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Thread: UK FOLK! - against ID Cards?

  1. #16
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    simply walking into mordor
    next up an ear tag allowing satelites to track your location and movements any time of the day

    *door busts open behind him, pc is shot to **** by a swat team and a man in black chloraphormes him and dargs him away...."you didnt see, ANYTHING!" taken away, room cleaned and door shut as black van pulls away in the night*

  2. #17
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    next up an ear tag allowing satelites to track your location and movements any time of the day

    *door busts open behind him, pc is shot to **** by a swat team and a man in black chloraphormes him and dargs him away...."you didnt see, ANYTHING!" taken away, room cleaned and door shut as black van pulls away in the night*

    I know. I can see that happening. With an id card tied to the federal government they can probably track everything you do, know where you bank, where you shop, what you buy and how often. pretty soon there will be a national library card so they can track to see if your reading books about how to build a bomb or what ever

  3. #18
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by HLS View Post
    I know. I can see that happening. With an id card tied to the federal government they can probably track everything you do, know where you bank, where you shop, what you buy and how often. pretty soon there will be a national library card so they can track to see if your reading books about how to build a bomb or what ever
    All you would have to do is check out a chemistry book....
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

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  4. #19
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    BOLLOCKS to the conservatives. sure labour did wrong, but what the hell happened to

    *our mining industries
    *our public transport system
    *the guys who died for the FALKLANDS (i mean WTF, iraq?! american people, wikipedia; the falklands war and tell me how worthless you think that was)

    their policies have NOT changed that much since then.
    if you are fooled by cameron's slime then you are as dumb as the people who were fooled by blair's similarly orchestrated PR sheen in '97. ever see that episode of time trumpet where they edit a speech by cameron and a speech by blair together and they are almost exactly the same?

    now the thatcherite policies were not that long ago, but bringing up bloody churchill as a good reason to vote tory?! jesus christ man, that was over half a century ago...

    fair play churchill got us through world war 2 (not without a LOT of help from the americans and the russians though), but guess what;


    woohoo. what a hero.

    frankly that sort of shenanigans makes ID cards seem rather tame (and guess what; they had ID cards under churchill, even after the war was over)

    bring back the liberal democrats i say, the great war was a long time ago.

    dont be so quick to support the tories just because labour are a sack of turds.

    need i remind you that dodgy politicians wait for people to get desperate before leaping onto their wounds for a good suck?

    i fear partially justified hatred masquerading as rationalised political viewpoint (yeah, as usual)

    *loosens tie*
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  5. #20
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    The people of the falklands wanted to be british though,not argentinian,they are proud of who they are,more so than most people who live in britain itself!That war not only ensured the freedom of the falklanders,but it also showed the world that britain was still not a pushover at a crucial time in the cold war.
    It wasnt thatcher who ruined the mining industry anyway,the unions had to be brought back under control and thats what she did,the real man behind wrecking mining was that gimp arthur scargill!Anyway since labour have been in power the unions are getting bolshy again,notice the continuous striking across all services including public transport,they need to be brought back down again before all the rioting and discontent comes back...
    The lib dems are too wet and left to be a government,i hope they never get into power during my lifetime.That leaves me with the BNP and the conservatives,now i do agree with some of what the BNP say as a party,but im not into the racist side of their policies so i wouldnt vote for them.That leaves me with the conservatives who arent perfect by any means but the closest im going to get in this current political climate.

    Back to the point though,this ID card system is pure gestapo,once everyones entire life and habits are on this database,what will they do with the information?will they start rounding up political opponents & opposition sympathisers and incarcerating them?will they sell our details onto other companies to bring in revenue?will you have to answer to the government about what you are buying & how much of your own money you spend?(i heard that once this comes in you will have to swipe your card every time you make a purchase for ANYTHING)

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Basically, it's information the government doesn't need, but simply wants to - once again - gain more power for themselves, as they're completely drunk with power.

    And if you think the likes of John "two Jags" Prescott are in it "for the working man" then you're sorely mistaken, do any of those wankers earning large sums per year have anything in common with the "working man" they claim to represent? Nope, Labour are weak and they're a shining example of "absolute power corrupts absolutely".

  7. #22
    Walking Dead _liam_'s Avatar

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    nah i hate labour, but i hate the tories even more...

    but the tories have backed ID cards in the past... i just think theyre exactly the same as they always were but they do a bit of populist pandering to dupe people who are fed up with labour.

    all this crowing they do over the cash for honours thing kind of annoys me too, i got a newspaper clipping a couple years back detailing a £390,000 donation to the tories courtesy of the freemasons. most tories are masons, but of course that's a coincidence

    and lol tricky, what BNP policies do you agree with? the mandatory military service or the legal requirement to have an assault rifle under your bed?
    "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
    Tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and endangering the country.
    it works the same in every country."

    -Herman Goering, Hitler's Reichsmarschall, at the Nuremberg trials.


