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Thread: Katana... It's really NOT a Lightsaber y'know!

  1. #16
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie Snack View Post
    Dang, couldn't they figure out how to put a few more unnecessary profanities on this chainsaw Katana advertisement.
    Yeah, I felt like Jay (of Jay and Silent Bob fame) was giving me the sales pitch!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  2. #17
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Nobody seen Demons!?

    That's what I think off when I think of this Michonne.

    Anyway, I'll admit to putting to much focus on the katana, but it really turns me off. Reminds me too much of it's comic book origin, because it fits more at home alongside Deadpool or Batman than with this bunch of survivors.

  3. #18

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    Like they say in the video, swords used to be tested on condemned prisoners and dead bodies to test their effectiveness. And we are talking about dead bodies in this context.
    Someone who knows how to use one should have no problem severing the head from a rotted corpse.
    I think I noticed in a scene from a youtube video that the pet walkers she has were being used as pack mules. I'm sure that's not the de-facto logic behind their purpose, just a possible added bonus.

  4. #19
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    From what little I've read, the lifespan of a sword has to do with a couple of factors including where and how it was forged, the material used, the intended purpose and design and the actual circumstances it ends up being used in. That said, I'm pretty sure most swords intended for actual combat were expected to eventually fail and need to be repaired (at blade or hilt) or in the worst case scenario re-purposed.

    Forgetting for a moment that cheap knockoff or tourist swords, like the ones most likely to be found in the U.S., would break very easily, I've never read anything credible that would lead me to believe that any high quality medium to thin bodied sword wouldn't eventually break after continued use, though I'm certainly not an authority on the topic.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #20
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Of course they would. All things do. Wear and tear.

  6. #21

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    You can't really examine everything in the show that closely and still expect to enjoy it though. Alot of things don't add up in that regard. Like where do all Darryls arrows come from? Arrows don't have infinite lifespans, they do wear out after several impacts. And what about the cables for the crossbow? Those wear out too. He sure uses that crossbow alot, and it's unreasonable to expect that all the arrows are just reiterated time after time and remain effective.
    Flashlights for silencers, while a resourceful idea for the show, is not very realistic. Not to mention all the times that these expert marksman are pulling off incredible shots. Like Darryl hitting walkers dead in the head less than 6 inches from someone elses face, and Carl popping walker Shane dead between the eyes from over 50 feet away 3 inches away from Ricks face, with a .45 auto. While an episode or 2 earlier he couldn't hit a bottle from 10 feet away with a .32 revolver. And nobody even gets pissed at anyone for being so haphazard about it.
    And when Andrea pops Amy in the head while crouched over with her own head 3 inches away from the muzzle of her own gun, yet still remains able to hear and suffers no ill effects whatsoever.
    Many things have to be ignored in order for the show to work, and many things only happen because the show has to keep a certain aesthetic appeal.
    A chick with a sword doesn't seem so incredibly outrageous when you consider all the other aspects that are flat out highly improbable, and in some cases outright impossible.
    Last edited by babomb; 26-Sep-2012 at 04:46 PM. Reason: ..

  7. #22
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    To me, as I've stated before, it's more the ridiculousness of the situation. It seemed to me that the show had dispensed with it's comic book roots and tried to tie down more with reality. It's not about examining something close. It's a character. I can't just ignore her.

  8. #23
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Very true, Babomb, but...

    the indestructible Katana went on (and may still be going on for all I know) for a long time in the comic, so seeing it going on for years of publication is a bit different, for me, than offscreen TV hand-waving for endless ammunition hacks or having to assume bolt foraging for Darryl.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    To me, as I've stated before, it's more the ridiculousness of the situation. It seemed to me that the show had dispensed with it's comic book roots and tried to tie down more with reality. It's not about examining something close. It's a character. I can't just ignore her.
    I'd say you might want to wait and see how her character is presented, rather than pre-judging the whole situation...I'd have a melee weapon too were I still living at this point in a zombie apocalypse and I wouldn't turn down any quality of katana that fell in my lap (though I'd probably use something like a lead pipe more often).

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  9. #24

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    Well, tied down to a reality where the dead walk and eat the living. I don't personally like the show as much as I do because of it's overall realism. Quite the opposite. But it's also not as unrealistic as the likes of Rambo or The Expendables, or fast N Furious.
    It seems just as possible (or impossible) that Michonne has a secret cache of spare blades somewhere(maybe the same place darryl gets his arrows), or as likely that the group is still using the ammunition that Rick brought from the PD in ep1. Realistically that ammo would've never made it to the season 2 finale. And if by some miracle some of it did, it would've been exhausted within 2 minutes of the barn sequence.
    I totally get what you guys are saying. It just seems to me that the whole katana thing doesn't require any more suspension of disbelief than anything else going on in the show. And if you start applying real life logic to 1 single aspect of the show, you have to apply it equally across the board. And then you just ruin what could otherwise be a very enjoyable experience.

    So quit hatin on Michonne!!! It's not her fault you guys can't handle the likes of an empowered woman!!!

  10. #25
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    So quit hatin on Michonne!!! It's not her fault you guys can't handle the likes of an empowered woman!!!
    I like her character, said so in this and previous threads, don't even mind the katana...just don't want an admantium one about

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  11. #26

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    Speaking of the realism. It's interesting how the actors look skinnier and more burned out from season to season. Andrea really thinned out in season 2, so did Shane. And carol, I saw her in an interview on youtube and she barely looks like the same person now. I wonder if they're required to do that or if it's something the actors choose to bring to the character on their own. Or maybe it's just that actors become more obsessed with their appearance the more exposure they get.

  12. #27
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babomb View Post
    Speaking of the realism. It's interesting how the actors look skinnier and more burned out from season to season.
    Yeah, they do look as though they've been put through the wringer, which is nice to see!

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  13. #28
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Interestingly they are using 3 props for Michonnes katana. A rubber one, an aluminium one and a real one (steel folded 1,000s of times i think the props guy said).
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  14. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidgloves View Post
    Interestingly they are using 3 props for Michonnes katana. A rubber one, an aluminium one and a real one (steel folded 1,000s of times i think the props guy said).
    And a digital one...

  15. #30
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Only 2 pages bitching about an indestructible katana, but mention Herschel taking 30 shots out of a shotgun and suddenly it's World War III on the forums?

    Ya'll are adorable.

    (sorry, couldn't resist)
    Last edited by LouCipherr; 26-Sep-2012 at 08:17 PM. Reason: .


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