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Thread: post-apocalyptic govt...

  1. #151
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ov3rlord View Post
    First point to you sir
    Scip is just mad because he isn't as smart as he pretends to be, he stalks me through many threads and always feels he must ankle bite me. A minor nuisance really. As per his character, well he is the kind of guy who has a thread he starts closed because no one agrees with his infantile logic.

  2. #152
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    My family will be y 1 liability.
    Is that English or Spanish or both?

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    And most of my tactics would be equally covert.
    As covert as posting your survival strategy on a public message board?

    I wonder how long until your family realizes that you're the liability.

  3. #153
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Scip is just mad because he isn't as smart as he pretends to be, he stalks me through many threads and always feels he must ankle bite me. A minor nuisance really. As per his character, well he is the kind of guy who has a thread he starts closed because no one agrees with his infantile logic.
    i think you have finally lost all contact with reality. mmm, funny how i am stalking you when you are posting over and over again in threads i've started. you are even using the short version of my screen name, is this yet another sign of your longing and affection?

    like i've said before, i think you harbor a secret love for me. that is why you consistently jump at every word i post on here. sorry to disappoint but you just aren't my type. i prefer actual human beings.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  4. #154
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Only a fool would attack head on a fortress with only a few in his army and many in your enemies armies. As someone who will avoid civilization and destroy it if needed to get what we need, i would of course use Subterfuge, Chaos, Guerilla and covert tactics. You wouldn't even know why your gates are being damage at night or why your barns are burning or how come everyone is dying from poisoned water.
    Excellent point, Khard. We would have to have at least one (or more) members of the enclave who would be willing to "live outside" the walls and aggressively patrol the area to protect against such vandalism. A Carlos Hathcock type.

    "Sniper -- Training and Employment" would also be required reading in our public school.

    As long as everyone isn't sitting on their porches passively discussing last nights damage.

    Scipio: Damn shame about farmer Johnson's barn last night, weren't it?

    Stray: A'yup.

    Publius: Looks like it might rain later.

    Wooley: A'yup.


  5. #155
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DubiousComforts View Post
    Is that English or Spanish or both?

    As covert as posting your survival strategy on a public message board?

    I wonder how long until your family realizes that you're the liability.
    Yes because in the event of a zombie plague going down, you will be hanging out on a zombie film web forum. Well then again... you probably would.

    Quote Originally Posted by strayrider View Post
    Excellent point, Khard. We would have to have at least one (or more) members of the enclave who would be willing to "live outside" the walls and aggressively patrol the area to protect against such vandalism. A Carlos Hathcock type.

    "Sniper -- Training and Employment" would also be required reading in our public school.

    As long as everyone isn't sitting on their porches passively discussing last nights damage.

    Scipio: Damn shame about farmer Johnson's barn last night, weren't it?

    Stray: A'yup.

    Publius: Looks like it might rain later.

    Wooley: A'yup.

    So when you establish this Fascist utopia you actually expect people to obey you?
    Last edited by Khardis; 22-Aug-2008 at 10:52 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  6. #156
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    I doubt anyone would have any of these sniper-equipped, exploding-food-having, Thunderball-style hideouts. There simply wouldn't be enough people.

    You're only going to find 5 or 6 people in any one area. Then another 5 or 6 a hundred miles away, and so on. You're not going to have hundreds of people around you to establish a real "community".

  7. #157

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post
    I would love to see anyone of you assholes try to form a post-apocalyptic government. I think I already know what the outcome would be!

    A few of you on here walk around like you're hot sh|t, like Ben or Rhodes or something. I would love to see what happens the first time you barked an order at somebody.
    What do you know about giving and taking orders, soldier? I see your point, but you're not in the barracks or the NCO Club here. Clean it up and put your comments into a more productive form.

  8. #158
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    So when you establish this Fascist utopia you actually expect people to obey you?
    Of course, because they will be "obeying" their own will and need to survive and be governed.

    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    I doubt anyone would have any of these sniper-equipped, exploding-food-having, Thunderball-style hideouts. There simply wouldn't be enough people.

    You're only going to find 5 or 6 people in any one area. Then another 5 or 6 a hundred miles away, and so on. You're not going to have hundreds of people around you to establish a real "community".
    Using Fiddlers Green as an example, there would be hundreds of people available to populate the community. Unlike FG, however, our enclave would operate more like Boulder from The Stand.

    You feel me?


