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Thread: TWD 6x10 "The Next World" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Minion, I like that theory on Deanna, however, how did she escape? Haha
    I don't know ... maybe a massive hole in the wall ... I don't know if they had one of those hanging around by any chance?

    You're always going to get some stragglers who go off on their own tangent.

    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    They missed a trick by not speeding it up though, other than that - hehe!

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    In fairness, the comic is way more soap opera than the show. Besides, it's far less realistic if nobody ever bumps uglies in a world where you can die at any given moment. Not too mention it doesn't feel forced because the characters actually had a strong bond that goes back a few seasons already.

    I loved the Jesus stuff. Why can't TWD have a little fun every now and then?
    Exactly! For one, the constant hooking up in the comics is almost *ahem* comical. Trousers come down like nobody's business in the comics. Also, I really despise this "soap opera" thing - it's a lazy way to dismiss the show by its detractors (who, if they hate it that much, should just stop watching maybe?). "Soap Opera" would involve long lost twins you never knew about, people getting engaged and then breaking off the wedding constantly, snotty bitches with their make up applied with a trowel coming up with various ways to cheat on their friends, their spouses, their lovers, any anyone and everyone else. So I reject this "soap opera" thing that some people use to dismiss the show, because quite frankly anything that happens on TWD is nothing like a soap opera. All drama has people hooking up from time-to-time, all drama has people getting up to no good or whatever else is lazily deemed to be 'soap opera'.


    Also, yes - good to have a bit of fun going on. Even in dire circumstances mankind is capable of cracking a smile and finding the humour in certain situations. If we didn't then we'd just top ourselves. In warzones through time and across the globe you have people in awful situations, but still busting each other's chops, or winding each other up, or sharing a joke. It's nice to have some levity to balance out all the frowning and serious stuff. It adds to the rollercoaster.

    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    'The Walking Dead' is a good TV show and I'm delighted it's on, but it takes a lot to love it, or even like it sometimes.
    Someone get shoot a top up, his glass is half empty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    How did it make any sense to leave the car behind when they found the truck?
    My guess is for the passenger to act as further protection. Rather than splitting up and leaving yourself more vulnerable (it's harder to drive and potentially fight, when you could just have someone dedicated to keeping an eye on the all-around and help out should a fight occur) - also, with the truck being loaded with supplies it was important to focus on that - but evidently their pride got the better of them.

    If I had been either Rick or Daryl, I'd have been hopping mad about that truck going into the lake, though. Proper mad about it, so I would be! Then again, with the shit they've all gone through, what's a lost truck of supplies now and then? They've lost their homes more than once in this apocalypse ... you'd be frustrated, but quite hardened.


    It was interesting too in that you had Daryl - the recruiter - not wanting to bring anyone back, and Rick - who's had his fair share of trouble with newbies - being open to the possibility ... although Daryl's better side shone through in the end. There is something strange about Paul/Jesus - but as he clearly showed, there's more to him (saving Daryl, for instance).

    Does anyone think Paul/Jesus was actually awake and just pretending to be knocked out in the car ride back to Alexandria? So he could gather a bit of information, you know? He's a strange sort, but evidently capable, but not clearly a bad guy either - I'd say he's worth investigating. You need capable team members. The Wolves were obviously bad guys, but Paul/Jesus - strangeness aside - has more to him. Think about it from other people's perspectives - e.g. Aaron's perspective - when first seeing Team Rick. You've got Grizzly Grimes, a kid in a big ass hat, a dreadlocked chick with a katana sword, a redneck who'll eat absolutely anything, a baby, an oddball with a mullet, and so on.

    It'll be interesting to see how things develop, particularly as - no real spoilers here
    the scale of the story in the comics from this point on gets larger and larger. Even with a big budget there's only so much money you have, only so much screentime you get, only so many actors you can hire ... so I'd be surprised if they didn't seek to streamline things a little bit. It's hard to keep track of who's who and where's where and all the in-between in the comics at the moment with the scale being so large.


    Lincoln and Gurira on Richonne:

    Also, I had another skim through the episode last night in a couple of scenes - some nice touches here and there - Rick making a new (tighter) hole in his belt, which ties in with their food rationing, but also in that same shot how he distinctively isn't wearing his wedding ring anymore - and how he also doesn't pick it up or put it on when he gets his watch. Lots of lovely little touches like that - and Daryl's weird hand wavey mimicking of Denise had me cracking up.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Feb-2016 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    It felt forced, unconvincing and more than a bit "writery".

