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Thread: £100m Mosque to be built in UK..

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Like you said, the problem is the bad eggs of the bunch. Frankly, the good Muslim majority need to help themselves and get off their arse and very openly reject the bad eggs and explain to those not in the know, how their Islam is completely different to the psychotically-strict interpretation of the nutter bad eggs.

    As for a 70,000 occupancy Mosque ... any building (beyond the obvious, like a stadium or a concert hall) for that many people is just a bit un-necessary. What's wrong with normal Mosques, don't they have enough right now? When was there a sudden shortage of Mosques?

    Wasn't part of the fuss that the people behind this "super mosque" interpret Islam in the really strict way, incredibly literal - basically, the nasty Islam. I thought that was the fuss about it, that essentially it'd be run by a group affiliated with nutter views?

    I think it was you, Liam, who said about young Muslims seemingly beginning to lapse on their faith, and it reminded me of that E4 show "Skins", which was a Muslim in it obsessed with girls and weed.

    I just think all religion is dodgy, personally, but as long as it doesn't step on anyones toes and doesn't change other people's lives, then have a banana, it's when it gets in the way of things and gets taken on by that lunatic minority you'll always have in society.

    On another topic, I got really pissed off last night hearing about how the American gubment isn't funding Stem Cell Research, essentially because of the Christian right wing - now, politics and religion should never mix - what about people like me - athiests - I want Stem Cell research, it's going to advance the human race to potentially unbelievable lengths, we're talking somewhere between the wheel and sliced bread (*chuckles*) - my point being, that's a religion exerting power over everyone.

    Look, if you're Christian and you don't like Stem Cell research, well then fine, you can't have any of the cures it'll create (and a few cell divisions isn't life, even bacteria is "life", but does it have a consciousness?) ... but agnostics and athiests and others from different backgrounds that are up for it can enjoy the benefits.

    *rant over*

    Make what you will of my scatter-brained thoughts, I've just been watching The Zombie Dead and Zombie Lake laughing at the really blatant sex scenes, so I'm a little kooky.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    aye, but if all the nutters have a central meeting place, it makes them easier to monitor.

    totally agree about the stem cell thing what the hell are they thinking, throw some money at that stuff! we could all live without fear of disease if they could just get over this rumour of a creator...
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Somehow I doubt "they" could manage to monitor that massive place effectively, although I thought it was interesting that Mosques are being used (as recently seen) to spread anti-Western messages by scumbags like that wanker who interupted Reed (although Reed is a total wanker as well).

    But what I liked was that the Mosque heads removed themselves away from that message ... however, how can you miss some ranting lunatic preaching death to the infidels in your Mosque, especially a Mosque which isn't some massive 70,000 sitting (kneeling?) gaff.

    Then of course there's the whole bleeding heart liberal angle with those damn lawyers who just get in everybody's way at the wrong time.

    Fact is, Mosques are being used by some to spread anti-Western bullsh*t. The native Brits and the good majority chunk of the Muslim community need to band together to stop that sh*t and throw those assholes out, because the sh*t they're preaching only goes down like how they want in one place, and that isn't Britain.

    It really riles me, because if a million and a half Christians flocked to a Muslim-majority country and started demanding Western Law and all sorts of things, they'd be thrown out and wouldn't have the opportunity to even get as far as stating their claim.

    The folk giving all Muslims a bad name are the sort of assholes you'll find in any culture, people who just take, take, take and don't give anything. They want the best of both worlds, have their cake and eat it, burn the candle at both ends and every other phrase that sums up what they're doing in a succinct and catchy manner.

    And of course, Labours insistence on this bizarre thing called "multiculturalism" hasn't done a damn lick of good, it's just furthered segregation by trying to force the situation ... and I've gotten lazy, so I'll shut up now.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    On another topic, I got really pissed off last night hearing about how the American gubment isn't funding Stem Cell Research, essentially because of the Christian right wing - now, politics and religion should never mix - what about people like me - athiests - I want Stem Cell research, it's going to advance the human race to potentially unbelievable lengths, we're talking somewhere between the wheel and sliced bread (*chuckles*) - my point being, that's a religion exerting power over everyone.

    Look, if you're Christian and you don't like Stem Cell research, well then fine, you can't have any of the cures it'll create (and a few cell divisions isn't life, even bacteria is "life", but does it have a consciousness?) ... but agnostics and athiests and others from different backgrounds that are up for it can enjoy the benefits.

    *rant over*
    Yeah, it sucks. Christian fundamentalist fanatics dictate how we ALL should live. Many people just call tem "whackos". They have no idea of how crazy they sound.
    I like your plan, but if the gub does it anyway eventually I guarantee ALL of them will take advantage of the benefits, becasue they are full of s**t.
    How convienient
    I would like to systematically punch every one of them in the mouth.
    Them and their brothers the islamic fundamentalists. They are identical. They dont think so because they are blinded by Zealotry. You can choose death. I will choose life and progress. when The church controlled Europe, Life sucked. Like I tell Goths, if you lived then you wouldnt have been a king or whatever, You wouldve been crapping in the middle of the street dying from Black Plauge like 99.9% of the people.

    now my rants over.

    and somebody dont say christians this and that. I said fundamentalists.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

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  5. #20
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    aye but pubs' function rooms and football stadiums are used by neo nazis for similar reasons, should we shut down anfield and wetherspoon's?

