View Poll Results: Quake or UT?

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  • Unreal Tournement!

    9 45.00%
  • Quake!

    4 20.00%
  • What the hell are you on about?

    7 35.00%
  • Screw this im going on the sims..

    0 0%
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Thread: a question thats raged between gamers for years..

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Fook, ALL those levels are up and playable at undeadgames?!

    If so I'm going to have a zombie bashing sesh tomorrow big style!

  2. #17
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie
    Fook, ALL those levels are up and playable at undeadgames?!

    If so I'm going to have a zombie bashing sesh tomorrow big style!
    Yeah just look for the threads in completed maps.

    The Day map is called: INTrinDayV100

    The Shaun Map is called: INWinchester

    Dawn 2004: INDOTD2004

    *I just noticed that a new INDOTD2004Lite map is released that I'm going to try later. The first map lagged so this one sounds better. I can't tell you how awesome it was to turn around and see dozens of zombies running after you w/ the harder version of Down w/ the Sickness playing

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat

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    I haven't played an Unreal since Unreal 2.. but, the first two were so godawfully bad in multiplayer, that there's no one i think who will ever convince me that UT and company are good.

    Quake all the way for multiplayer.

    Though mostly all I play these days is Land of the Dead, since i'm developing a bunch of stuff for it it uses UT engine, but it's hardly at all comparable.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Frankly for deathmatch style play i more enjoy something with a atleast a marginal tactical element, not just "OMG i gutta get the R0Ck3tz0orvsyqbdybwid BBQ, N00B" . Runing around like an ADHD kid on three day crank binge with a MAC 10, does nothing for me. if i enjoyed mindlessly slaughtering the first thing i saw. whelp i do have an AR15 and a 3rd floor window with a great view.....

    Hence i stick to Halo2 and Battlefield2.

    Quake is the better of the two. but fankly the game speed and shoddy graphics (during high speed play) gives me a seizure.

    UT is ass. the engine is neat, but the game is just a waste, it's all about "look at our clever weapons, aren't they clever? yep clever weapons indeed..." than about a fun multiplayer experience.

  5. #20
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    well the original UT set the bar for pretty much every FPS game that followed it, both graphics and gameplay wise.. and UT2004 was one of the many games that halo ripped off

  6. #21
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    I just love the statement "ripped off" when applied to video games. it's one of the most mediocre responses available.

    Meh, UT2k-bluh bluh bluh, is still ass. i've played the PC version in one form or another 3-4 times and own the ps2 port. between all of those versions, the game is about as fun as an inoperable brain tumor.

    actually no, the tumor is better, atleast with it you get decent drugs and a quick ending.

  7. #22
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    yeah ripped off, you know when a developer too lazy to think of something original looks at another game and thinks, thats cool. i'll steal it

    you've only played the PC version 3-4 times and you've passed judgement, and the PS2 port is the original, 8 year old, UT, and did you completly miss what we were saying about how console FPS games suck in comparision to PC.

    says alot about you

  8. #23
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    but console FPSes DON'T suck compared to PC ones, so bleh to you.

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."

  9. #24
    Being Attacked EvilFlyingCow's Avatar

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    I prefer the Half-life / Battlefield series

  10. #25
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy
    yeah ripped off, you know when a developer too lazy to think of something original looks at another game and thinks, thats cool. i'll steal it

    you've only played the PC version 3-4 times and you've passed judgement, and the PS2 port is the original, 8 year old, UT, and did you completly miss what we were saying about how console FPS games suck in comparision to PC.

    says alot about you

    what elitist bull****e are you huffing this afternoon.

    right FPS games suck on anything other than PC (do you stroke yourself everytime you get to say that?) if they suck so absolutley much, why is there such and overwhelming console market for them? surely it's not because there is a sales base and market demand for FPS games on console system. No clearly because you so absoutely informed on this issue, it's because we "consolers" are dumb? and like to play games that suck.

    further the fact 9/10ths of the higher selling PC FPS games are always ported to console is just because the devlopers are, you know, being generous to us lowly consolers. they're allowing us the savor that magical thing that is the PC First Person Shooter.

