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Thread: Anarchy

  1. #91
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    1) Maybe that's your problem. That you don't see this as a constant and overarching issue... which is what it is. But a democracy is so much more than "you can believe what you want". But yeah, I'm not going to criticize anyone's silly religion or anything.

    2) *narrows eyes* Which part did you not understand? Was it the part where I said that I'm an anarcho-communist, which means I seek to ultimately abolish all states and nations?

    Do you see how paradoxical that sounds? Now I'm not saying "no laws!", but perhaps laws agreed upon by every single citizen in the community? Mm? Sound good? If laws are only made by one group for a larger community consisting of various different groups... Well, you see now how that's not going to work well for most people outside of said privileged group, right? (In most places, this ruling group is largely made up of wealthy cishet men...Historically not the best people, always, when it comes to getting along with people different from themselves) Have you heard of "approval voting"? I think there's another name for it, or a very similar concept, but I can't think of it atm.
    1) I don't understand what your point is here.

    2) I don't understand what your point is. You keep going off topic.

    Only because something is paradoxal does not mean it's bad.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    1) I don't understand what your point is here.

    2) I don't understand what your point is. You keep going off topic.

    Only because something is paradoxal does not mean it's bad.
    1) Maybe we've reached a point where we can no longer effectively communicate.

    2) See above. And I don't.

    ...That's a good point. But maybe you could answer one of my questions?

  3. #93
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    1) Maybe we've reached a point where we can no longer effectively communicate.

    2) See above. And I don't.

    ...That's a good point. But maybe you could answer one of my questions?
    Too be perfectly honest I simply don't get the impression you know enough about anarchism to be able to communicate very much about it. But I've said that already. So that leaves us with very little to communicate about, because I have a lot of questions which you cannot answer. And I need them answered in order to feel that this conversation will interest me. Right now it doesn't.

    But I've said all of this already.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Too be perfectly honest I simply don't get the impression you know enough about anarchism to be able to communicate very much about it. But I've said that already. So that leaves us with very little to communicate about, because I have a lot of questions which you cannot answer. And I need them answered in order to feel that this conversation will interest me. Right now it doesn't.

    But I've said all of this already.
    You say this, yet you've demonstrated that you know even less than me (and don't get me started on JDP). So, why haven't you read the bread book yet, exactly? It's easy enough to find on the anarchist library site. Insult me all you like, but at least attempt to answer my questions. I wasn't just taught about it by some random person/acquaintance on the internet myself, Ned. I searched and learned on my own too. So, maybe try that, huh? Clearly you haven't.

  5. #95
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    You say this, yet you've demonstrated that you know even less than me (and don't get me started on JDP). So, why haven't you read the bread book yet, exactly? It's easy enough to find on the anarchist library site. Insult me all you like, but at least attempt to answer my questions. I wasn't just taught about it by some random person/acquaintance on the internet myself, Ned. I searched and learned on my own too. So, maybe try that, huh? Clearly you haven't.
    I'm not trying to insult you. And I'm not trying to diss your opinions. But it is clear that you don't understand how to put them into practice. Just because you read something does not make you an expert - you have to understand it as well. I've given you a second chance but you keep going off target, getting distracted by emotional outbursts and generally answering with very wide and general answers that do not satisfy me.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 14-Sep-2019 at 07:18 AM. Reason: fdsfds

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I'm not trying to insult you. And I'm not trying to diss your opinions. But it is clear that you don't understand how to put them into practice. Just because you read something does not make you an expert - you have to understand it as well. I've given you a second chance but you keep going off target, getting distracted by emotional outbursts and generally answering with very wide and general answers that do not satisfy me.
    I've already said I'm not an expert on this. And it's my opinion that unsatisfying answers (me) are better than no answers whatsoever (you). So if your query is "how do we put anarchy into practice?", then I can actually answer you beyond just "abolish the state!". Have you for instance heard of 'Food Not Bombs'? Squatting? Labor Unions? 'Unicorn Riot'? The Zapatistas?
    Again, (and again, it seems) anarchy is horizontal government, utilizing true democracy and equality. Approval voting systems, and consideration for every person in the community. "But what about defense"? Well we could form a neighborhood watch sort of system, with a rotating roster. In fact, a rotating roster of most jobs could be effective, unless someone shows particular proclivities for a certain discipline, which they would then remain at their preferred profession. Homeless people would be given empty houses. Disabled people would have their unique needs met, and everyone would be respected despite their differences, as no one would feel threatened by anyone else, because we'd actually teach our children useful things. We would of course not use any kind of fossil fuels, as well, and could cut back on wasteful meat consumption by eating more insects for protein. There's lots of things we can do, and I've already mentioned some earlier. Diversity of tactics is important as well, as the current voting system in my country does not give a voice to the people, but we can still vote anyway for candidates who maybe won't take away women's rights, etc. Maybe if your questions were more specific I'd be able to answer them better.

