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Thread: Here we go again...

  1. #1
    Dying Dawg's Avatar

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    Here we go again...

    Now, instead of people yelling racism, they are on the other end of it, still beyond stupid.


    The Confederate States of America only existed for four years. You lost, get over it.

    On a side note, it is funny how many so-called 'Southeners' who hasn't even been down South, fail to realize that the confederate flag so commonly associated with the south was not the actual country flag, but the flag of the First Tennessee Army, also known as the Naval Jack because it was first used by the Confederate Navy.


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  2. #2
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    damn reading the comments on that are funny.

    "the south is americas only hope"

    "friggin northern hippies"

    "be proud of your beliefs, ignore what others say"

    the list goes on and on. I honestly dont get the whole deal, really but even over here we know that flags got negative connotaions to it, so what exaclty is the deal here, from both points of view?

    -note i am resisting to make a joke about southerners using the internet, and i can think up a good few beverly hillbilly ones, though i think that you'lll see a couple in this thread.

  3. #3
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    I don't really have a problem with the flag, it's just a flag and really doesn't represent all that people believe it to. The only question I have in this matter is wether or not the flag was banned in the school dress code. If the flag were banned in the dress code, then her violation of the dress code would warrant her being banned from the prom. If the flag was not banned in the dress code of the school then let her wear it, the dress she made didn't look skanky or slutty.

    If we live in fear that we may offend somebody then fear is all we will know as people are offended by almost everything now.

    Oh, for the record, I don't agree with those posts after the article, they get pretty ridiculous.
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  4. #4
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I just don't see how that many people could be so "Proud" of their heritage when their ancestors supported slavery. I mean, they've got to be the only americans to (indirect) celebrate the fact that they had slavery. That's wierd.

  5. #5
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  6. #6
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    I fail to understand why the Confederate flag is such a hot topic issue. Was there slaves in the South? Sure. But the slave trade was not a "Southern" creation. The United States government offical condoned slavery for decades. In the US Constitution, there are articles discussing what would happen if a slave ran off to a different State, and what would be legally done about it. This was put in the original Constitution, before the Bill of Rights. The founding fathers accepted slavery as a valid thing to be going on in the new "land of the free". People upset over the Confederate flag should be just as upset over the United States flag. Lincoln clearly stated he had no intentions of disrupting slavery in States where it already existed. He only "freed the slaves" after the Civil War dragged on for so long.

    The majority of Southerns were dirt poor. They were much worse off than the average Northerner. Only the rich elite were slave owners. The average Southern who joined the fight only did so because of a "patriotism of their State", not as a fanatic to keep slavery. Hundreds of thousands of men died in the conflict. I see the Confederate Flag as more of a tribute to the bravery of those in combat more than a symbol of slavery. Even the Confederate President himself, Jefferson Davis, authorized former slaves to join the army toward the end of the war, and many did join. I'm not saying they were promoted to officers or anything, but they wore the same uniform as the other soldiers.

    If this "symbol" of the flag irritates people so much, they should also call for a total re-write of the US Constitution, and a total change of the flag as well. Chuck D of Public Enemy wrote: "My blood's a flood without credit". The red in the US flag is supposed to be a tribute to the blood of our forefathers, our white ruling forefathers, not the enslaved Africans that lived here in our past. The US flag seems to be a symbol of injustice to African Americans, Native Americans, Japaneese interred to camps during WWII, and any other group that we have oppressed in our history, just as much as the Confederate flag is. There seems to me to be no consistency in the argument that the "Stars and Bars" is a symbol of badness, while the same is not attributed to the "Stars and Stripes".

  7. #7
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Ive got a confederate flag hung in my room,but for me its just the mark of a rebel & of course a homage to the goldarned dukes!yeeeehaw

  8. #8
    Dead Marie's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    Lincoln clearly stated he had no intentions of disrupting slavery in States where it already existed. He only "freed the slaves" after the Civil War dragged on for so long.
    And don't forget, he only freed the slaves in states he did not at that time control.



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