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Thread: The Great Global Warming Swindle

  1. #16
    Dead DVW5150's Avatar

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    Boil a frog ...

    Humans will complain & call eachother names , all while Iceland melts and everyplace that is 8-10 feet below sea level is consumed by water . This planet is sick to death of our treatment of it . Check out the retorts I have prevoked by stating this ... If you toss a frog into boiling water , it will jump out . If you put the frog in the water at room temp and then bring it to a boil , it will boil to death . Humans are much the same , unwilling to to do anything until it makes them uncomfortable . Like George Carlin once said : " The earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas !" We are not in charge of the planet , we are mere residents ...
    "Goodbye , I am gone."

  2. #17
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DVW5150 View Post
    Humans will complain & call eachother names , all while Iceland melts and everyplace that is 8-10 feet below sea level is consumed by water . This planet is sick to death of our treatment of it . Check out the retorts I have prevoked by stating this ... If you toss a frog into boiling water , it will jump out . If you put the frog in the water at room temp and then bring it to a boil , it will boil to death . Humans are much the same , unwilling to to do anything until it makes them uncomfortable . Like George Carlin once said : " The earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas !" We are not in charge of the planet , we are mere residents ...
    Great Analogy, that frog bit.
    I dont see whats so hard to grasp about it. To me, it's elementary.
    It truly think those who disagree do so only because
    It is a cause represented by people whose politics they dislike
    They dont want to modify their behavior one iota.
    No one can control a volcano but you can control a coal plant or a frigging SUV.
    Just because someone is a goofy tree hugger doesnt mean they are wrong. Even a busted clock is right once a day.
    Up, Up and Away! ARRRRRGHGGGH

    "It's better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't done. By the way, if you see your Mother, tell her I said...
    Satan, Satan, Satan!"
    -The Butthole Surfers

  3. #18
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    Even a busted clock is right once a day.
    Dang I like that one!....

    Im gonna start using it all the TIME!....

    I guess there is three camps.

    1) Those who think human activity is causing severe global climate changes.
    So most of these people want to support alternative energy, etc etc... to try to minimize the level of the approaching catastrophy (because supposively we will still have one even if humans suddenly just up and drastically cut down their CO2 emissions)...

    2) Those who think the global climate change is part of some yet to be determined natural phenomenom.
    So these people either must feel that we are helpless and screwed or they havent bothered to try to understand what will happen if the global temperature increases 15 degrees or even more!

    3) Those who think that global climate change is not occuring at all.
    So they feel if it aint broke dont fix it.

    Any other camps Im leaving out?
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  4. #19
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    No one can control a volcano but you can control a coal plant or a frigging SUV. Just because someone is a goofy tree hugger doesnt mean they are wrong. Even a busted clock is right once a day.
    The vehicle issue has been touched upon earlier in this thread. The Prius isn't the answer. No one can control a volcano, and I believe that no one can control the atmosphere. If we are so certain what is causing ozone depletion, then we should have a good idea on how to reverse it. I don't believe that we are so certain, so what should be done? If global warming is real, then as a species, we should be preparing for our survival. not by fighting and challenging theories, but taking action that will ensure our physical survival, such as UV ray blocking walkways &windows, dams/dikes around major water sources, etc. For something that is talked about with such certainty, we as a species are not preparing ourselves for it at all.

  5. #20
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I really arent bothered,in another 50 years il be staring death in the face anyway through old age!Im in the natural phenomenon camp as far as this global warming stuff goes,and what will be will be.

  6. #21
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post

    Any other camps Im leaving out?

    I pick #4:

    Those who believe global climate change is a normal, natural occurance and will continue whether or not humans interfere - as it has in the past. Also, it is noted that humans do in fact have an affect on the earth, but the 'doomsday' stuff that's being preached is just plain ridiculous, and humans are not the main cause of climate change on the planet. It is also important for us to try and take care of the earth, conserve energy, and reduce pollution, regardless of the farce that is being preached about 'global warming'. The earth provides much for us - the least we can do is treat her with respect.

    I think that covers most of it.

    Here's another interesting article:

    Greenhouse Gases a Myth?

    A quick excerpt:

    "Research said to prove that greenhouse gases cause climate change has been condemned as a sham by scientists.

    A United Nations report earlier this year said humans are very likely to be to blame for global warming and there is "virtually no doubt" it is linked to man's use of fossil fuels.

