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Thread: New Tool album.

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501
    it keeps getting better, thus far i think 10,000 days is the stand out track.
    Rosetta Stoned is pretty crazy

    (or, Wings for Marie)
    Last edited by Adrenochrome; 27-Apr-2006 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenochrome
    Rosetta Stoned is pretty crazy

    (or, Wings for Marie)

    the lead in "lost keys" is cute.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501

    the lead in "lost keys" is cute.
    yes. but,

  4. #19
    Dying idsaluteyoubub's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501
    it keeps getting better, thus far i think 10,000 days is the stand out track.
    My favorite thus far is the fifth song, The Pot. I love the beginning, Maynard sounds so...different...but I like it

    Quote Originally Posted by p2501
    Bub your arguing with Trioxin? come on? he's practicly retarded, and not in the funny way, but in the don't leave him alone with sharp objects or your pets way.

    let it go man, just let it go.
    Aye. A man that seemingly is a big fan of Che must not be the most edumacated person in the world. I never understand why people worship that douchebag ruthless murderer...I think most people dont really even know what he was about in the first place...and just go with the flow with their Che shirts and whatnot...its actually somewhat scary the following he has been getting as of late...
    Last edited by idsaluteyoubub; 27-Apr-2006 at 09:10 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  5. #20
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by idsaluteyoubub
    My favorite thus far is the fifth song, The Pot. I love the beginning, Maynard sounds so...different...but I like it

    Aye. A man that seemingly is a big fan of Che must not be the most edumacated person in the world. I never understand why people worship that douchebag ruthless murderer...I think most people dont really even know what he was about in the first place...and just go with the flow with their Che shirts and whatnot...its actually somewhat scary the following he has been getting as of late...

    agreed on both counts.

    I blame the Che second coming on rage against the machine, liberal colleges,a dn potheads among other things. but that's me.

  6. #21
    Banned Tri0xin's Avatar
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    Setting the record straight...

    I see it's time that I clear the air, once and for all.

    idsaluteyoubub and p2501, let's put an end to this now.

    First of all, you obviously feel passionate about Tool, and I respect that. Having said that, I don't appreciate being called "retarded" for not sharing the same passion as you do. You wanted to turn this into a ****ing contest, so I guess it's officially on.

    Now i'm going to try my best to address your grievances individualy. Idsaluteyoubub, you're first. You not only ridiculed me but took a swipe at Che, as well. Let's clear Che's good name right here and now. I believe you called him a 'douchebag' and a 'ruthless murderer'. You are wrong on both accounts. First and foremost, Che was a medical relief worker and a man of the people. He volunteered to help at a leper colony in San Pablo when he was barely thirty. Then he traveled to such places as Bolivia, Cuba, and Congo and witnessed the social disparages of the lower and working classes first hand. He devoted his life to revolution and workers' rights, and fought hard to displace the corrupt power elite throughout the third world. I hardly call that ruthless. You aren't worthy enough to spit shine Che's shoes..PERIOD

    Just because you won't ever see Che on a stamp doesn't mean that he wasn't a great man. Remember that the next time you're at the Klan rally or at the Mason's lodge.

    In closing, idsaluteyoubub, I would just like to say you're a poser. Your taste in music proves that. At twenty-two, I guess you can afford to be a spineless poser, but at twenty-nine, I don't have that luxury. My first responsibility is being a man, and furthermore; a man of principle, a man of my word. Maynard still had tits. LOL!!!

    Now on to you, p2501... ah, where to begin.

    I believe you made an off-hand remark about 'liberal colleges' and 'potheads'. I happen to be the product of the former, and a recreational user of the latter. I'm taking in consideration that you're from Kentucky, so I will be sure to use small words, so your thick, ass-backwards brain will be able to understand me to the fullest extent possible. Maybe then, we'll have some closure in this matter, once and for all.

    Yes, I do have a BA in liberal arts, and am ideologically slanted to the left. For this, I apologize to no one. Obviously, you are a Bush supporter, as is practically everyone else from Kentucky.