  7. #97
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    My questions have been very specific from the start and I applaud your plethora of ideas. But I have given up any hope of getting a satisfactory answer from you long ago, so unless you wish to indulge me now - harking back to the worldwide food distribution question for instance - then I am simply not interested in going on.

    An idea can be good or bad. And horizontal organization is a very bad idea, as it will never work.
    Nor will abolishing property - history has proven that.
    Nor will communal farms - which history likewise has proven.
    Nor will the abolishment of courts - history has proven many times that mob rule will ensue.
    So what I am interested in is discussing anarchy with somebody who has studied the history of various revolutionary movements, realized the faults of each (as I have) and then developed their own ideas to learn from past mistakes. I have tried getting answers from you, but if your only response is "I'm no expert" then I don't see any point in discussing the details of this.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 14-Sep-2019 at 02:42 PM. Reason: FDSFD

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    My questions have been very specific from the start and I applaud your plethora of ideas. But I have given up any hope of getting a satisfactory answer from you long ago, so unless you wish to indulge me now - harking back to the worldwide food distribution question for instance - then I am simply not interested in going on.

    An idea can be good or bad. And horizontal organization is a very bad idea, as it will never work.
    Nor will abolishing property - history has proven that.
    Nor will communal farms - which history likewise has proven.
    Nor will the abolishment of courts - history has proven many times that mob rule will ensue.
    So what I am interested in is discussing anarchy with somebody who has studied the history of various revolutionary movements, realized the faults of each (as I have) and then developed their own ideas to learn from past mistakes. I have tried getting answers from you, but if your only response is "I'm no expert" then I don't see any point in discussing the details of this.
    I don't see how your question about world food distribution is really relevant, as we have that currently.

    WHY won't it work?
    *squints* WHERE has history "proven" that? And did you mean "Private" or "Personal" property?
    Wrong, if you've ever seen a communal garden. We don't necessarily need massive farms, but if we do, we have machines and technology to utilize that makes taking care of them much easier.
    *tilts head* There will be a town counsel. Why have a court as well? (Also, mob rule is okay)
    Well you yourself haven't been very specific with your own ideas. So...? And I have tried answering you. And that has never been my "only" response. Are you trolling me here? You don't see any point in discussing the future of our species with someone, just because they haven't studied it in university for years and years? Come on man, I'm equally as human as you. Isn't that the whole point?

  9. #99
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    I don't see how your question about world food distribution is really relevant, as we have that currently.

    WHY won't it work?
    *squints* WHERE has history "proven" that? And did you mean "Private" or "Personal" property?
    Wrong, if you've ever seen a communal garden. We don't necessarily need massive farms, but if we do, we have machines and technology to utilize that makes taking care of them much easier.
    *tilts head* There will be a town counsel. Why have a court as well? (Also, mob rule is okay)
    Well you yourself haven't been very specific with your own ideas. So...? And I have tried answering you. And that has never been my "only" response. Are you trolling me here? You don't see any point in discussing the future of our species with someone, just because they haven't studied it in university for years and years? Come on man, I'm equally as human as you. Isn't that the whole point?
    We have that right now because it is highly dependant on hierarchical organization as well as commerce with currency. Both of which you wish to abolish, yet you have no idea with what to replace it with.

    I've already explained to you why a non-hierarchical organization won't work and I'm not doing it again. As for the rest of the talking points, I'm simply not going to repeat myself. You haven't been able to explain yourself so far, and you won't this time either. This discussion does not interest me any longer.

    And also,

    No - mob rule is not okay. I point you in the direction of every single violent revolution on record. Mobs can be easily manipulated - and always are. It is simply naive to think that "this time it'll turn out OK".
    Last edited by EvilNed; 14-Sep-2019 at 07:20 PM. Reason: cfdsf

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    We have that right now because it is highly dependant on hierarchical organization as well as commerce with currency. Both of which you wish to abolish, yet you have no idea with what to replace it with.

