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Thread: So I let my son watch the original Nightmare on Elm Street

  1. #166
    Dying fulci fan's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Not just him.

    Seriously, Fulci is an extremely overrated hack. His movies have no meaningful plot or story because they are hacked together using actors who can't speak the others language and everything has to be re-dubbed in post production.

    FYI this is more to life and movies than just gore. Hence why I keep the gore at a minimum in my flicks. My name is not Romero, and it sure as hell aint Savini. out of respect i keep it toned down, plus for indie films less is more.
    That is your opinion. I don't watch Fulci's films for the gore anymore. I watch his films because in my opinion, he made the best movies ever and I love everything they have to offer. A lot of people hate his films because they don't make sense. They make perfect sense to me. If you think his films are all about the gore, then maybe you should read a book about him or something.

    I can see why you don't like his movies, though. I actually did not like most of his movies the first time I saw them. It took at least 5 viewings of The Beyond and House By The Cemetery to love them.

    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Are you sure that's not his point? Fulci's I mean. Perhaps they're like Dead/Alive and Bad Taste - so piss poor you can't help but watch over and over again - sort of like a bus wreck on the side of the road.
    His films are way more serious than Bad Taste and Dead Alive. I am surprised you don't enjoy his movies for the music alone.
    Last edited by fulci fan; 14-Jun-2010 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #167
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    Are you sure that's not his point? Fulci's I mean. Perhaps they're like Dead/Alive and Bad Taste - so piss poor you can't help but watch over and over again - sort of like a bus wreck on the side of the road.
    Actually the Cinematography in ZOMBI was nice stuff, and it was done in 2.35:1 and had a small budget like DAWN of the DEAD (1978)

    It is just a shitty movie, like everything with his name on it. A chore to sit through. Plus he is a real SOB to work for from what I read about him.

    He takes no input, suggestions, nothing he just makes this movie and doesn't care about quality.

    Sorry but I prefer my films to have something that catches me and keeps me engulfed throughout the process... something even Romero failed to accomplish recently... so believe me it isn't just Fulci i don't care for these days.

    Give me anything Romero Day of the Dead and back. Fulci stuff I will just take to FYE and trade for more classic Romero.
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  3. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Actually the Cinematography in ZOMBI was nice stuff, and it was done in 2.35:1 and had a small budget like DAWN of the DEAD (1978)

    It is just a shitty movie, like everything with his name on it. A chore to sit through. Plus he is a real SOB to work for from what I read about him.

    He takes no input, suggestions, nothing he just makes this movie and doesn't care about quality.

    Sorry but I prefer my films to have something that catches me and keeps me engulfed throughout the process... something even Romero failed to accomplish recently... so believe me it isn't just Fulci i don't care for these days.

    Give me anything Romero Day of the Dead and back. Fulci stuff I will just take to FYE and trade for more classic Romero.
    I wouldn't believe anything Beatrice Ring says about Fulci.

  4. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulci fan View Post
    His films are way more serious than Bad Taste and Dead Alive. I am surprised you don't enjoy his movies for the music alone.
    Well, I have to admit dude, I'm not like a major fan or anything and have only seen a small handful of his films. I don't know what to say, he just doesn't "grab" me. *shrugs shoulders*

    I remember seeing The Gates of Hell WAY back when I was around 13. I remember thinking it was the sickest, goriest thing I had ever seen, but don't remember one bit about the story line. That's not to say I hated it or anything, but... I don't know. Just didn't do it for me.
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 15-Jun-2010 at 12:25 PM.

  5. #170
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulci fan View Post
    I wouldn't believe anything Beatrice Ring says about Fulci.
    Did I say Beatrice?

    Plus anything she does say would count as it is her opinion.

    She worked with him and if her experience was more horror than the movie itself thenshe has the right to voice her opinion about it.

    I am sure you and Scott probably think I am dick to work with because I don't give you guys enough smoke breaks. Kidding aside, since I have been on a few sets and worked with local filmmakers as well I have formed my opinions about them as I am sure they have formed their opinions about me.

    There is nothing wrong with being a prick if you're a director, but there is also a fine line that has to be drawn. You have to know when to be a complete cock and when to bite your tongue. Believe me there are many a times I had to bite my tongue and we all know I hate biting my tongue.

    I complete respect your opinion that you love Fulci, but please don't try to persuade me into liking him too. My opinion of his work is that, its gory and has some redeeming value on the technical side (Cinematography) but his films don't click with me.

    As many times as I have watched the original Romero trilogy I can go back over and over again to watch them so more and still be entertained, yet with Fulci films it is a chore to even get me to pop one of his flicks in the DVD player. The only Fulci DVD I kept was the original Zombie DVD release from back in late 99 or 2000. The rest of his stuff I sent to FYE for store credit to buy more Blu-Rays and HD DVD's (Back when HD DVD was still a viable format)

    When it comes to Peter Jackson, I actually prefer Dead-Alive and The Frighteners, but LOTR I personally can't sit through, and I have tried. King Kong... was just too damn long, but the last hour of that flick was superb.

    The only filmmakers whose work I can sit through regularly and constantly be entertained, from the early stuff to their modern stuff would be:

    Sergio Leone
    Clint Eastwood
    Ron Howard
    Taylor Hackford
    John Dahl
    Christopher Nolan
    Sam Mendes

    Those guys above have never let me down once, and I love their work and they are the reason I don't throw my hands up and just walk away from filmmaking.