    But other climate experts say there is little scientific evidence to support the theory.

    In fact global warming could be caused by increased solar activity such as a massive eruption.

    Their argument will be outlined on Channel 4 this Thursday in a programme called The Great Global Warming Swindle raising major questions about some of the evidence used for global warming.

    Ice core samples from Antarctica have been used as proof of how warming over the centuries has been accompanied by raised CO2 levels.

    But Professor Ian Clark, an expert in palaeoclimatology from the University of Ottawa, claims that warmer periods of the Earth's history came around 800 years before rises in carbon dioxide levels.

    The programme also highlights how, after the Second World War, there was a huge surge in carbon dioxide emissions, yet global temperatures fell for four decades after 1940. "

    more info in the link...

  7. #22
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    So when the planet melts around you and our winters are 75 degrees does that not make you question WTF is going on?

    20 years ago we never had 75 degree days in January, especially not in Upstate Ny, but in 2007 they recorded a temp of 72 degrees on a normal weekday. So if its not global warming what is it?
    Yes we did. 1000 years ago Greenland was so beautiful and fit for farming that the Vikings named it...well Greenland.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post
    The arguement that humans are not causing global climate change currently has very little footing. The crux of their arguement is CO2.
    If someone can actually show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas most scientists will be swayed to think that humans are not causing global climate change.

    If not though, and CO2 is a greenhouse gas like conventional wisdom and previous research has told us, then human activity unquestionably has been a major cumulative effect on the global climate since the mass burning of fossil fuels began.

    We know that CO2 stays in the atmosphere anywhere from 50-100 years. We know that all fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere amongst other claimed greenhouse gases. We know that all of our livestock release methane gas which is also a claimed greenhouse gas and methane then further breaks down in the atmosphere into CO2. Cattle especially release high levels of Methane due to the nature of the food they eat and their digestion methods.
    Then to magnify this probelm we are destroying forests all around the globe. This is important because of a couple of factors. Forests fix carbon from the CO2 gas into their cells essentially removing CO2 out of the atmosphere. Most of these forests are being destroyed so that more crops can be grown to feed more livestock to feed even more people.

    So imagine all the methane/CO2 released from all of our livestock per year.
    And imagine all the CO2 released from the fossil fuels we burn per year.
    From 6 billion people.

    Then realize this means that at any given time there is 50-100 years worth of all that activity up in our current atmosphere. Since we are destroying the forests at the same time the CO2 will stay in the atmosphere longer so more in the 100 year range.
    This does not even include all the other claimed greenhouse gases that we are the direct cause of.

    But all this means nothing if CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

    One of these days Im going to do the math of 100 years worth of human fossil fuel burning and livestock methane production and compare the CO2 produced to the CO2 released from a single climate changing super volcano....

    More Carbon is released from Volcanos than all human activity combined.

    Quote Originally Posted by coma View Post
    Simply put
    If you introduce a foreign element or ratio in to a chemical composition it will change the outcome.

    Industry, vehicle emissions and waste is making everthing polluted and nasty, so it should be cleaned up no matter what

    Just because a politician or group or people someone disagrees with or dislikes support an idea does not make it untrue.

    Personally I tend to listen more to scientists I respect about the issue than any political group. And Most scientists believe it to be true. You can always trot out some who dont. There are always those who disagree and tell you you can keep on how you do things.

    I think, respectfully Lou and others, to say it is definatly a hoax is a very Luddite way of looking at things.
    Science by consensus is not science. The scientists who believe it to be true and whom dont back it with facts (Al Gores friends) have a lot to gain by claiming its true. Grants for research.

    All real scientists however have determined time and time again that global warming is a natural phenominon that has been happening off and on with global cooling since the formation of the earth. We are simply coming out of a global cooling trend that started a 1000 years ago. The Brits used to be able to grow thier own grapes and make thier own wines and the vikings cultivated a very fertile Greenland for some time. Then the climate cooled down considerably. Encasing Greenland in ice and making grape growing in most of england almost impossible. (much to the releif of the French and Italians).

    Quote Originally Posted by HLS View Post
    I agree with you 100% I mean we pump so much pollution in the atmosphere I do not see how people can think it will have no effect on the environment and global warming. The winters have indeed been getting increasingly warmer year after year.
    Does it effect it? Yes. minimally. If you knew how insignificant you really were compared to the rest of the world you would understand that your car doesnt compare to a volcano.