  9. #159
    Dying Wooley's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    3. Groups and individuals that perceive things in their area as "theirs" (the Flyboy mentality), and don't want to hear about the rest of the human race. As long as they have enough, everyone else can find their own supplies. Example is Wooley.

    And across the board, no matter what camp or how they preach "morality", every one of these groups will simply shoot dissenters in the back of the head. Example of this is Dillinger.

    And these people can not "just get along". There will be nothing but open warfare until only one group remains alive.

    Incorrect. I've said what is mine is mine and I will be the one to decide what if any charity I am going to give, because I cannot help everyone. I've preached that everyone should prepare their own lifeboat in case of emergency, not just zombies, but the much more real threat of nuclear war, economic downturn, pandemic, etc. But, like Cassandra of old, myself and the others who practice preparedness see nothing but blind eyes turned towards us, with comments like "It'll never happen here", or "The government will take care of us", or any number of excuses.

    Then, the situation happens, and it's too late for people to stock their own lifeboats. Happens every year in hurricane country, the shelves empty of bottled water, plywood, etc.

    I can not and certainly should not be expected to prep for others who had both time and opportunity to do the same and chose otherwise.

    But I realize those fools won't want to here that, and I do lack certain skill sets, materials, etc, so, let's make a deal. I pay you X amount of food, for Y skill, or Z materials. They can take it or leave it, but they get nothing for free. Welfare died with the current society. I'd probably throw in lessons in a skill or some knowledge I have but for whatever reason can't make the best use of, such as my info on how to make chloroform, a old anesthetic, or how to grow penicillin. How valuable could such info be to a small town hospital?
    Or how to build a water powered grain mill, and make grain milling stones?

    I've never said I don't care about the rest of the human race, just that it'd be mutual suicide to try to feed them all, and I won't do that to myself. I'll help who I can, when I can, on my terms. Sucks to be you if you don't like them, should have bought rice and beans when you could.

    And I never said I'd win every gunfight with raiders, just that I'm likely to make any victory a Pyhrric one. Just because knowledge of rogue science is lacking in todays society among the brain dead majority does not mean that the knowledge to create explosives, incendiaries, poisons, and heavy weapons from easily available, non regulated sources is Hollywood fiction.

    And you don't know me from Elvis, so HTF do you come off saying I'll simply slot anyone who disagrees with me? You don't, you're talking out your butt.

    As far open warfare until the last man is left standing, such happens when the other groups are going to drag you into the cold dark depths. There wouldn't be a problem if Ned and Khardis and Dillinger had their own lifeboats, but they don't, the ship has sunk and they're trying to pull mine down into the cold dark depths, so I swing the oar at their heads until the ocean is still except for me. The same action that made them try to get into mine despite the fact it won't carry two much less four is the same that made me swing that oar. I get to live with that afterwards, but dying with them would have served no purpose.

    I have read and own Alas Babylon and Lucifer's Hammer, which is also a good read and goes with what we've talked about, and it jives with the Saxon article on emergency governments. A permanent, and immediate anarchy is simply not going to happen. Those who act otherwise will pay for their actions, either during the emergency or after.

  10. #160

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    Sorry, double post. Please delete.
    Last edited by Wyldwraith; 26-Aug-2008 at 04:14 AM.

  11. #161
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Approaching this from another angle, what sort of people would you be looking to hook up with, what sort of folks would you trust to help you and your loved ones? The preparedness types who will share if they can or if you can offer something in return, or the new barbarians, marching from safe house to safe house, murdering and burning everything in their path until there is nothing left for anybody?
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  12. #162

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    There's one problem with drawing from those 2 sources. None of the currently conceptualized disasters are self-renewing. Yes, some catastrophes have EXTREMELY long durations; nuclear winter and the secondary effects from an asteroid just shy of a total planet-killer impacting for example. Yet even in both those cases the disaster has a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end, even if that end won't be for a great many human generations. That provides an opportunity for the intelligent and thoughtful to prepare a sort of Ark contingency community and wait it out in their self-sustaining enclave until the planet regenerates itself in some distant future.

    Here's a problem though. What if the zombies *never* completely go away? Check out Monster Island/Nation/Planet for examples of how this could happen. If the cause of reanimation is permanent then so long as humanity endures the problem of coping with the living dead will endure.

