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Thread: Anarchy

  1. #16
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Please provide a specific description of how the economy would work without any form of hierarchy. Until you do, I’ll just assume you don’t know how an economy works. Please prove me wrong! Answer my questions above!

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Please provide a specific description of how the economy would work without any form of hierarchy. Until you do, I’ll just assume you don’t know how an economy works. Please prove me wrong! Answer my questions above!
    Again, Star Trek. Or read the book "Fully Automated Space Communism". Or read Marx, Kropotkin, Goldman, etc. We don't need money to exist. Were you born thanks to money? No. No one was. I did take an economics course in college, but they never ventured outside of capitalism, so yeah, if YOU know how it would work, please tell me. You just seem like an unimaginative centrist bootlicker to me, and that's pretty damn pathetic.

  3. #18
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Don’t shift the goal post. I’m not talking about money.

    Please explain how an economic system or organisation can work without a hierarchy? In detail. Provide specifics. How is the wheat grown, and exported all across the world? Take me through it. Indulge me.

    Oh, and try to avoid using “Star trek” as a source.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 28-Aug-2019 at 06:05 PM. Reason: Ghg

  4. #19
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Wait, I thought Star Trek examples are okay, just not Mad Max 2 or Dawn of the Dead?

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    Wait, I thought Star Trek examples are okay, just not Mad Max 2 or Dawn of the Dead?
    Read the thread again Prof, I'm okay with Dawn of the Dead. Also I assume we're all cool with Fury Road's feminist messaging? Are you here to contribute Prof, or just stir the pot?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Don’t shift the goal post. I’m not talking about money.

    Please explain how an economic system or organisation can work without a hierarchy? In detail. Provide specifics. How is the wheat grown, and exported all across the world? Take me through it. Indulge me.

    Oh, and try to avoid using “Star trek” as a source. There. Any other questions?

  6. #21
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Yes! Lots!

    Now please take me through it. The entire process. Explain it to me, as if I were a Child. How would food Production and distribution work? Take me through it!

  7. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    @JDP: Why not? Ever hear of Al Capone? Or the Black Panthers?
    Yes, as if gangsters like Al Capone really made society any safer! Ever heard of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre? That's what these ruthless criminals do, even with an entire judicial system in place working against them. Now imagine the Al Capones of the world in your lawless anarchic Utopia. They are going to have a field day!

    2) Venezuela isn't communist. Which is why I didn't mention it.
    I guess that next you are going to tell us that Chavez and Maduro are hardcore "capitalist fascist pigs!" There is a very obvious reason why the rest of the communist world (particularly Cuba, which is directly involved in Venezuelan affairs) supports these two clowns and their bogus "revolution" which Venezuela never needed to begin with. Do you know who happens to be the hero and mentor of Chavez and Maduro? Let me give you a "hint":

    Ask Venezuelans why there are so many Cubans all over that country, working with the government. 30+ years ago there hardly were any Cubans there, and the few that you could find were in fact Cubans who had escaped from Cuba and settled in non-communist countries. They wanted nothing to do with Castro and communism. The ones there now are all communists sent by the Cuban government. Make no mistakes about it. Chavez & Maduro are stooges of the Castro communist regime. Venezuela is a communist dictatorship. Of course they are not going to openly advertise it to the rest of the world. "Officially" they want to keep the "socialist" farce. But everyone knows they rig the elections so that it is always them who win and can continue to push their bullshit "revolution" that has sunk that country into rampant chaos and poverty, when the majority of the population does not want it, and never even ask for it in the first place.

    But yeah, you can call something communist, but if it isn't communist in practice (the workers owning the means of production, the abolition of capital and the state, etc) then it's meaningless.
    If we go by that, then there probably has never been a "communist" country. We know that communism, much like anarchy, is unattainable. It is an ideal. So, people call "communist" a nation which approaches such ideals.

