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Thread: George Romero Comments on Dawn '04

  1. #61
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome View Post
    My recent ban is none of your (or anyone elses) business but mine and the mods. (Although, I promise you, it had nothing to do with, give that a rest, Bucky McGripeAlot. )

    I have actually never attacked you, I am responding to posts, just like you. Calling you "kid" is not an attack, I respond to childlike adults this way. Learn it. Remember it. Move on. Hell, you're "25"? Alrighty, then. Tell ya what....go out and run off all the "teeny years" you still have pumping through your viens....then get back with me. That is, if you can crawl from your mommy's house (leaping over many cats, I'll bet) and get some fresh air without stopping by McDonalds and the Comic Shop for a quick fix....
    I don't owe you any "constructive critisism" as you do nothing but make posts designed to give you attention and a pathway to argument. Nothing to criticize. But, everything to laugh at.

    Assume all you want, you're still very bratty and childlike.

    Your kind are very short lived on all forums.

    oh.....and triggered this -

    I'm done with you now.....

    Hmm, this kind of negative attack posting in which you claim to not be attacking people (while utilizing no points but silly inane childishness only) and then break into an immediate attack.

    I will have to ask around if this is how you usually are, in which case I can put you on the pay no mind list. I generally dont pay mind to people who cant formulate a coherent thought. Know what I mean?

    And I didnt say that your ban had anything to do with me, but the fact that you assure me that it doesn kind of piques my curiosity. Care to expand on it?

  2. #62
    Just been bitten DeadCentral's Avatar

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    WOW ... I bet you get beat up a lot don't you?? with an attitude like yours and the way you present your arguements .....
    unless you only do this in like fashion on the web where no one can confront you face to face and make you back your words...
    you must have suffered a lot of pain at the response to your vocalization.

    I find flaw in the mans work, I don't dis him on it, I deal with the flaws and look into the perfection of his craft, his editing,writing and belief in what he does. AND ...the fact he does it FOR the fans... not to make a buck like all these cheap ripoff artists who ride his shirt tails hoping to cash in on like minded but not as perfected films, with no merit but gore and lacking storylines ...again based loosely on Gerorges original concept back in 1968.

    The man genuinely loves what he does...not because it makes him millions , which ANYONE on this board can tell you ,is NOT the case in Georges career,
    but because he is loyal to those who watch his films and they are in turn , loyal to him.
    I've met George myself and MANY, if not most of the people who have done films with him...
    and have the interviews & Pictures as anyone here who knows me will verify, and all say the same things, they all love him for his dedication to the art of film making and his loyalty to his fans.
    I watched him over a 6 hour period talking to fans, one by one, and taking a minimum of 6 minutes with each person, for the entire time without a butt break or bathroom break, simply because his fans wanted to say hi....
    That is a man, not to mention a writer/director to be admired.
    Due to his lack in arrogance and the humbleness of his actions on many occassions the man is stiffed, screwed over and manipulated by business associates,
    yet he smiles pleasantly and gives the camera another shot, to keep the fans watching...and make them smile once more at the idea of a new film.
    Khardis, stop being such a cynical, arrogant rude person and accept the man for what he is, a legendary film maker who set the rules in this genre and all others are simply followers and imitators, he paved the way. Give him the credit where it's due, he's a generous, kindly old man who managed to create an imaginary world that has spawned such a following that sites such as HOPTD, and my DEAD-CENTRAL.COM, along with countless others have popped up to discuss his creations. Not to mention the inspiration he's been on some sites members, in becoming film makers themselves...

    Sometimes dead is better....

  3. #63
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    You write a script, song, draw somwthing whatever, intentional or not, your point of view is evident.
    I was refering to censors not money men. Ratings board etc.
    In NYC everybody hates Bush and has since the beginning. Garbage men, old ladies, everybody. My Mom and my Girlfriend likes LOTD better than I did and they are not into that kinda thing.
    You can be a "regular blue collar guy" and think bush is a jackass. That NY bush hater activist crap is just stupid.
    Talk about PROPAGANDA.
    In light of the 65% of people who think B/sh is a botard makes lie of that.
    The bigaboo of the "NYC bush hating acticist latte Volvo blah blah blah" is so far from reality it is offensive in its level of bigotry and total ignorance.
    when you make art you make the things you want to see and say the things you want to say. You just hope other people like it. Somethimes they do, somethimes they don't. If you make a movies to jerk off the rightists you end up with a sea of Rambo 3.
    I was interested more in his right to make his films his way. Sure, land was a mistep, but it's his movie.
    Better to try and fail then go for lowest common denominator ala Dawn 04
    And at least he had the nuts to speak truth to power when almost everybody else didnt say sh*t intil it was safe to do so.

