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Thread: (a message from the void)

  1. #1
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    (a message from the void)


    Feels like I've been neglecting this place. But alas, real world dealings occupy time. In fact, most of my free time has been devoted to a different realm of art. But as promised, I will return to this particular corner of interest sooner than later. Now that Spring is upon us, I can must and will spearhead Deadscapes II. Shame to say, I haven't worked on it since the pre-winter shoot we did. But I feel a friendly sense of camaraderie with my fellow indies to shed a little different light on this overdone genre. Although I can't keep reveling in what CTD could've been (the 20+ minutes I show to some people inspire a myriad of emotions and reactions, the first being frustration). But I digress, this is not about burned bridges. I think this trip will end a little better. Here's why:

    • After amending and slightly rewriting the script, I plan to take II on full steam in the coming months, hopefully with a Halloween release. No more of this 3 months to write / shoot / edit / release bullsh it. This one gets the time it deserves.
    • I may (repeat, MAY) recut episode I for sh its and giggles. I feel I've improved in my editing in the past few years and may reshape what the first episode was. This is a maybe.
    • III is already brewing in my head. If I can get on a roll and keep things moving, this should follow II sooner than the sequel succeeded the first. At this point, if all ends well, I plan on releasing a relatively elaborate trilogy disc to serve as the epitaph of my venture in short filmdom. From that point, time will tell. If things prove successful, I have ideas for a full length and (sorry) it's not a zombie epic.

    Honestly, I feel at a tragic loss for what I've seen of indies and horror in the past few years, especially in the zombie genre. As everyone predicted, it's become a bit oversaturated. I had my chance to strike while the iron was hot, but instead I think I'll tolerate the wrinkles in my Dawn of the Dead shirt as I do this series and walk (shuffle) away from the whole thing.

    Peace, Love, and Headshots From 50 Feet,
    Sir Evil

    As an act of good faith, I've put something together as a small exclusive web-only treat ...

    Last edited by Cereval; 17-Apr-2007 at 08:29 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #2
    Thanx for the vid Sir Evil.

    As much as I dig your band I've been wondering when you was gonna plod on with Deadscapes II and I'm glad to hear you've made such extensive plans. I'm intrigued to hear about this 'professional' cut of the original Deadscapes and if it materialises I'll be happy to check it out again.

    A Deadscapes trilogy disc? Hell yeah!

  3. #3
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Thanx for the vid Sir Evil.

    As much as I dig your band I've been wondering when you was gonna plod on with Deadscapes II and I'm glad to hear you've made such extensive plans. I'm intrigued to hear about this 'professional' cut of the original Deadscapes and if it materialises I'll be happy to check it out again.

    A Deadscapes trilogy disc? Hell yeah!
    'Deadscapes I' was at the heels of the previous project, which spanned 2 and half years to no avail. I think this break from the craft has really made a difference and returning to music was just what I needed. Now I feel ready to attack both at the same time hoping that one of the two might eventually float me out of light-blue collar hell.

    As for that professional cut, I don't know how pro I can make it, but if it does happen I think there'll be some marked improvements over the original. I need to get back to my attention to detail that burnt out at some point earlier.

  4. #4
    I guess everything can be improved but I like the film the way it is to be honest. It's a monochromatic, claustrophobic pig-wrestle in blood with RV boy downing another brewski in mockery. Totally loved it!

    Just want to get my mitts on number two. The suspense is killing me man.

  5. #5
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    I guess everything can be improved but I like the film the way it is to be honest. It's a monochromatic, claustrophobic pig-wrestle in blood with RV boy downing another brewski in mockery. Totally loved it!

    Just want to get my mitts on number two. The suspense is killing me man.
    Like I said, it's a big maybe. I may just modify quality and technical aspects. I really like that description ! And I'm stoked that you enjoyed it.

    As for II, things are looking positive and I hope to top all aspects of what I did in the first one. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm working on stuff tonight actually, if I get to it I'll even be cutting some footage this evening.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Cereval View Post
    As for II, things are looking positive and I hope to top all aspects of what I did in the first one. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm working on stuff tonight actually, if I get to it I'll even be cutting some footage this evening.
    Top flight, I'm sure you'll top it and then some!

    So now that you've rewritten some of the story for DS2, what's the overall emphasis gonna be? Are you going to take a similar route like the first; all claustrophobic and gloomy, or are you going to take a more lighter, darker, action, gore, dialogue, story, atmospheric (or all of the above) path?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is what can we expect from DS2 this time around or is it too soon to tell?

  7. #7
    Dead Mutineer's Avatar

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    Let us hope when you get a singer it's not of the "GROWL" variety but a real one; the music is rad.

  8. #8
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Top flight, I'm sure you'll top it and then some!

    So now that you've rewritten some of the story for DS2, what's the overall emphasis gonna be? Are you going to take a similar route like the first; all claustrophobic and gloomy, or are you going to take a more lighter, darker, action, gore, dialogue, story, atmospheric (or all of the above) path?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is what can we expect from DS2 this time around or is it too soon to tell?
    Lighter? Yes, I'll actually have some humor in this one. Mild but very appropriate. I've seen too many genre films that get a little too wacky or try too much to pay homage to another such film. But in short, this one will have a few moments.

    Darker? Yes. I'll not only be focusing on the initial night when the dead rise with all the black apocalyptic visions this era brings. But one of our main characters is a psychopath and this story peeks into his brain amidst the horror that is the beginning of the end.

    Gore? The bloodletting was minimal in Part I. I didn't have the time or resources to pull out all the stops. You'll see a considerable more amount of carnage in this one - from vicious bites to gruesome shootings to unmerciful slayings to undead feasting! <sigh> ... good times ... good times ...

    Dialogue? Yes, roughly the same amount of banter as before. Only there will be several more characters in this one and the supporting cast will be plenty (not including zombies).

    Story? One aspect I feel I can somewhat be proud of in what I do is the storytelling. I rarely (if ever?) have seen a truly intriguing and creepy story that focuses the people and their actions in the undead landscape (or deadscape, if you will). Most work I see is a bad parody of something already done right or a left wing tribute to something else. I like plot. I like twists. I like turns (as in, turning into zombies). This statement of preference doesn't knock others, but points my aim at being set apart from others.

    Atmospheric? This'll be in my music and cinematography. I've got a particular style set out for this one. A little less claustrophobia and a little more atmosFEAR. The difference in this episode will hopefully be fairly obvious in the finished product.


    What to expect is another no-budget effort hoping to prove that story can save this craft without flash-in-the-pan gore or boring cliches. I'm a filmmaker first and zombie horror fan a close second. I have far too much respect for viewers than to show them dozens of things they've already seen in a lower-quality capacity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mutineer View Post
    Let us hope when you get a singer it's not of the "GROWL" variety but a real one; the music is rad.
    As auditions plod on, we emphasize to everyone that we're looking for a singer. As in a rock singer. As in we don't give a **** if you can scream in three different pitches ... this music needs singing! ... with an occasional growl of course.

  9. #9
    Thanks for the insight brother, you know I'm looking forward to this.


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