    3) You haven't yet demonstrated with evidence how anarchy would be universally detrimental to our species.
    You have been given plenty of examples that even with official rules and laws into place, which are a deterrent for things like crime, governments still have not been able to get rid of the problem, though they do reduce it. It does not take a rocket scientist (yes, again!) to see that without any deterrents into place, things CAN ONLY GET WORSE. It's common sense. Things roll downhill, not uphill (unless you are behind them pushing them up on purpose.) I find it very hard to believe that you really cannot understand this. It would be like if I told you that the reason why seat belts are installed in cars is to try to minimize fatal accidents, and then you told me: "But if you remove the seat belts, how do you know that it won't actually get better and less people will die in car crashes???" Really, it does not make any sense at all that anyone would even try to question and contradict such obvious things. If I am entertaining the thought of committing a crime, and I see that there is official punishment for what I intend to do, I will likely think about it more carefully before actually doing it. I probably will even forget about it if the risk of getting caught and punished is high. Now imagine that I know for a fact that there is nothing "official" around that says that what I am about to do is punishable. The most likely outcome in this case is that I will do it. What the hell do I have to lose! If I commit the crime that I am entertaining to carry out there won't be any organized effort to try to punish me for what I did. I will most likely get away with it (unless someone takes the "law" into his own hands and starts trying to punish me for what I did, but this will not be as dangerous for me as a whole judicial system in place working to make me pay for what I did.) Do you start getting the picture? This "no laws" thingy is a clear and open invitation to a SHITLOAD of trouble! Again, Sherlock Holmes not needed to easily deduce this.

    Try to minimize, yes, but they fail, don't they?
    But they do reduce it, which is way better than no reduction at all.

    All I'm hearing from you is fear and negativity.
    Because I happen to be realistic and pragmatic and know very well that a load of people are not going to be on their best behavior if there are no rules/laws whatsoever around. Have you ever been screwed up by "friends" or even family members? People that you did not consider would do something rotten like that, until they actually did it? If you have, then you know what people can be capable of, even with their friends and family.

    5) It depends what the limitations are. Can humans fly? Not without the assistance of machines. Working together produces greater works than solo labor. Also, anarchy means horizontal government. For the umpteenth time.
    I was talking about no limits to your "freedom". That includes both positive and negative aspects. I can say, for example, that it is part of my "freedom" to just pick up a baseball bat and cave your skull in. "Why?", you may ask. "No reason. I just like doing things like that!", to quote Luther from The Warriors (BTW, another great movie that portrays what happens when the law is not around or not being sufficiently present to cope with the rising tide of crime, and violent gangs start running amok for control of "territory". Watch it. And yes, we know that there's exaggerated fictional elements thrown in for entertainment value, but that is not the point.) You might here protest: "What the fuck??? What about my freedom to live long and die of old age!?! Your freedoms are infringing on mine!" And you would be right. That's why there can be no "unlimited/absolute freedoms", there have to be some restrictions and limitations, otherwise you get... you guessed it, an anarchy!

    The first one is from the Oxford Dictionary, and it says pretty much the same as the Merriam-Webster one. The second one is a very good compilation of etymological information.

    8) I may be confused with the intentional suppression of communism by the West over the past century or so, or... maybe "twisting their arms" looks different to you than to me.
    You say it as if communists were little angels who have not intervened in the affairs of other nations. And I fail to see how is this very relevant for things that were already happening even before this whole "capitalism vs communism" thingy was going on. Nations experimenting with modern concepts of democracy go back to the 18th century.

    Again, Venezuela has never been truly communist. Bad Mouse Productions did a good video on it, I think.
    Venezuela is run by stooges of the Castro regime in Cuba. Of course they are not going to openly advertise this, but anyone can see that Chavez and Maduro are closet-communists waving a "socialist" flag. What the heck, Maduro barely even makes an effort to try to hide it, he has no problem waving the PCV (Venezuela's Communist Party) flag:

    9) If the boot fits, J. Capitalists are awfully good at normalizing the horrendous. They do control most media, after all.
    I think I will trust the "capitalist" media over the communist one any day of the week. Russia during its "Soviet" era was basically a lie factory. They even fucking lied about what really happened to Laika, the first living being to be put into orbit!

    Why would people getting more involved in government make the jump to them not wishing to do anything else? Again you're catastrophizing without evidence, being a complete pessimist. LOL, have you never seen ANY Star Trek?
    Do you seriously think that if anyone was given an opportunity to sit behind a desk in a nice cool office to make governmental decisions that he/she would voluntarily give up said "job" to go till fields under the hot sun, or brave the waves to go fish, or go miles underground to dig up minerals, or sweep the streets, or pick up the garbage, etc.? Society needs many kinds of people to carry out many kinds of necessary tasks to keep the said society functioning well. The more complicated and difficult to carry out that task is, the better rewarded you are for your skills and services to said society. Thus why a mechanical engineer earns more than a fry-cook. But both jobs are important and necessary nonetheless. That's the best way that has been devised so far for societies to function and progress. If you started rewarding the fry-cook as much as the mechanical engineer, the mechanical engineer is simply going to end up quitting and becoming another fry-cook. Why does he have to bust his ass with a more complicated task when he can earn as much by doing a much easier one? Won't take very long before you will have a society composed mostly of fry-cooks. That's just one of a myriad of examples why all this "anarchy" thingy simply will never work. It is a Utopia. People are NOT and do NOT think or behave like that. Again, BASIC HUMAN NATURE, always working against such ideals. Anarchy seems nice on paper, but it does not translate well into reality. Theory and practice are two different things, as any scientist, engineer and inventor knows.

