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Thread: Ghostbusters 3 (film) - 2021

  1. #16
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Not to channel Neil or anything, but...oh dear...

    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  2. #17
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    After the pure shit she dealt with from deplorable “fans” over the Feig film, she can say whatever she likes, IMO. That being said, she should probably wait to hear more before getting upset. I imagine there’ll be women involved with this sequel. Feig’s film just didn’t hit like Sony and most fans wanted.

  3. #18
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Sure, but that's a silly tweet no matter what universe it's in.

    Nothing is known about this film, other than its approval from the original cast. So, her outrage sounds a bit ridiculous. I understand she's not happy that her reboot crashed and burned, but there was no way in the world that that was going to get a sequel. It was, simply, awful and the completely wrong people were involved. They should never have been given the reins in the first place.

    Also, I wish celebs would smarten up with this Twitter nonsense. It's such a dumb platform for discourse, because you cannot really say anything of much value in less than 300 characters, and everyone ends up sounding like an arse on it eventually.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    After the pure shit she dealt with from deplorable “fans” over the Feig film, she can say whatever she likes, IMO.

    That being said, she should probably wait to hear more before getting upset.

    I imagine there’ll be women involved with this sequel.

    Feig’s film just didn’t hit like Sony and most fans wanted.
    1) Or maybe not carry on in a similar fashion?

    2) Yup. None of us know who is going to be in the movie, what the story is going to be, or anything like that. The 'rush to Tweet' is a perverse sickness of the digital age.

    3) I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case. The remake was a binary coin flip and turned Ghostbusters into a political issue. As long as it's handled properly and not shoved down the viewer's throats, a mixed cast is no problem at all (e.g. the Fast & Furious franchise - mixed cast, but they don't feel the need to ever flag that up or harp on with a preachy lecture - they just get on with making entertaining, hugely successful flicks).

    4) Aye. Production budget of $144m, likely a similar amount for all the ruddy advertising, and then a box office take of $229m. It needed to do about $300m to break even. Feig even said in order to "do well" it would have had to make about $500m! Sony themselves (it was a co-finance jobby) lost anything between $25-50m on it, with the total loss being estimated as high as $75m ... ouch! The toys were on sale almost immediately, and the DVD/Blu-Ray price was slashed by at least 50% just days after it was released for various Xmas sales (nothing popular gets slashed prices like that). The movie's reception was mediocre at best and if anything it's reputation is sliding further down over time.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Sure, but that's a silly tweet no matter what universe it's in.

    Nothing is known about this film, other than its approval from the original cast. So, her outrage sounds a bit ridiculous. I understand she's not happy that her reboot crashed and burned, but there was no way in the world that that was going to get a sequel. It was, simply, awful and the completely wrong people were involved. They should never have been given the reins in the first place.

    Also, I wish celebs would smarten up with this Twitter nonsense. It's such a dumb platform for discourse, because you cannot really say anything of much value in less than 300 characters, and everyone ends up sounding like an arse on it eventually.
    Psst, Shoot... Not sure if you know this, but... Everyone IS an arse.

  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Feig jumped in, as well...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I was just listening to Kevin Smith’s Hollywood Babble-On podcast for this week, and it turns out that he coincidentally interviewed Jason Reitman the day before they went off to film the new GB3 teaser. I can’t remember his exact words, but basically he said Reitman gave him the rundown of what this new sequel will be. Smith got nervous about accidentally spoiling something, so he kinda shut down about it, but before he did he said that fans will be extremely pleased with Reitman’s plans for the film.

    Granted, Smith is still a fan and he gets excited easily, but it was nice to hear that his response to it was positive. From the way he was talking about it, I got the impression that all the actors have agreed to return.
    Last edited by bassman; 22-Jan-2019 at 07:35 PM. Reason: .

  7. #22
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    For me Ghostbusters is nothing more than a one-hit wonder from the 80's. I don't think there's a fandom following like Back to the Future or RoboCop for instance. Hardly anyone talks about it anymore.