    Yes, I read the comics and TBH, it's all gotten a bit meh there too. Was never a big fan of the Negan/Alexandria story line in the comics either. The last TPB I got was No.23, but I haven't bothered reading it yet.

    'The Walking Dead' is a good TV show and I'm delighted it's on, but it takes a lot to love it, or even like it sometimes.
    Your opinion, I respect that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't know ... maybe a massive hole in the wall ... I don't know if they had one of those hanging around by any chance?

    You're always going to get some stragglers who go off on their own tangent.

    They missed a trick by not speeding it up though, other than that - hehe!

    Exactly! For one, the constant hooking up in the comics is almost *ahem* comical. Trousers come down like nobody's business in the comics. Also, I really despise this "soap opera" thing - it's a lazy way to dismiss the show by its detractors (who, if they hate it that much, should just stop watching maybe?). "Soap Opera" would involve long lost twins you never knew about, people getting engaged and then breaking off the wedding constantly, snotty bitches with their make up applied with a trowel coming up with various ways to cheat on their friends, their spouses, their lovers, any anyone and everyone else. So I reject this "soap opera" thing that some people use to dismiss the show, because quite frankly anything that happens on TWD is nothing like a soap opera. All drama has people hooking up from time-to-time, all drama has people getting up to no good or whatever else is lazily deemed to be 'soap opera'.


    Also, yes - good to have a bit of fun going on. Even in dire circumstances mankind is capable of cracking a smile and finding the humour in certain situations. If we didn't then we'd just top ourselves. In warzones through time and across the globe you have people in awful situations, but still busting each other's chops, or winding each other up, or sharing a joke. It's nice to have some levity to balance out all the frowning and serious stuff. It adds to the rollercoaster.

    Someone get shoot a top up, his glass is half empty.

    My guess is for the passenger to act as further protection. Rather than splitting up and leaving yourself more vulnerable (it's harder to drive and potentially fight, when you could just have someone dedicated to keeping an eye on the all-around and help out should a fight occur) - also, with the truck being loaded with supplies it was important to focus on that - but evidently their pride got the better of them.

    If I had been either Rick or Daryl, I'd have been hopping mad about that truck going into the lake, though. Proper mad about it, so I would be! Then again, with the shit they've all gone through, what's a lost truck of supplies now and then? They've lost their homes more than once in this apocalypse ... you'd be frustrated, but quite hardened.


    It was interesting too in that you had Daryl - the recruiter - not wanting to bring anyone back, and Rick - who's had his fair share of trouble with newbies - being open to the possibility ... although Daryl's better side shone through in the end. There is something strange about Paul/Jesus - but as he clearly showed, there's more to him (saving Daryl, for instance).

    Does anyone think Paul/Jesus was actually awake and just pretending to be knocked out in the car ride back to Alexandria? So he could gather a bit of information, you know? He's a strange sort, but evidently capable, but not clearly a bad guy either - I'd say he's worth investigating. You need capable team members. The Wolves were obviously bad guys, but Paul/Jesus - strangeness aside - has more to him. Think about it from other people's perspectives - e.g. Aaron's perspective - when first seeing Team Rick. You've got Grizzly Grimes, a kid in a big ass hat, a dreadlocked chick with a katana sword, a redneck who'll eat absolutely anything, a baby, an oddball with a mullet, and so on.

    It'll be interesting to see how things develop, particularly as - no real spoilers here
    the scale of the story in the comics from this point on gets larger and larger. Even with a big budget there's only so much money you have, only so much screentime you get, only so many actors you can hire ... so I'd be surprised if they didn't seek to streamline things a little bit. It's hard to keep track of who's who and where's where and all the in-between in the comics at the moment with the scale being so large.


    Lincoln and Gurira on Richonne:

    Also, I had another skim through the episode last night in a couple of scenes - some nice touches here and there - Rick making a new (tighter) hole in his belt, which ties in with their food rationing, but also in that same shot how he distinctively isn't wearing his wedding ring anymore - and how he also doesn't pick it up or put it on when he gets his watch. Lots of lovely little touches like that - and Daryl's weird hand wavey mimicking of Denise had me cracking up.
    Dude, you get it. It's usually fans of Breaking Bad (A show which I loved) who usually bitch about the "lazy writing" and "plot holes"... I get it, the show isn't perfect but damn it's a fun show to watch and invest in. Things don't happen out of nowhere, they usually drop hints in prior seasons before things begin to happen. They were planting seeds with Michonne back in season 3 during "Clear". Also, Minion's line about the "little touches" is dead on. The show is full of them but sometimes people just rather complain about logic in a zombie apocalypse than give credit for the "little things" the show does right.

