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Thread: United Nations to pressure the US to ban private ownership of guns

  1. #16
    Just been bitten deadwrtr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by p2501

    1) the UN has suggested this before, and it always goes nowhere. frankly the UN has larger issues than our guns.

    2) the NRA is using this as a fund raiser. 2 or three of the links on that linked site offer someway to give money to the NRA. this is reason 256 why i canceled my membership to those asshats.

    3) the second amendment isn't going anywhere. so unclench your panties. no, and i say again no one is staking anybody's guns away.

    i think that covers everything.
    It seems as if you are suggesting people sit back and do nothing when issues like this come up. Perhaps it is all hot air. Perhaps it's not.

    I don't own a handgun (though I'd like to) nor a rifle, but I believe in the Bill of Rights and the rights of people to own fire arms. Countries like the UK that have initiated a gun ban on its citizens still have violent crimes involving firearms, yet I imagine that if private citizens were allowed to own them, the incidents of violent crime would be reduced.

    Personally, I am sending the letters to Annan, Kariyawasam and Bolton. I've added my own comments to the letters, though I doubt seriously Kofi will ever read it. It's not much, but even the hint of things of this nature is irritating to me. Not to mention, US dollars ARE being spent hosting this ridiculous, panty-clenching crapfest.

    I'd like to see the closed door transcripts on the oil for food scandal. Whatever happened with that, anyway? Shouldn't the UN be focused on other issues, ones that originated within that corrupt organization?

    It may be a revenue raising issue for the NRA... I am not giving money to them, and no one if forcing the issue on others either.

  2. #17
    Rising Eyebiter's Avatar

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    p2501 - ask firearms owners in the UK, Australia, or Canada. First it's registration, then it's banning handguns and assault rifles, then it's everything else.

    Sure the NRA is a fundraising organization. Then again they spend a good amount of money lobbying politicians and supporting the shooting industry in general. If the annual fee bothers you, it's possible to get a NRA life membership for less than the regular $750 price if you look around on the net. They frequently run deals - example a few weeks ago you could sign up a minor for a life membership for only $250.

  3. #18
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Guns don't need to be banned, but restricted.

    Of course, in a perfect world, there would be NO guns.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead slickwilly13's Avatar

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    First off the U.N. needs to mind their business. Second, banning guns in the U.S. would be a very bad idea. As others stated, it keeps the govt in check. That was one of the main reasons for the 2nd amendment after what happened between England and the colonies during the 1700's. Hate to bring up the past, but its a fact. Also, even if they banned guns people would still obtain them through the black market the same way people buy drugs and other illegal goods. Guns will be in the hands of the criminals. Think about it. If I'm a carjacker who's armed with a firearm then I will do it will great confidence knowing that you won't be able to do anything about it since you don't have any means to defend yourself against my gun. Finally, if they do take our guns away then there will probably be another civil war or revolution with the citizens vs the govt.

  5. #20
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    "some of the locations boast more murders than suicides and vice-versa. (About 18,000 out of 31,000 people who commit suicide in the U.S. every year do so by gun.) "
    "The only thing that jumps out is lethal violence," Hemenway says. Violence, pace H. Rap Brown, is not "as American as cherry pie," but American violence does tend to end in death. The reason, plain and simple, is guns. We own more guns per capita than any other high-income country—maybe even more than one gun for every man, woman, and child in the country. A 1994 survey numbered the U.S. gun supply at more than 200 million in a population then numbered at 262 million, and currently about 35 percent of American households have guns. "

    "The ways in which people die by guns would not make a good television cop show. Rarely does a suburban homeowner beat a burglar to the draw in his living room at 3 a.m. Few urban pedestrians thwart a mugger by brandishing a pistol. "We have done four surveys on self-defense gun use," Hemenway says. "And one thing we know for sure is that there's a lot more criminal gun use than self-defense gun use. And even when people say they pulled their gun in 'self-defense,' it usually turns out that there was just an escalating argument—at some point, people feel afraid and draw guns."


    UN Control of the United States? That ironic, being the US hosts the UN in New York on American Soil, and provides a large majority of funding for it.