    I think that requires a mode of thought completely different than simple disaster-preparedness or self-sufficiency as they are currently defined, or even a radical overhaul of concepts like community and governing can deliver. Death being final has been one of the few true constants in the human condition. At several points in our history the light of civilization flickered and almost went out in many areas simply due to the secondary effects of having more dead bodies around than there were people to dispose of them. (An oversimplification I know, bear with me please) Over time our communities learned to deal with the loss of knowledge and contributions that come with the unexpected passing of a large percentage of the population. We haven't always coped with it well, but we survived. What we're talking about here though is Death becoming more than simple attrition. We're talking about Death becoming the direct and immediate trigger for predation events leading to more death. I think that unless humanity can adapt to that everything else is just lacquering the coffin to bury our species in.

    Wooley, I totally get what you're saying by the way. I live in Florida. A "simple" Tropical Storm, something that barely even catches the rest of the country's attention just displaced FIFTY THOUSAND people, rendering over 15,000 homes permanently unfit for human habitation. I see the desperation that mocks the snide sociopathic bragging of Khardis and his ilk every other year it seems like. I also see how in spite of all the commentary about how man is his own worst enemy that in the immediate aftermath of the hurricanes the thing that stands out the most is how many more lives are saved by regular people than by any government agency.

    Compassion isn't so easily discarded as some seem to think. It's harder to paddle past a 69yr old woman with a compound fracture who's clinging to her crumbling porch as the flood waters continue to pull it out from under her than even the hardest-hearted might think.

    At the same time though we DO have the drive to save ourselves. So I don't really know what to think anymore. I've seen what I've seen, and I know what I know, but those things don't all easily reconcile themselves in my mind whenever I consider a catastrophe that threatens extinction.


  13. #163
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Approaching this from another angle, what sort of people would you be looking to hook up with
    The non-existent kind. People are bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213
    what sort of folks would you trust to help you and your loved ones?
    Please tell me you didn't just say "trust" in this situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213
    The preparedness types who will share if they can or if you can offer something in return
    Why hell no. They can find slaves to work their plantation someplace else. WTF do I need them for? Everyone's DEAD; I can pick damn near anything up off the abandoned streets. Who's there to stop me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213
    or the new barbarians, marching from safe house to safe house, murdering and burning everything in their path until there is nothing left for anybody?
    They can do whatever they want. I'm not a "safe-house", so they aren't targeting me. And as long as they never figure out that things are free for the taking, and keep trying to fight some bomb-shelter type for things they could get anywhere, they'll never notice me.

  14. #164
    Rising Bub666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    what sort of folks would you trust to help you and your loved ones?
    You can never fully trust anyone in this kind of situation.

  15. #165

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    Know this is sort of parochial,
    I'd be looking for people much like myself. Ones I could tell hadn't lost it (and yes, you spend more than twenty minutes talking to someone and there are signs that something is off with them, even if you can't put your finger on what it is), that aren't tied to some goal that's counter-productive to my generalized goal of survival (A good example of this would be Kenneth from Dawn '04. That cop had a lot to offer a group of survivors, but if he hadn't been absolutely forced into the pinned down position the Mall became his fixation on "somehow" getting past a million zombies to find his brother, in a fort he KNEW had been overrun would have led him to abandon them in a heartbeat.), and someone that has made the choice to fight back instead of giving up. Give me those qualities and I can work with any other difficulties that might arise.

    I'm a big believer in the notion that trying to go it alone will get you killed. Sure, taking a chance on some stranger(s) you meet MAY get you killed, but alone I'm sure that sooner or later I'll slip up. I won't notice a crawler before its teeth find my leg, or the shelter I select to rest in will be breached while I'm asleep, or I'll simply encounter an obstacle during a life or death scenario that I can't overcome by myself. (Like running into an alley that turns out to be a dead end, the only possible escape being the fire escape nine feet off the ground.)

    Then there's simple basic things like two heads being better than one, or having the chance at least that whoever I'm with might help me if I'm injured/get sick.

    Yea, I'll use the word trust in a situation like this. Mine wouldn't be easy to earn, but those who had could count on me for everything short of sticking with them if they were infected. It's a pretty simple yet profound truth our ancestors learned. Loyalty to the tribe will get you a lot further than "Everything is for me, I do nothing that doesn't directly benefit me"

    I would rather meet a 35yr old former housewife with few practical skills who had the mental and emotional qualities I just described than an unstable egomaniac of a Green Beret. The special forces guy might keep me alive for a few days, but I'm looking for more than to become a follower of a Neo-Rhodes. Skills can be learned, supplies can be acquired, but a person either has a personality and values compatible with your own or they don't.

    How do the rest of you feel? Would you rather bump into a Khardis-like super-survivalist, or someone you could honestly come to trust with your life that doesn't have any of those desirable skills at the apocalypse's start?


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