    Anyway, like I said, it's all good. I still enjoy reading people's opinions even if I don't agree with them. Makes this site more interesting that we don't always agree on things.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 23-Feb-2016 at 01:53 PM. Reason: Typo
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  3. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    My guess is for the passenger to act as further protection. Rather than splitting up and leaving yourself more vulnerable (it's harder to drive and potentially fight, when you could just have someone dedicated to keeping an eye on the all-around and help out should a fight occur) - also, with the truck being loaded with supplies it was important to focus on that - but evidently their pride got the better of them.
    It would make much more sense for each one to have handled each vehicle: one drives the truck, the other one drives the car. They still would be travelling together and been able to help each other out in case of any problems. In fact, they would have been able to be more helpful to each other that way than without the car. Imagine, for example, that the truck broke down in the middle of the way back to Alexandria. Then what? They would have had to walk all the way back for the car. Makes little sense to leave the car behind when there's two drivers available. That scenario would only fully make sense if only one person had discovered the truck. There would be no choice then but to leave the car behind.

  4. #19
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Got to go with JDP on that one. Thought it was a bit odd that the lads would abandon a perfect servicable vehicle like that.

    Again...writing over logic. But hey ho.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  5. #20
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    A fair argument, JDP - I can understand that outlook on it, too.

    Just playing devil's advocate. Personally speaking I would keep both vehicles and run any risk associated with being alone in the vehicle to outweigh the risk of what might happen with just one vehicle (although those risks could equally have happened before they found the truck load of goodies) ... at the very least out of laziness ... I wouldn't want to have to go back on foot to get the original vehicle back if anything went awry with the truck.

    Moon Knight - cheers, chap. The sheer volume of things the show gets right far outweighs the things it stumbles on, and as we've seen quite often, they like to learn from their mistakes. There's still things they do that some folks will never like (e.g. the smell/gut coverage thing - I can overlook the awkwardness of that in favour of all the greatness elsewhere, but I do recognise while it's an issue for some), but that's just how it is.

    There are shows out there that seriously mess things up *cough* Under the Dome *cough*, or are just downright dull as ditchwater, or don't try hard at all. TWD on the other hand gets so many things right in a big way (and it's a complex show to put together) ... it tweaks our fan nipples so often, and gives us full release at regular intervals, I mean come on.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Feb-2016 at 04:37 PM.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    I think this was one of the best written episodes in a long time.
    Enjoyed the humour as well. Jesus is spot on
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Got to go with JDP on that one. Thought it was a bit odd that the lads would abandon a perfect servicable vehicle like that.

    Again...writing over logic. But hey ho.
    Well if Daryl was in a trail car, Jesus couldn't do his rope/jump on truck trick. lol. So yes logic didn't prevail.

  8. #23
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Got to go with JDP on that one. Thought it was a bit odd that the lads would abandon a perfect servicable vehicle like that.
    Again...writing over logic. But hey ho.
    Absolutely! But then what are the odds that whoever hid/left the truck full of goodies will go back there only to find an unknonwn car & the lorry gone... Stake the site out & then when the Alexandira muppets come to retrieve their vehicle, just follow them back to town.

    TWD is ok, but... Goldilocks would have had more sense..

  9. #24
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Someone get shoot a top up, his glass is half empty.
    Naw, c'mon, Shoot'em is a guy who always sees the glass as half full. Of something that he doesn't like.

  10. #25
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    it was a bit odd that the lads would abandon a perfect servicable vehicle like that.
    Clearly you've never been adequately bromanced in your life, Shootem. You can't very well have a shared moment over rockabilly in a convoy, at least not if you want to smirk longingly at one another in a suitably suppressed fashion

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoonSylver View Post
    Naw, c'mon, Shoot'em is a guy who always sees the glass as half full. Of something that he doesn't like.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Clearly you've never been adequately bromanced in your life, Shootem. You can't very well have a shared moment over rockabilly in a convoy, at least not if you want to smirk longingly at one another in a suitably suppressed fashion
    Rick's a goddamn player, so he is.