    Just remember this, it isn't the atheists and lefties who are wire tapping civilians, detaining the people without charges or legal representation, conducting clandestine operations throughout latin America under the guise of the war on drugs, secretly setting up gulags in the former soviet block of eastern Europe, where torture and humiliation, and various other infractions against the Geneva convention are being practiced, etc. etc. etc..

    Your condescending remarks about the left do nothing but show your true political and ideological stripes. From my position, they seem to be fairly in-line with the Bush regime.

    If it wasn't for your gun and the millions of fanatics in the christian coalition, your greasy ass would be put on a spit and roasted over a fire at one of our communist cook-outs. Such is the fate of all tyrant pigs, sooner or later (hopefully much sooner than later).

    Maybe the next time you'll bite your tongue (or atleast think twice) before you open your big mouth. Somebody just might have something unflattering to say right back.

    I guess the only thing left to say is, look at yourself before you ridicule another, especially when it's over something as trivial as my opinion of Tool.

    And it's the truth, "I would rather die standing up than live life on my knees."

    Take that to the bank!
    Last edited by Tri0xin; 28-Apr-2006 at 02:52 AM.

  7. #22
    Dying idsaluteyoubub's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tri0xin
    I see it's time that I clear the air, once and for all.

    idsaluteyoubub and p2501, let's put an end to this now.

    First of all, you obviously feel passionate about Tool, and I respect that. Having said that, I don't appreciate being called "retarded" for not sharing the same passion as you do. You wanted to turn this into a ****ing contest, so I guess it's officially on.

    Now i'm going to try my best to address your grievances individualy. Idsaluteyoubub, you're first. You not only ridiculed me but took a swipe at Che, as well. Let's clear Che's good name right here and now. I believe you called him a 'douchebag' and a 'ruthless murderer'. You are wrong on both accounts. First and foremost, Che was a medical relief worker and a man of the people. He volunteered to help at a leper colony in San Pablo when he was barely thirty. Then he traveled to such places as Bolivia, Cuba, and Congo and witnessed the social disparages of the lower and working classes first hand. He devoted his life to revolution and workers' rights, and fought hard to displace the corrupt power elite throughout the third world. I hardly call that ruthless. You aren't worthy enough to spit shine Che's shoes..PERIOD

    Just because you won't ever see Che on a stamp doesn't mean that he wasn't a great man. Remember that the next time you're at the Klan rally or at the Mason's lodge.

    In closing, idsaluteyoubub, I would just like to say you're a poser. Your taste in music proves that. At twenty-two, I guess you can afford to be a spineless poser, but at twenty-nine, I don't have that luxury. My first responsibility is being a man, and furthermore; a man of principle, a man of my word. Maynard still had tits. LOL!!!

    Now on to you, p2501... ah, where to begin.

    I believe you made an off-hand remark about 'liberal colleges' and 'potheads'. I happen to be the product of the former, and a recreational user of the latter. I'm taking in consideration that you're from Kentucky, so I will be sure to use small words, so your thick, ass-backwards brain will be able to understand me to the fullest extent possible. Maybe then, we'll have some closure in this matter, once and for all.

    Yes, I do have a BA in liberal arts, and am ideologically slanted to the left. For this, I apologize to no one. Obviously, you are a Bush supporter, as is practically everyone else from Kentucky.

    Just remember this, it isn't the atheists and lefties who are wire tapping civilians, detaining the people without charges or legal representation, conducting clandestine operations throughout latin America under the guise of the war on drugs, secretly setting up gulags in the former soviet block of eastern Europe, where torture and humiliation, and various other infractions against the Geneva convention are being practiced, etc. etc. etc..

    Your condescending remarks about the left do nothing but show your true political and ideological stripes. From my position, they seem to be fairly in-line with the Bush regime.

    If it wasn't for your gun and the millions of fanatics in the christian coalition, your greasy ass would be put on a spit and roasted over a fire at one of our communist cook-outs. Such is the fate of all tyrant pigs, sooner or later (hopefully much sooner than later).

    Maybe the next time you'll bite your tongue (or atleast think twice) before you open your big mouth. Somebody just might have something unflattering to say right back.

    I guess the only thing left to say is, look at yourself before you ridicule another, especially when it's over something as trivial as my opinion of Tool.

