Quote Originally Posted by RustyHicks View Post
I have an appointment in October with a Rhuementologist( I know I
spelled that wrong lol) to see what else can be done from there.
Funny. I have had long waits like that too for appts, but theres supposed to be no waiting in the US. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. Looks good on paper, but golly gee, its total bulls**t

Rhuematoligists can be disappointing because , in my case, they take like 100 different tests and then just shrug. Often Drs, if they don't know, they just shrug because they don't want to use actual words to get tied to. That is really irritating. So I get the totally awesome diagnosis of "cause unknown". symptoms are real but cause is idiopathic (means they dont know). They told me that was better than some of the rare diseases they were looking for because those diseases are awful. My feeling is that I got something nasty, they just don't known what it is. And they arent looking because it doesn't involve Boobs or babies or Hollywood activist types so I guess I can go screw. One of my issues is a rare eye disease. My version is only 4% of that. My particulars are almost unheard of. At the Clinic where I go they only had one other guy the same in 20 years. So no one is looking and if they find something to help it will be totally by accident.

How they find stuff by accident
They give a heart patient a drug. Turns out he gets a boner for 3 hours after taking it. Ta da...Viagra.
But when so few people have it , it lessens the pool for observable tangential effects so there is almost no chance. WEAK.