  8. #23
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    The military service wouldnt be a bad thing in kicking the attitude out of the "chav" generation to be honest,but no what i agree on is the BNP's stance on immigration and europe (i.e. keeping Britain out of it)
    As i say i wouldnt vote for them though because of the racism,all i can hope is that the conservatives take those policies on board and add them to their manifesto

  9. #24
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    The people of the falklands wanted to be british though,not argentinian,they are proud of who they are,more so than most people who live in britain itself!That war not only ensured the freedom of the falklanders,but it also showed the world that britain was still not a pushover at a crucial time in the cold war.
    Actually, it looked like Thatcher was trying to get tough over a tiny piece of colonial property. It didnt make Britan look tough, it made Thatcher look like she was TRYING to look tough by fighting a militarily insignificant enemy.
    Like the US in Grenada.
    So, no offense, it seemed like they were trying to recapture a past imperial glory and seemed like a ploy.
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  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Judging by the Conservatives website (yes, I've looked, stop gawking at me Liam ), the issue of immigration and especially border control is a key issue, instead of ID cards (which won't stop anything Labour says it will) they say they'd instead use some of that money saved from not having ID cards to put border police back in place - because it's just simply what needs to be done, some things can't be automated - border control, the police and so on - you need PEOPLE, active resources - not a friggin' computer, to keep those situations in check.

  11. #26
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post

    As long as you keep that conservative vote in the UK. Everytime we vote conservative over here int he USA look at the **** we get into. We are a country that needs to vote liberal, it is hard pressed fact. The conservative line of thinking doesn't match the standards americans demand anymore.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    No worries, like I was explaining to Coma, Conservatives here and Conservatives there seem very different species. In the UK we have a more "centre-left" or "centre-right" approach to things ... although the supposed centre-left (Labour) seem more like dictators as more time passes by as they continue to not actually stand for "the working man" like they claim they do (all the while driving around in two Jaguars and holidaying with the BeeGees)...

  13. #28
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    We have National I.D. Cards too. They were earmarked by the Bush administration and tacked on to either the Patriot Act or the Domestic Security Enhancements Act that were rubberstamped and pushed through the republican controlled congress, post 9/11. These two bills give the executive branch essentially more power than the Enabling Act gave to Hitler. Virginians, Americans, you better start worrying. We're facing tyranny.

    As for the whole republican vs. democrat thing, I don't buy into it. The whole right vs. left paradigm is the biggest joke to ever be pulled on the American people. The same people that manage Bush, also manage the Clintons too. The republican and democrat parties have been bought and paid for by the private central banking elite that run the federal reserve. Our elections have been a fraud for quite some time. The faces change but the names never seem to. We rebelled against the idea of a monarchy, only to fall prey to Clinton and Bush dynasties. If I go the rest of my life without seeing another Bush or Clinton in office or a Cheney or a Kissinger as an advisor or a cabinet member, it will be too soon for me.

    This Republic's government has abandoned us and treats the people as if we're the enemy. Opening our mail, checking our library records, wiretapping our phone calls, passing the Military commissions act that gives the executive branch the power to declare CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES enemy combatants if desired and denied the writ of Habeas Corpus.

    Our government no longer listens to the people. 85% of us want our troops out of Iraq, yet our government not only ignores this, but openly discusses the possibility of escalating the troop number by 25,000 and are dangerously close to expanding the war to Iran, as well.

    Now they want to keep us under lock and key too? Have you tried to get a passport lately? Biometric thumb scanning, keeping the people under constant surveillance with cameras and any other big brother device that you can think of, implementing national i.d. cards without any non-governmental oversight. Now they're talking about "free speech zones" too?

    The founding fathers rebelled against the crown for less.

    Americans, you need to worry less about socialistic government entitlements, like social security and medicaid and all that other crap that makes you rely on the government more than is healthy, and you should worry more about preserving the Bill of Rights for yourselves and your family.

    What we're seeing in Washington D.C. and in London are two out-of-control crime enterprises that blow up buildings and tubes and murder their own people to serve their own corrupt agendas. If you still think it was bin Laden that hit us on 9/11, six years after the fact, and not al-C.I.A.da, then you deserve the oppression and tyranny you get.

    The only thing that will get us out of this deep crap we're in is unity. We need every ultra left-wing commie, ultra right-wing super-patriot, federal income tax hating, gun-toting (not the phony NRA either), freedom loving, private property, anti-forced vaccination, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Green Party, paleo-conservative, neo-liberal to band together (even if the one thing we agree on is our hatred of the established power elite and their corrupt boot-licking henchmen) and support Ron Paul for president.
    Last edited by Chaos; 13-Feb-2007 at 04:08 PM.

  14. #29
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    No way I would vote another republican into the white house. If the Ron Paul you are referring to is the same Ron Paul whom is a Texas congressman... Hell no. Democrat or libertarian only. Maybe even an independent, but no way will a republican ever get my vote.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  15. #30
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    can we just agree that US politics and UK politics are very different subjects?

    Here in the uk, the conservatives are the lesser of two evils, and its sour old people annoyed by thatcher who have kept tony blair in power for all this time.

    I mean no offense _liam_, but listen to yourself... your saying screw the conservatives becuase of something a completely different generation of politicians did 20 years ago. thats whats keeping tony blair in power and thats what is keeping labour screwing you over now.


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