    I was re-watching Mad Max Fury Road last night and it made me think further about the one car/two car thing. When they're attached by those bike riding folks in that mountain range, you've got Max doing the driving (and a little bit of shooting) and you've got Furiosa doing the majority of the shooting. You'd not be able to hold off a multi-vehicle, concerted attack with nobody else in the car. Now, such a thing might not happen, but such a thing might happen just as easily - we've had team members get chased by multiple vehicles before - so there is some logic in there.

    Perhaps a couple of lines of dialogue just to better explain their reasoning (and perhaps them saying they'll hide the car elsewhere) would have helped.

    I suppose, ideally, they'd have gone out as a team of three. Then you could have Daryl in the lead vehicle with Rick driving the truck with gunner support if necessary. Then again, you wouldn't get the enjoyment of seeing The Apocalypse Brothers spend some quality time together, and a third member would distract from Jesus popping up to mess up their day.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Clearly you've never been adequately bromanced in your life, Shootem. You can't very well have a shared moment over rockabilly in a convoy, at least not if you want to smirk longingly at one another in a suitably suppressed fashion
    Tis true Aces. Tis true.

    Poor old Daryl though. All that Bromancing and Rick still ended up jamming himself into Michonne.

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post

    Rick's a goddamn player, so he is.


    I was re-watching Mad Max Fury Road last night and it made me think further about the one car/two car thing. When they're attached by those bike riding folks in that mountain range, you've got Max doing the driving (and a little bit of shooting) and you've got Furiosa doing the majority of the shooting. You'd not be able to hold off a multi-vehicle, concerted attack with nobody else in the car. Now, such a thing might not happen, but such a thing might happen just as easily - we've had team members get chased by multiple vehicles before - so there is some logic in there.

    Perhaps a couple of lines of dialogue just to better explain their reasoning (and perhaps them saying they'll hide the car elsewhere) would have helped.

    I suppose, ideally, they'd have gone out as a team of three. Then you could have Daryl in the lead vehicle with Rick driving the truck with gunner support if necessary. Then again, you wouldn't get the enjoyment of seeing The Apocalypse Brothers spend some quality time together, and a third member would distract from Jesus popping up to mess up their day.
    Even though this was a writing/convenience move I do agree that in a car chase/ run and gun type situation, the driver is very useless at defending the moving vehicle. The driver can really only drive. There is a reason they call it 'riding shotgun'. But as you mentioned a few seconds of dialog would have cleared up their decision. Daryl was in that scenario at back half of 6A when he was being chased and shot at. So his experience says a person riding shotgun could have value. I wouldn't argue that fact. But if I were in that situation I would be more concerned with mechanical issues and being stranded. The trucks history is completely unknown. So I think I would want the two vehicle return.

    An operational vehicle in this world would be pretty darn valuable. I understand they could have reasoned that considering they met no resistance in reaching the truck that retrieving the car should be somewhat similar. As I watched the show the decision didn't really bother me. If these characters always made the best and uber safe decisions, it would be pretty darn boring show.

    Speaking of poor decisions. Michonne had a guard position and decides to abandon it to chase down Spencer. It was never shown whether or not Michonne found a replacement but it sure seemed to me that she just took off. Now I love Michonne but that is not good judgement. I agree that Spencer carrying a shovel was concerning but not worth vacating an important post.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Poor old Daryl though. All that Bromancing and Rick still ended up jamming himself into Michonne.


    Good lord, that cracked me up.

    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Speaking of poor decisions. Michonne had a guard position and decides to abandon it to chase down Spencer. It was never shown whether or not Michonne found a replacement but it sure seemed to me that she just took off. Now I love Michonne but that is not good judgement. I agree that Spencer carrying a shovel was concerning but not worth vacating an important post.
    I'd imagine that she probably did - we just didn't see it, because it'd be awkward to slot it into the edit, or they didn't have time to shoot that element. It's a small piece of information that wouldn't really add anything to the episode, just clear up something we can otherwise assume ... although I did think the same thing myself, but then figured she did and we just didn't see it.

  15. #30
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Tis true Aces. Tis true.

    Poor old Daryl though. All that Bromancing and Rick still ended up jamming himself into Michonne.

    All ways the bride's maid, never the bride. (INSERT *crying face Daryl "I wish I knew how to quit you" meme here).


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