    Money is not needed, and more of a hindrance than a help.
    You keep demonizing money as if it was some sort of evil entity. It's just a more convenient and practical way for humans to do business. That's why it replaced the earlier barter systems.

    Why barter if everyone has all they need?
    And who exactly is it that you think will produce all of what everyone wants and needs for free? You think those who work and produce will gladly accept the task of working for everyone else for nothing in return? Or perhaps you think that all those things that people need and want grow on trees and all you have to do is pick them up? You keep saying that you are not seeking Utopias, but your propositions pretty much look like just that. That's not how the real world works. Nobody wants to work for free. So, good luck finding volunteers who will "fuel" your anarchy for nothing in return.
    Last edited by JDP; 29-Aug-2019 at 08:18 AM. Reason: ;

  8. #23
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    1) I've heard of it, yeah. Wasn't it mostly cops? What's wrong with that? I'm imagining it... What would be their incentive for doing the crimes?
    2) Now I'm no tankie, and Castro did some bad stuff, but overall he could've been worse. Hell, he could've been a US President. Just as an example. But yeah, he's hardly Mussolini. Also, yeah, there hasn't yet been a truly communist nation, since y'know, communism's ultimate goal is to abolish nations, among other things. But as an ideal worth fighting for? Freedom, equality, love? Yeah, I believe in these things, so sue me.
    3) Unsure how instituting violence diminishes violence. I guess your line of reasoning is "well since we're already oppressed by the State, we can't also be oppressed by other entities!" which is absurd. There's only a hill to roll things on if a hierarchy exists. Hmm, no, this is more like if I was proposing a more efficient safety device than seat belts, and you were all like "But seat belts have been around for ages! It's the best system!" Now why wouldn't the desire not to harm others be a sufficient deterrent from violent behavior? Compassion, in other words? Your thinking seems completely immature and self-centered. So, a pound of flesh then? Forty lashes doesn't bring back the dead, or repair a family, or return stolen goods. Etc, etc. Humans will always cause trouble. Irrelevant.
    4) Again, no reduction at all? Where is your evidence for this? Friends and family, under a system that rewards conquest and violence. Hm. Yes, completely in a vacuum, them. Just human nature, nothing more. Hm.
    5) When humans have other things to do, then they will do them. Why harm others, when you could simulate it through virtual reality games? Why do it when it won't result in any personal gain, or improve your personal position/situation? Especially if you have the knowledge that the other person would feel it the same as you would? Bad parenting? Haven't seen The Warriors yet, but I will some day. Is it mostly men/youngsters? The most rowdy elements of a given society? Also... I already said that life doesn't work as 100% limit-free. Anarchy isn't about limitless freedom, but maximum freedom. Self-determination coupled with compassion, cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid.
    6) You seem to have skipped this one.
    7) Yes.
    8) You're ignoring the fact that the West is much more aggressive about it, but yeah, again, I'm not a tankie. Did you even watch the video? Also... You know that socialism is a stepping-stone toward communism, right?
    9) Every nation has propaganda. It's not exclusive to allegedly communist ones.
    10) Oof, now I feel like you're trolling. "More complicated and difficult"? So being a CEO is more complicated and difficult by x1,000 than being a miner or farmer? In what universe? Being a fry cook is tough. I don't want to do it. You seem to be contradicting yourself here. If everyone gets paid the same, then people will be more likely to pursue their passions, have more fulfilling careers, happiness would increase, etc. So anarchy in practice will look a bit different than on paper, what's your point? It would still be an improvement.
    11) People kill, steal, harm, destroy, and lie, all for money. How is it not evil when it can be easily tied to every single vice? Would people have owned slaves if there was no money in doing so?
    12) ...Everyone, because they need it. What do you mean, nothing in return? You keep enough of your production for your own sustainability. The excess is given away freely to those who need it more. How is this difficult to grasp? Also, yes, we can plant fruit trees and harvest from them as we wish, since no one person or family would claim ownership to them. It may be telling that mere progress appears to you as utopian. Are you in fact a conservative? There is no such thing as working for free. Many things can inspire labor, not just money or the acquisition of wealth. You really don't seem to get it, and that's kinda sad.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Yes! Lots!

