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Thread: UK FOLK! - against ID Cards?

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Perzactly, and also, Thatcher's cabinet started eating themselves up and it all started coming apart at the end of the 1980s when they kicked her out (if that hadn't happened, who knows, perhaps Saddam Hussein would have been ousted in the first Gulf War).

    What Thatcher had was determination and gumption, she got on with sh*t and didn't worry about what Tabloid readers would think, nor what Mondeo Man thought (or the Mondeo Man equivalent back in the 1980s ... Vauxhall Cavalier man?)

    Anyway, Blair is a limp dish cloth, Thatcher - figuratively speaking - had balls. And damn straight Andy, the British nation is far too obsessed with constantly looking back - yes we need to look back, but the amount of "ooh Thatcher" stuff that goes on is far beyond the necessary amount, it's gotten to the point where people forget about Blair & Co messing everything up - also, 'funny' that it's probably partly down to Blair & Co for continuing that trend. All he ever says is about what the previous government did wrong - WELL WHAT THE FUDGE HAVE HIS LOT DONE TO RECTIFY IT?!

    Labour are all about mud slinging, more than the average party should ever be entitled to (and currently is bothered with), Labour take it to a whole new level and just whinge about "the previous government" ... they weren't perfect by any means, but they got sh*t done regardless, at least before Major came along and bored the pants off everyone.

    People moan about Blair & Co, but if you want shot of it, you MUST vote for the only party capable of ousting them (and this is historically proven time and again throughout the 20th Century - two thirds of which Labour weren't in power for, I might add) - which party is that? The Conservative Party, the Libs haven't a hope in hell and haven't been in power for what, a friggin' century?! And they're anything but Liberal - if they truly were, the gay one would have been picked as leader, not one of the living dead...besides, the Liberals are a bunch of posers who haven't been charged with actually governing the country, so they just sit there and dream away in their fantasy "what if" world where everything works - well sorry, but tough sh*t has to be dealt with - and historically the Conservatives have been the only party to deal with said tough sh*t ... could you imagine a Labour government dealing with World War 2? ... nope, don't think so.

    Like I've said before, I'm not saying the Conservatives are amazing and spotless, they're not - but who the f*ck is - lesser of two evils as well as most effective of the bunch.

    Labour have had some good ideas, like the NHS ... but what did they do with that? F*cked it right up the backside, that's what - even that daft bint in charge of it said we're better off not going to hospital as we'll come out sicker than when we went in - Americans reading this, SHE REALLY DID SAY THAT - and I can believe it to, I've seen it happen, go in for a fall and come out dead after several infections, and it was heart breaking to see.

    Labour couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag filled with large, gaping holes looking out over golden fields of absolute power.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 12-Feb-2007 at 03:36 PM.


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