    And it's the truth, "I would rather die standing up than live life on my knees."

    Take that to the bank!
    Ha...haha...hahahhaaha...good God man. Suck Che's wang a little bit more buddy. I am glad you only pointed out the few things your little bit of knowledge provided to us all...which is your knowledge of Che is probably along the lines watched The Motorcycle Diaries a few times.

    The man was in cohoots with Castro and murdered many to have Castro rise to power. Then you mention Congo, a place where he befriended murderous revolutionaries who murdered families of the opposing side(s) to try to, as you put it, devote his life for various human rights. Let me give you some into what he did after his humane leper colony stint...quit being stupid to what he really did. Im surprised a man with a Che avatar doesnt know a flying f*ck about the man's heartless life. Che was basically a Stalin without the balls or wit to take it to the next level, but still had the douchebag ruthless drive to kill people in as much cold blood as Stalin did.

    And what the hell does a Mason's Lodge have to do with being racist? Another idiotic comment on your part. I can see where your BA in "liberal arts" put you in the range on intelligence...I'd say along the lines of between a toad and....a man that worships Che...

    And my musical, I didnt know you were a psychic and can map out my taste after knowing one or two bands that I enjoy.

    You know, I shouldnt have even replied to your literally just made yourself look like a moron. There have been many a moron on this board, but for the most part, they would at least come up with something better than what you wrote.

    Oh and the funny thing about your quote...Che wanting to die standing up? Well...he didnt. Died on his knees, a beaten, ruthless killer. Ironic isnt it? Its basically the same position you would be in if you would have met him face to face.

    idsaluteyou"poser "bub

  8. #23
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tri0xin
    I see it's time that I clear the air, once and for all.

    idsaluteyoubub and p2501, let's put an end to this now.

    Umm, it was over. The rest of us went back to talking about the new album. Then you pop in with this ****. Which you clearly spent far too much time working on. So who’s the crybaby?

    First of all, you obviously feel passionate about Tool, and I respect that. Having said that, I don't appreciate being called "retarded" for not sharing the same passion as you do. You wanted to turn this into a ****ing contest, so I guess it's officially on.

    AWWW Snap, I’ve been served!!!111111 Fux0r3d11111

    Now i'm going to try my best to address your grievances individualy. Idsaluteyoubub, you're first. You not only ridiculed me but took a swipe at Che, as well. Let's clear Che's good name right here and now. I believe you called him a 'douchebag' and a 'ruthless murderer'. You are wrong on both accounts. First and foremost, Che was a medical relief worker and a man of the people. He volunteered to help at a leper colony in San Pablo when he was barely thirty. Then he traveled to such places as Bolivia, Cuba, and Congo and witnessed the social disparages of the lower and working classes first hand. He devoted his life to revolution and workers' rights, and fought hard to displace the corrupt power elite throughout the third world. I hardly call that ruthless. You aren't worthy enough to spit shine Che's shoes..PERIOD

    Umm, no really read a book. Che got around so much during his “heyday” because he was functioning as a military advisor for Fidel Castro. Che’s own letters indicate most of his time overseas, after he divorced his first wife, was spent setting up Communist sympathetic socialist revolutionary cells.

    Che himself lamented had the Russian missiles in Cuba been under Cuban control, he would have ordered them launched. As for The reason he “left” the Congo, after doing all of that “good” work. It was due to the army of the republic of Congo, slaughtering his Merc team in a roadside ambush, that drove him from the country. I think only 4 of the seven Cuban nationals he went into the country with made it out alive.

    In Bolivia his activities are well documented. And on a side note, his bull**** tactics were passed down to terror groups like the ****ing Shining path, great job there Che!

    Your noble leader by-proxy empowered and trained an army that finances it’s self by kidnapping and ransoming foreign aid workers.

    Yeah, he was a real charmer.

    Just because you won't ever see Che on a stamp doesn't mean that he wasn't a great man. Remember that the next time you're at the Klan rally or at the Mason's lodge.

    I’ll be sure to bring that up next Tuesday, the brother always get a chuckle out of this ****.