    I'm with shootem. I think Sony is overestimating the market and interest with this film. You heard it here first folks.

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I don't think there's a fandom following like Back to the Future or RoboCop for instance.
    What are you smoking, Ned?

    See, I think this is the thing, you and Shoot aren't really fussed about Ghostbusters, so you're not really paying attention to it - but when you do, you recognise how it's still a beloved franchise. Ghostbusters is totally still considered in the same breath as the likes of Back To The Future.

    I'm always seeing glimpses of it here and there, not just it running on various telly channels on the regular, but any time there's a 1980s movie songs show on one of the music channels the GB song always features highly (even providing the intro/outro music for the segments). The sheer amount of debate sparked by the remake in and of itself should be proof enough as to how much interest there still is in the GB franchise.

    Hell, there's a Halifax (they're a building society) advert playing on telly in the UK at the moment where they take scenes from the movie and insert their spokesman into it. It's terribly cheesy because I'd rather not see Ghostbusters get sucked into this silly one-upmanship of 'take something popular and beloved from the 1980s and use it to sell some service' ... MoneySupermarket are doing the same thing with their cringe-inducing ad involved Skeletor feeling 'epic' for saving on his car insurance (before launching into a ruddy dance number ... ugh).

    Anyway, point being, Ghostbusters was, is, and will continue to be a beloved film and franchise. RoboCop is also a beloved film from the era, but they're very different films - and Ghostbusters is rated PG rather than a full-blown 18, so there's a totally different context for each film to embed itself into the viewers' psyche. Although they do have something in common - they both have shite remakes, although the RoboCop remake was decidedly better than the GB remake, that's for damn sure.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Jan-2019 at 10:16 AM.

  9. #24
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Well, maybe I'm wrong. But I think it will underperform at the box office. I just don't think enough people care. We'll see in 2020.

  10. #25
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I can understand where Neddy and shoot are coming from. If you’re not really into a certain thing, it might come off as minuscule. We’re a pretty small niche with our Romero trilogy fandom, for example. I personally haven’t gotten into Battlestar Gallactica, so the fandom may seem small to me, but I know it’s out there and chugging along.

    As I think I may have mentioned earlier in the thread, it’s probably just a case of being at the right time, place, and age for the IP to grab our imaginations. Come to think of it, it seems to be somewhat strange that myself, MZ, and Trance are big GB fans and regular members of this forum as well. We’re all around the same age, so it may have just been the portion of the 80’s that grabbed us as kids, while it may have just been “okay” to others.

    We shall see if the Reitmans’ can pull it off, though. Hoping for the best. I can’t remember if I’ve seen it in a quote or if it’s my own opinion, but this new film DEFINITELY needs a lower budget. Nearly 150 Million dollars was spent on Feig’s remake. That’s more of a huge superhero film budget, GB doesn’t need all that.
    Last edited by bassman; 23-Jan-2019 at 03:30 PM. Reason: .

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Well, maybe I'm wrong. But I think it will underperform at the box office. I just don't think enough people care. We'll see in 2020.
    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I can’t remember if I’ve seen it in a quote or if it’s my own opinion, but this new film DEFINITELY needs a lower budget. Nearly 150 Million dollars was spent on Feig’s remake. That’s more of a huge superhero film budget, GB doesn’t need all that.
    GB is never going to do Star Wars or Star Trek numbers at the box office, let alone anything like Marvel or DC, so further to what bassman was saying - the budget for GB3 needs to be appropriate and the advertising needs to be well targeted. I'd be inclined to agree with bassman about the remake's budget - too damn big for what it was - an unwanted remake of a bona fide classic.

    GB 1984 had a budget of $30m which today equates to about $72.5m, so a bit more than double what was spent on the remake. The box office take at the time was $295m, which equates to $712m today. Hefty numbers. GB2 (1989), meanwhile, had a budget of $37m and a box office take of $215m, which today is the equivalent of about $75m and $435m respectively.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I can understand where Neddy and shoot are coming from. If you’re not really into a certain thing, it might come off as minuscule. We’re a pretty small niche with our Romero trilogy fandom, for example. I personally haven’t gotten into Battlestar Gallactica, so the fandom may seem small to me, but I know it’s out there and chugging along.