    Now please take me through it. The entire process. Explain it to me, as if I were a Child. How would food Production and distribution work? Take me through it!
    Well, since you seem incapable of exploring links. Y'know what, no. If you're really this inept at reading things online, what are you even doing on a forum? I gave you links. We're going to be able to 3D-print food soon. So, if everyone has a 3D-printer and fuel for it (solar power), then we can all just make our own food how much and whatever we want. Right? Plus, communal gardens/fruit trees. Hell, livestock and grain harvesting could also be a group effort. What's so difficult about any of this to you? Actual communism, my friend. Now what are your further queries?

  9. #24
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    If you believe it’s possible, then you must have a realistic grasp of how it’s Done. I can’t think of any, as hierarchy is required in any form of organisation Beyond 3 or 4 people.

    So please. Indulge me. Explain how a vast food production system could work, from planting to growing to distribution. Convince me. Because if you cannot, then anarchy is doomed - as it requires the complete cooperation of everybody.

    Indulge me. Explain. Convince me.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post

    If you believe it’s possible, then you must have a realistic grasp of how it’s Done. I can’t think of any, as hierarchy is required in any form of organisation Beyond 3 or 4 people.

    So please. Indulge me. Explain how a vast food production system could work, from planting to growing to distribution. Convince me. Because if you cannot, then anarchy is doomed - as it requires the complete cooperation of everybody.

    Indulge me. Explain. Convince me.
    If you don't believe it'll work, then no convincing on my part will probably sway you, as I'm not an expert. But you're still making all these baseless assertions. WHY should an hierarchy be required for larger groups? Again, if a decision is to be made, then democratic voting will occur. If it's a matter of information, that can be easily shared. If it's ability, then those most suiting or most invested will be relegated to the task. This is really not complicated. Again, I've mentioned technological advancements, which you seem to be completely ignoring, as well as community gardens and trees. Why would anarchy be "doomed" if one person cannot be swayed by another? Isn't that true for anyone, about anything? Does not capitalism and any other system require the participation of all or most of a given population to function? Watch some Non Compete videos, then get back to me, or something, IDK. You seem to be very new to all of this, no offense.

  11. #26
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Are you suggesting that a democratic vote should be held at every level of organizational decision making? Do you understand how much effort and time this would take? Food can spoil within days if not delivered from one proper storage area to the next. The reason there's a hierarchy is because it's efficient, and time is precious. But if we relegate everything to a democratic vote, then time will be spilled making decisions. So please, take me through it. Explain how tomatoes grown in the Netherlands can be exported and distributed in, let's say, England or the US? Explain to me who would work at every level of this production chain, including logistics?

    Everything we know about human psychology, from both experience and studies, points toward that any form of organization such as you describe it, is impossible. It is simply naive to believe that people would able to efficiently cooperate, and work towards the same goal in instances like these. But I am giving you the benefit of a doubt... Explain to me, pleaase how it could work. Take me through it.

    The reason everyone in an anarchy would need to "get along" is that if they don't (which they wouldn't) then people could easily begin to form their own societies of hierarcies - as happened in historiy when we transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural ones - and there would be nothing to do about it. They are, after all, free to do what they want - right?

    Also, I'm ignoring the technological advances because at this stage they're purely hypothetical. We're very far away from being able to synthesize food at an affordable, widespread level - so we can't take that into effect. IF we were EVER to live in a society where food can be widespread synthesized, then of course we wouldn't food production as it exists today - but we don't, so I we can't take that into the equation.

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    1) I've heard of it, yeah. Wasn't it mostly cops? What's wrong with that? I'm imagining it... What would be their incentive for doing the crimes?
    No, it was gangsters masquerading as cops. Once they had their intended victims lined up against the wall, as if it was a legit police raid, they mowed them down in cold blood with machine guns. Al Capone wasn't a nice guy by any means. You crossed this dude, you were dead. Plain and simple. Gangsters obey no other "law" but that of The Jungle.

    2) Now I'm no tankie, and Castro did some bad stuff, but overall he could've been worse. Hell, he could've been a US President.
    LOL! Comparing a mass murdering thug like Castro with any US President (even Donald Fart, err, "Trump", by far the worst and most ridiculous US president ever), only reinforces how out of touch with reality you are. I'll take living under the government of any US President over Castro's communist regime any day of the week.

