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Thread: Parking Tickets (UK only)...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Parking Tickets (UK only)...

    Is there a website or something where you can check up on the status of your parking ticket, like to find out if it's been paid yet or not?

    I got one t'other day, ARGH, and sent off the £15 'if you do it within 2 weeks' fee, and was wondering if there's a way I can see if it's been paid or not, like online?

    I included an SAE to be sent a receipt, but what happens if Royal Mail screw me over (no doubt in some sort of conspiracy between Royal Mail and the ticket facists) and it isn't delivered? How am I supposed to know?

    *fingers crossed that Royal Mail do their job right*

    Bloody parking ticket!

  2. #2
    Twitching Cykotic's Avatar

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    Well, did you hear about the guy who got a parking ticket, but didn't have to pay for it due to the fact that a ticket isn't legal until it has been placed on your windscreen. The guy drove off and as a result, didn't have to pay for it.

    just a thought

  3. #3
    Dead Yorkie's Avatar

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    Might be best to phone em, couldn't see anything online for you to use. Did you keep details of the ticket? If so give em a ring on Monday with the number they should be able to tell you, never had a parking ticket myself so don't really know what happens.

    I too always worry about stuff getting lost in the post, that's why I take copies of stuff etc just in case.

  4. #4
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Your ticket to ride ...

    They are sneaky reptiles arent they? My wife & I got to our car in metered lot spot 1 minute after the time was up . The pr!ck was writing the ticket as we walked up , she said:" You're kidding ! Please dont , we just got here !" Smugly the ticket boy said " Sorry , its been a minute , MAM ." (mam means b!tch) I told him that , " God sees the truth , but waits . Its a good thing you guys have police protection as 'Assaults on parking enfarcement personel will be prosecuted ' . " He was ice cold , and gave her the toilet-paper-ply sized $45 ticket . I told him to " Have a special day."
    If the parking enfarcement in the UK could make something convenient like finding out if your $ was received by setting up a website to check on it , I bet they would find something else more important to do with the $ . There should be a phone # on the back of the ticket to find out such an issue . But I am sure you checked that out .
    Oppression=money for the Big machine . I know its UK only , but I just wanted to share my story .
    Last edited by DVW5150; 01-Apr-2007 at 03:51 PM. Reason: no reason
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I didn't see a phone number on the ticket at all, you really would have thought there'd be a phone number on the damn thing, wouldn't you?! I'll just have to keep looking at my bank account details to see if a 15 quid amount is withdrawn...

    I don't trust Royal Mail, I just have fears it'll go unpaid and I won't know as there's seemingly no way to get in contact or find anything out, and then I'll have some bloody bailiff goon on my door demanding money even though I've damn well sent it off well in advance of the time.

    I'll check again, but I didn't see a phone number on the ticket for the life of me...*sigh*

    Only posted it off on Friday, so they won't get it till tomorrow/ which time it'll only be a week since I got the damn thing...just for 10 minutes...bastards!


    Found the company's website, but there's only details for Sales, so I might send an email there and ask how I'm supposed to contact about having a ticket, rather than about Sales...hmmm...hopefully it'll just go smoothly and the 15 quid will be taken and that'll be an end of it, I can't be doing with having a whole load of hassle, there's simply no need!

    *fingers crossed*
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 01-Apr-2007 at 06:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Waiting to find out ...

    Imagine this : If you get to the office to wait in line , you pay a meter to park your car , then get another ticket as the meter runs out , while you wait in line to find out if your other ticket was paid and so on and so on ... F@CKERS! Sorry your having trouble . Good luck .
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  7. #7
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I don't trust Royal Mail, I just have fears it'll go unpaid and I won't know as there's seemingly no way to get in contact or find anything out, and then I'll have some bloody bailiff goon on my door demanding money even though I've damn well sent it off well in advance of the time.
    Or they'll seize STALKER and your gaming rig,Noooooooooo

  8. #8
    Dead Yorkie's Avatar

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    Fingers and toes crossed for ya that everything goes okay, in future though a good tip is to take letter/parcel or whatever to the post office and get proof of posting so at least if there are any comebacks then you have something to show.

    Also always write on the cheque stub if you don't already what it was written for and the date if sending a cheque, I once paid £100 on my Visa but when the bill came no credit was on it but cos I had written on the stub which cheque it was they were able to find it and credit it to my account Told em that they should credit me more since all the worry, time and hassle involved but no chance.


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