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Thread: Songs you get crap for liking...

  1. #16
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    First things first...

    The Fixx is awesome and "Sign of Fire" is top notch. I have everything I can get my hands on of The Fixx. I loved "Climb the Hill" off of Ink. "Deeper and Deeper" which only appeared in studio cut on the Greatest Hits since it was from a movie soundtrack.

    "19" by Paul Hardcastle is a really catchy song. I've listened to it repeatedly.

    And mine...

    Anything/everything by Devo... I have to listen to all my Devo discs in the basement in the dark after everyone has gone to bed. Speed Racer is probably the worst song ever that I love. But there are tons of Devo songs that qualify. Smart Patrol, Race of Doom, Explosions, Pink Jazz Trancers, etc.... But they also have some that, while still shameful, are pretty kick butt songs... Beautiful World, Doctor Detroit, Agitated, That's Good, Going Under, etc. And, no, I didn't mention Whip It cause that isn't one of my favorites. Devo has a new disc out called "Fresh" and there are a couple good songs on it.
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  2. #17
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    What amazes me these days is how the entire stack of vinyl I had years ago can fit onto one MP3 player.
    What do you mean HAD?!?! I worship my vinyl collection. It's great seeing the looks on friends' faces the first time I show them original pressings of my Kill Em All picture disc, Age Of Quarrel, Extreme Aggression, Morbid Visions, etc etc etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trin View Post
    Anything/everything by Devo... I have to listen to all my Devo discs in the basement in the dark after everyone has gone to bed. Speed Racer is probably the worst song ever that I love. But there are tons of Devo songs that qualify. Smart Patrol, Race of Doom, Explosions, Pink Jazz Trancers, etc.... But they also have some that, while still shameful, are pretty kick butt songs... Beautiful World, Doctor Detroit, Agitated, That's Good, Going Under, etc. And, no, I didn't mention Whip It cause that isn't one of my favorites. Devo has a new disc out called "Fresh" and there are a couple good songs on it.
    You should check out my buddies' band, The Bad Doctors. Very Devo-esque.

  3. #18
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Yep, it's past tense for a lot of my old LPs now. My limited edition "Ace of Spades" 12 inch died a few weeks ago too. The nephew decided he was going to use a pen on it.

    I've no turntable now anyway, so it makes little difference.

    Still got Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy though.
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  4. #19
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    My limited edition "Ace of Spades" 12 inch died a few weeks ago too. The nephew decided he was going to use a pen on it.
    While I don't bow at the alter of vinyl, that's rough. Many sympathies.

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  5. #20
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    I have just one vinyl, 'Dark Side of the Moon', thanks to my uncle.
    Am I forgiven since I'm only 21 and not huge into non-CD's (includes MP3s. Screw those)?

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Everyone has those songs they love, but all of their friends absolutely can't stand and make fun of them for listening to it. I figured it'd be fun to share our songs here. I'll start it off.

    I have loved this song since I first saw it on a Levi commercial in the 90's. My friends loathe it. My favorite part kicks at around 4:20 (huhuhuh)

    I can't think of a song off the top of my head, it never really comes up, but I'm sure there's some songs that I love that my friends would go "huh?" at.

    Anyway - ah I remember that Mr Oizo track fondly from back in the day during my teens. In fact, I've still got the CD Single stashed away.

    And did you know that Mr Oizo is the dude who made that movie "Rubber" (about the killer car tyre)?

  7. #22
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    The name "Oizo" just made me think of Oingo Boingo. That's another one that none of my friends or family really like. I remember once having a conversation with a friend in which he said he can't stand Danny Elfman's voice. I then remembered that he's a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan. I guess he didn't read the credits? He didn't believe me when I told him...

    Anyway, I love Oingo Boingo and nobody around me seems to feel the same. But I get the feeling most of them only know of 'Weird Science'.

    Last edited by bassman; 28-Jul-2011 at 12:20 PM. Reason: .

  8. #23
    Rising Trin's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Anyway, I love Oingo Boingo and nobody around me seems to feel the same. But I get the feeling most of them only know of 'Weird Science'.
    The sad thing is that Weird Science both made Oingo Boingo famous and killed them at the same time. No one knew them for anything but that and imho it's not one of their better songs. I like Private Life and Stay better by far.

    I will say that when I get sick of them being on my iPod it's because of the unique singing style, not the music. I'm not saying it's bad... and the band wouldn't be who they are without it... but it gets tiresome.
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  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Yeah....Boingo was all over 80's movies. Chainsaw Massacre 2, Back To School, Fast Times, Weird Science, etc. Although I knew of 'Weird Science', it was actually "Flesh N Blood" on the Ghostbusters 2 soundtrack that first caught my attention. After looking them up, I've liked them ever since. It's a damn shame they couldn't keep going. I would love to hear how they could have evolved.

    Their Farewell Concert album is a must own. Great stuff. I don't have the video of the concert, but you can easily find it on the net. Matter of I go to watch.

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I should try and listen to more Oingo Boingo - beyond the obvious Weird Science, I'm a big fan of the song "No One Lives Forever" from TCM2. I seriously dig that track (and that movie).

  11. #26
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post

    Started listening to metal in my early teens, back in the 80's. I'm old. It was Iron Maiden's fault. :
    ditto here. iron maiden is responsible for my interest in metal. that interest has seriously waned over the years but i'll still listen to the "classic" bands from time to time.

    and now for my crap taste in 90s music:
    I've always wondered what the fuck the camel had to with this song.

    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  12. #27
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    I have just one vinyl, 'Dark Side of the Moon', thanks to my uncle.
    Am I forgiven since I'm only 21 and not huge into non-CD's (includes MP3s. Screw those)?
    No, you aren't forgiven! Seriously, though, vinyl isn't for everyone and I get it. However, I'm only 26 but I've been collecting vinyl since I was 12 (thanks to the older punx in high school).

    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    And did you know that Mr Oizo is the dude who made that movie "Rubber" (about the killer car tyre)?
    No way! Now I really gotta see that movie! Did he happen to do any of the soundtrack?

  13. #28
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Mike - yeah he did the music too.

    Although the film is half-good and half-utter-horse-shit, so you should lower your expectations as a result. Below is what I made of it.
    The movie about a killer car tyre - who the hell wouldn't want to see it?! Well, half of it anyway. The half that follows the tyre discovering its powers and exploding heads is enjoyably daft ... but the other half is an eye-rollingly pretentious load of old bollocks, that is so self aware it's not in the slightest bit funny, witty, or entertaining. If all that wasn't in the movie, it'd be a spiffing 40 minutes - or personally, I would have gone in a different direction with such an idea as a killer car tyre.

    The opening monologue, about "no reason", is apparently supposed to be ironic. Now, is that because none of the examples given demonstrate "no reason" at all, or is it ironic for another reason and the annoying monologue is actually being serious? I enjoyed the silliness of the cop arriving in the trunk of a police car, which knocked over a series of chairs in the middle of a road, but for goodness sake I didn't need the poncy-arsed bullshit that came afterwards and was dotted throughout the movie. So it's a very split flick - one half of it is total crap that thinks far too much of itself, and the other half is an enjoyable askew idea of a killer car tyre blowing up people's heads in and around the desert motel that was memorably featured in Rob Zombie's wonderful The Devil's Rejects.


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