    Just as an example. But yeah, he's hardly Mussolini.
    How much you want to bet that 1920s-30s Italians lived much better under Mussolini (who was a ruthless dictator responsible for thousands of deaths, no question about this) than 2000s Venezuelans do under Castro's The Two Stooges (Chavez & Maduro), who are also responsible for thousands of deaths but on top of that have totally fucked the whole infrastructure of the nation? (want to hear an amusing "joke": current Venezuela can't even produce enough sugar for its population, it has to import sugar! A nation well-known for its long tradition of sugar cane plantations! That's how fucked up the whole country has become. They barely can even produce oil anymore, and this is the nation with the largest oil reserves in the world! Yes, that's how incompetent these communist clowns you seem to admire so much are. On top of that, they are a bunch of thieves too (they have millions -stolen from Venezuela's coffers- stashed in foreign bank accounts.) They have turned the richest nation in South America into an impoverished hell-hole, where droves of people die of hunger and disease every day. "Long live the ROBBERlution!")

    Also, yeah, there hasn't yet been a truly communist nation, since y'know, communism's ultimate goal is to abolish nations, among other things. But as an ideal worth fighting for? Freedom, equality, love? Yeah, I believe in these things, so sue me.
    Again, Utopian dreams.

    3) Unsure how instituting violence diminishes violence.
    Because just like Romero's zombies, many people do not "respond to such emotions" (as Dr. Rausch would put it) like "compassion", "love", "fairness", "respect", etc. You know, the things that you keep quite incorrectly assuming will somehow magically stop people from committing crimes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to put laws into place to keep such people in check and make sure they know that they cannot go around doing such things to others without being punished for it. "You break the dishes, you pay for them!"

    I guess your line of reasoning is "well since we're already oppressed by the State, we can't also be oppressed by other entities!" which is absurd.
    Oppressed by the state? Methinks that you really have no idea of what actual oppression is. You should really spend some time in Cuba, North Korea or Venezuela to get a good nice taste of what actual oppression is. Get a taste of what being shot, or tortured, or imprisoned for life for your dissenting views, a la Cuba & North Korea, or dying of starvation and disease a la current Venezuela disaster (take a look at Venezuelan morgues and "hospitals" under the current bogus "revolution", with even decomposing corpses piling up: they would make even Dr. Menard from Zombie cringe in utter disgust!) In a week or less you would be begging to come back to a democracy. You have no idea how lucky you actually are for having been born and lived in a democracy all your life until it is taken away from you. Be thankful and don't take it for granted that you have plenty of rights and freedoms protected by a working constitution. BTW, have you noticed that the trend has always been people from communist countries struggling to get the fuck out of them and go to your much maligned "Capitalist Fascist Pigs!" run countries and NOT the other way around? I wonder why you think that is. I can't wait to hear what new and hilarious outlandish "explanation" you will try to come up with next. "It is those bastard Capitalist Fascist Pigs brainwashing people from the idyllic paradises of Communism and Anarchy, I tell you! They are not really escaping oppression, and persecution, and famine, and scarcity, and inefficiency, and incompetence at all levels of government, I tell you!"

    There's only a hill to roll things on if a hierarchy exists. Hmm, no, this is more like if I was proposing a more efficient safety device than seat belts, and you were all like "But seat belts have been around for ages! It's the best system!"
    No, what you are proposing is not the equivalent of some "improvement" over seat belts but the removal of seat belts altogether. That won't make anything better. More people will die from car crashes with no such equipment in place. Similarly, without laws you are only making matters worse, not better. More people will be disposed to commit crimes.

    Now why wouldn't the desire not to harm others be a sufficient deterrent from violent behavior? Compassion, in other words? Your thinking seems completely immature and self-centered.
    LOL! You are calling what I am telling you "immature" when it is you who proposes such absurdly naive "solutions" as pampering criminals with "love and compassion"? Seriously, what universe are you currently living in? Do you seriously think that bombarding such wackos with "love and compassion" is going to stop them from doing what they enjoy? Look, this whole "love and compassion" thingy only works for reasonable, peaceful people, but they don't really need such "reinforcement" since they already respect other people's lives and rights, so it is like preaching to the choir. Just don't expect it to work for everyone, though. Plenty of people will simply laugh or not pay attention to such pacifist philosophy. Religion has in fact been preaching "love and compassion", and "turn the other cheek", and what have you for a very long time, and it has not stopped such violent or criminally minded people one bit. In fact, ironically, more people have died because of religion than for any other reason, despite all the "preaching".

