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Thread: Your ultimate film opening sequence....

  1. #16
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Mmm, I dunno. There were one or two cute zomb chicks in Land.
    Just one!


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  2. #17
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Even if you didnt like Dawn '04 as a dead film,you cant deny that the opening was awesome,johnny cash playing while the world turns to ****!

    I reckon (and this is working in my head a lot better than i can write it) that i would start the film as a camera view shuffling out of some woods heading towards a small town/village,the first sound is that of a pheasant flying off as if startled (its quite a distinct sound if you've ever heard it) and crows cawing as they fly off from the trees above.the camera is still looking through the characters eyes at this point as it breaks from cover and starts moving across the fields toward the town,the camera pans around & you start to see the signs that something is wrong,a couple of bodies in the field,a wrecked car against a tree on the road to the right with the driver dragged out & half eaten & a couple of dead zombies nearby with bullet wounds to the head,then the camera pans up toward the church tower & you see a quick muzzle flash,the sound of a bullet approaching,then crunch!the screen goes black & the title shows.After the title screen the camera flips to a telescopic sight view of the just expired zombie,looking from the church tower,then a voice says "thats the fifth one this morning,how long do you think we should stay here?i dont think the army are coming....." and then we're into the film proper!no massive explosions,no hollywood gloss,more of a subtle opening that only british films seem to provide (28 days later & dog soldiers spring to mind)

  3. #18
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Tricky - excellent opening sequence idea, noiiice!

    And damn straight, Brits are good at subtlety and neat ideas.

    Also, no wonder the opening title sequence in Yawn04 is alright, cos it was made by somebody completely different. It was handed over to some freelancer or something and they cobbled it together with minimal direction ... mind you, the whole "buzzy snippets of news footage" angle has been done enough now, it's become a recent genre cliche sadly...and the Cash song was great.

    Mind you, his cover of "Hurt" is just superb.

  4. #19
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    You can have it if you like MZ!as long as i get a part

  5. #20
    Cash's version of Soundgarden's "Rusty Cage" aint too bad either.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    all johnny cash rules. "man in black", "san quentin" "Boy named sue". and that cover of hurt whupped the NIN original, fo sure yo.

    i quite liked the bit in dawn 04 with the aerial shot and the cars flipping over and blowing up. the film was pleasing on an empirical level, nice visuals, sounds and music, but the characterisation was flat and the story was gash - "were going to the mall" "what mall" "that mall" *camera elevates to reveal mall* - NAFF.

    but wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be.

    cant wait for the bitch fest that will ensue once the inevitably crap day remake is released though...
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  7. #22

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    Sci Fi movie
    A dog takes a pee on a tree, suddenly it moves, the dog turns around, ears raised and then moves on. suddenly the tree comes to life, branches and vines form a hand, they grab the dog and toss it into the air, theres a slow motion shot of a birds eye view of the dog falling back to earth beneath it the tree alters shape and forms a mouth with razor teeth, it moves upwards and closes them shut on the dog. We see the sun setting, the tree is in the distance and moving, we hear the dogs yelp, then its silenced and the tree burps.
    The titles comes up: 'RISE OF THE CARNIVOROUS TREES FROM HELL!' or 'VINES'
    After the credits and facts about Earthern Flora existing, we start off in some suburbs, a wife says goodbye to ehr husband and he starts the car and calls her kids (two boys and a girl) for the schoolbus, she watches in horror as a tree on the lawn crushes the car, pulls her husband out and devours his legs, he is thrown on the pavement and pulls himself along to a bush, suddenly vines emerge and drag him in, we hear his screams and the sounds of him being eaten.
    The mother runs out to help him, has her back to the tree which then flattens her and the kids scream and rush inside the house, the girl goes to the phone to find it not working (a shot of a uprooted mobile Tree tearing down the phone pole) and the boys stand on the roof watching the suburbs in chaos as trees roam around the streets, people are attacked, flaming cars are boing tossed around.
    The girl turns on the TV in her room, she finds news reports of Tree attacks and sees the US army trying to battle them with flamethrowers, the reporter reveals the president has ordered a nationwide hosepipe ban. the transmission is interrupted, the Trees demand humans respect nature or die, Gaia is angry with mankind, she wants live live in peace with the virus but mankind has been giving her little choice to this the president replies "screw you!" and then a chopper shows the whitehouse being pulled underground into a lava flow.
    end of the opening.

    (Five minutes after this the Manager comes in to find the screen room vacant)
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 26-Jan-2007 at 08:19 PM.

  8. #23
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by _liam_ View Post
    all johnny cash rules

    though a freind of mine actually had the nerve to say "thats **** its just gay bar music"


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