    You don't need a FN P90 with full auto 50 round magazine of 5.57 mm, shooting at 900 rounds a minute for hunting. You don't need weapons like that for anything. ANYTHING. That is unless you plan on a military coup deta, and if thats the case I Think you have a few other things to worry about.

    Keep small caliber handguns and hunting rifles everything else has no reason to stay.
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  6. #21
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    You don't need a FN P90 with full auto 50 round magazine of 5.57 mm, shooting at 900 rounds a minute...
    I doubt you'd find one of those guns in this country. If you did, I can almost guarantee you that it'd be stolen.

    I've gone through my prior illegal gun collection before, but I will again.

    1) M-16
    1) MAC-11
    X) Couple Glocks
    1) Colt 1911
    1) Llama .380
    1) Llama .357
    1) .44
    Couple things I can't remember

    I remember when I was 15 someone asked if I wanted grenades. $100 a pop. I said no; how would I find out if they worked? The same guy once offered me a LAW for $500, but I couldn't find the money. Gun control, or banning guns altogether, would not have stopped me from acquiring those weapons, why would it stop criminals today, who will no doubt be more devious than I was? If a gun ban was initiated the very first thing I'd do is find me a stolen gun for protection, and that would take about 15 minutes.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  7. #22
    Dead Tullaryx's Avatar

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    People seem to forget one thing. The UN has no authority whatsoever to change laws within the sovereign territories of any nation. The UN can suggest, and with the help of member countries, suggest forcefully if need be. Now the UN knows its blowing hot air and probably Kofi Annan's last minute dig at the Bush administration. Kofi Annan's tenure as Secretary-General of the UN is close to ending. So far, his tenure can be said as having weakened and made the UN a joke.

    In the end, the only people who can ban all form of guns for civilians to purchase and own are Congress and that's if the President doesn't veto it and if the Supreme Court doesn't shoot it down for being unconstitutional.
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  8. #23
    Walking Dead p2501's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eyebiter
    p2501 - ask firearms owners in the UK, Australia, or Canada. First it's registration, then it's banning handguns and assault rifles, then it's everything else.

    Sure the NRA is a fundraising organization. Then again they spend a good amount of money lobbying politicians and supporting the shooting industry in general. If the annual fee bothers you, it's possible to get a NRA life membership for less than the regular $750 price if you look around on the net. They frequently run deals - example a few weeks ago you could sign up a minor for a life membership for only $250.

    No no no, sorry. i mean an nationalized data base of all class A fellons. the people that are for life prohibited from owning a firearm. not firearms owners, ****ing hell, that'd eb a defnitive step towards armed conflict.

    as for the NRA, no i resigned my membership after they backed Bush in the last election. it was a cop out and a terribly poor one. Bush did nothing to assist the assualt weapons ban expring, and if i recall correctly even stated he would sign it back into law if it were floated to his desk.

    so after that, i just don't feel the need to support them. as for the cost it was no biggie, i bought my lifetime membership back when they ran around $400.

    Quote Originally Posted by Exatreides

    "some of the locations boast more murders than suicides and vice-versa. (About 18,000 out of 31,000 people who commit suicide in the U.S. every year do so by gun.) "

    [I]this is largely irrelevant. people want to commit suicide will find a way to do it. guns just present a fast and painless (seemingly) way to go about it. personaly, if i person is going to kill themselves, and it is unavoidable, i prefer they atleast not suffer while doing it.[/I]
    "The only thing that jumps out is lethal violence," Hemenway says. Violence, pace H. Rap Brown, is not "as American as cherry pie," but American violence does tend to end in death. The reason, plain and simple, is guns. We own more guns per capita than any other high-income country—maybe even more than one gun for every man, woman, and child in the country. A 1994 survey numbered the U.S. gun supply at more than 200 million in a population then numbered at 262 million, and currently about 35 percent of American households have guns. "

    that's contrdictory. the quote indicates it's possible that there is currently more than one gun per person within the country. but the numbers in the next sentence fail to capture that level of saturation. 262m guns for a populous of 200m? that's a ratio of 1 gun for every 1.3 people. further and it gets worse when the last sentence quotes that those 200m guns are held by 35% of US house holds. this data is largely static, and totaly inconclusive.