    So, a pound of flesh then? Forty lashes doesn't bring back the dead, or repair a family, or return stolen goods. Etc, etc. Humans will always cause trouble. Irrelevant.
    Do you realize how absurd this "argument" is? So, just because we can't bring back the dead we should allow the murderer to get away with it? How fine & dandy... for the criminal, that is! Since the crime is irreversible, then he should be allowed to go scot-free! This reminds me of a great scene in Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (based on Romero's TV show, and written by Romero and McDowell):

    Andy Smith: My sister and my best friend died because of this. **referring to the ancient Egyptian scroll that Bellingham used to command the mummy to kill the two mentioned people**
    Bellingham: Killing me won't bring them back.
    Andy Smith: If I let you live, that will bring them back?

    That's the answer to this silly "argument" right there, and in an entertaining fictional package to boot! Not making the criminal pay for his crime just because the crime itself is irreversible is hardly much of any "argument", as not punishing him won't reverse his crime either. Doing nothing about it is therefore dumb and self-defeating, and only advantageous for the criminal, plain and simple. As another character (the Gypsy King, Tadzu Lempke, from Stephen King's Thinner) says in another horror movie: "Justice ain't about bringing back the dead, white man. Justice is about justice!" What you are advocating is in fact A PARADISE FOR CRIMINALS, where they would know for sure that as long as their crimes are irreversible they will get away with it. You know, for a person who seems to enjoy horror and action movies so much, you sure don't seem to learn anything from them. Beyond the purely fictional elements (which you seem to not be able to get past beyond, as can be seen from your weird dismissals that just because a movie features zombies or outrageous punks on weird vehicles everything else shown in them must be pure fiction as well), many of them in fact have interesting moral lessons and social commentaries written between the lines.

    4) Again, no reduction at all? Where is your evidence for this? Friends and family, under a system that rewards conquest and violence. Hm. Yes, completely in a vacuum, them. Just human nature, nothing more. Hm.
    Again, simple seat belt analogy: remove the seat belt and it is quite obvious that you will have more fatal accidents than with them in place. Same with laws. Remove them from the equation and it is pretty sure that you will get more crime, simply because people, specially those with criminal inclinations, will no longer have an organized deterrent working against them. It becomes easier to commit crimes. Again, not "rocket science". It shouldn't be this difficult to grasp, really.

    5) When humans have other things to do, then they will do them. Why harm others, when you could simulate it through virtual reality games? Why do it when it won't result in any personal gain, or improve your personal position/situation? Especially if you have the knowledge that the other person would feel it the same as you would? Bad parenting?
    You fail to comprehend the criminal mind. Plus anarchy will never achieve other goals, like free things for everyone, it is another of its Utopias. Nothing in life is "free". This reminds me of what happened in an episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, when one of his guests seriously proposed to give a "fixed" salary of something like $2000 or $3000 a month for each and every citizen, independent of how much money they already make in their current jobs or if they are unemployed... Even a radical liberal like Maher laughed his ass off at such a proposition. All he had to do to show how faulty such a proposition is was to point out that such a plan would in fact motivate most people NOT to work but basically become leeches of the state. And he's 100% correct. Why bust your ass, specially by working a lower paying job, when you are guaranteed a good sum of money by doing nothing??? The ideas that you keep entertaining are on similar outlandish, unrealistic veins. As if money and goods just grew on trees!

    Also... I already said that life doesn't work as 100% limit-free. Anarchy isn't about limitless freedom, but maximum freedom. Self-determination coupled with compassion, cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid.
    You keep modifying the definition of "anarchy" as it suits you. One of anarchy's goals is "absolute freedom", a Utopian dream.

    8) You're ignoring the fact that the West is much more aggressive about it, but yeah, again, I'm not a tankie.
    More aggressive? Do you know why the Korean War started? That's right, communist troops invading the South. Do you know that every single ground battle between US troops and the VC and North Vietnamese troops in Vietnam happened in the South (the West-backed-up side), not the North (the communist supported side)? Yep, it was always the communists on the offensive and the US and South Vietnamese troops on the defensive. Did you know that the US could have nuked the shit out of the Soviet Union without any fear of atomic counter-attack up until 1950, since the Soviets could not develop their first atomic bomb until 1949, years behind the Americans? (in 1950 there were 304 atomic bombs in the world, 299 of them were in the US) But they never did it. So I ask you: who is the real aggressor? You seem to swallow communist propaganda hook, line and sinker.

    Also... You know that socialism is a stepping-stone toward communism, right?
    That depends on how you define "socialism", as it has more than one meaning:

    Even the Nazis started as "National Socialists", and they evolved into something else pretty different than Marxism/Communism.