    I didnt find much "truth" to his film. Just ranting. While I dont like Bush myself at least officially (I think he would be a nice guy in person talking about sports or life etc) I dont think he is evil. He just does thing according to his values and his base values. My sister lives in Queens, shes a registered republican by the way. I always thought it was funny that such Blue states like NY and CT are sooooo blue until its time ot pick their Govoner.

    And I think what was good about Dawn 04 was that it was what it was. A good horror film. the reason Land was a misstep is because it wasnt trying to be a horror film. And GAR IS entitled to make his movies his own way, but we also have a right to say there crap when they are.

  4. #64
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I didnt find much "truth" to his film. Just ranting. While I dont like Bush myself at least officially (I think he would be a nice guy in person talking about sports or life etc) I dont think he is evil. He just does thing according to his values and his base values. My sister lives in Queens, shes a registered republican by the way. I always thought it was funny that such Blue states like NY and CT are sooooo blue until its time ot pick their Govoner.
    or a mayor. It is wierd, but I think people aren't as black and white as "they" would try to make us believe

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    And I think what was good about Dawn 04 was that it was what it was. A good horror film. the reason Land was a misstep is because it wasnt trying to be a horror film. And GAR IS entitled to make his movies his own way, but we also have a right to say there crap when they are.
    You're entitled to your opinion and to call it crap. And GAR saying a remake of hIS fim is not really his taste etc is also HIS right.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  5. #65
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    And I think what was good about Dawn 04 was that it was what it was. A good horror film. the reason Land was a misstep is because it wasnt trying to be a horror film. And GAR IS entitled to make his movies his own way, but we also have a right to say there crap when they are.
    You must surely realise the moment you describe "Land" as crap, any chance of your opinion being taken seriously is out the window. It shows your opinion can be so unfair that any information in your post is likely to be equality unfounded and unfair.

    "Land" was not a crap film. It wasn't great, and could (& should) have been far better, but it certainly was not crap. I can pick numerous flaws in the film, and it is most likely my least favourite of the films, but it does not mean it's crap.

    Similarly, I was frustrated to hell at times by "Dawn04". Does this make it a crap film? Of course not. It just makes it a film that was relatively well produced, not particularly well written (IMHO), but OK.

    Please learn to be less polarised or binary. There are shaded of grey...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  6. #66
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    WOW ... I bet you get beat up a lot don't you?? with an attitude like yours and the way you present your arguements .....
    Snore, useless ad hom nonsense. Proof of a lack of a real point.

    unless you only do this in like fashion on the web where no one can confront you face to face and make you back your words...
    you must have suffered a lot of pain at the response to your vocalization.
    WOW ... I bet you get beat up a lot don't you?? with an attitude like yours and the way you present your arguements .....
    Snore, useless ad hom nonsense. Proof of a lack of a real point.

    I find flaw in the mans work, I don't dis him on it, I deal with the flaws and look into the perfection of his craft, his editing,writing and belief in what he does.
    Unfortunatly saying he had a flaw in here is like opening up a hornets nest. All the anger and bizzarreness manifests itself. You get attacked from every direction from doezens of people who really have no point other than "how dare you critisize my idol!" Its almost like Kim Jong Il-ian Mind control.

    AND ...the fact he does it FOR the fans... not to make a buck like all these cheap ripoff artists who ride his shirt tails hoping to cash in on like minded but not as perfected films, with no merit but gore and lacking storylines ...again based loosely on Gerorges original concept back in 1968.
    I'd say theyre more based on Dawn rather than his original NOTLD since Night wasnt exactly fleshed out in what was happening. Dawn was much more fleshed out. And I am not so sure he does it for the fans. As you say. George is out to make money too, if he wasnt he wouldnt be taking 10 year breaks between films looking for investors, he would be out there with his camcorder and putting it on the web for free.