    I have other reasons too, like I refuse to let the system beat me. If I have to work outside of it so be it. However, there is a group of filmmakers that inspire me on a regular basis and continue to inspire me.

    When it comes to going to the cinema anymore there has to be one helluva compelling reason to get me to drop $12.00 on a movie ticket. I think this year alone I have only been to the cinema maybe 3 times, the rest have been a wait for DVD thing. I think if more films were released that weren't watered down PG-13 Robot love fests I would probably go see more films, but everything I see advertised today... nothing is grabbing my attention and screaming this is must see cinema.

    Now of course there have been a few times where I kicked myself in the ass for not going to see a movie on the Big Screen, Iron Man 1 and The Prestige, but otherwise I am not really missing the whole experience. BTW, it is not because of noisy patrons, cell phones or whatever. if I am at a movie and that shit goes on I will speak up and tell them to knock it the fuck off, but nothing is being released that is worth spending money on.

    Maybe I am grumpy... old age will do that too you, but the slate of films released lately is just crap. Although I will have to say The Karate Kid remake was actually a great movie. Jackie Chan and Jayden Smith work well off each other and I think it will stand the test of time between origina KK fans and new KK fans.
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  6. #171
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    So Dj, since I'm pretty open to flicks to show to my little one, what do you think his first full-on Clint Eastwood movie should be?

    He's already seen the Spaghetti Westerns, so those are out of the way. I'm thinking more along the lines of Dirty Harry or even Gran Torino type flicks. I'm sure he'd love the racist shit in that flick..

    I kid, he's actually kinda sensitive to racial slurs, so it would be kinda funny to see his expression when Clint pulls up to a corner next to some black dudes and says "what are you spooks up to?"
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 22-Jun-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  7. #172
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    So Dj, since I'm pretty open to flicks to show to my little one, what do you think his first full-on Clint Eastwood movie should be?

    He's already seen the Spaghetti Westerns, so those are out of the way. I'm thinking more along the lines of Dirty Harry or even Gran Torino type flicks. I'm sure he'd love the racist shit in that flick..

    I kid, he's actually kinda sensitive to racial slurs, so it would be kinda funny to see his expression when Clint pulls up to a corner next to some black dudes and says "what are you spooks up to?"

    Hmmmm, I would say something like... In the Line of Fire or even Heartbreak Ridge

    Then maybe Dirty Harry, but not Sudden Impact, the rape in that movie is kind of brutal and I don't think a 14yr old should be subjected too that
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  8. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Hmmmm, I would say something like... In the Line of Fire or even Heartbreak Ridge
    Y'know, Heartbrake Ridge seems to have had a resurgence with me. I saw it like a month ago or so on cable and have seen it several times since then. I love that flick.

    "What did you say to him?"
    "I said, 'dont give the prick the satisfaction', SIR!"

  9. #174
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    No super harsh nudity, lots of great lines, funny, entertaining, and its Clint.

    He will like it. Did he dig the spaghetti westerns?
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  10. #175
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    You gotta do the Man with No Name or Dollars Trilogy. Or at least just Good Bad and Ugly. After that throw some Dirty Harry, Escape from Alcatraz, and High Plains Drifter at him. I also enjoy Hang Em High, but that may just be me.

    If he's got a since of humor you could put on Space Cowboys for kicks.

  11. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    You gotta do the Man with No Name or Dollars Trilogy. Or at least just Good Bad and Ugly.
    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    He's already seen the Spaghetti Westerns, so those are out of the way.

    He's already seen all the Clint westerens aside from The Unforgiven and Two Mules for Sister Sarah. His first Clint movie was indeed The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Once he saw that, he went on a Clint movie tear and watched all his early westerns.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman
    After that throw some Dirty Harry, Escape from Alcatraz, and High Plains Drifter at him. I also enjoy Hang Em High, but that may just be me.
    Ohhh, Escape from Alcatraz! I forgot about that one! He'd probably enjoy that. I'll have to ask him if that's a point of interest for him and if so, I'll even watch it with him.

  12. #177
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    teehee....missed that part where you said he saw Leoni's flicks.

    I haven't had my coffee...back off.

  13. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    teehee....missed that part where you said he saw Leoni's flicks.

    I haven't had my coffee...back off.

    That's ok, but yeah, he's already seen 'em. I was kinda surprised that at 12-13 years old, those movies would hold his interest like they did. When he first saw TG, TB & TU, that was it. He was a Clint fan forever.

  14. #179
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    That's ok, but yeah, he's already seen 'em. I was kinda surprised that at 12-13 years old, those movies would hold his interest like they did. When he first saw TG, TB & TU, that was it. He was a Clint fan forever.
    You must have caught him at JUST the right age. A year or two sooner and he may have hated them.

    Leoni's loooong shots and all. Kids these days would hate it.

  15. #180
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post

    He's already seen all the Clint westerens aside from The Unforgiven and Two Mules for Sister Sarah. His first Clint movie was indeed The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. Once he saw that, he went on a Clint movie tear and watched all his early westerns.

    Ohhh, Escape from Alcatraz! I forgot about that one! He'd probably enjoy that. I'll have to ask him if that's a point of interest for him and if so, I'll even watch it with him.
    Wait on Alcatraz, supposedly a nice transfer is in the works for the Blu-Gay edition.
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