonesense (although I do own Jason X on DVD and enjoyed it too). A return of Friday 13th would be quite welcome, but a serious return, no p*ss taking or modern techno-junk thrown in with obvious CGI etc. Speaking of CGI in horror movies, the best I've seen it employed is in Land of the Dead, only a few moments are recognisably CGI to our trained eyes. Rock on.

    And Maniac was a good slasher flick!

  8. #23
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    I don't know why I didn't like Maniac. I was REALLY young the first time I saw it, and the vision of that guy jumping on the car hood and blowing that dude's head off with the shotgun is forever stuck in my head. Maybe because of that, and being that's what I remember most about the flick, I don't have much of a fond memory of it. The ending I remember and it was just plain gross.. The movie was just... just... I dunno... weird.

    How about Microwave Massacre? Remember that one? and Basket Case? Ahhh, the heyday of cheese horror films.

    oh, and as far as the boner/bunching - i have no idea, but i'm trying not to think about it.

  9. #24
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr
    I don't know why I didn't like Maniac. I was REALLY young the first time I saw it, and the vision of that guy jumping on the car hood and blowing that dude's head off with the shotgun is forever stuck in my head. Maybe because of that, and being that's what I remember most about the flick, I don't have much of a fond memory of it. The ending I remember and it was just plain gross.. The movie was just... just... I dunno... weird.

    How about Microwave Massacre? Remember that one? and Basket Case? Ahhh, the heyday of cheese horror films.

    oh, and as far as the boner/bunching - i have no idea, but i'm trying not to think about it.
    ooooooo Basket Case!!!! I recently sat through all three of those!!!
    Remember the It's Alive series?

    ooooooooooo or, Blood Beach!!!!
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 18-Aug-2006 at 01:42 PM.

  10. #25
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    "Not The Thing, But A Dude In A Suit".
    That's James Arness, T.V.'s Matt Dillon in that suit! So it'd be "Not The Thing, but James Arness in a suit", if there'd been a sequel they could have used Festus I guess.


  11. #26
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie
    That's James Arness, T.V.'s Matt Dillon in that suit! So it'd be "Not The Thing, but James Arness in a suit", if there'd been a sequel they could have used Festus I guess.

    more Gunsmoke/horror trivia

    there's an old (horribly bad) flick from 1942 called Mad Monster. Glenn Strange, the guy that played Sam Noonan (the bartender) on Gunsmoke was cast as "Petro" (the guy that is turned into a "mad monster" by George Zucco.)
    You can download a copy of this wonderfully cheesy flick here (free - public domain) -
    mad monster


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