    The man genuinely loves what he does...not because it makes him millions , which ANYONE on this board can tell you ,is NOT the case in Georges career,
    but because he is loyal to those who watch his films and they are in turn , loyal to him.
    Well I am not so sure of th at either, he clearly wants to make money off of his films and his style, and I agree he loves his craft. Like all Directors seem to, otherwise they wouldnt be directing. Thats not the kind of job you just happen to fall into. Loyalty is something you will have to explain for me. I dont feel any particular sense of loyalty from him... I felt actually kind of betrayed with Land because it was so far away from the good quality films he usually does. I felt like he was tired of making good horror movies and now wanted to just yell at people about politics. Which i was sad about.

    I've met George myself and MANY, if not most of the people who have done films with him...
    and have the interviews & Pictures as anyone here who knows me will verify, and all say the same things, they all love him for his dedication to the art of film making and his loyalty to his fans.
    I am unsure of what this has to do with anything. I have seen and met him in person too. And while I was appreciative of his love of the work and his willingness to meet his fans, lets face it, if he was winning academies and living in a million dollar house you wouldnt be meeting him. And dont say he isnt rich because he doesnt want to be, he wants to be, he just cant get there because his concept of filmmaking is too old fashioned.

    I watched him over a 6 hour period talking to fans, one by one, and taking a minimum of 6 minutes with each person, for the entire time without a butt break or bathroom break, simply because his fans wanted to say hi....
    That is a man, not to mention a writer/director to be admired.
    I admire him for his work, lets face it, we wouldnt care about him at all if it wasnt for his work. I admire the ordinaryness of his films and the down to earth language they use. Not because he goes to Comic and Horror cons. Dont forget that many times he gets $$$ for attending these things.

    Due to his lack in arrogance and the humbleness of his actions on many occassions the man is stiffed, screwed over and manipulated by business associates,
    Well form what I understand and have read it was arrogance that made everyone avoid working with him. It has to be Georges way, or no way at all. This contributed to his 10 year filmless gaps.

    Khardis, stop being such a cynical, arrogant rude person and accept the man for what he is, a legendary film maker who set the rules in this genre and all others are simply followers and imitators, he paved the way.
    WOW this one says it all doesnt it? Stop thinking khardis! stop being a pisser, just accept that he is the best and all he does is brilliance! Dont use your own mind, join BORG... no thanks.

    Give him the credit where it's due, he's a generous, kindly old man who managed to create an imaginary world that has spawned such a following that sites such as HOPTD, and my DEAD-CENTRAL.COM, along with countless others have popped up to discuss his creations.
    I dont see what him being a kindly old man has to do with anything. And I do give him credit for helping to invent an awsome genre. I say helping to invent, because he didnt invent the idea of a viral outbreak, nor did he invent the idea of the flesheater aka Ghoul. But he DID put them together and give us one hell of a fright. For this I will always admire him. But that being said it doesnt mean he is beyong criticism or that he cant lay a few rotten eggs.

    And I dont recall GAR making either of those sites.

    Not to mention the inspiration he's been on some sites members, in becoming film makers themselves...
    This we can agree 100% on. I have read and re-read his script writing style and scripts again and again. GAR is 1 of the major reasons I went into Script writing myself and I want to make a film.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    You must surely realise the moment you describe "Land" as crap, any chance of your opinion being taken seriously is out the window. It shows your opinion can be so unfair that any information in your post is likely to be equality unfounded and unfair.

    "Land" was not a crap film. It wasn't great, and could (& should) have been far better, but it certainly was not crap. I can pick numerous flaws in the film, and it is most likely my least favourite of the films, but it does not mean it's crap.

    Similarly, I was frustrated to hell at times by "Dawn04". Does this make it a crap film? Of course not. It just makes it a film that was relatively well produced, not particularly well written (IMHO), but OK.