    9) Every nation has propaganda. It's not exclusive to allegedly communist ones.
    Communist nations are built on lies.

    10) Oof, now I feel like you're trolling. "More complicated and difficult"? So being a CEO is more complicated and difficult by x1,000 than being a miner or farmer? In what universe? Being a fry cook is tough. I don't want to do it.
    In what universe? In this one, Einstein! Do you think that being a CEO is such an easy job that anyone can do it? You have to understand and have loads of experience in management to be able to be a good CEO. Why do you think that an average fry cook earns about $20,000 while an average CEO some $150,000? Anyone can become a miner, or a farmer, or a fry cook. All that is required is a bit of experience in those subjects and a bit of patience to repeat the same basic tasks over and over again. Being a CEO, at least a good & efficient one, is not something that just about anyone can do. That's why companies pay big bucks for their services, whereas they pay miners and cooks much less. Miners and cooks are way easier to find than good CEOs. Again, not saying that those other lower paying jobs are not important, just not as complicated and difficult. And don't confuse words like "tough" or "difficult" or "complicated" with "tedious". Being a fry cook is hardly "difficult" or "complicated". Just be careful not to burn the food in the hot oil/fat. A bit of practice and you get it. It is rather TEDIOUS because you have to work many hours doing basically the same thing over and over. But hardly "tough" or "complicated". Being a CEO or a mechanical engineer (my actual example) is a more complicated and difficult task, requiring much more experience and training to become good at those tasks. Thus why they earn way more than miners or cooks. Since as it is pretty clear by now that you have quite a bit of difficulty grasping such things, I will give you a closer example: it is more difficult to be a chef than to be a fry cook. Thus why chefs earn quite more than fry cooks. Capisce? That's how society works, remains functional, stimulates competition and betterment, it provides an incentive for many people to strive for different, more complex and better paying jobs, while others are content with simpler but lower paying ones (which are necessary as well, nothing wrong with lower skill labor.) Good luck coming up with a better system than this. My money says you will not succeed, specially not with such bizarre propositions as you seem to think somehow will "work".

    You seem to be contradicting yourself here. If everyone gets paid the same, then people will be more likely to pursue their passions, have more fulfilling careers, happiness would increase, etc.
    The contradictions are all yours. You are the one who strangely expects that rewarding two very different jobs requiring very different levels of skill and preparation somehow will result in people just being motivated to take on the harder jobs. It just ain't gonna happen. Why make more effort for the exact same "reward"??? What you will end up with is a society mostly composed of people who take on the easier and least demanding jobs, as long as they have everything given to them and have no reason to try to improve their lives. You know, like that hare-brained "give everyone $2000-$3000 a month!" plan that Bill Maher laughed at on his show. No incentive whatsoever for people to actually work.

    So anarchy in practice will look a bit different than on paper, what's your point? It would still be an improvement.
    The point is that it will NOT translate well into reality, and it most definitely will not be any sort of "improvement".

    11) People kill, steal, harm, destroy, and lie, all for money. How is it not evil when it can be easily tied to every single vice? Would people have owned slaves if there was no money in doing so?
    People have been doing all that long before money existed. Slavery itself is also prehistoric. It existed long before money did. You keep trying to use "money" as some sort of scapegoat for all of society's problems. You simply don't understand the complexities of HUMAN NATURE. That has become very obvious throughout all these "discussions". No wonder you keep entertaining such unrealistic ideas like "anarchy", no matter how much it is explained to you that they simply will not work in the real world, but only in the idealized world of "on paper". Paper-humans are these magical two-dimensional creatures who all think alike, all cooperate, all behave, all agree, all respect others, all work, all do their best, etc. Real-humans are a very different thing. Some steal, some don't, some kill, some don't, some hate, some love, some misbehave, some behave, some lie, some tell the truth, some leech-off of others, some work & produce, some are unmotivated, some are highly motivated, etc.

    12) ...Everyone, because they need it. What do you mean, nothing in return? You keep enough of your production for your own sustainability. The excess is given away freely to those who need it more.
    Again, good luck trying to convince any sane, logical, rational person of such a hare-brained scheme. The answer that you will invariably get from almost everyone you propose it to will be: "OK, practice what you preach, smartass: go ahead and till the fields all day and keep only what's necessary for you to survive and then give away for free the product of your hard labor to others who have not and do not want to lift a finger to do that job!" You can almost hear it in the background: "Earth to blind2d! Earth to blind2d!"

