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Thread: Humans are causing global warming... 90% likely to be the case...

  1. #46
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    too many questions, id say all my beliefs are scientifically based so i just dont "get" religion, it boggles my mind ,no offence, i mean if it makes your life good, great life would be boring if we were all the same right?

  2. #47
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post

    What's interesting about this is I can guarentee "Joe Public" out there who don't think we are to blame, will not be swayed in the least by such articles...

    Personally I'm not sure myself.... So I remain on the fence to a certain degree... But I suspect we are in some shape or form to blame, and that we (humanity) could be absolutely f***ed in 50-100yrs... Note my last footer message!

    Well considering it has been single digit cold in Maryland USA the last two weeks it kind of throws the whole global warming thing out thw window, however, I agree there is some form of global warming and yes we are responsible.

    *We do not know everything there is to know about Mother Nature.
    *We continue to rely on fossil fuels which we know contribute to global warming.
    *When the USA enacted global warming measures for companies to follow during Clinton's presidency they were pulled back by the Bush administration, so if our own elected leaders don't give a f**k how do you think the american public is going to respond? "If they don't care why should we?" thats the thinking around these parts.
    *China, and the USA contribute the most pollution into the environment. I am not sure who is at the top of the list at the moment though.

    How do we stop it? Unless you change your ways you can't stop it, and to be honest based on the amount of damage already done... it will just have to run it's course.

    One of the biggest excuses to not do anything about global warming I keep hearing, and I am even guilty of saying it myself... "Thats 50-100 years from now. Hell I won't be alive." So if we continue to not care, then the subject is a moot point. It is a threat, but nothing can be done unless you change the habits of 6 Billion + people. However, they say all you have to do is start with one and it will spread from there.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  3. #48
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    How exactly do they propose to stop china pumping out the pollution though?they are a rapidly developing nation who arent going to just stop because we say they should.Sanctions and threats will only lead to war,and china,being a nuclear power,probably wouldnt just bite the pillow and take it...

  4. #49
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Well considering it has been single digit cold in Maryland USA the last two weeks it kind of throws the whole global warming thing out thw window, however, I agree there is some form of global warming and yes we are responsible.

    Global Warming doesnt mean hotter
    It means upredictable weather patterns

    If the earth gets slightly hotter, glaciers melt, ocean streams change, such as gulf stream, casuing more unpredictable and harsher weather.
    Thats it in a nutshell.
    It DOES NOT mean minnesota becomes Florida.
    Its basic chemistry. If you introduce, Co2, for example, into a formula where it exists in a smaller ratio, it changes the outcome. You add a ton of salt i a glass of milk it will taste awful. IF you introduce water into your gas tank, your car wont start.

    IF GOD is responsible for everything, he is responsible for 7/11 being out of Skittles and he is also responsible for someone treating their Girlfriend like crap and the fact that you took a dump 2 times today instead of 3 or whatever. Saying everthing is predetermined pretty much removes all responsibilty for anything and any quest for knowledge.
    Last edited by coma; 12-Feb-2007 at 06:12 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  5. #50
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Some extremely simple things that could be done that would change the world if everyone just did them:

    -Don't farking litter
    -Don't drive everywhere. You have legs. Metropolitan areas (usually) have extensive public transportation.
    -Don't waste paper. Less paper used = less tree's cut down.

  6. #51
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    *Don't waste in general.
    *Don't leave your TV on stand-by.
    *Get energy-saving light-bulbs, and only use them when necessary.
    *Only boil as much water as you need.
    *Buy a car with proper MPG - that's something America in particular needs to seriously work on (The Hummer - 1mpg when you press on?! Come on people!)
    *Whack up a SHEDLOAD of trees, there's a reason why Brazil is the "lungs of the world"...
    *Gimme that space age fuel cell technology already - never refuelling, only water comes out? SWEET!
    *Hurry up and invent that chemical that stops livestock from farting out insane amounts of methane into the atmosphere (see New Zealand etc)
    *Try and figure out how to seriously prevent and quickly put out forrest fires.

    Just some ideas...

  7. #52
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Funny thing about trees being the largest producer of oxygen...

    It's actually phitoplankton that give us much of our oxygen...around 80% while trees do about 20%. We need more oceans and phitoplankton..

    Yea, I agree hellsing, we each have our own beliefs, and we should try and respect em. I just like sticking up for mine now.

  8. #53
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by mista_mo View Post
    Funny thing about trees being the largest producer of oxygen...

    It's actually phitoplankton that give us much of our oxygen...around 80% while trees do about 20%. We need more oceans and phitoplankton..

    Yea, I agree hellsing, we each have our own beliefs, and we should try and respect em. I just like sticking up for mine now.
    Its not just about Oxygen production when it comes to tree life... its Carbon Fixation....where CO2 is converted into Organic trees and plants...otherwise all that CO2 is in the atmosphere....the diatoms may produce more oxygen....but global warming has never been about running out of oxygen

    But yeah the ocean....
    We are also experiencing increasing Dead Zones

    Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world's oceans, the observed incidences of which have been increasing since oceanographers began noting them in the 1970s. The term could as well apply to the identical phenomenon in large lakes. In March 2004, when the recently-established UN Environment Programme published its first Global Environment Outlook Year Book (GEO Year Book 2003) it reported 146 dead zones in the world oceans where marine life could not be supported due to depleted oxygen levels. Some of these were as small as a square kilometer, but the largest dead zone covered 70,000 square kilometers.
    Last edited by Terran; 12-Feb-2007 at 09:15 PM.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  9. #54
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    must...resist make....stephen king...joke....


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