lol Coin, aye I know I'll be demo-less with memory cards, I'll pick up the demo vibe around about Xmas when I'll no doubt get the HDD, but for now I'm an ideal candidate for the Core version, it's in my price range, and I won't really need the Premium at all right now (hence getting the HDD later on, the glory of an upgradeable system).

It's shaping up that I'll be getting busier during the summer months, so saving a bit of money now is better for buying filmmaking equipment, which in turns helps my career as it *touches wood* begins to grow from now on...

Oh I've cranked the cogs in my noggin' over which Xbox to get, don't you guys worry. Besides, if I end up playing online, I'll have to rebuild my consoling skills having been away from the arena for quite some time, I've lost all my joypad handling ability that I had at uni ... gotta build up my m4d ski11z again, yo.