    ... hmm, actually ...
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  6. #21
    Dying tju1973's Avatar

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    You got it!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    aye but pubs' function rooms and football stadiums are used by neo nazis for similar reasons, should we shut down anfield and wetherspoon's?

    ... hmm, actually ...
    I advocate the abolisment of Anfield...Old Trafford...White Hart lane..And the Emirates Stadium....

    Blue yesterday..Blue today...BLUE TOMORROW!!!

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  7. #22

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    The Mosque might be the first target of the disgruntled sports fans.
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 25-Feb-2007 at 08:08 AM.

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, yeah, cos football sucks and the hooligans are a bunch of inbred wankers that need not only neutering, but a considerable kick to the nuts as well.

    I think this "mega mosque" will cause more trouble in general, than any 'good' ... and besides, how many 70,000 occupancy Churches are there in the UK? There's no need for such concentrated religion, especially in this day and age.

    Coma - perzactly, if SCR went ahead, those opposing would damn sure get the benefits out of it once they are available. It's like the nutters behind the apparent "animal rights movement" here in the UK. These guys are like militant beanpoles, a bunch of scrawny, smelly people who don't understand that sometimes animal testing has to be done. I don't agree with testing for sh*t like lipstick (just don't put it in your friggin' eye, woman!), but for important medical advancements then if it isn't safe for human testing, how is it going to be tested? It's not nice I know, but more often than not things you don't like has to be done - at least for now, until an alternative is available. Anyway, the point being, I wonder how many products these so-called rights protesters have used, which have been tested on animals.

    It's like Green Peace protesting against oil being drilled, but getting out to the oil rig via a disel powered tanker ... then the fact they used to all drive around in the planet-killing Citroen 2CV.

    F*ck fundamentalists, f*ck them right in the butt!

    lol ... goths...

  9. #24
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    welll mz i do sorta agree with you, but every city in britain has at least one cathedral..
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  10. #25
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    Wonder what kind of ZONING they will have to go through to build that thing? What about ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES? Or similar building code issues? Here in the US the litigation costs alone could hold up a project like that for years...

    Beware the beast, man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.
    - 23rd Sacred Scroll, 6th verse

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But the Cathedrals are a central part of British society and have been for hundreds of years, like Mosques will be in Muslim countries - but could you imagine them putting up with a 70,000 occupancy Cathedral for Christians? (not that there are cathedrals that hold that many people!)

  12. #27
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    In the US they have megachurches that hold a couple or few thousand. They are huge. but 70k?? Too much! isnt that abou 25k more than the buggest football stadium?
    I think that Mosque is planning for a "utopian" Future for them and also making a statement that they want (and will) to dominate your society. And every other for that matter.

    Here we kinda have to pretend all is equal. But UK is for Brits. Why the Multiculti push. The only people who seem to agree with that are those who dont actually have to deal with it. ie:PC douchbags
    Last edited by coma; 25-Feb-2007 at 07:11 PM.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
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  13. #28
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    But the Cathedrals are a central part of British society and have been for hundreds of years, like Mosques will be in Muslim countries - but could you imagine them putting up with a 70,000 occupancy Cathedral for Christians? (not that there are cathedrals that hold that many people!)
    Like i said,the huge medieval monasterys like fountains abbey pictured here

    were symbols of religious rule in this country,when they were abolished,religion didnt have the grip over Britain in the way it did before (it was still important,but wasnt government) and since then there hasnt been any buildings on that scale built to represent christian/catholic religious rule.So why does there need to be mosques that dwarf even those monasteries on our soil?i see it as a symbol of what these imams keep preaching,that in the future britain will be under sharia law & everybody will be muslim,those who arent will be put to death as infidels give an inch and they take a mile,as always,i dont object to them having a mosque,but they should be made to compromise with something a fair bit smaller

  14. #29
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Well, I have a hard time belivieving that a 70k muslim mosque is ever going to get built, because that just sounds to grand. And even so, I'd have a hard time to say no. But hey, I guess that's a guilty fault of mine: PC tolerance...

    If I thought that the mosque would actually stand for something, I might have seen it differently. But I doubt they will ever, ever be able to fill a mosque that big... In Britain! I mean, are there even 70,000 devoted muslims in London?

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Apparently there are 1.5 million Muslims in the country, but how many of those are serious about it I have no idea - like, how is followed amongst the young? If it's anything like the character in the show "Skins", then they're not following it that closely at all.

    Basically, they can't have a hardcore or original Islam religion in this country, it's just not possible, at "best" (or furthest or whatever) it has to be a British interpretation (e.g. we get on with sh*t during this ramadan thing, no loud speakers yelling out prayers, no face covering, women are equal etc).

    But yeah, how would they fill a 70k occupancy Mosque when there's plenty of new Mosques dotted around the areas of concentration. Also, opposite a football stadium - that just invites trouble in a big way, what with the hooliganism problem in this country.

    This whole "mega mosque" thing can't possibly go ahead, it's just insane, the whole thing.

    But essentially, it shouldn't go ahead as - on the grand scheme of things - it'd be a very bad idea for the whole of British society and beyond for it to be built, plus it's completely pointless anyway. The bad eggs are trying to cause trouble and whip up hysteria - and thus far the hysteria part is in place.

    Like I said before, moderate Muslims need to come forth and show the country what the majority is like - or is supposed to be like anyway - and not let the crazy nutter minority take them over and us over - and showing that sends a worldwide message, this multicultural, airy-fairy politically correct Labour-peddled garbage has gone on long enough, let's get some common sense back in place, geez!


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