    Quote Originally Posted by DVW5150 View Post
    Humans will complain & call eachother names , all while Iceland melts and everyplace that is 8-10 feet below sea level is consumed by water . This planet is sick to death of our treatment of it . Check out the retorts I have prevoked by stating this ... If you toss a frog into boiling water , it will jump out . If you put the frog in the water at room temp and then bring it to a boil , it will boil to death . Humans are much the same , unwilling to to do anything until it makes them uncomfortable . Like George Carlin once said : " The earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas !" We are not in charge of the planet , we are mere residents ...
    Gosh I guess people should stop building thier homes below sea level then. As for the increase in ocean, I say bring it on. That will make my backyard beachfront property.
    Last edited by Khardis; 05-Mar-2007 at 11:44 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  8. #23
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVW5150 View Post
    Humans will complain & call eachother names , all while Iceland melts and everyplace that is 8-10 feet below sea level is consumed by water . This planet is sick to death of our treatment of it . Check out the retorts I have prevoked by stating this ... If you toss a frog into boiling water , it will jump out . If you put the frog in the water at room temp and then bring it to a boil , it will boil to death . Humans are much the same , unwilling to to do anything until it makes them uncomfortable . Like George Carlin once said : " The earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas !" We are not in charge of the planet , we are mere residents ...
    WOW thats deep

  9. #24
    Just been bitten triste realtà's Avatar

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    Here's a very recent interview with a scientist not on the payroll of an oil company. From a Pittsburgh newspaper! I used to be "the planet's going to kill us you carbon ****ting sheep!" and still am a little. I mean the weather seems more violent and freakish recently and people are consuming energy willy nilly. But you got to read lots of articles against the issue. For example, why would melting glaciers raise sea levels? Don't they displace as much water as they hold frozen? I think if we get too much CO2, the planet might go into cooling mode, but it could go the other way, too(?). I read one of the IPCC scientists tried to strike the meideval warm period to produce the hockey stick graph. collects info also.

  10. #25
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    Yes we did. 1000 years ago Greenland was so beautiful and fit for farming that the Vikings named it...well Greenland.
    Actually Khardis, you are wrong about that. Greenland was named Greenland to lure people there. See, the Vikings were tricky folks, often raiding and killing, yet they were still very smart. They used the name Greenland and sold the land to unsuspecting folk as a promise of better life. When those folk were brought to Greenland by the Vikings, they were left there. It was icy and bitterly cold except for the southernmost regions.

    At the same time, Iceland was much better suited for the Vikings needs, it was beautiful and fit for farming. They named it Iceland to make it less attractive to settlers.

    Look it up if you think I am lying.

    Onto the subject at hand.

    I agree with Terran. To deny that the pollution we cause day in and day out has no effect on the planet is just insane. Have any of you people who claim this is a natural warming process stopped to think about how our increased release of harmful gasses has accelerated the natural warming process?

    Like Terran said, we are cutting down trees at an alarming rate and producing more carbon dioxide than ever before. There is not enough trees to process all the carbon dioxide we are spitting out, an overabundance of CO2 is not a good thing.

    Global warming aside, we need to reduce pollution, it is harmful for every living being on the planet and is only going to continue to get worse unless we do something about it. Lets set all our personal beliefs aside and ask ourselves "What harm will come out of reducing the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases?" None. The only reason not to do act is laziness.
    Last edited by DeadJonas190; 06-Mar-2007 at 06:02 AM.
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  11. #26
    Banned Khardis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    Actually Khardis, you are wrong about that. Greenland was named Greenland to lure people there. See, the Vikings were tricky folks, often raiding and killing, yet they were still very smart. They used the name Greenland and sold the land to unsuspecting folk as a promise of better life. When those folk were brought to Greenland by the Vikings, they were left there. It was icy and bitterly cold except for the southernmost regions.

    At the same time, Iceland was much better suited for the Vikings needs, it was beautiful and fit for farming. They named it Iceland to make it less attractive to settlers.

    Look it up if you think I am lying.

    Onto the subject at hand.

    I agree with Terran. To deny that the pollution we cause day in and day out has no effect on the planet is just insane. Have any of you people who claim this is a natural warming process stopped to think about how our increased release of harmful gasses has accelerated the natural warming process?

