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Thread: Oi camera nerds...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oi camera nerds...

    (So that's all of us then, )

    Heard about this yet?

    Basically, it's a digital camera meets the flexibility of Lego (or Mecano), a contact from the University of Worcester (who helps run their Film course) told me about it last night when we were discussing cameras and indie filmmaking at one of those media get togethers for Rural Media ... you know the sort, with lots of wine, cheesy nibbles and situated in a building with glass instead of walls.

    Figured you lot would find it interesting ... but I'm still getting the DVX100BE, perhaps this will suit me in the near future...

  2. #2
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Looks pretty cool!

    So they are on the DVX100BE now? I plan to get one ASAP myself. Recently, Courtney Cox was in a film shot with the DVX called November. I can't wait to pick one up and start tinkering with it.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    So they are on the DVX100BE now?
    How do you mean?

    From what the girl from Worcester said it has come about from someone who is basically a well off tech nerd who wanted to put together his own camera, frustrated by the actions of the big players.

    The Panasonic DVX100BE (the PAL version of their latest camera, hence the "E" ... but surely it should be "P" right? lol) though is where I'm going right now. This "Red" camera looks interesting, but it's something I wouldn't dive into now but possibly something for the future...

    The DVX100B has been recommended to me time and again and I was talking about the DVX with the same girl and she was saying that when shooting something for a documentary she was doing they had two cameras, hers (forget the model/make) and a DVX100A and she said the picture quality blew her camera right out of the water, it was such a good I'm certainly looking forward to the DVX100B, which essentially amps everything up another notch.

    Just waiting for the stock to come in, it's been a very popular camera, but the stock being sent my way from Panasonic has been retarded, not quite as retarded as only 100,000 P$3's to the UK, but still bloody frustrating. Fingers crossed though the stock will be in next week, which would mean very soon I'll have my mits on one of them beauties, it'll be the perfect thing to film an indie on ... which is the idea for next year, so fingers-bloody-crossed.

  4. #4
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    So the E just means the PAL version then, cool. Just making sure I wasn't eyeballing a model that is now out of date. Like you, I am getting into Videography, with film making on the side.

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah so have you got a DVX? Which model?

    Yep, Nelson Six Productions is starting to get going, we've had a couple of things at this point, but it's all been at "mates rates" and as a proving ground for us, if you will. Hopefully we'll get some sh*t going soon though, we'll be doing the videography thing (weddings, corporates, music promos etc) as well as documentaries for the Sell Through market (specialist subjects such as trains, classic cars etc - my business partner has been making those for years now and has had his docs sold all over the world), so that's another avenue.

    We're also working together on another major project, but it's a long term thing and we're just in the early stages of it. We've filmed a pilot for it, but we're looking to shoot another pilot for the project, so ideally we'd be after some funding and then we'd need to get a committee together to help us realise our creative vision (we're the creative types, business isn't our forte - don't worry, we won't "do a GAR" on that front, lol). But in terms of doing the second pilot/trial we're looking to get local filmmaking talent involved in our area from a nearby University, perhaps get them to make something new that isn't on their showreels.

    I'd like to think I could provide some work experience and opportunities for people coming out of film school here in the UK, because I know first hand it's sh*t hard and I've basically had to go out and create my own stuff (I've had some work experience though), so basically I want to help out people who are struggling like I did/am. In fact, that's one of the aims of the long term project we're working on, but that's about all I'd like to share at the moment - vague I know, but it's a big old project.

  6. #6
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I don't have the DVX yet. Soon... Plotting... Plotting...

    Sounds like you have a lot on the horizon, congrats. Good luck what that, sounds like you are on a good track and making good connections. My father-in-law does wedding photography on the side, so I am just going to coat-tail onto him and get work that way at first, until I build up a small portfolio to bring to those wedding conventions, to fetch work. Depending on how much they want done, jobs can get up around $3,500, but most jobs are around $1,500 for the standard Wedding/Reception combo. I've been approached about doing a wedding on my current set up, which I won't do. It'd look like pixels holding hands in a dark reception hall. Yeah, I wants me a DVX

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Sounds like a plan there ax-man and indeed, if you can't get the job done right, then don't do it so best getting the DVX first and then rocking some sacks with your awesome visual quality.

    Have a gander online and see what other services are offering and figure out ways to price your own offerings as well as see what wording they're using, you can also find ways to undercut them or provide something they're not offering. That's what we've done, but we're still working on the price list, what with so many balls in the air our time is a little mixed up and spread out you know.