    I've already explained to you why a non-hierarchical organization won't work and I'm not doing it again. As for the rest of the talking points, I'm simply not going to repeat myself. You haven't been able to explain yourself so far, and you won't this time either. This discussion does not interest me any longer.

    And also,

    No - mob rule is not okay. I point you in the direction of every single violent revolution on record. Mobs can be easily manipulated - and always are. It is simply naive to think that "this time it'll turn out OK".
    *scoffs* No idea?? I just told you! Hell, the internet, AI, technology is crucial, mate.

    Pfft. You've failed then. You haven't answered my questions, so why should I answer yours? (Also I used the wrong spelling of 'council', whoops). I answered you on farms. I answered you on courts. You have failed to provide any examples of anarchy "not working historically", without also capitalist/statist intervention coming into the picture. Is that the point? That in order to abolish the state, we'd first have to... abolish the state? No shit. Just because a system uses hierarchy and currency, does not mean these things are a necessity. I use a computer. I could live and survive, even now in our tech-focused landscape, without one. You haven't debunked a gift economy. You haven't debunked anything. You just thrust your fists against the posts. I just did explain myself. It's not my fault if English isn't your first language. If it doesn't interest you, why bother posting your last reply at all?
    OH! You meant "VIOLENT" mob rule. No, no, we can't have that, certainly. I was talking about peaceful mob rule, aka democracy. Manipulated by whom? Without a hierarchy, there would be no one to manipulate a mob, right? If every single member of the community was the mob. Which would be anarchy. Right? How many times do I have to explain this simple concept to y'all for you to understand? Have you read the bread book yet? Just the first couple pages would probably help you immensely.

  11. #101
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    *scoffs* No idea?? I just told you! Hell, the internet, AI, technology is crucial, mate.

    Pfft. You've failed then. You haven't answered my questions, so why should I answer yours? (Also I used the wrong spelling of 'council', whoops). I answered you on farms. I answered you on courts. You have failed to provide any examples of anarchy "not working historically", without also capitalist/statist intervention coming into the picture. Is that the point? That in order to abolish the state, we'd first have to... abolish the state? No shit. Just because a system uses hierarchy and currency, does not mean these things are a necessity. I use a computer. I could live and survive, even now in our tech-focused landscape, without one. You haven't debunked a gift economy. You haven't debunked anything. You just thrust your fists against the posts. I just did explain myself. It's not my fault if English isn't your first language. If it doesn't interest you, why bother posting your last reply at all?
    OH! You meant "VIOLENT" mob rule. No, no, we can't have that, certainly. I was talking about peaceful mob rule, aka democracy. Manipulated by whom? Without a hierarchy, there would be no one to manipulate a mob, right? If every single member of the community was the mob. Which would be anarchy. Right? How many times do I have to explain this simple concept to y'all for you to understand? Have you read the bread book yet? Just the first couple pages would probably help you immensely.
    I'm sorry, but "the internet, AI, technology" etc are not a very elaborate answer to a very complex issue. They are not magic wands. And no, you haven't explained how the farms would work except with the same "magic wand"-type of explanations. You haven't endeavoured to overcome any of the proven obstacles of all the thing I've listed, except perhaps with what can only be described in my view as very naive beliefs of how human nature and economy works. I get the impression that you're radical in your belief to the point where any rational argument that pinpoints a flaw in any one of your arguments is ignored or met with an emotional outburst that shifts the focus from what we're discussing to capitalism at large. But as long as you cannot calmly explain how your proposed society would work then I will never believe in it, and I take no interest in listening to you. You are simply not read up enough on this issue.

    And you're right, why am I still sticking around here? Good point! I'm out.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 14-Sep-2019 at 09:06 PM. Reason: dfsfds

  12. #102

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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    *scoffs* No idea?? I just told you! Hell, the internet, AI, technology is crucial, mate.

