I don't know how well this will work, but it seems like a fun idea.

Ok here it is:

The game will basically be an on-going story created as the thread developes. Members who are interested will be assigned characters within the story, and be able to use their character as a plot point in how the story will develope. Make sense?

So here are some of the basics....

SETTING: Modern America, let's say it starts TODAY; Septermber 9th, 2006. In the suburbs of a large city, let's say Phoenix just for ****s and giggles.

PROBLEM: A biological virus ( what / how it happend is still unknown, being that we have yet to start the story ) the "classic" story unfolds and the living dead return to life. These creatures are slow and roam our streets in classic Romero fashion.

...Now here is where we will begin to have our fun. The story now needs characters. Until we see how well this catches on we'll say there will be 4-6 main characters, 5-10 semi-main characters ( people who are important to the story yet only occasionally would be needed in the story. Example: gun dealer, cars "salesman" )

As of now, there are still every "role" availble but one, mine. Ill start this story with my character, if you would like to develope a character please PM me with your details and character bio and I will add it to this thread in a neatly organized list. Once we have the necessary roles filled we will begin our story and see where it goes.


1.) Andrew Pratt, 20, a bold young man who is not afraid to take chances. This bright college student has his future plotted in real estate, following in the empire his father created.



