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Thread: I Am Zombie Man - EXTRA FEATURES!!

  1. #16
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    FINALLY got to watch these.. The spaz-out about the car was absolutely hilarious.. and you do rival Dj with the use of the "F" word! My god, that is scary!!

    Good stuff, MZ!

  2. #17
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Oh I can F-word with the best of them ... well, verbally anyway!

    If you thought my spaz-out from that chavvy car noise, you should see me when my computer goes slightly wrong or takes too long about doing a simple task - the fists come out and the expletives are in strong flow, face all read, body shakin' with venomous anger ... oh it's a sight.

    Maybe one day when I'm a millionnaire director I can whip out some swear-a-thons at some idiotic mistake by a crew member. For now though I have to hold my tongue about someone not reading the script before turning up (although that's really the only problem I've had of any significance - anything else is easy to work around calmly)...

    Then I come home and edit ... and the swearing starts again.

  3. #18
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    You're starting to remind me of Chris Rock's character (Chaka, the director) in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.

    "It's not that hard.. You make up some sh*t, fight him for a while, I film it, I yell "cut," and then head back to my trailer where I got more white women waiting for me than the first lifeboat off the Titanic!

    They alllll want a part of the movie, and I got just the part for 'em"

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, funnily enough I have joked several times with my business partner about getting a casting couch if we ever decide to get an office.

    Some of my direction can be a bit like that sometimes - "just like, you know, act like a zombie, go over there and attack them and then you know, do stuff for about a minute" ... well, sorta like that. You'll see some of my bad communication moments in the Trapped and VHS featurettes posted in another thread here in filmmaker's.

  5. #20
    Hilarious stuff MZ, especially the swear tally. Me and some friends used to do our own comical commentaries for films we loved so I know exactly how it feels when cars constantly break the silence. In the drive, out the drive, up the street, down the street, "F**K OFF IT'S 2 AM, CAN I GET SOME SILENCE MAN!!!"

    IAZM2 should be 3 hours long so we get a bumper commentary of your classic bugger, f**k, t**t-isms!

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    lol, if you like the bugger-f*ck-twat-isms, you'll love the sh*tty-bollocks frenzy that is this fabled gag reel I keep talking about (yet haven't even edited together yet, ha!) In due time ... in due time ...

    IAZM2 will definately be longer than IAZM1, not sure by how long, probably in the region of 15 minutes ... but it could rise to 20, it just depends, only in the middle of scripting at the moment ... then factoring in the actual filmed version (as opposed to the written version) all edited together ... 10 to 15 to possibly 20 minutes I'd imagine at this point.


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