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Thread: From the Horse's Mouth....Land IS after Day!

  1. #46
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    It's assinine to suggest that GAR might be mistaken about his own movies, or that he might've misinterpreted them, or whatever. Land happens after Day. For the billion valid reasons that have been noted plus the testament from GAR himself.

    As for Day happening 5+ years post-outbreak - I don't think so. I think it was within the first year. I'll add my one observation to the rest. If Day happens more than a year after the outbreak Sarah wouldn't have had a pre-printed calendar. She'd have long ago resorted to using hand drawn calendars like she does at the end of the movie.

    Charlie was my favorite character. I thought his role was a brilliant move by GAR. Charlie showed us that you don't have to be a military expert, or have advanced gear, or be especially intelligent to survive a zombie outbreak. And not only survive but be very valuable. There's not one of those self-serving greedy jerks I'd have by my side over Charlie. He was loyal, focused, and an expert in zombie survival.

    From the perspective of GAR commenting on society I think Charlie adds a great deal. His lack of greed and personal motives showed us just how shameful the rest of society had become. He made for a perfect contrast to Kaufman, Cholo, and even Riley, all of which put themselves in harm's way to satisfy their personal motives.

  2. #47
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Somehow all I can picture now is MZ walking around now babbling like Rain Man

    LC: "Hey, MZ! How much did it cost to make Land?"
    MZ: "yeah, mmm, 'bout a hundred dollars.."

  3. #48
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    MZ: "Fifteen million dollars well spent, mate"
    LC: "Why do you have a nappy on your head?"
    MZ: "Why are you using a British term, aren't you American?"
    LC: "Yes I am still American, but I'm trying to be the new James Bond, the more bad ass version that listens to metal."
    MZ: "Tin, Iron or Steel?"
    LC: "You're a f*cking lunatic you know?"
    MZ: "I'm quite fully aware of my mental incapacities, thank you very much Mr President."
    LC: "That's a nice placard you've got there."
    MZ: "Thanks, I smeared all the letters myself."
    LC: "I don't wanna know what you smeared the letters with."
    MZ: "If you can smell it, you already know."
    LC: "Are you one of those ultra Liberal tree-hugging, pocket-mulching wankers?"
    MZ: "No, I'm just really, really, really cheap."
    LC: "So you like Charlie then do ya?"
    MZ: "Yeah, he's my mate."
    LC: "And I don't mean Charlie Chalk."
    MZ: "Oh ... well yeah Charlie The Idiot Savant is also cool in my books ... wait a pissing minute, how the hell did you know about classic British children's animation Charlie Chalk?!"
    LC: "I move in mysterious ways."
    MZ: "I know ... why the fart are you moonwalking right now?"
    LC: "Because Michael Jackson is one classy mofo."
    MZ: "Chamone, hee-heeeeeee!"

    *continues placard waving with added stink palming of interested parties and worried officials*

    *LC scurries away to fetch Dj to come gawp with him*

  4. #49
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    It's assinine to suggest that GAR might be mistaken about his own movies, or that he might've misinterpreted them, or whatever. Land happens after Day. For the billion valid reasons that have been noted plus the testament from GAR himself.

    As for Day happening 5+ years post-outbreak - I don't think so. I think it was within the first year. I'll add my one observation to the rest. If Day happens more than a year after the outbreak Sarah wouldn't have had a pre-printed calendar. She'd have long ago resorted to using hand drawn calendars like she does at the end of the movie.

    Charlie was my favorite character. I thought his role was a brilliant move by GAR. Charlie showed us that you don't have to be a military expert, or have advanced gear, or be especially intelligent to survive a zombie outbreak. And not only survive but be very valuable. There's not one of those self-serving greedy jerks I'd have by my side over Charlie. He was loyal, focused, and an expert in zombie survival.

    From the perspective of GAR commenting on society I think Charlie adds a great deal. His lack of greed and personal motives showed us just how shameful the rest of society had become. He made for a perfect contrast to Kaufman, Cholo, and even Riley, all of which put themselves in harm's way to satisfy their personal motives.
    The rest of the characters may be greedy and selfish but they are also far more interesting. He was dull and I felt like he was being shoved down my throat the entire time I was watching the movie. Almost like I was being forced to like him.

    Besides, it isn't that hard to survive a zombie outbreak when you get to ride around in Dead Reckoning all the time because your best friend built it Let him hang around, out in the open, guarding the Green with everyone else and it may be a whole different story.
    Last edited by Brubaker; 01-Sep-2006 at 02:39 PM.

  5. #50
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Y'know, I find it kinda comical that even when GAR himself states Land is after day, some still argue the point. Why?
    I thought that was the general idea of this forum, to discuss ideas, even if eveyone else disagrees with you.
    I guess the word from the man who made the movie himself isn't good enough? The "clues" you think you see in the movie doesn't change the fact that it's intention was to be after Day, period
    You know Sharon Ceccatti? She was the "Nurse Zombie" in Dawn. What do you think that the intention of her zombie character was? Do you think it was to be a faceless zombie in the crowd, a zombie equal to any other, whose very nature was to be scary to the audience and a dangerous threat to the characters in the movie? Or do you think the intention was for her to be way, WAY over the top in her "zombie movements", almost coming across as comical rather than scary? Your personal intrepretation of the intention and your intrepretation of the end result may be different.

    Trying to argue any other point is useless, albeit kinda comical.
    The world needs more humor, dont you think?

  6. #51
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post

    The world needs more humor, dont you think?
    Yeah, it does, but there's a lot of things funnier than this topic - beating an already decaying horse is only fun for about 5 minutes.

  7. #52
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Yeah, it's only funny until a part of it explodes gore all over you and it goes in your mouth, then you step in some shredded flesh and get it all over your new hush puppies and you step back and do the same to the other, then the stench gets into your lungs and you get all pissy and wanna go home ... so really, it's not that fun a past-time...

    Yes I'm in a weird mood, I just got up at 7am on a Saturday (cutting my usual sleep duration short by 3 hours) to go film a model aircraft show, only to not go yet cos of the bloody rain ... if it isn't cleared by 11am then we're going tomorrow, so I'd lose another weekend lie in! ... Not a disaster perhaps, but I'm like a hibernating bear, you don't disturb their sleep, damnit!


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