    Like Terran said, we are cutting down trees at an alarming rate and producing more carbon dioxide than ever before. There is not enough trees to process all the carbon dioxide we are spitting out, an overabundance of CO2 is not a good thing.

    Global warming aside, we need to reduce pollution, it is harmful for every living being on the planet and is only going to continue to get worse unless we do something about it. Lets set all our personal beliefs aside and ask ourselves "What harm will come out of reducing the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases?" None. The only reason not to do act is laziness.

    The pollution we cause is a spec on the radar compared to the poisons spewed by underwater and land based volcanos. Its utter arrogance to beleive humans are the end all of the world.

  12. #27
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    2) Those who think the global climate change is part of some yet to be determined natural phenomenom.
    So these people either must feel that we are helpless and screwed or they havent bothered to try to understand what will happen if the global temperature increases 15 degrees or even more!
    Quote Originally Posted by LouCipherr View Post
    I pick #4:

    Those who believe global climate change is a normal, natural occurance and will continue whether or not humans interfere - as it has in the past. Also, it is noted that humans do in fact have an affect on the earth, but the 'doomsday' stuff that's being preached is just plain ridiculous, and humans are not the main cause of climate change on the planet. It is also important for us to try and take care of the earth, conserve energy, and reduce pollution, regardless of the farce that is being preached about 'global warming'. The earth provides much for us - the least we can do is treat her with respect.
    I do not see how your 4 is different from my number 2.
    Looks like you might fit into the part of category 2 that doesn’t understand what happens when global temperatures increases 15 degrees or more. Because if you believe that global climate change is occurring and you knew what happens with global climate changes then you would know if it continues in that direction that drastic changes are in the “near” future. (Near being 100+ years)…
    By your own description you labeled yourself a different category that is identical to my category two…? If Im misinterpreting could you clarify how your 4 is different from my 2?

    Quote Originally Posted by Khardis View Post
    More Carbon is released from Volcanos than all human activity combined.
    Where did you find this information….or are you just speculating?

    Looks like I do not have to calculate anything….the calculations have already been done….

    Comparison of CO2 emissions from volcanoes vs. human activities.
    Scientists have calculated that volcanoes emit between about 130-230 million tonnes (145-255 million tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (Gerlach, 1999, 1992). This estimate includes both subaerial and submarine volcanoes, about in equal amounts. Emissions of CO2 by human activities, including fossil fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring, amount to about 22 billion tonnes per year (24 billion tons) [ ( Marland, et al., 1998) - The reference gives the amount of released carbon (C), rather than CO2.]. Human activities release more than 150 times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes--the equivalent of nearly 17,000 additional volcanoes like Kilauea.

    Note that this doesn’t even include our CO2 production resulting from our livestock.

    So not only do we release more than 150 times more CO2 than volcanoes annually We’ve accumulated 50-100 years worth of this CO2 in the atmosphere while destroying the natural methods for getting rid of it out of the atmosphere.

    Also somewhat related
    Volcanoes and other natural processes release approximately 24 Tg of sulfur to the atmosphere each year. Thus, volcanoes are responsible for 43% of the total natural S flux each year. Man's activities add about 79 Tg sulfur to the atmosphere each year. In an average year, volcanoes release only 13% of the sulfur added to the atmosphere compared to anthropogenic sources. Andres and Kasgnoc (1997) noted that the bulk of the anthropogenic flux is located in the northern hemisphere while volcanic fluxes occur in much more focused belts around the world.
    What else do you guys got?

    So again, the only way humans are not causing global warming is if CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
    Im looking into the evidence against.
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  13. #28
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    The electric car - at first it was complete sh*t - you PLUG IT IN!!! Where does the f*cking electricity come from?! A F*CKING POWER STATION YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER MORON WHO IS RAPING THE WORLD OF ALL INTELLIGENCE!!!
    Not quite as simple as that... The question is what is more efficient?

    1) Digging and big whole in the ground, pumping up mushed up dinosaurs, refining it, shipping it across the world, putting it a lorry and driving it across the country, and then pouring it into a car.


    2) Having a central powerstation which passes electricity across the country to where electric cars charge up.

    Yes, electric cars are responsible for polution, but I imagine they produce far less that petrol vehicles.