    In closing, idsaluteyoubub, I would just like to say you're a poser. Your taste in music proves that. At twenty-two, I guess you can afford to be a spineless poser, but at twenty-nine, I don't have that luxury. My first responsibility is being a man, and furthermore; a man of principle, a man of my word. Maynard still had tits. LOL!!!

    your 29, and the best you can do is repetitiously rip on an artist for having what you term tits? Amusing since in a few paragraphs you’ll tout that your soooo smart! But anyway So what if he does have tits? What’s wrong with the transgender community.

    Further, given the manner in which the band performs, it would make a degree of sense for Maynard to be in some form of costume.

    Also the Phrase ”in closing” generally pretexts a summation and closing paragraph, not pause before continuing your thoughts. Just, FYI

    Now on to you, p2501... ah, where to begin.

    I dunno, but say “ah” again. It make me think of Ricardo Montoban drinking coffee on a beach in Fiji. Ahhh good old Ricardo…..

    I believe you made an off-hand remark about 'liberal colleges' and 'potheads'. I happen to be the product of the former, and a recreational user of the latter. I'm taking in consideration that you're from Kentucky, so I will be sure to use small words, so your thick, ass-backwards brain will be able to understand me to the fullest extent possible. Maybe then, we'll have some closure in this matter, once and for all.

    . can’t say I did make a remark about liberal colleges, but I do hate them so let’s take this for a ride. Also just to clarify, I live in Pennsylvania, I’ve said this god knows how many times. My user profile actually reflected this, until I altered it a few weeks ago in order to reflect the Pennsyltucky joke. It’s a longstanding joke between a number of the Grizzled ancients on this board.

    But I just love how your so quick to pint out that your 1337, for getting a BA in Lib Arts at a liberal college. **** at my school that was equivocal for just showing up for 75% of the classes. But I digress, your LEET for going to that school, yet on basis of generalization everyone in Kentucky is dumb, simple because you think so.

    Because there are no trauma centers in Ky
    Because there is no culture in Ky
    Because no one of merit grew up in Ky
    Because the TV said it, on basis of generalization, it must be true. You sniveling little regionalist **** nugget.

    Yes, I do have a BA in liberal arts, and am ideologically slanted to the left. For this, I apologize to no one. Obviously, you are a Bush supporter, as is practically everyone else from Kentucky.

    really? Wow, your gaze is but slightly deeper than bird bath, but I will indulge you for a moment.

    1) I voted for bush in 2000. I will not elect anyone that served under Clintler.
    2) In 2004, I voted for Kerry, but only after I mailed back my RNC card, along with my NRA membership.
    3) I still don’t live in Kentucky
    4) Clearly that BA has served you so well. Perhaps it could offer you insight into fixing my goddamn combo meal.

    Just remember this, it isn't the atheists and lefties who are wire tapping civilians, detaining the people without charges or legal representation, conducting clandestine operations throughout latin America under the guise of the war on drugs, secretly setting up gulags in the former soviet block of eastern Europe, where torture and humiliation, and various other infractions against the Geneva convention are being practiced, etc. etc. etc..

    actually that would be fear mongering fundies doing that. Their a small minded rat eyed lot, frightened of change and of the loss of what they deem control. Reading your comments, I think you’d fit right in

    Your condescending remarks about the left do nothing but show your true political and ideological stripes. From my position, they seem to be fairly in-line with the Bush regime.

    but your condescension about Kentucky is alright, because they’re from “down south”. Riiiiiight.

    If it wasn't for your gun and the millions of fanatics in the christian coalition, your greasy ass would be put on a spit and roasted over a fire at one of our communist cook-outs. Such is the fate of all tyrant pigs, sooner or later (hopefully much sooner than later).

    actually I got into guns, because of my Grandfather, and because i have a natural aptitude with them. I was capable of shooting a man lethal grouping at 200 yards after putting 30 round through my AR15. Most people can’t do that at all with iron sights

    Also I’m a licensed minister, and a practicing Pastafarian, we’re naturally passive people. I like to take long romantic walks on the beach, water sports, and my hedgehog

    Maybe the next time you'll bite your tongue (or atleast think twice) before you open your big mouth. Somebody just might have something unflattering to say right back.