    Pfft. You've failed then. You haven't answered my questions, so why should I answer yours? (Also I used the wrong spelling of 'council', whoops). I answered you on farms. I answered you on courts. You have failed to provide any examples of anarchy "not working historically", without also capitalist/statist intervention coming into the picture. Is that the point? That in order to abolish the state, we'd first have to... abolish the state? No shit. Just because a system uses hierarchy and currency, does not mean these things are a necessity. I use a computer. I could live and survive, even now in our tech-focused landscape, without one. You haven't debunked a gift economy. You haven't debunked anything. You just thrust your fists against the posts. I just did explain myself. It's not my fault if English isn't your first language. If it doesn't interest you, why bother posting your last reply at all?
    OH! You meant "VIOLENT" mob rule. No, no, we can't have that, certainly. I was talking about peaceful mob rule, aka democracy. Manipulated by whom? Without a hierarchy, there would be no one to manipulate a mob, right? If every single member of the community was the mob. Which would be anarchy. Right? How many times do I have to explain this simple concept to y'all for you to understand? Have you read the bread book yet? Just the first couple pages would probably help you immensely.
    You have been shown a bunch of times that your ideas will always end up failing because of the complexities of human nature and psychology. Not all people think or feel alike, not all people agree, not all people behave and respect the rights of others, and so forth. An example was given to you regarding some forms of public transportation, which sooner or later always get damaged by vandals or people who just don't care about public property or that of others, and who end up fucking it up for the rest. I will add here my own example: when I went to high-school we did not have actual mirrors in the bathrooms, we had polished metal sheets in their place. We had to try to comb our hair by looking at a shitty poor reflection of ourselves. Do you know why? Because the school administration got sick and tired of having to replace actual mirrors every few days or so due to the fact that vandals sooner or later would always smash them. And for no reason at all, they "just like doing things like that!", a la Luther from the movie The Warriors. So just because of people like that we all got the "short end of the stick" and had to conform with having to use polished metal plates (which cannot be as easily damaged as glass mirrors; but even then some would still get so banged up by the vandal elements of the school that they too would need replacement, but they did not cost as much to the school as actual mirrors) instead of real mirrors every time we had to stare at our own reflection. Because of people like that who do not give a flying fuck about the rights of others, and as long as they are having fun and getting away with it they will go ahead and do whatever they want, no matter who ends up paying for it. These small-scale examples serve a purpose to teach you a valuable lesson about the human mind and its very complex, multifaceted and unpredictable nature. It is what makes all those ideas of communism and anarchism to eventually and invariably fail: it's human nature, with all its positive and negative sides. It's not "capitalism", or "fascism", or some vast "conspiracy", or what have you. It is the very nature of humans that make such ideas simply a Utopia. No matter what you do, you will always have people who think they are better than others, who think they deserve more than others, who will try to fuck it up for everyone else, who will not cooperate, who will not agree, who will not do their part, who will want more for themselves, who will trample on others, and so forth. Can't take human nature out of the equation, ever. It will always be there working against such Utopian ideals.
    Last edited by JDP; 15-Sep-2019 at 12:51 AM. Reason: ;