    Of course one of the cleverest solutions is that french air engine! It doesn't got very fast or far, but basically you just have an electric pump to compress air into your tank. The fuel (air) has already shipped everywhere And when you drive the car it simple releases it back out
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  14. #29
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Those who believe global climate change is a normal, natural occurance and will continue whether or not humans interfere - as it has in the past. Also, it is noted that humans do in fact have an affect on the earth, but the 'doomsday' stuff that's being preached is just plain ridiculous, and humans are not the main cause of climate change on the planet. It is also important for us to try and take care of the earth, conserve energy, and reduce pollution, regardless of the farce that is being preached about 'global warming'. The earth provides much for us - the least we can do is treat her with respect.
    That sums me up, this whole doomsday thing is complete bollocks, and often the people preaching it are either regurgitating what some Al Gore wannabe said on the radio or are just preaching bizarre pseudo-science.

    How can you ever be fully prepared to face a problem if you don't look at both sides of the argument? Answer - you can't.

    If, for lack of a better analogy, the car was invented with 3 wheels and everyone just barged forth to only create 3 wheeled cars as they didn't want to be bothered analysing all the sides of the situation, then we'd be stuck with a mode of transport that isn't ideal.

    It's stupid to just say "BOOM, that's it, right let's tax everything" - that isn't fixing anything. You must fully understand the whole problem, then effectively spend money to produce effective solutions - not flash in the pan ideas that just ease Leonardo DiCaprio's conscience about having 8 cars and jetting all over the world.

    Moderation is the simple key with which to start, and many people can do their part easily, and here at my house we're already pretty green because:

    1) We have one of those biodegradable waste bins to make compost.
    2) We have energy saving lightbulbs.
    3) We don't leave the TV on standby.
    4) We only drive when it's necessary.
    5) We don't go jetting off on holidays, mainly because we can't afford it, but even if we could we wouldn't be flying all over.
    6) We have two cars, both of which do a good MPG, the diesel can do up to 55mpg and it's a 2 litre Audi.
    7) We don't leave lights burning all over the house.
    8) We only use the central heating when we need it.
    9) We close doors in the house to help keep it warm by creating warmer, smaller pockets of air rather than one massive, harder to keep warm pocket with all the doors open.
    10) We recycle clothing, bottles, cardboard, newspapers and when the time comes - computers.

    The list goes on, but it's simple things we can all do to help the situation, don't be wasteful and use moderation - cut the doomsaying bullsh*t and cut out the tax "solution", that's just abusing a current trend to try and make a fast buck.

    If there is legitimate scientific debate concerning the other side of the global warming argument, then it most definitely deserves to be heard and paid some serious attention and consideration.

  15. #30
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post
    I do not see how your 4 is different from my number 2.
    Looks like you might fit into the part of category 2 that doesn’t understand what happens when global temperatures increases 15 degrees or more. Because if you believe that global climate change is occurring and you knew what happens with global climate changes then you would know if it continues in that direction that drastic changes are in the “near” future. (Near being 100+ years)…
    By your own description you labeled yourself a different category that is identical to my category two…? If Im misinterpreting could you clarify how your 4 is different from my 2?
    Your #2 stated: "So these people either must feel that we are helpless and screwed or they havent bothered to try to understand what will happen if the global temperature increases 15 degrees or even more!"

    That is why my #4 is different than your #2. You state that "people feel helpless and haven't bothered to try to understand what will happen if the global temperature increases 15 degrees or even more" well, I have thought about it, and I don't think a 15 degree difference is going to cause a global catastrophe - and to top it all off, I don't think in our lifetime that the average mean temperature of the planet could increase that high. Considering it has only risen what, around 3 degrees over the past few hundred years - and we're worried about it hitting 15 degrees?

    In my #4, I also state that I understand that people do indeed have an effect on climate change, but to think that humans will be the destruction of this planet is hilarious. Like someone quoted from George Carlin ealier, if the planet wanted to, it could shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

    It's still amazing to me that people think we are a threat to this planet. The earth could wipe out the human race with a single event - yet there are people who believe that some plastic that won't biodegrade, or that the fossil fuels we burn will destroy the planet? But yet we have volcanoes that can put out more garbage into the atmosphere than all the humans on the planet combined?

    Although this really doesn't have much to do with 'global warming' other than Al & Co. seem to think our polar icecap is melting, but someone mentioned something about icebergs and the melting of them. Now that I think about it, they are indeed correct - when water freezes, it expands, so when an iceberg melts, technically it will take up one hell of a lot less area than when it is frozen. Interesting thought.


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