    As I think I may have mentioned earlier in the thread, it’s probably just a case of being at the right time, place, and age for the IP to grab our imaginations. Come to think of it, it seems to be somewhat strange that myself, MZ, and Trance are big GB fans and regular members of this forum as well. We’re all around the same age, so it may have just been the portion of the 80’s that grabbed us as kids, while it may have just been “okay” to others.
    Ultimately a good movie is a good movie and quality will always shine no matter how or when someone views it. Naturally, one's own age factors in (the first time I saw JC's The Fog as a teenager I hated it, but just a few years later I loved it), but there's no denying that Ghostbusters was friggin' massive. Heck, the Proton Pack was the must-have Xmas toy the year it came out (I've been told stories about how my folks were ringing round all the toy stores trying to find one, then they got a tip off about a new shipment and my Dad zipped in to grab one ... best Xmas ever!!!)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just saw this online ... obviously it's not a flattering picture, shot on-the-sly between takes I'd imagine, but interesting!

    Last edited by MinionZombie; 23-Jan-2019 at 04:23 PM.

  12. #27
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    ^ You’ve been duped, my friend. They haven’t started filming yet, other than the teaser. That image is from the Spike awards around the time Zombieland was released(I forget the exact year). Murray was receiving an award for Zombieland and he borrowed the pack and suit from a local fan.

    EDIT: this is it...

    Unrelated to the Murray photo, but I just saw this on another forum and it gave me a good chuckle:

    Last edited by bassman; 24-Jan-2019 at 12:39 PM. Reason: .

  13. #28
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    haha, damn!

    I was thinking in the back of my mind "isn't this a bit quick?" ... ... but then again these movie folk are so bloody secretive about things all the damn time, who the hell knows, but yep, false alarm.

  14. #29
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    Ugh... Listen, I'm a fan of this stuff. Really. Fond childhood memories. But, it's just... so 80's/90's. That's the universe it best exists in. So to remake it now, or do a sequel now... It'd be like making a fourth Back to the Future. Or like a fourth Indiana Jones (Oh fuck they did that... Why did they do that...). No matter who's behind it, it'll feel dated and out-of-place. Let it die. Let's make something new and original, how about? Nostalgia, if mired in too deep, will suffocate us all. And I agree with Leslie Jones, so there. :P

  15. #30
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    MZ and I both like Indiana Jones 4, so that’s a bad analogy.

    Seriously though, I totally see what you’re saying and it’s a big concern for a lot of fans. You’re right that it’s extremely hard to resurrect the same product so many years down the road. The 2016 remake is proof of that. It didn’t feel at all like the same type of film. I think it was MZ that brilliantly said it was like watching a toddler chew on a mint condition collectible. This new, direct sequel seems to have more of the “right pieces” in place so far, even this early in the game, so even though I can’t speak for MZ, I do feel like we’re both more optimistic about this new effort. It could totally turn out to be garbage like anything else though, there’s no denying that.

    The more I’ve thought about it, not only was Leslie Jones wrong to immediately tweet what she did, but it’s a bit ironic in that she did exactly what the small section of sexist GB “fans” did to her film, in that she immediately judged something based on sex without having seen any footage or even knowing what they plan to do. Don’t get me wrong, as I said earlier in the thread, the poor woman unfortunately had to deal with lowest scum of the Internet back in 2016 and I’ve always been regretful that happened, even though I wasn’t one of those people that took it to a personal or racist place, but she really messed up with that tweet. She came back later with a more reasonable follow-up, but by that point the damage had been done. Done to her employer, no less.

    As discussed by a few people earlier in the thread, these people that are in the public eye, “influencers” I think Twitter calls them, really need to learn to think before they tweet. And if they can’t, they should avoid Twitter and social media all together...
    Last edited by bassman; 24-Jan-2019 at 06:17 PM. Reason: .


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