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    You have been shown a bunch of times that your ideas will always end up failing because of the complexities of human nature and psychology. Not all people think or feel alike, not all people agree, not all people behave and respect the rights of others, and so forth. An example was given to you regarding some forms of public transportation, which sooner or later always get damaged by vandals or people who just don't care about public property or that of others, and who end up fucking it up for the rest. I will add here my own example: when I went to high-school we did not have actual mirrors in the bathrooms, we had polished metal sheets in their place. We had to try to comb our hair by looking at a shitty poor reflection of ourselves. Do you know why? Because the school administration got sick and tired of having to replace actual mirrors every few days or so due to the fact that vandals sooner or later would always smash them. And for no reason at all, they "just like doing things like that!", a la Luther from the movie The Warriors. So just because of people like that we all got the "short end of the stick" and had to conform with having to use polished metal plates (which cannot be as easily damaged as glass mirrors; but even then some would still get so banged up by the vandal elements of the school that they too would need replacement, but they did not cost as much to the school as actual mirrors) instead of real mirrors every time we had to stare at our own reflection. Because of people like that who do not give a flying fuck about the rights of others, and as long as they are having fun and getting away with it they will go ahead and do whatever they want, no matter who ends up paying for it. These small-scale examples serve a purpose to teach you a valuable lesson about the human mind and its very complex, multifaceted and unpredictable nature. It is what makes all those ideas of communism and anarchism to eventually and invariably fail: it's human nature, with all its positive and negative sides. It's not "capitalism", or "fascism", or some vast "conspiracy", or what have you. It is the very nature of humans that make such ideas simply a Utopia. No matter what you do, you will always have people who think they are better than others, who think they deserve more than others, who will try to fuck it up for everyone else, who will not cooperate, who will not agree, who will not do their part, who will want more for themselves, who will trample on others, and so forth. Can't take human nature out of the equation, ever. It will always be there working against such Utopian ideals.
    Human nature is to form community groups. You've never cited specific sources or case studies proving me wrong. Of course not everyone thinks or feels alike. That's how society is built. Different people bring different traits and skills to help form a larger tapestry of life by working together. That's literally what a society is. Conflict and issues will always arise, yes, but why should that debunk any of my proposals? You know who fucks up public transportation the most? Capitalists. Just think about California in the early 1900s, or any major US city. Oh really? So you sat down with the vandals and talked with them, and that was their reasoning? It could be any number of things. Pretty much everything has a cause. Why don't you feel the need to dig deeper? Also, no. That's a capitalist lie, used to divide us. "Don't think about class disparity and how it unites everyone but us!", our rulers say. "Instead think of THEM, people who aren't like you, who are screwing things up!" Don't fall for it. We vastly outnumber them. We always will. Your anecdote about mirrors is actually a great example of why liberalism's ideals don't work. The administrators tried replacing a malfunctioning piece of equipment with another like it, but the same result happened. To cure an illness you must fight the disease, not just the symptoms. The whole system is screwy, so if we don't address that, then we're doomed to a negative cycle. "The rights of others"? It wasn't your personal mirror at home, it was the school's mirror. They didn't respect the school's rights... to... have unbroken mirrors? Is that a right that a non-sentient building has? Again, if we don't know their motives then we can't address the issue. Maybe if the students had been caught in the act, were told on to their parents, but even then that might not help because perhaps they'd been beaten at home, and felt that violence was an acceptable form of self-expression. We just don't know. What does this teach me about the human mind? That puberty is a volatile time for most? I already knew that. Or that it's not good to beat your kids? (Again we don't know for sure) Already knew that too. I've never brought up a conspiracy. I don't believe in such things. Human nature is also loving, compassionate, imaginative, caring, introspective, curious, etc. What's your point? All I'm still hearing from you is "it'll never work! Because, um... Humans are fallible!" True. Everyone is. Every life form. So? Does that mean we give up? Does that mean we should just bow down to our masters, take it up the ass every day, and act like there's no other options? If you stand for nothing Burr, what will you fall for?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I'm sorry, but "the internet, AI, technology" etc are not a very elaborate answer to a very complex issue. They are not magic wands. And no, you haven't explained how the farms would work except with the same "magic wand"-type of explanations. You haven't endeavoured to overcome any of the proven obstacles of all the thing I've listed, except perhaps with what can only be described in my view as very naive beliefs of how human nature and economy works. I get the impression that you're radical in your belief to the point where any rational argument that pinpoints a flaw in any one of your arguments is ignored or met with an emotional outburst that shifts the focus from what we're discussing to capitalism at large. But as long as you cannot calmly explain how your proposed society would work then I will never believe in it, and I take no interest in listening to you. You are simply not read up enough on this issue.

    And you're right, why am I still sticking around here? Good point! I'm out.
    I agree the issue is complex. But your initial question was not. Listen buddy. I'm not an expert on farms now. How am I supposed to know about how they'll be in the future? Not my department. Well then I'd say you've done a piss-poor job of educating me on these things thus far. Hmm, well I am a bit radical at times, sure, but you can't deny that capitalism has tendrils in like pretty much every facet of Western life. Can you prove me wrong on this? And you're not read up on anything, apparently, so what's your point?


    PS: (And this is to both of you/anyone out there) Please watch this excellent video on 28 Days Later in full:
    Last edited by blind2d; 15-Sep-2019 at 04:53 PM. Reason: 28 days later

  14. #104
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Hey, where are the white women at?
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Hey, where are the white women at?
    Hm? So that's a quote from Blazing Saddles... But I don't understand why you said it, Moon. Sorry if the joke was over my head.

    Also PS: Here's another video that's really perfect to put here: It really speaks to my soul.

    Last edited by blind2d; 17-Sep-2019 at 02:51 AM. Reason: thrashitioning


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