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Thread: I Am Zombie Man - watch it now!

  1. #16
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm glad "beanbag" translates to other people, I was wondering whether other people would 'get' that it means a guy's happy sack, haha! I'm chuffed the jokes are lasting too, now if I can just get you people quoting me, then I'll be a legend!

  2. #17
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    bean bag i get. happy sac ,thats a new one

  3. #18
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Man, I love british comedies and i've kinda learned some of the language differences so pretty much most of it I "get". That beanbag one hit home the second I heard it and had me laughing like hell.

  4. #19
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Guys, I'm really very chuffed you're all digging "IAZM", I've got such the grin on my mush right now ... and I'm even saving all your praising comments in a txt file for posterity, something to look at whenever I might doubt my own work (as all artists eventually do).

    I'm glad you guys are into the comedy too, when I started writing things like short stories I focussed on serious horror stories devoid of humour, some generally quite grim content on occasion (but I guess I was in a much darker mindset back then for the usual teenage reasons). These days however, while still being the same black-hearted git I always was , I've taken to comedy quite a bit, more and more with each passing project.

    I've been working very hard to get my comedic writing polished, and I'm glad the graft is paying off, "write about what you know" - the best piece of worldly advice there has ever been (in artistic terms).

    Again, glad you guys are all into it ... hmmm ... maybe I'll dream up a sequel to it..."Zombie Man's Christmas Message"?
    Well you know how there is You could do a spin-off

    Ask Zombie Man - People like zombies more than Ninja's

    BTW dude, you have to send me a copy of this on DVD NTSC... I wanna have this in my collection. I think this and trapped are your best short films.

    Also dude, I have been spreading the word about IAZM, ons ome other forums I haunt from time to time. I am helping you pimp this cuz I love it.
    Last edited by DjfunkmasterG; 30-Aug-2006 at 02:57 AM.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  5. #20
    Twitching Maitreya's Avatar

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    ROFLL You just made my night, "Zombies cannot ****ing run, I tried it the other day and my kneecaps fell off".

    I think your british accent also made it 50 times funnier.

    Loved the bit about Jehova's Witnesses as well "I devoured the last few".

    "You bitchass zombie mother****er, I swear to God I'll **** you up"

    Official member of the Zombie Man Fan Club est. 2007

  6. #21
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Blimey, cheers dude.

    I'm appreciating the pimpage, it's all goooooood. Hmmm...perhaps Zombie Man could be a new phenomenon? (Probably not, lol, but good fun nonetheless).

    I like the idea of "Ask Zombie Man" - I could take a bunch of questions from you guys and give them to Zombie Man himself to pour over in his Christmas Message...hmmm, I like the ring of that. Of course, that'll entail tracking down the rotting one himself, after getting this exposure he's been doing nothing but partying twenty-four-seven. You should see his eye sockets, bloodshot like nobody's business!

  7. #22
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    you should rnig up daivd firth and get him partyin' with devvo

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I spoke with Gareth (Zombie Man) yesterday when I was handing over a copy of the VHS/IAZM DVD and told him you guys had been really into it and he was chuffed to hear that. I also mentioned the possibility of doing a follow up, and he was up for it so I checked my schedule with him and I should be able to find some time with him between Xmas and New Year to do another one.

    That's the plan at the moment, so keep 'em peeled, yo ... IAZM 2 will also be on my new camera (I think stock should be in by then! ha!), so expect a really crisp, wicked image ... still downgraded to WMV!

  9. #24
    Walking Dead Adrenochrome's Avatar

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    My dearest MZ,

    I have watched I Am Zombie Man for the third time.
    Now I have two rivers in my back lot leading to my lake (crying from laughter, that is). The mention of "Silly walks" is nice - if that's a Python ref (or do you guys walk silly alot over yon?).
    (as is the zeds can't run line) -
    The scene where the poor fellow is holding his hand out to gripe about the rain. But, can't because it's sunny.....CLASSIC!!!! (how much worse could being a zombie get?)
    (oh, and the "air powered TV" )
    looking forward to part II!

    your friend,

    that guy that bitches, lots,.....Tom.

  10. #25
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Glad it's got repeat power, and indeed, the Silly Walks thing is a bit of a Python nod, but it's also just what I do quite a lot myself to amuse ... myself, I guess.

    I'm going to get you lot involved in the follow up, but that'll be a little further down the line of time when I get around to scripting it - part of it will be like Dj's excellent suggestion, a question 'n' answer segment in Zombie Man's Christmas Message.

    All I need to do is not make a sucky sequel...

  11. #26
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    FINALLY! A chance to watch this. I found the writing to be very good, the delivery could have been a little better. I think had you used more graphic FX, and perhaps shown a couple of his mishap adventures (perhaps him biting a couple of store customers), it would have rounded out a little better. Most importantly though, it works. Good job.

  12. #27
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Well, I woulda done those things, but doing it in a documentary style kinda negates the use of those things, plus it was just a quick idea I wanted to do, something free and loose (wrapped up from start to finish inside a month in spare time), but I appreciate what you're saying, it just wasn't really where I decided to go with it...

    The main reason for going fast, free, loose and simple was that I'd just finished making "VHS" and I'd spent a lot of time being very close-up to the project, using the tripod, using fake blood and all that - and having spent all of 2006 up to that point being very professional and serious about my filmmaking, I wanted to just cut loose and not take anything seriously. So it all came from the gut basically and was pretty much just a chance to have fun.

    I've never put together something so fast. Written in about 2 to 3 (collective, very relaxed) hours, shot in about 2 to 3 hours one afternoon, edited in 2 ... maybe 3 sessions, the middle session was the main one and lasted for about 3 hours. So there wasn't actually that much collective time spent on it, but spread out over a month.

    But then I guess there was the "behind the scenes" thing that I did for it (basically taking off-the-cuff moments and general nonsense jibber jabber and sticking it together very quickly), and that took another 2 to 3 yeah, basically IAZM was a work of mainly "2 to 3 hour" sessions.

    I'll render out a WMV of the somewhat "making of" I knocked together for IAZM, anyone fancy seeing it?

  13. #28
    Just been bitten Fulcifan91's Avatar

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    A making of would be awesome to see.

  14. #29
    Survey Time axlish's Avatar

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    I am having trouble deciding if some nasty tarman style effects would have made it funnier than the mask.

    I totally understood it was most likely a one afternoon affair, I was commenting more on what it could have been if it wasn't.

    I smell a series

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Fulci - check out the new thread in Filmmakers forum - extra features for IAZM - a featurette (of sorts) and deleted scenes, enjoy.

    I think I see where you're coming from axlish - like, 'what would it be like if it was done in a different way?' ... for me at least, part of the comedy was that it looked so stupid and you can see his "neck meat" from time to time, but I understand you're not belittling the way I chose to take it.

    Who knows, maybe one of these days when I have some money I'd take it further into a fancier looking plateau...but for now it's just to have fun and do some "literally-no-budget" filmmaking quickly to enjoy the freedom to vent pent up frustration from more serious projects.

    Expect IAZM2 at the ass-end of the year or the very beginning of 2007 (filming between Xmas and New Years you see).

    IAZM2 however, will be a more flashy affair - no, still the same-ass mask (I love it's charm as it's so daft ... who knows, maybe he does a Dallas and wakes up from his dream of being ZM and pulls the mask off! ... okay, that's not likely ... maybe as a deleted scene though eh? ) - but IAZM2 will be shot on my sexy new DVX100B ... with a ... *shock* tripod ... at least for some of it anyway, I don't half dig that funky handle on the camera for low angles.

    Check out the IAZM1 extra features post in filmmakers forum index.


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