    So for my determinations about UT, exactly how many times should i have played it? i think given the PC version 3-4 chances to "grab" me is ****ing gerenous considering the average gamer. and frankly if after 3-4 rounds i'm not intrested in the game, i don't think it's ever going to do it for me. But you might be right, clearly it's my lack of a discerning taste that has not "allowed" me to see that the game is singularly epic. and not the special olympics level frag fest i though it was.

    as for Halo, bieng devloped by people that are lazy, umm yeah where's your Unreal tournament movie? Where's the huge commited fan base to the series? has any UT variant made back it's entire devlopement cost on just in launch daysales? i'll bet no, yet miraculously Halo2 did. but again that ties into the fact we Console FPS players clearly don't know what we're missing.

    so keep , your arguement is ****-tasticular.

    Sorry but there are better FPS PC games to pine away for. **** even Tribes whihc is basicly unplayable was better than UT2k4

  11. #26
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    i didn't say console owers were dumb or anything like that.. another one of my points you seem to of misread. im quite a console player myself, i just happen to prefer PC games, especially when it comes to FPS games as i personally find them easier to control and play, they tend to be better supported (bug fixes and patches released all the time) although one could say this is happening with the latest generation of online consoles, PC games do have better communities and are usually more open to user modding and editing.

    as for the halo argument, ive had it many times with many fanboys.. and ive learnt.

    so whatever you say. you win the halo one

  12. #27
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    yes and no.

    your inital posts indicates that both Console FPS games are infieriour to PC games, and that this rule is law. i highly disagree with the point and initially chose to just ignore it, as a blatant generalization.

    as for PC vs Console. frankly i have up pc gaming around 2002-2003 because it's just not worth the cost or the effort. the "experience" of FPS gaming on a PC while more detailed doesn't account for the endless session of hacked servers, system upgrades , and delayed launch dates (when the **** is STALKER coming out?).

    not to say these problems do not occur on consoles. but i find with console gaming, the number of probelsm i have is greatly diminshed. allowing me to focus less on the "expereince" and more so on having fun.

    honestly, anyone how compares console games vs PC, is a ****tard from the onset because the two have very few similarities.

    as for the fan boy thing, not entirely. I'm down with the halo love, i freely admit that. but to arbitrarily dissmiss the game as "ripped off" is juvenile. 2/3rds of the video games we currently play are derivative of something that pre-dates it. it's a process more akin to evolution than it is "ripping off". more so if it were directly ripped off, i'm certain there would have been an infringement lawsuit occuring at some point.

    I'd argue my intrest in this series is less the fanatical commitment of someone with poor social skills. and more so i'm captivated by the fact they're telling a very intresting story. One that's intresting enough to make my finacee "force" me play the game over and over just so she can catch all of the plot points.

    You like UT2004 hey that's fine. whatever i think of it shouldn't depricate from your like of the series. it's not like your saying Medal of Honor was good or anything.

    live and let kill.

  13. #28
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    sounds like we both got hold of the wrong end of the stick then

    as for medal of honour..

    you ever play call of duty? thats how a WW2 FPS should be done

  14. #29
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    yeh MOH was krap.

    call of doodie, i'm hit and miss on. i loved the soviet portion of the game, but the rest of it was kind of ho hum. i have to admit thought i bought it waaaaaaaaay after the fact, and my expecetation was very high.

    if nothing else it was fun.

    Republic commando, i have to point out was just kick ass from start to finish. SW plot BS aside the game was just balls out fun. i think every squad based game should look at RC as the building blocks on "how to" make squad based shooters fun.

  15. #30
    Dead erisi236's Avatar

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    Call of Duty 2 on Xbox360 is pretty damn good

    "To further complicate, I will now state, that your convictions lack definition and form."


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