    "The ways in which people die by guns would not make a good television cop show. Rarely does a suburban homeowner beat a burglar to the draw in his living room at 3 a.m. Few urban pedestrians thwart a mugger by brandishing a pistol. "We have done four surveys on self-defense gun use," Hemenway says. "And one thing we know for sure is that there's a lot more criminal gun use than self-defense gun use. And even when people say they pulled their gun in 'self-defense,' it usually turns out that there was just an escalating argument—at some point, people feel afraid and draw guns."

    while i'm skeptical of this data, and how it was gathered.

    these conditions are due in part to a couple of things.

    1) most gun crimes occur in areas with poor social services, due to that many victims are denied medical care following a shooting. this delay in care allows post shooting conditions to further onset and the vitcims health to deteriote

    2) Some casual gun owners fail to take the time to acclimate to owning a weapon and even to bother training with the weapon. a gun is alot like a paint brush you do not simply pick one up and become an artist, nor can you just buy a gun and turn into Chow Yun-Fat



    UN Control of the United States? That ironic, being the US hosts the UN in New York on American Soil, and provides a large majority of funding for it.

    True, but that hardly makes us their lapdog. the UN has issued requests on everything form Guantonamo bay to the Isrealies. and we routinely shrug them off.

    You don't need a FN P90 with full auto 50 round magazine of 5.57 mm, shooting at 900 rounds a minute for hunting. You don't need weapons like that for anything. ANYTHING. That is unless you plan on a military coup deta, and if thats the case I Think you have a few other things to worry about.
    Keep small caliber handguns and hunting rifles everything else has no reason to stay.
    I actually want a p-90, the 5.57 cartridge is pretty damn interesting, and it's force dump on impact is staggering. but the weapon is classified as a military grade firearm. so for all reasonable intents and purposes i cannot own one. having said that if i want to go through the trouble and cost with the ATF to obtain a class three permit to purchase weapons, i suppose i could do so.

    but even if i could aquire one, it's not the kind of weapon you hunt with for any number of reasons. it's something you collect, because you can.
    Last edited by p2501; 27-Jun-2006 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  9. #24
    Dead general tbag's Avatar

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    i think opposed to looking at the states, have a look at countries like switzerland, and austria. for what can be bought there compared to places like the states it very apparent it not the guns that kills people, it people that kill people.

  10. #25
    Just been bitten Zombie-A-GoGo's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DoomOnYou
    yeah, i'd love a world where i was fellated 5 times a day... it ain't happening
    Well, no ****.

    Really, this is all a little silly. Read the bit in the yellow box:

    I think the NRA needs to find better things to do with its time than getting its memebrs all bunched up about nothing.
    Last edited by Zombie-A-GoGo; 28-Jun-2006 at 04:23 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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  11. #26
    Just been bitten OddDNA's Avatar

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    The important issue....

    ...if they ban guns how are we going to fight back the hordes of undead that rise from their earthly tombs with the sole desire of devouring flesh.

    Ohhhh Burnnnnnn answer that one Kofi!

  12. #27
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy
    that is disgusting. here in england, they banned civilians from owning guns years ago and even took them off our police. all its done is raise the crime rate as crooks are still armed but the good guys arn't. its utter madness.

    i have been actively campaigning to lift the gun ban here ever since it was put in place.
    Bravo, dude!!

  13. #28
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Have they banned cutlasses yet?

    Ima gonna go out and get meself a cutlass.

  14. #29
    Twitching Arcades057's Avatar

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    In a really perfect world, everything would have rounded edges and padding on it! Yayy, no more running into corners!! There'd be no guns or knives, or crossbows or spears!!! No fishing, because fish have feelings too, and no pets!!!! Everyone would be a vegan, and we'd all sit around and make hemp clothing, which we'd then wear!!!!! Water would be illegal, because people can drown in it, and no one would be allowed to drive a car, or fly a plane, or ride in a boat, because they can all kill!!!!!! There would just be sand, and dirt, and grass, and us!!!!!!! Except people can be killed by people, too, so there'd be no people either!!!!!!!! Just animals!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111zomg ROFLWAFFLE!!!!
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  15. #30
    Dying Graebel's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DoomOnYou
    yeah, i'd love a world where i was fellated 5 times a day... it ain't happening
    Awww. Maybe you just haven't met the right girl.


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