    Please learn to be less polarised or binary. There are shaded of grey...
    The thing is...I generally thought it was a crap film. The only reason I didnt walk out on it was because I felt that I owed it to George as a fan to stick it through and because Nicotero did a phenominal job with the prosthetics. Outside of that though I was truly thrown for a loop. And I would say the majority of the people round here call Dawn (a film with far less flaws than land) a lot worse things than crap.
    Last edited by Khardis; 28-Oct-2006 at 10:25 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  7. #67
    Just been bitten DeadCentral's Avatar

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    Khardis, your age is showing...25 and knows everything... funny boy...and I say boy in every sense of the word...whining because he didn't like the film, or because he doesn't like the points the users here are making...
    Thats evident in how you break down every little section and comment on it individually...
    what you didn't notice is ...I wrote my paragraphs on that last post with a seperate subtopic in each just to see if you were going to be so hell bent on making your points heard, that you'd break them down....and you did.
    Know-it-alls have a tendancy to point out each and every statement and comment on it...any credibility your rant may have had here in my eyes ...just blew out the window...
    as far as your comments on "no real point" ..oh but there point being, you talk big in a forum, but in real life you're probably not as verbal, and if you were that way in my group of friends you'd probably wind up laying face down in the dirt after a short time due to your "intellect". Having an opinion is fine, trying to force feed it to a group of individuals is another....

    An old proverb you should be privy too:

    Allow others to view you as quiet and stupid,
    or open mouth and remove all doubt.

    Sometimes dead is better....

  8. #68
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    I am unsure of what this has to do with anything. I have seen and met him in person too. And while I was appreciative of his love of the work and his willingness to meet his fans, lets face it, if he was winning academies and living in a million dollar house you wouldnt be meeting him.
    I dont know if thats true. Ball Players always go out and sign..
    For 20, 50, 100 bucks a pop. And they dont talk to you, usually. And he he was getting oscars, he would have more than just us slobs, he would have the nutjobs and the enquirer on his ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    And dont say he isnt rich because he doesnt want to be, he wants to be, he just cant get there because his concept of filmmaking is too old fashioned.
    Im sure he wants $$, who doesn't? He's just not willing to compromise his vision.
    Just because he goes to cons doesn't mean he has to be nice. He could be a total dick and still get asked to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Well form what I understand and have read it was arrogance that made everyone avoid working with him. It has to be Georges way, or no way at all. This contributed to his 10 year filmless gaps.
    I always heard the oppostie. Legions of actors, filmakers, crew who adore him and say lots of extremly nice and thourougly complementary things about him.
    I thinks he has a problem getting investors is because he's too unique and not too interested in tools like Tom Cruise. Just because he can't ape styles of others and do the latest fad doesn't make him "old Fashioned". And if Old fashioned means Depth and purposeful style, then bring it on.

    I have to point out the irony of you saying you can critique him in a hundred different ways (as is your perogative) but he can't make a mild comment or two about a remake of his OWN film classic?
    It's a Paradox. And A COntraiction (ah, the redundancy)
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  9. #69
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    okay, see remember the bitchin' i was talking about earlier in the thread see a good slice of the above.

  10. #70
    Dying Griff's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Yeah. It was pure class to call the film an action videogame. That wasnt arrogance of any kind.Stop being a fanboy.
    The DAWN remake is an action-orientated take on the genre with video game-like plot mechanics. The characters do not steer the story, as they do with the original, rather they perform largely task-based actions that are reactive to environmental situations they have little control over. Much like a video game.

    How is it then arrogant to recognize this contrast in approaches, to identify how fundamental it is to defining one film from the other and then to address this when your opinion is sought?

    I find your condemnation of Romero's innocuous comments unreasonable, indeed fanatical, in its level of fervour and blatant supposition. You portray yourself as being open-minded with a clarity of vision untainted by fanaticism yet you're clearly driven by obsession as much as anyone here. Quite arguably more so.

    Since you quite obviously enjoy the attention you receive here and evidently jump at any chance to make your opinions known, perhaps you could enlighten us as to what answer Romero could have possibly given to placate you.

    I suspect nothing short of branding himself a failure, a once-promising filmmaker that has fallen from grace, could satiate you. Sadly, I expect that the vindication (and, indeed, adulation) you so desperately crave will continue to elude you.
    "28 Days Later came out after we started (Dawn 04). Our zombies were running before we knew what their zombies were." - Zack Snyder, LIAR.

