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Thread: *[REAL RELEASE DATE]* - Diary still being released on February 15th

  1. #16
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    ...Which is actually the way I prefer to go to the cinema. So there's no friends yapping about bullsh*t or my girlfriend asking me a question that hasn't been answered yet in a film I'm seeing for the first time.
    yeah, brother i feel your pain about the gf with all the questions. it makes me wanna shout "look, i'm watching the damn thing for the first time, too, so shut up and if it's relevant, it'll be explained, and if not, we can always talk about it after the show." she acts like i know all the answers...which most of the time i do

  2. #17
    Fresh Meat San Jose Shark's Avatar

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    Anybody know how wide a release this is getting? i heard somewhere like 500 theatres but i'm not sure if that is correct.

  3. #18
    According to IMDb, Diary's release in the U.S. is limited. How limited I have no idea.

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well I hope it's wide enough in the UK to come to my local multiplex...which is still 40 minutes away.

    I remember going to see Land of the Dead, opening night (IN FREAKING SEPTEMBER!!! That's how late we got it! ) and there were more people than I expected to be there, although compared to the wider British appeal of "Revolver" (which had just come out the day before and was PACKED with n00bs) it was small fry...but that was to be expected.

    Anyway, there was a trio of people - who blatantly didn't get in to see "Revolver", so they just came to Land of the Dead...they left as soon as the guts started spilling, and one or two of the three were up and down all through the time it was running while they were in there before they scarpered...f*ck off down there!

    But that didn't spoil my experience in the least bit, I had a blast and really enjoyed it. Went to see it with Knox (who plays Zombie Man, by the way) and we both enjoyed the hell out of it.

    So I'm gonna have to try and see about checking out Diary of the Dead opening night as well, I'd assume it's not going to get a massive audience...I just wanna see it is all.


    Don't know why it's "Billy"-no-mates, but it just sounds good, and indeed it means doing something alone...sometimes it's shortened to just "Billy", as in "I was a right Billy last night"...or "You turned me into a right Billy last night when you all vanished".

  5. #20
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    I never thought I would get the chance to see one Romero dead movie at a movie theater on its release date, let alone two.

    I just wish I was old enough to see Night at the drive-in and Dawn and Day at the theater.

    I loved seeing Land at the theater, but I think I overhyped the movie so much in my own head that I walked away a little disappointed.

    Hopefully seeing Diary at the theater will be an experience more on par with the people (like my father and devoted Romero fan) who got to see Night at the drive-in, and were completely blown away by it.

  6. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    Go by himself. Which is actually the way I prefer to go to the cinema. So there's no friends yapping about bullsh*t or my girlfriend asking me a question that hasn't been answered yet in a film I'm seeing for the first time.
    Going to the movies alone is really the best way to go.

    Old people with cell phones!!! They're the worst group you can come across in the theater.

    Glad to hear the movie is finally coming to the U.S., about f*cking time!

  7. #22
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim102016 View Post
    Old people with cell phones!!! They're the worst group you can come across in the theater.

    Those are annoying, but I have to disagree about them being the worst. IMO, the worst are the ones that commentate to their friend throughout the entire movie.

    You know the ones. If someone is running from an enemy and trips or something like that, she yells out "GET UP! RUN! THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!". Or if something PAINFULLY obvious happens and they tell their friend about it. Let's say that a character OBVIOUSLY dies....she leans over to her friend(even after leaning over she still talks incredibly too loud) "He's dead!".


    There's more examples, but I get pissed off just thinking about it. I Am Legend was the last film I saw on opening night and it's also the last film i'll EVER see on opening night for the reasons listed above(plus a few more).

  8. #23
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    bassman, i had a similar moment of realization when i went and saw rob zombie's halloween on opening night. never again will i see a movie on opening weekend. as you've stated previously, the best time for watching (and enjoying) a movie at the theater is in the middle of the week around mid-day/early afternoon.

  9. #24
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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  10. #25
    Fresh Meat Ezrick's Avatar

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    This will be the first time I actually get to see one of Romero's films on in theater. I wasn't able to with land which was disappointing. I thought I had missed my chance but now I have at least 5 hardcore zombie fanatics who will be attending this film with me. I honestly can hardly contain myself now and I know the closer it gets the worse it will be. I have to be there opening night. I hate going to movies opening weekend for the reasons stated above, plus I just kind of hate crowded theaters, but for this I will make an exception.

  11. #26
    Walking Dead DubiousComforts's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    as you've stated previously, the best time for watching (and enjoying) a movie at the theater is in the middle of the week around mid-day/early afternoon.
    It all depends. If the audience is predominantly comprised of disinterested brats that can't keep from texting every five minutes, then I agree to avoid premiere weekends at all costs.

    I saw The Ring (U.S. remake) with a mostly black audience. This was on or around the opening weekend when the theater was jammed-packed. These folks were totally into this flick--yelling at the characters on screen, laughing at the appropriate parts, screaming non-stop when the ghost crawls from the television. It was a far more enjoyable experience than I would have had watching this crappy movie in a nearly empty theater. I hope that I'll be able to see Diary with this same type of enthusiastic audience.

  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I saw Land of the Dead opening night, and as it was competing with Guy Ritchie's latest film there weren't many people in the cinema, and as it was rated 15 here in the UK there was a group of teenagers there.

    I initially thought "oh bollocks" - but actually, they were all GAR fans and were totally psyched to be there, they didn't natter through the movie and - like myself and my fellow GAR fan Knox - had a blast watching the movie.

    The only people who didn't were the numpties who didn't get in to see Revolver who clearly picked Land because it was the only thing left for them to pick, they scarpered as soon as the intestines started getting yanked, f*ckin' n00bs.

    Diary of the Dead is an 18 this time round (woohoo), so it'll be a teenager free zone and I doubt it's going to have a load of people there. I just hope it comes to my local multiplex, I'll be there opening night hopefully, billy-no-mates or not.

  13. #28
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    i saw land early in the afternoon during the middle of the week. if there were two or three other people in the theater i would've been surprised. it was like having my own private screening. nice and quiet, no muttonbirds about to act the fool and cause distractions.

    all in all a great way to see a film that you really want to try and enjoy.

    now if you're wife/gf drags you to see juno or one of the bridget jones movies-please, for god's sake- someone cause some distractions!
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    i saw land early in the afternoon during the middle of the week. if there were two or three other people in the theater i would've been surprised. it was like having my own private screening. nice and quiet, no muttonbirds about to act the fool and cause distractions.

    all in all a great way to see a film that you really want to try and enjoy.

    now if you're wife/gf drags you to see juno or one of the bridget jones movies-please, for god's sake- someone cause some distractions!
    That's how I saw Land. I actually took the day off of work and say the first screening at 10 AM.

    Then later in the same day I went back with a friend who enjoys the original trilogy. I then saw it the next day. So yeah....I saw it alot.

    What's wrong with Juno? I haven't had a chance to see it yet but I've heard great things.

  15. #30
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman311 View Post
    What's wrong with Juno? I haven't had a chance to see it yet but I've heard great things.
    nothing really i was using it as an example of a chick flick that some guys get looped into seeing by their better halves. i have seen it (it was my payback for my wife seeing i am legend) and is rather funny and is not melodramatic at all in its treatment of the subject.

    it and bridget jones were the first chicky things that sprang into my head.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."


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