    I think I had a dream about getting a DVX the other week, I was so chuffed in the dream and then I woke up to the crushing reality that is life without a DVX100B... At least I woke up this morning with wood like normal, ha!

    Prices here for weddings vary greatly, £600 for bare-bones crap-fest and £1000 for a solid piece with plenty of bells and whistles. But damn, some of the optional extras I've seen on some websites, bloody hell, RIP OFF CENTRAL, I mean serious rip offs - so that's what we're looking to avoid so we can make ourselves look much better.

    I'm hoping there might be an opportunity down the line to do a training video for the police or something (again, partner has already done a series for one Constabulary) ... a good one obviously, if I could film police storming a house and shooting guns and driving fast that would be hella fun ... but that's not likely, we can hope though, haha.

    Indeed, lots of plates spinning ... shame none of them aren't garnished with money salads though. Ah well, if it means I'm rolling in it by the time I'm 30 then I don't mind...suffer first, pleasure later - that's the preferred balance.

  8. #8
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    The DVX100 is an awesome Camera. I have the first one. Plain old DVX-100 and I love it.

    As far as this RED ONE... Without seeing video footage I wouldn't drop $17,500 on a camera without seeing some video from it. I would need to see a demo disc and read tons more about it.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  9. #9
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Bloody hell! I hadn't bothered to look for prices for it, but cripes, that's a bit bloody pricey ... somehow I think the pro-sumer and professional camera developers (Sony, Panasonic et al) won't be wiggling in their corporate seats just yet ... mind you, if it's a rockhard camera with excellent results like it says, it could be something you might see filmmakers like Rodriguez using...

  10. #10
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Yep, $17,500

    Sorry, but no way would I pay that, nor could I afford to on an untested, and un-proven camera. A few still photos ain't jack. When i see some footage shot with it... Raw footage not processed and color corrected etc etc then I could see maybe considering signing my life away for it.
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  11. #11
    Ipsissimus Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Yep, $17,500

    Sorry, but no way would I pay that, nor could I afford to on an untested, and un-proven camera. A few still photos ain't jack. When i see some footage shot with it... Raw footage not processed and color corrected etc etc then I could see maybe considering signing my life away for it.

    I am not sure, but I think that is for the camera only. I think lenses are extra.

  12. #12
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaos View Post
    I am not sure, but I think that is for the camera only. I think lenses are extra.

    yep the Lens is $5K

    so before you could film s ingle thing you are out $22K almost $23K

    Sorry, thanks but no thanks.
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  13. #13
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Then it's settled ... DVX100's (all series) ... hooooooooooooooo!!!!


  14. #14
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    another camera you can't knock is the Canon XL2. Another Standard definition MiniDV camera capable of doing 24 frames per second, not too mention it has a native 16:9 CCD chipset where the DVX100 has a 4:3 native chipset. In order to get 16:9 out a DVX100 you need to buy the $800 16:9 Anamorphic adapter lens.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  15. #15
    Being Attacked 7feet's Avatar

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    If I have the money, I am definite buying a Red. It's developed by Jim Jannard, the guy who started the Oakley (sunglass) company, and he's a camera head as well as well as a good industrial designer. 4K resolution (which, if you have the money, is the best res that you can scan 35mm film at for visual FX work), holy bloody sh*t. $17.5K may seem like a lot, but when the next closest comparable bit (say the camera the shot Superman Returns on - Cinealta, I think) is a few hundred thou, man. I wasn't at IBC, but what I've heard is that it looks absolutely sick, Super 35 res with no grain or artifacts. Too clean for a lot of cinemaphotographers, their used to working with grain and noise.

    Okay, it's not an option for the no budget film maker. but thinking small never got you anywhere and I'm maybe (really maybe, but I'm hoping) getting 350 grand to make a film. At that point, thst camera become THE option. I don't have the money for it now, but I was seriously thinking about plunkung the grand down on option to get in the queue when they're available.

    Standard is supposed to be PL mount, standard 35mm cine lenses, but you could certainly get an adapter (or hack the lense mount, although I think they're supposed to have inerchangable mounts) and throw a lens off a 355mm still camera on there. There are reasons why 35mm cine primes cost a shi*tpile, but I'd sacrifice the mad glass against the resolution, no doubt. A $200 used Nikon lense is still pretty damn good.


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