  11. #71
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    The thing is...I generally thought it was a crap film. The only reason I didnt walk out on it was because I felt that I owed it to George as a fan to stick it through and because Nicotero did a phenominal job with the prosthetics. Outside of that though I was truly thrown for a loop. And I would say the majority of the people round here call Dawn (a film with far less flaws than land) a lot worse things than crap.
    Anyone who describes Land or Dawn04 as "crap" is just plain daft. Maybe you didn't enjoy it... Maybe you thought the story was lacking... Maybe you thought the effects were poor... Maybe it wasn't what you were expecting... Maybe it simply just was not your cup of tea.

    The thing is, just because you do not enjoy a film, it should not make it "crap". To dismiss a film so nonchalantly shows a lack of a reasoned opinion... Or as I like to term it, a binary opinion.

    Thanks for letting me know me know that my assumption was founded... As such I won't be hitting my head against this brick wall anymore...
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  12. #72
    Just been bitten Brubaker's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Why is it horse testcles? Because you dont like it? Yes I have followed his career, from Night of the Flesheaters to Land of the Dead. I own nearly everything he has put out. And I have met him in person and have several autographs from him amoung other horror icons. Feel better now? now that you know we are on equal foooting knowledge wise we can skip my credentials yeah?

    I am unsure of what this has to do with anything. I have seen and met him in person too. And while I was appreciative of his love of the work and his willingness to meet his fans, lets face it, if he was winning academies and living in a million dollar house you wouldnt be meeting him. And dont say he isnt rich because he doesnt want to be, he wants to be, he just cant get there because his concept of filmmaking is too old fashioned.

    And I dont recall GAR making either of those sites.

    I've combined a few of your posts, since I saw a few things I wanted to respond to.

    So you have met Romero? How can you say such nasty things about a man who you've met and who you have received "several autographs" from? Whether he has been "successful" or not, in your eyes, he was nice enough to meet you and produce at least one autograph which you have in your collection. You've been running his name through the mud for five pages of this thread now, all because he gave an honest answer to a question about a remake. That is a disgrace. I'd have a very hard time facing the man again, at some convention or signing, if I ever slandered him to this degree on a board like you've been doing.

    As for your last thing, about the web sites, it was in response to and

    Those sites and these types of discussions would not exist without movies like Land of the Dead, Day of the Dead or any other movie of his you want to refer to as "crap".

    Do you mind if I ask you something?

    Do you think Zack Synder or James Gunn get worked up into a lather or hit the message boards because Romero may not like their movie? They actually worked on that remake and seemed to handle all of the criticism well. I bet they heard a ton of it and I don't recall hearing those two gripe about "fanboys" all that often.

    Why do you take it so personally? If anyone should, it would be guys like them who actually worked on Dawn 04. But I am sure they don't lose any sleep over what Romero or anyone else thinks, good or bad. The two of them wanted a project they could make a name for themselves on. In that respect, their version of Dawn was a success. They got what they wanted out of the film, a little career boost that might help them get some future work. Personally, I liked the film. It paled in comparison to the original but I think that is quite all right, since it was never meant to tie into that film or anything else of Romero's. I also liked Land. At least it inspired my user name here on the forums. Since you keep on saying it is boring and a good film to fall asleep to, though, you probably fell asleep before Brubaker made his brief appearance.

  13. #73
    Harvester Of Sorrow Deadman_Deluxe's Avatar

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    Five bucks says Khardis has never kissed a real girl

  14. #74
    Just been bitten DeadCentral's Avatar

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    Sometimes dead is better....

  15. #75
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    well, afraid i'm gonna have to take a dramatic, brave step here and talk about these two movies instead of khardis or whoever!

    personally, i felt they were both a little bit of a let down, and although i will be no doubt stoned at dawn for this, i enjoyed dawn 04 a little bit more ( i ashamed to say that if it makes anyone feel better!). although i did like land, i just wasn't what i'd been waiting for all these years, everyone talks about romero's style being indie, but i felt it was a bit mtv tbh, very flashy and loud and not as consistently atmospheric as the others. thought dawn 04 felt a lot more gritty & less frivolous on the whole, despite the flat characters and occasional stupidity (baby zombie etc).


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