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Thread: Best horror movie ending....?

  1. #16
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Wait! How could I have forgotten? This is my favourite; Fulci's The Beyond.
    Yes, you have to love it! With Fulci throw out all logic and common sense for a "WTF?!" surprise. It's a shame he's not around to make films for us any longer so we can have a good laugh at the nonsense he did.

    Last edited by JDFP; 18-Sep-2011 at 05:55 PM. Reason: aye
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  2. #17
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I'm glad i'm not the only one that thinks so. The sequels can f*ck off, but the original is great. Unfortunately most people lump it in with the rest.
    Hell no man, I'm right there with ya - the first Saw was great. I can't believe they continued with all the sequels as the first one is a classic and should've been left as a stand alone flick. Had they done that, yeah, instant classic. That was an ending no one saw coming, and if they say they did, they were lying.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassman
    Just thought of another: The Devil's Rejects

    I can't recall a film that made me sympathize with the antagonists more than this one. Toward the middle of the film i'm thinking "Why the f*ck am I rooting for these assholes?!?". Then the ending with Freebird was perfect. I doubt the song will ever be used again to that kind of perfection.
    Oh, HELL YES! I forgot about this one. What a weird movie, that ends up making you root for the evil bastards in the flick. Kinda twisted, but that's why I love that movie (and probably the only RZ movie I really dig other than El Superbeasto. ). I still say that was the best use of Free Bird in any film ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I can't believe nobody has said my choice, yet. I'd say hands down, the best ending to a horror movie is in April Fool's Day!
    YES! Double yes! I can't believe I forgot about this one too, considering April Fool's Day is one of those movies I watch over and over and over again. Love this flick!! A guilty pleasure of mine. I've owned like 5 copies of this on DVD as I keep lending it out and never getting it back!

    MZ - I'll leave you alone about the RZ's Halloween....this time. *snicker* but great call on Carpenter's The Thing. It has an ambiguous ending, you don't know who is what, but I think that's what makes it great. It's that "unresolved" ending that kinda makes it.... uncomfortable.

    How about the first Nightmare on Elm Street? It wasn't exactly "shocking" but it certainly was an "interesting" ending.

    I still have to give it to Seven though - that was probably the one flick that left me completely, 100% speechless afterwards and through most of the credits. My wife and I just sat there, and after a few minutes I turned to her and said, "no way.. they did not just do that, did they?!?!"

    Yup. They did.

  3. #18
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    the end of "rosemary's baby." in my opinion, the best movie ending ever.
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  4. #19
    Dead Mr.G's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Well I guess it could be viewed as him throwing himself out the window, or the Devil throwing him out of the window, or a mixture of both ... I never really thought of it as one way or the other.
    I always viewed it as the priest jumping himself by having a couple of seconds of clarity before the devil takes complete control...

  5. #20
    Feeding LouCipherr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.G View Post
    I always viewed it as the priest jumping himself by having a couple of seconds of clarity before the devil takes complete control...
    That's what I always thought too, but I guess they leave it ambiguous enough to leave it open to interpretation.

  6. #21
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Not much room for interpretation, imo. He starts to turn into the demon and goes to strangle Regan. Before he gets close enough to strangle her his face turns back to normal for a split second and he screams "NOOOO" while jumping out the window. Fatehr Karras jumped himself to keep the demon from causing anymore harm.

  7. #22
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    It wouldnt really make sense for the demon, trying to possess a human, would leave regans body and enter father karras only to kill him?

  8. #23
    Dying paranoid101's Avatar

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    It was a roller coaster ride and just when you think they made, ring of fire.

    Edit also The Thing great ending.
    Last edited by paranoid101; 22-Sep-2011 at 11:01 PM. Reason: The thing

  9. #24
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    I thought the ending on "the descent" was good, you think she's made it out & is almost a happy ending, then she wakes up still trapped underground with those things!

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey

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    halloween 3....... that ending made u wonder badly.

    also maximum overdrive. i love the happy ending intead of gloom and doom all the time

    worst ending? "they"

    that fuckin movie pissed me off
    Last edited by acealive1; 26-Sep-2011 at 02:59 AM. Reason: cvxvxcv

  11. #26
    Being Attacked Doc Foster's Avatar

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    "The Blair Witch Project". You have to pay attention at the beginning of the film to get the ending, of course.
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  12. #27
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Off the top of my head, the two best werewolf movies, in my humble opinion, ever made had awsome endings.

    First, 'An American Werewolf in London'. Thinking of how they made the ending, it has the old movie feel of subtle images going a long, long way. After Alex breaks through the police barricade and rushes down the dark alley where David, now a fully transformed werewolf, is cornered and the cops are taking aim at him, she confesses that she loves him despite what he is. If you look real hard, you can see the harsh animalistic straining around his yellow eyes give way ever so slightly, a hint that there is still just enough of David left in the monster to recognize Alex. Then, just as she begins to become emotional at this realization, the harsh animal gaze returns and the beast lunges at her, only to be riddled with high powered rifle fire. It's only then that Alex realizes that there was nothing that she could have done to save David, that he was indeeded damned the moment he surived his attack earlier in the movie from the werewolf on the moors.

    The second, 'The Howling'. Of course I'm talking about the orgininal one, all the others after that are pure crap. You have Karen, who has just survived a horrific nightmare against a colony of werewolves, having to shoot her husband in the head when he became one---and then you see her halfway through her nightly news begin to transform live on tv to warn the viewers that werewolves are indeed real. And when it becomes obvious what she's becoming, her friend Chris who saved her from the werewolves, is forced to blow her brains out on the air. The most depressing part of that whole movie is when the producer frantically switches the feed to a pre-recorded commercial, two men who just watched Karen's subsequent transformation and shooting look at each other, and one of them says 'Hell of a thing they can do with special effects these days'. That one line sums up everything about this last part of the movie, meaning that Karen's final ordeal and sacrifice was meaningless in that people still refused to believe the impossible, even though they saw it with their very eyes.
    Last edited by rightwing401; 27-Sep-2011 at 02:59 AM. Reason: incorrect grammer

  13. #28
    Twitching krisvds's Avatar

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    Ok, guys, get your 'Muldooooons' ready for this;
    Say what you will about Diary and Survival of the dead but I think both had pretty great, sarcastic, bleak endings.

    And Argento's Phenomena ended in such a surreal frenzy of nightmare imagery that it also deserves a mention.
    Last edited by krisvds; 29-Sep-2011 at 08:46 AM. Reason: muldooooooon

  14. #29
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    Ok, guys, get your 'Muldooooons' ready for this;
    Say what you will about Diary and Survival of the dead but I think both had pretty great, sarcastic, bleak endings.

    And Argento's Phenomena ended in such a surreal frenzy of nightmare imagery that it also deserves a mention.
    To be honest, I did rather like the ending of Survival of the Dead - I dug that 'endless duel' shot big style.

  15. #30
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krisvds View Post
    And Argento's Phenomena ended in such a surreal frenzy of nightmare imagery that it also deserves a mention.
    Bleck. Very recently saw Phenomena after badly wanting to see it for a while. Thought it was a slow-moving, boring piece of crap with extremely misplaced songs from Motorhead and Iron Maiden. It's very rare that I'm into any of that Italian giallo/horror stuff, though.


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