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Thread: Preferred weapons for a Zombie Crisis

  1. #31
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    How about Water Balloons filled with piss?
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  2. #32
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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    Guess I'll go with that nifty sawed-down Winchester Josh Randall used in the Wanted Dead or Alive series.

    Probably not the best gun for the job, I think the shortned stock cuts down on the number of rounds the rifle holds but it looks pretty cool... until you get your guts torn out anyway.

  3. #33
    Banned User

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    Browning .410 over/under double barrel w/ 3 - 1/2" slugs.

  4. #34
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakobsa View Post
    Silk is like steel man. Historically it was used as light armor.

  5. #35
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    good question....

    I would take 3 weapons...

    1)M4 Carbine-- .223, standard 30 round mags-- ammo plentiful and decent range.

    2) pistol--- .45 ACP-- of course I am partial to my 14 round xd45, but anything with a high capacity 45--- ammo is plentiful, and has a good phisical the dead aint wearing body armor..

    3)aluminum baseball bat---or a machete... or a warhammer(like they are just lying around)..something unbreakable and nasty when swung in a high arc over your foe...

    yep, I am set-- well except for the warhammer....

    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    ok, for years i have had many half cut discussions with me crew about this one, and i believe i have refined the ultimate set up...

    * shark bite proof wetsuit (i've seen them, and they kick ass)

    * US football helmet

    * proper samurai sword (a long one)

    * knee high doctor martens

    * hammer

    that way you can chop off the heads, and if they make a dive for you, arms flailing, you can just lop off the arms, kick em back and decipitate...
    sort of Gay picture...

    but hey...I always say---"Wear what you dig...."

    Last edited by tju1973; 04-Jan-2007 at 02:04 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    War to the knife...the knife to the hilt.
    The end is f*cking nigh!!!

  6. #36

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yojimbo View Post
    I am newcomer to the forums, but have been a GAR ghoul/zombie fan since the 70's when I was a little kid.

    Though this topic may have been covered in previous threads (I did a preliminary search and did not spot any -- but apologize if I missed!) I am curious as to what the members choices would be in arming themselves to deal with a classic (GAR rules) zombie crisis.
    Here's what I settled on in the old forums --

    Here's my preferred loadout:

    M4A1 with attached underbarrel lightweight shotgun system
    SigPRO 2340 with 9mm and .357SIG barrels
    Remington Model 700 Titanium in .30-06
    .22LR conversion kit for M-4

    There you have it - carry 3 guns (total weight less than 20 pounds) and fire 7 cartridges (.22LR, 9mm, .40S&W, .357SIG, 5.56mm, 12 gauge, and .30-06).
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  7. #37
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Either a M-4 semiautomatic carbine with a Aimpoint red dot sight, Surefire tactical light and suppressor, or a full length AR-15 rifle with a Trijicon ACOG, Surefire tactical light and suppresor, and a 9mm semiautomatic such as the Sig Sauer P226 or Glock 19, also with a suppressor and Surefire.

    The M-4 would be lighter and more compact, especially for clearing buildings and moving in vehicles, and if I was stuck walking, and the Aimpoint makes sighting very fast.

    The full length AR-15 would be if I had the benefit of being able to stay in a vehicle or building and shoot, as the ACOG is a very good mid to long range sight, according to the reports I've heard form those who've bought or beenissued them in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Once the lights go out, I'll need to provide my own light, and buildings are likely to be dark inside, even during the day. See the zombie before it sees you.

    Suppressors would allow me to communicate with my team, if I had one, while shooting, without having to resort to yelling and hand singnals and hoping they hear/understand, plus they'd cut down on on other zombies or hostile humans being able to hear me, as suppressors cut down on the noise of a gunshot, so it doesn't travel as far, and it'd also change the noise, so it doesn't sound like a gunshot.

    Ammo, lots and lots of ammo-cases of ammo. 147 grain fodder for the pistols, as it's subsonic, probably standard 55 or 62 grain FMJ for the rifle, as subsonic loads for 5.56mm that will reliably cycle the action seem to be both uncommon and expensive.

    I'd probably improvise some armor if I thought it necessary-get one of those 55 gallon blue plastic barrels and cut it into arm and leg protectors, and add some Kevlar body armor and maybe a helmet do deal with those hostile humans that still exist.

    A IR laser and helmet mounted night vision goggles might make a good addition, especially to deal with hostile humans and zombies who don't know I'm there. Shoot them first.

    A tomahawk or a baseball bat with a timber spike nailed though it would be my melee weapon to be used in those rare cases I'd find melee combat necessary.

    I'd want a fortified location way from population centers, major roads, military installations, state/national forests and other places refugees would be likely to be. Probably a farmhouse.

    I'd probably resort to barbed wire strung on metal pickets hammered down to between ankle and knee height, so that any attacking hordes of biters or human raiders would be tripped up and find themselves tangled in the wire, breaking up their formations and slowing their advance, giving me warning and allowing me to deal with them piecemeal with a rifle.

  8. #38

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    Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.
    Although I think the 9mm Beretta is a ****ty weapon, it does have a magazine capacity of 15, which work just fine in ceasing brain activity.

