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Thread: For Tricky & Liam...(phrases from my uni days)...

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Talking For Tricky & Liam...(phrases from my uni days)...

    In another thread we talked about phrases such as 'blates', so here's a complete list of the phrases from my time at uni that me & the lads used:

    Ooh Betty / Ooh Betty done a **** / Ooh Betty done a whoopsie - panicked excitement

    B'ave - the original classic that started it all (behave)

    Easy now (rude boy) - "hello, how are you?" with knowing mockage of "wigger" culture

    Ahhhh maaaate / Mate! - aggravation/disbelief

    Ming-wah - the nickname for the oriental girl next door in the first year, no it's not racist, cos "ming-wah", was I'm f*cking sure what she said when she answered her mobile, we recorded a remix with one of us doing the voice, then played it to freak out people who were looking at our rooms during open days.

    Ya buddi / Ya Boodin / Sha Boodin / Sha / Boodin - mickey take of the greeting of one of our lesser-spotted housemates called James (who was on "Faking It" - the guy who faked becoming a graffiti artist ), the rest was drunken riffing

    Innit - knowing-wigga-culture-piss-take

    Rawhide (Raw-****ing-hide) - kinda like "really cool"

    Whatever Trevor (Wo'eva Trev'ah) - instead of "yeah whatever mate"

    Ahhhh nips! - similar to "ah mate"

    Easy - short for "easy now rude boy", ideal for saying as little as possible while barely moving your lips

    Yeh, duno - "I don't give a bollocks what you're on about, girl..."/similarly not-bothered-and-unknowing

    Hoof! - one housemate would cough just like this and it was f*cking hilarious, so we took the mick constantly...

    Schweet - like "sweet", but with that added "Schweppes" style coolness

    What's the dillio, yo? - "what's going on?"

    Yeh mate, nah mate, yeh mate YEH! - excited about something

    Done well my son - "congratulations"

    Reet bah? Yes bah - I went to Uni in Norwich, our res mate Adam is from there and that was what he said the locals talked like

    Woz-at!? - piss take of our house cleaner Jackie in the first year on campus, I believe it was when she found two of my res mates in the same bed and it gave her a shock

    You wot? - simply just "you what?"

    GRRRR I'm a zhom-bee!!! - my res mates were always fascinated with my love of zombie films, and that was their impression of a zombie and I f*cking loved it

    You ****ing minger! - "you idiot"

    Aye pal - "yes, my friend" (with a somewhat Scotch inflection)

    Oh God! Oh Jesus Christ! (In an Ewar Woowar stylee) - after watching The Wicker Man while half-baked, me and Adam laughed our sh*t out at that one.

    Ah sweet! - "ah cool!"

    Top banana - "really good"

    B'ave Dave - (extension of "b'ave")

    Fu fu fresh - Adam and Tom had decks and would often try their hands at mixing, so their hip-hoppage kinda infected our verbal culture...and it woke us up after their drunken nights out at 2am

    Chicahn - "chicken" in a stylised manner

    Yes mate, *hoof* - another mickey take of what Tom would say when agreeing, but then always follow up with a trademark cough

    It's a rum old job - Norwich saying, something like "that's a strange thing"

    That's a rummin - Norwich-lingo for "that's confusing"

    Is that you lumpin? - descending the stairs was always a loud ordeal and Tom was often very heavy-footed, so "lumping" is being heavy footed

    Reet / Reet-o - "alright"

    No diggity No doubt - "no doubt", but stylised

    Fah-kin 'ell John - stylised disbelief

    Actually that smells ****ing nice! - another Tom saying when he'd be offended by the smell of cooking at first, but as soon as the food was out he'd change his mind

    What's go-an on? - stylised "what is going on?"

    Cheeky chappy! - the nickname we gave to the boyfriend of a friend of one of our friends who had the cheekiest chappiest face in photos, he was a proper good bloke though

    Diddly - iddly - fiddly - Flanderisms, related to something technological

    To be fair - used when conceding a point

    No but seriously - another Tom saying that was used a hell of a lot by him, he'd often go for many-a-word without actually saying anything but empty statements like that when trying to make a point

    Dirty Berty / Dirt Bar Dave - nicknames for Adam's mate Thurston who was a really grubby sort, would come in and 5 minutes later the place would look like a bomb had hit it, he also had a penchant for "dirt bar" - i.e. the cheap and sh*tty drug of choice for rural teens in their Sixth Form days

    Chaff - take/steal/rob

    She'd get it! (other person then says - Twice) - lads agreeing that they'd both shag some fitty (usually on TV or a film ... or in the street )

