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Thread: Jupiter’s Legacy Netflix's to take on The Boys?

  1. #1
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Jupiter’s Legacy Netflix's to take on The Boys?

    I've read the comics this is based on and they are really good, but I'm not sure what to make of the trailer does make the upcoming series look cheesy maybe.

    Looks like Netflix are going for the Super Hero money, I just wish more of this stuff was animated like Invincible instead of live action and looking like the DC tv series.

    Will watch the first episode because you never know and this might be Brilliant like the comic book.

    Wait and see for me on this one.

  2. #2
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Doesn't look like it's for me. But I've heard such good things about The Boys that I'm going to look into that.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Doesn't look like it's for me. But I've heard such good things about The Boys that I'm going to look into that.
    Definitely check out The Boys. I wasn't familiar with the comics at all (still aren't, if I'm honest), but I've rather enjoyed the TV show.

    Yeah ... the trailer for this Jupiter's Legacy thing (another comic I'm not at all clued-up on) didn't really grab me. There is an element of superhero fatigue setting in, I feel. It's like "more bloody superheroes?" Sure, it might be great, who knows, I'll give the first episode a look and have a see, but I'll be honest (again ), and say that the trailer didn't set my pants on fire.

    Invincible - I've been enjoying that (the latest episode was rather good), though, and it does feel different enough from other superhero stuff (partly down to it being animated) that I'm not fatigued by it, if that makes sense?

    In general I do wonder how much longer before this superhero obsession is gonna really start running out of steam with audiences. There's only so much you can do, and if there's so bloody much of it then inevitably you're gonna over-do it. There's plenty of great stuff still out there, but I have been feeling a bit "What? MORE of this stuff?" lately.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 11-Apr-2021 at 04:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    In general I do wonder how much longer before this superhero obsession is gonna really start running out of steam with audiences. There's only so much you can do, and if there's so bloody much of it then inevitably you're gonna over-do it. There's plenty of great stuff still out there, but I have been feeling a bit "What? MORE of this stuff?" lately.
    Hasn't it kinda already? Post-modern superhero takes are becoming more and more common. The superhero craze is something else now than what it was in the early 00's to early 10's.

    But I agree, it's had a good run. More than it deserves.

    I think it will carry on with some form of steam until something else comes along and breaks it big at the box office. Maybe that something is Avatar 2? Although I doubt it...

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Hasn't it kinda already? Post-modern superhero takes are becoming more and more common.

    I think it will carry on with some form of steam until something else comes along and breaks it big at the box office. Maybe that something is Avatar 2? Although I doubt it...
    1) A fair point.

    There's just too damn many of them. It was actually kinda nice to not have multiple Marvel movies flying out into cinemas last year, as had been the case for a while. Too damn many superhero movies. Then you've got the shows. It's just overkill. We're kinda in that 'the Hollywood western in the 1960s' period. We need a New New Hollywood breath of fresh air ... but considering how the industry is now, compared to then, that won't happen.

    2) Yeah, nah, even though Avatar 2 will do well for itself, it's not gonna change the game. It's not a genre unto itself like superheroes. Sci-Fi in general is never gonna be the new hot thing, and it's always been better working amidst other genres. I do look forward to seeing Avatar 2, but good lord it's taken him long enough to get around to it. I wouldn't be surprised if the reaction is a bit muted because it's such a long time between movies. Then again, after all this fucking Covid shit, perhaps people will be inspired all over again to visit Pandora and get lost in that world.

    I wonder if it'll be able to bring in the amount of money that the first one did. Avatar 1 had the benefit of being a lot of people's first experiences with the new version of 3D technology. The gimmick has worn thin and been wasted on conversions for so long now that what is the point? Then again, Cameron is gonna use the tech properly - so people might be more willing to splash the extra cash on 3D for Avatar 2.

  6. #6
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I grew tired of superhero films a long time ago, all that jumping from one huge loud CGI saturated set piece fight to the next and the constant retelling of the same old stories. The Dark Knight trilogy and Deadpool were good though and I like The Boys, I even met Karl Urban a couple of years ago which was cool.

  7. #7
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    IGN gave the season 1 a 7/10 I think Netflix are realising it all at once, might be ok after all maybe lol

  8. #8
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm in no rush to see it ... but will probably end up seeing it.

    I'm trying to crank through some movies I've had stacked up for a while, after my binge of all four seasons of The Man In The High Castle.

    There's just so damn much superhero stuff, but at least the episodes vary greatly in length (so it's not, say, ten full hours).

  9. #9
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Well my son decided to watch the full series and he summed it up with a big Meh lol, not great not terrible (keep hearing that alot lol), He did find the make up on the actors to make them look older really distracting.

    He gave it a 4 out of 10, not bothered watching it myself.

  10. #10
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Anyone still considering watching this don't bother Netflix have just cancelled it.

  11. #11
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid101 View Post
    Anyone still considering watching this don't bother Netflix have just cancelled it.
    Wow, really? Wasn't there all this talk about this grand story they were gonna tell and so on?

    I actually removed it from my watch list a week or so ago as I simply couldn't be arsed to view it. There's so much damn superhero stuff out there now that I just didn't have the energy to start a whole new story on the subject that's already been so well covered. Hell, I've not even bothered watching the Marvel TV shows yet.

    Right, so then I really definitely don't need to bother watching it now. It's a shame for all those who worked hard on the show, but yeah, there's just so much friggin superhero content out there and, frankly, Marvel and DC pretty much have the monopoly on it, Marvel in particular.

  12. #12
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Wow, really? Wasn't there all this talk about this grand story they were gonna tell and so on?

    I actually removed it from my watch list a week or so ago as I simply couldn't be arsed to view it. There's so much damn superhero stuff out there now that I just didn't have the energy to start a whole new story on the subject that's already been so well covered. Hell, I've not even bothered watching the Marvel TV shows yet.

    Right, so then I really definitely don't need to bother watching it now. It's a shame for all those who worked hard on the show, but yeah, there's just so much friggin superhero content out there and, frankly, Marvel and DC pretty much have the monopoly on it, Marvel in particular.

    It also cost 200 million ouch

  13. #13
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    WOW! $25m an episode :O
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  14. #14
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Wow, really? Wasn't there all this talk about this grand story they were gonna tell and so on?
    Netflix doesn't greenlight any season until 6 weeks after the release of the previous season.
    This was released roughly 4 weeks ago. So I'm guessing the ratings were pretty bad.

    EDIT: I saw now that the ratings were actually fairly good, but not great.
    Netflix contracts are written up so that the following season costs at least as much as the previous one. So I'm guessing they had the option of either making a season 2 for just as much (or more) money or greenlighting something else which was cheaper and rated higher. Kind of a no brainer, i guess.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 05-Jun-2021 at 12:33 PM. Reason: fdsfs


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