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Thread: I Am Zombie Man 2!!! - prepare your peepers...

  1. #61
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Christ, your power's out but you still hook yourself up with a working TV? ... Now that's classy-nice.

    Speaking of Zombie Man type stuff though, hehe, I'm lovin' that Magic Bullet software, everytime I watch Top Gear I just see all the Magic Bullet that they've added to their features ... god I'm such a nerd.

    Anyway, IAZM2 is gonna look nice a suave with a subtle layer of white diffusion over it (already put a pre-set of my own together a couple of weeks back and did a test on an MPEG render of the first 6 minutes and it even looked nice on that!)

  2. #62

  3. #63
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ahhh, finally started hammering away at the keyboard to write the script for the Audio Commentary (by Zombie Man), which will impart a lot of 'in-the-know' tips about being a zombie as well as updating you on his current situation. My second wind, as-it-were, is kicking in to finish off this DVD release.

  4. #64
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Christ, your power's out but you still hook yourself up with a working TV? ... Now that's classy-nice.
    Of course, what else am I gonna do with no power other than freeze? Tat's right, watch movies! Hell, even the cable was out, but I was still able to power the TV and DVD player along with the heaters & refrigerators.

    The neighbors must've though it was weird that there was no power, but the glow from my 50" LCD was shining through the windows....


  5. #65
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, the final push begins on IAZM2 to get the final version done and dusted, a copy sent out to Dj for the theatrical showing, and complete the DVD itself.

    It's been nice to have a bit of a break from it for the past couple of weeks, it lets me get fresh on it again, the finishing line is indeed in sight now.

  6. #66
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    You can partially blame me for the delay with IAZM2. Well, that and MZ's laziness... (j/k)

    I took entirely too long to get an 8 minute ambient track to MZ for inclusion on IAZM2 - life just got in the way for a few weeks (as well as snow storms, loss of electricity, insane construction going on at my house, etc).

    Sorry took so long, MZ - ya know how it goes.

    The good news is, I think the track has been finalized. I sent the latest version to MZ last night and got the 'thumbs up' for the mix so now it's just a matter of sendign him the high-quality version of the track via email for "final placement" in the film.

    w00t indeed.

    And on that note, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program...


    WARNING: Watching IAZM and/or IAZM2 could have serious side effects. These side effects include, but are not limited to: dizziness, vomiting, uncontrollable laughter, ingestion of massive amounts of coovan, zombification and desire to consume human flesh. The filmmakers and everyone associated with the film can not and will not be held responsible for your actions after viewing. Thank you, and have a nice day.

  7. #67
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    WARNING: Watching IAZM and/or IAZM2 could have serious side effects. These side effects include, but are not limited to: dizziness, vomiting, uncontrollable laughter, ingestion of massive amounts of coovan, zombification and desire to consume human flesh. The filmmakers and everyone associated with the film can not and will not be held responsible for your actions after viewing. Thank you, and have a nice day.
    Lovin' it.

    No problems Lou, you guys have been helping me out for free, I really appreciate it and it just makes IAZM2 sound so much better. I've pinpointed all the bits where I want to tweak and I have my checklist of things to do, so be patient with me, it's all coming along, these things always end up taking longer than you anticipate, especially when flitting between different projects like I'm doing at the moment.

    And as a final note, the continued support from everyone here at HPOTD is a real boost and is very appreciated.

  8. #68
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Lovin' it.
    That should become the disclaimer on the DVD.

  9. #69
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    You know, I was actually thinkin' of that.

    Great minds, eh?

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    WARNING: Watching IAZM and/or IAZM2 could have serious side effects. These side effects include, but are not limited to: dizziness, vomiting, uncontrollable laughter, ingestion of massive amounts of coovan, zombification and desire to consume human flesh.
    You forgot compulsive urge to use the words "s**ty bollocks".

  11. #71
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    You forgot compulsive urge to use the words "s**ty bollocks".
    YES!!! Capn' is correct! that has to be in there too.

    "Where in the sh*tty bollocks did he go?"

    So, the new disclaimer should be:

    WARNING: Watching I Am Zombie Man and/or I Am Zombie Man 2 could have serious side effects. These side effects include, but are not limited to: dizziness, vomiting, uncontrollable laughter, a compulsive urge to use the words "sh*tty bollocks", ingestion of massive amounts of coovan, zombification and desire to consume human flesh. The filmmakers and everyone associated with the film can not and will not be held responsible for your actions after viewing. Thank you, and have a nice day.

    Now, it just has to be displayed on the screen at the end of the movie and someone has to read it as fast as humanly possible - just like they do when they list side-effects of prescription drugs on tv commericals. They always hire some dude who can talk a million miles per hour (or kilometers per hour for you UK folks. )

    Last edited by LouCipherr; 08-Mar-2007 at 05:52 PM.

  12. #72
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hey! We're not a bunch of EU-slinging monkies here! We use MILES an hour as well! It makes sense!

    lol, I like the idea of the fast-talking. Sometimes it's just so mental, like on Bam's Unholy Union.

  13. #73
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Hey! We're not a bunch of EU-slinging monkies here! We use MILES an hour as well! It makes sense!
    One of the few things over here that DO make sense!

    I just didn't wanna leave anyone out.

  14. #74
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Well, the final push begins on IAZM2 to get the final version done and dusted, a copy sent out to Dj for the theatrical showing, and complete the DVD itself.

    It's been nice to have a bit of a break from it for the past couple of weeks, it lets me get fresh on it again, the finishing line is indeed in sight now.

    So how long will it be to we get to see IAZM2 in its finished state. You know so many of us have xzombie man avatars now it is getting hard to tell all of us apart. lol

  15. #75
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I foresee that I will deffo get the theatrical copy sent out to Dj in the next couple of weeks (which reminds me, Dj, if you read this, drop me an email or a PM explaining what exactly it is I have to do in Vegas to get the theatrical copy/render as you need it).

    Erm, anyway, a few short weeks and the DVD will be available, I've been busy lately so things get pushed back a little, but then again everything takes longer than you initially anticipate. But there isn't a great deal left to do, so it's coming rather month probably.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 10-Mar-2007 at 09:48 AM.


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