    *OTT deaf voice that bears barely any resemblance to an actual deaf voice* REALLY!? - no disrespect to the deaf at all meant, but one night when Adam and I were watching TV at about 3am there was some deaf teen drama on TV and suddenly someone said that and, hell-damn-us-possibly, we just burst out laughing for some reason, it was so outta left field, it was just the delivery more than anything

    Flid - similar to the term "mong", aimed at someone who's done something stupid

    OH YEH! (Duffman stylee) - nuff said, Simpsons ref

    n00b / noobery - nuff said, the action of doing something a n00b would do

    Savvy - "cool"

    Sweet as a nut mate - "really cool"

    You ****ing fanny! - "you idiot"

    Shady - "dodgy"

    Blimey grimey - expression of minor disbelief

    Scoh-tesh! - my res mates would do their impression of a Scottish person and it really amused me so I did it too...(I'm Scottish, for those not in the know ... minus the cool accent )

    For real dawg, woof! - knowing piss-take of wiggah culture again

    Hoo-hah - just a weird saying for "stuff"

    Tasty - "nice"

    BITCH! (emphasis on "Bi" part, popping your lips out) - emasculation intended term levelled at anyone and everyone at a time of pwnage - pool, Halo.

    Poobs - "pubes", but in a Norwich accent

    Choad - a cock that's wider than it is long/insult slung at anyone and everything

    Proper - very agreeable

    You'll be well happy, but it tastes like **** - what Tom said about cocaine was the funniest thing I'd heard that week

    That is leet (L337) - "that is cool"/knowing piss take of nerd culture

    You say that, but you're wrong - I said that once and it caught on

    Midgetting / Midgetting about - bizarre term for someone doing something/anything

    Big old gash - Shaun of the Dead reference (levelled at, well ... *ahem* ... a lady's bits & pieces)

    Rinsed - "owned"/"used or done quickly"

    Ya-ha! - James mickey-taking again

    That is some crazy **** - used when genuinely not knowing how something came about

    Wicked - nuff said

    You big ****ing gheay! - bloke-ish ribbing, but with fond affection, and not a single thought of homosexuals in your head (see the "gay" term use thread from a while back)

    Choco-cock - random insult (nout to do with gayness)

    Poo sex - "anal sex"

    Did not know - nuff said, but over-used

    Wickety Wack - "that's crazy/wack"

    Hooge - "huge", in a Norwich accent

    Unlucky Chucky/Kentucky - "unlucky"

    Aye aye piggy pie - "oh yeah?"

    Easy bruv - "steady on, brother"

    Bruvnah - "brother"

    Blood - knowing piss take of wiggah culture again, the "oo" becomes "uh" when spoken

    Buggernaut - our nickname for "Juggernaut" on Halo 2 multiplayer

    Halo? - yelled through the house many a time to gather us all for some Halo

    Blates - "blatantly"

    Noobington - someone who is a n00b/done something n00bish

    Poo unit - airborne fart gas/piss take of "G-Unit"

    Pooper - the "er" with an "ah" inflection, "asshole"

    Assh and Tittiesh - "ass & titties", stylised

    Whatchu chattin' about (chat boy) - "what are you talking about?"

    Yah blates would - "you blatantly would", saying to your mate that he would definitely shag that person

    Trust - "trust me"

    Cool beans - "cool"

    Fassy - "arse" (& Fassy-Hole) "okay, off the fassy again"

    Correct boy wonder - "you are right"

    Lads (emphasis on the "L") - rolls off the tongue, Brit for "dudes"

    Gutted out - at someone who is disappointed

    Noooooo (hushed tone) - gossipy inflection, "no"

    Easy on - "steady on"/"calm down"

    Intut - knowing piss take of "innit"

    Wha-gwan - heavily stylised, "what is going on?"

    F*ck up - "shut up"/"idiot"

    You gheay bear - blokey ribbing - the image of a bear would fill your mind though, said with a silly voice

    Jiminy-Jesus - when expressing shock

    You're talking **** Gervais - reference to "Animals" (stand up) by Ricky Gervais, used when you don't believe what someone says

    Trishaw! - taking the piss of the chat show

    Ooh-arr? - "oh yeah?"

    Doublay killage - when you kill two people in one go on Halo

    Two thumbs fresh - "really good"

    Intraweb - "internet"

    Jabbering (on about) - like Mr. T

    Noobery - the action of being a n00b

    Hob-nob-viously - "obviously", but as if the famous biscuit was merged with it

    I took a couple out as I thought they'd be really offensive to folk not 'in' on our little circle, you know in-jokes, and they'd require too much contextualising.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 04-May-2007 at 07:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Legend MZ,il try and compose a list of some of mine that ive used over the years!i find the best ones come from the teesside area,but the local dialect round here,plus the words we've made up ourselves,are pretty good as well


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