    I dunno at the rate you’ve been making **** up in this post, I tend to think you might bite your tongue. But I remain skeptical

    I guess the only thing left to say is, look at yourself before you ridicule another, especially when it's over something as trivial as my opinion of Tool.

    meh, one reason is just as good as another. but after this post, my initial point about your being a retard, has pretty much proven it’s self.

    And it's the truth, "I would rather die standing up than live life on my knees."

    I find people that quote ****e like this, have never seen death first hand. I have, and despite your trite, and your pathetic vitriol, I hope you never do have to see it.

    Take that to the bank!
    I suspect should I deposit it, it would only bounce.

  9. #24
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    United States guys are really into this debate stuff.

    I was absent around here for two or three weeks and have just came across this thread so I thought that I would chime in...

    I got "10,000 Days" on the day it was released and immediately took it home, laid on the couch to stare at the ceiling, and listened to it about three times straight.

    I've always dug on Tool's stuff and this cd is pretty damn good....but I have to say that it doesn't feel like the old stuff. I think I can definitely say that I liked their last cd, "Lateralus" alot better.

    I think "10,000 Days" just seems rather rushed and like there wasn't too much thought thrown into it. With the exception of "The Pot" and "Jambi" I think that "Vicarious" is probably the best song on the CD. And in my opinion, when the single is the best song on the cd....something isn't right.

    I don't know.... Like I said, I enjoy the cd and it was worth every penny but for some reason it just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's something that will grow on me with alittle more time....although I've probably listened to it about 15 times since it was released a week and a half ago.

    The pictures and the 3D case thing is pretty damn cool to look at, as well.

    All I do know is that when their tour dates are announced....I'll be there with bells on.

  10. #25
    Dying idsaluteyoubub's Avatar

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    Yea the only gripe I have with the album is that there are too many "filler" songs...just weird ambient noise that could be replaced by a few new songs.

    I have to say that it does grow on you though. Give it a few more listen-tos. But it doesnt compare to their older stuff, I agree.

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I got my hands on 10,000 Days as well ... my first proper exposure to Tool. I liked it, then I got my hands on Aenima and that was rather spiffing, so I'm going to get my hearing around those again over this week to get into this stuff properly.

    As for Maynard, I also downloaded four Perfect Circle albums, haven't listened to them yet, I just rediscovered my Deftones "self titled" album today ... and I was reliving my 90's youth with Dance Tip '95 , my first ever CD.

    *realigns to being old ... listens to a political talk show on in the background while my folk's nab Sky for Desperate Housewives. John Prescott?! F*cking waste of space bastard!*

  12. #27
    Just been bitten Hawkboy's Avatar

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    I'll pass.... Tool ain't my thing.

  13. #28
    Dying idsaluteyoubub's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkboy
    I'll pass.... Tool ain't my thing.
    It definately aint' for everyone.

  14. #29
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Trioxin, P2501, idsaluteyoubub - step away from each other and just ignore any baits, there is an "ignore" list in your UserCP at your disposal. Anymore bitching and bickering and some moderation will have to be dispensed, consider this a verbal warning before things get out of hand.


    *moderator mode off, member mode on ... no not like a penis*

    I have to say I like the 10,000 Days album, but was more impressed by Aenima - I'm a newcomer to Tool, and indeed it's going to take a few listens to get into the whole vibe.

    *distracted by some show on Channel 4 - stop your bitching whatever your name is, kid from the street getting a fantastic opportunity to become a builder, how hard is it to get up on time and get to work on time, if that's your attitude inject yourself full of heroin or some other manky drug and rid yourself of the planet - just be on f*cking time you stupid loser!*

    Yes, it's that frustrating to see some muppet ignorant to the fact he's been handed a silver platter and has rejected it by being late, what a loser.

    Off topic yes, but it was during the posting of this post, ha!

  15. #30
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Try "Opiate". It's only a 6-tracker but it's pretty good straight-up rock. "Aenima" is one of their greats, I believe.

    I'm starting to think that "10,000 Days" is at the bottom of their discography....


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