    How is this difficult to grasp? Also, yes, we can plant fruit trees and harvest from them as we wish, since no one person or family would claim ownership to them.
    Have you ever heard of crops failing? Natural disasters? Droughts? Diseases? Or just plain old PEOPLE NOT WANTING TO WORK FOR FREE??? (who do you seriously think is going to plant all those trees, water them, fertilize them, keep them healthy, and harvest them only to share much of their labor with others who haven't lifted a finger to deserve so, all for free?) How are these inconvenient facts so difficult to grasp?

    It may be telling that mere progress appears to you as utopian. Are you in fact a conservative? There is no such thing as working for free. Many things can inspire labor, not just money or the acquisition of wealth. You really don't seem to get it, and that's kinda sad.
    What is really kind of sad is someone who evidently is quite out of touch with reality and seeking obvious Utopias about "no laws" and people all magically thinking, feeling and behaving the same way, and fully agreeing with one another all the time, and working for nothing, and a world without accidents, catastrophes, crime, etc. claiming that others "really don't seem to get it". You have much to learn about life and reality yet.
    Last edited by JDP; 30-Aug-2019 at 10:03 AM. Reason: ;

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Are you suggesting that a democratic vote should be held at every level of organizational decision making? Do you understand how much effort and time this would take? Food can spoil within days if not delivered from one proper storage area to the next. The reason there's a hierarchy is because it's efficient, and time is precious. But if we relegate everything to a democratic vote, then time will be spilled making decisions. So please, take me through it. Explain how tomatoes grown in the Netherlands can be exported and distributed in, let's say, England or the US? Explain to me who would work at every level of this production chain, including logistics?

    Everything we know about human psychology, from both experience and studies, points toward that any form of organization such as you describe it, is impossible. It is simply naive to believe that people would able to efficiently cooperate, and work towards the same goal in instances like these. But I am giving you the benefit of a doubt... Explain to me, pleaase how it could work. Take me through it.

    The reason everyone in an anarchy would need to "get along" is that if they don't (which they wouldn't) then people could easily begin to form their own societies of hierarcies - as happened in historiy when we transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural ones - and there would be nothing to do about it. They are, after all, free to do what they want - right?

    Also, I'm ignoring the technological advances because at this stage they're purely hypothetical. We're very far away from being able to synthesize food at an affordable, widespread level - so we can't take that into effect. IF we were EVER to live in a society where food can be widespread synthesized, then of course we wouldn't food production as it exists today - but we don't, so I we can't take that into the equation.
    Fair enough. Now let me ask this... WHY would tomatoes from the Netherlands need to be exported across the globe? If we're able to evenly distribute the seeds everywhere, and deliver the equipment needed for farming the food, then we can effectively eliminate the need for such distribution, as the communities themselves would become more self-sufficient. Take the average home's lawn, for example. Just a patch of grass, doing nothing but "looking nice". Now what if that lawn were a garden? Why, you could pretty easily feed at least part of your own household just be having vegetables and fruits there instead of basically nothing. So you believe if people wanted to willingly give up their freedom for a life full of more strife, they would do so? Again, why?

  14. #29
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    @ JDP:

    Sweet baby Jesus that last entire last post was nearly flawless. Thanks for being so thorough and eloquent, I don't have the time and patience to compose a masterpiece like that but holy shit it's great seeing someone put all that together. Keep fighting the good fight brother.


    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    So you believe if people wanted to willingly give up their freedom for a life full of more strife, they would do so? Again, why?
    isn't that pretty much the exact opposite of what you're endorsing in regards to communism or whatever sort of system you think we should be living under?
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 30-Aug-2019 at 12:20 PM. Reason: .

  15. #30
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    Fair enough. Now let me ask this... WHY would tomatoes from the Netherlands need to be exported across the globe?
    Lots of reasons.

    Specialization in crops production leads to higher yields - which can sustain a higher amount of people. Having a greenhouse in every lawn out there cannot compete with having vast amount of farmland dedicated to a single crop. Specialization also allows people to focus on other tasks - such as for instance science or medicine - rather than taking care of their own food production. If everyone has to care for themselves then food will become something everyone has to attend to. All other vocations will suffer.

    Furthermore, geography determines what crops can be grown where. You can't grow corn in the Ukraine - believe me, they tried (and failed).

    When security and freedom are pitted against each other, people as a group will always choose security. They will seek shelter and comfort in groups, and within groups social hierarchies can (and will always) form. Anarchy simply cannot exist alongside freedom - because the ability to choose a better life will eliminate anarchy.
    We didn't end up like this by accident - we chose this life over that of hunter-gatherers.


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