    Owning an M-1 Garand, I know for a fact I wouldn't want to haul that heavy bastard around day after day. An M-16A2 or an M-4 and a Remington shotgun would suffice until I decided what further weapons would work best in the environment I planned to escape to.
    Last edited by jim102016; 06-Jan-2007 at 02:16 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  9. #39
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jim102016 View Post
    Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.
    Especially if the Ruger .22lr pistol has a built in sound suppressor with the same profile as the original heavy barrel model. So quiet all you hear is a snap, the scrape of metal as the bolt cycles a new round, and the .22lr empty case hitting the ground.

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  10. #40
    Being Attacked rawrOTD's Avatar

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    if you like picking out weapons for a zombie invasion go check out the zombie survival guide

    for close combat I'd take along a katana and a crowbar

    for a gun

    cival war musket!
    only kidding
    i dont know anything about guns
    maybe the M1 carbine
    just cos Max Brooks knows his stuff

    we should start a daily zombie role playing game on this forum
    it would totally up our nerdy fanboy street cred and we'd get to fight zombies, fortify the house, get supplies and live out the age old zombie survivalist day dream full of guns and baseball bats

    I already play a similar game based on my own town
    Artichoke Fondlers Anonymous !!!

    Death Count of friends playing Zombie DND: 8

    Eddy- Face accidently smashed with a hatchet by a fellow survivor, Invasion Day 4
    Jake- Shot in the back by the police as he robbed a Sports Authority, Invasion Day 1
    chris- bitten while defending home, shot by chester
    annie- wrists slashed by nader and eaten alive
    richard- torn to pieces after being pulled from atop his SUV by zombies, managed to shoot his gas tank in the process
    nader- killed by th explosion of richard's SUV
    carl- tortured to deah by nader (infighting got nasty)
    jake- shot by carl in the stomach

  11. #41
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jim102016 View Post
    Although probably difficult to put into a holster (and difficult to unholster), a .22 Ruger pistol with a long barrel would make a decent sidearm. The long barrel makes it easy to aim, and the ammunition is a joke. Small boxes contain hundreds of rounds, wouldn't take up much room in your bag as you were looting Wal-Mart’s sports section after things went to hell. Its availability and cheapness would allow one to easily stock up in advance.
    Although I think the 9mm Beretta is a ****ty weapon, it does have a magazine capacity of 15, which work just fine in ceasing brain activity.

    Owning an M-1 Garand, I know for a fact I wouldn't want to haul that heavy bastard around day after day. An M-16A2 or an M-4 and a Remington shotgun would suffice until I decided what further weapons would work best in the environment I planned to escape to.

    if we go by the "shoot them in the head" rules, almost anything with a high capacity would work-- although I would limi my smallest round to a .22Mag, and stay away from the 22short and 22LR.. .223 has decent range, and will go through most things human---and most body armor in the world won't stop it at short range. Sniper/deer/ battle rifles (M1 Garand) would be ok if there wasn't anything else available, but I would steer clear of them due to their weight and limited ammo capacity.

    In as much as I would avoid zombies where possible, and the fact you would never get rid of them all, I would want one main weapon, one pistol/backup, and one melee only. This would give you 3 levels of protection, and also allow you to expand your group to 3 armed individuals when you meet other freindly survivors.

    I treat surviving a zombie outbreak like any other end of the word scenario. Pack light and effeciently. Carry the most you can in the lightest load. Think utility and ease of use. Keep moving, unless you have a good thing (malls of Dawn78 and 04). Stay alert and stay alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by rawrOTD View Post
    if you like picking out weapons for a zombie invasion go check out the zombie survival guide

    for close combat I'd take along a katana and a crowbar

    for a gun

    cival war musket!
    only kidding
    i dont know anything about guns
    maybe the M1 carbine
    just cos Max Brooks knows his stuff

    we should start a daily zombie role playing game on this forum
    it would totally up our nerdy fanboy street cred and we'd get to fight zombies, fortify the house, get supplies and live out the age old zombie survivalist day dream full of guns and baseball bats

    I already play a similar game based on my own town

    it uses a weak, unpopular ammo. Stick to the easy to get stuff-- ie 9mm,308(7.62mm), .223 (5.56mm), .45ACP, maybe some 22LR(if you have to), 12ga, etc.

    M1 Carbine is a nice little weapon--albeit underpowered. It is hard to come by in relaton to most modern weapons, and the ammo is bunk...

    Last edited by tju1973; 07-Jan-2007 at 02:36 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    War to the knife...the knife to the hilt.
    The end is f*cking nigh!!!

  12. #42
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    guess my first line of defense (close in, at least) would be some sort of bladed or blunt weapon - like a sword (a katana preferably) or some sort of war hammer.
    i would use guns as a long range/last resort kind of thing to avoid the noise that goes along with guns.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  13. #43
    Fresh Meat

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    Rocket Launcher.


  14. #44
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Punishing Flatulence!

    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  15. #45
    Dead Craig's Avatar

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    For close combat I'd have a Lobo (read WWZ). For guns, maybe an M4A1 Assault rifle, and a sawn-off shotgun for tight spaces.


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