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Thread: Teaser Trailer

  1. #16
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    I'm reading none of your replies till I can get home to watch this myself...unless I can check it out directly on youtube...

    *Bolts off to youtube*

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    isn't anyone else bothered by half the people in the movie being dressed like it's 1885? stetsons? fucking duster coats? i half expected to hear the old clint eastwood western sound cue. and... was that two dudes having a square off gunfight there at one point??? give me a fucking break.
    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Alright...who pissed in Mike's cornflakes this morning??
    You see, this trailer will affect people differently. I'm kinda sitting on the fence with it until I finally get to watch the film.

    Although I will say this. If Romero's name wasn't attached to it and someone posted the trailer stating that it was a new film by a new director, I reckon a good 90% of you wouldn't be so enthused about it.

  3. #18
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Although I will say this. If Romero's name wasn't attached to it and someone posted the trailer stating that it was a new film by a new director, I reckon a good 90% of you wouldn't be so enthused about it.
    Yeah you could very well be right in most cases, but I can honestly say that even if this wasn't a Romero film, it's got me more excited over a zombie film than I've been in years. I think it LOOKS fantastic. The farm/island setting and those beautiful shots at the beginning. I haven't seen a zombie film/trailer in years that looked this good.

    And I'm just damn glad to not see any runners too.

  4. #19
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    Blast! I can't view it on my PC at the office...(outdated piece of garbage).

    Having to wait the next 6 hours or so will suck, but thank you for the direct link.

    "Men choose as their prophets those who tell them that their hopes are true." --Lord Dunsany

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    I think it LOOKS fantastic. The farm/island setting and those beautiful shots at the beginning. I haven't seen a zombie film/trailer in years that looked this good.
    It is different. I'll definitely give GAR that.

  6. #21
    Twitching Thorn's Avatar

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    My thoughts…

    I enjoyed the trailer/investor fluff. Call it what you will. It showed us a bit of what to expect in the film, while unfinished it still looks good. I am cautiously optimistic that the film will deliver. Some of the acting is a bit over the top for my taste. The setting however makes up for that, as do the gags and special effects. I can not wait to see it after it's final treatment. Costumes were good. Now was I bothered by the wild wild west feel to it? Well a bit, and the stand off/showdown at high noon shot was cheesy. You know what though? We are looking at it totally out of context.

    There are communities in Louisiana that time has forgot, I am sure there are places like this all over the country and the world for that matter .Where old habits and traditions die hard. Who is to say that is not the case here? We just do not know so it is far too early to pass judgment. It certainly had action by the look of it, something we had far too little of in Diary.

    I am a well known hater of Diary. I also did not hate land as much as many people about these forums. This one? Looks pretty good to me as well, and I have to be honest I have high hopes that it will deliver. Have some faith guys, every writer, actor, director, band, and artists stumbles from time to time. The good ones get back up again. You also can not begrudge Mr. Romero for trying to breathe some new life into the genre he created, to stay current, and to bring a bit more to the table. You have to push your own boundaries or you become a hack just cranking out the same stuff over and over again.

    I for one loved what I saw for the most part, and I appreciate the link.

    Well done.

  7. #22
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    Although I will say this. If Romero's name wasn't attached to it and someone posted the trailer stating that it was a new film by a new director, I reckon a good 90% of you wouldn't be so enthused about it.
    Good point, altough teasers rarely get me that riled up. But I will say this, if I saw this teaser, I would get kinda happy because of the lack of runners.

  8. #23
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Alright...who pissed in Mike's cornflakes this morning??
    well, to be honest my opinion about this trailer is probably being colored by my total and complete hatred for all things western. i find nothing romantic, heroic or inspiring about the old west and westerns are probably my least favorite genre of film.
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  9. #24
    Being Attacked Phildogger's Avatar

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    Some of you are being a little harsh here. It certainly looks pretty decent from what I have seen. It looks like it might be a step up from Diary and Land. The idea of a movie without all the social commentary sounds good to me, and perhaps that is what George has cooked up. I don't mind the western clothing, as one of my favorite things in Zombie films is seeing how different parts of society deal with the scenario.

    I am just glad that GAR is filming a 6th Zombie movie. We are luckier than we think.

    Will these latest 3 be as well recieved as the first 3? Probably not. But at least we have them. They could be worse...(See: George Lucas).
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  10. #25
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike70 View Post
    well, to be honest my opinion about this trailer is probably being colored by my total and complete hatred for all things western. i find nothing romantic, heroic or inspiring about the old west and westerns are probably my least favorite genre of film.
    What you need Mike is a Roman zombie film. Empire of the Dead!!

    As for the trailer. . .I have to wait till I get home to see it. Dammit!! And that's 8 hours from now.
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  11. #26
    Dead 3pidemiC's Avatar

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    Not bad, not bad. It definately looks to be better than Diary, but there is really no way to tell yet. Diary looked great to me too when I saw all of the previews for it. I'm still cautiously optimistic still.

    Make me proud George. Make. Me. Proud.

  12. #27
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    What you need Mike is a Roman zombie film. Empire of the Dead!!
    Now that would be kick-ass... A roman legion of zombies.

    As for this film, I'm glad we get another one. Because let's face it, this is probably Romero's last.

  13. #28
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    lack of runners is always a good thing, but...

    i'll see it when it comes to theaters, and i'm sure i'll enjoy it to a degree, but this trailer doesn't really impress me much. i enjoyed land and diary, but neither can even hold a candle to the kick-assedness of night, dawn or day...i seriously doubt that "....of the dead" will be all that spectacular either, just better than the average zombie film, like land and diary.

    i wish they'd give this film a proper fucking title already. the "george a romero's ....of the dead" is making me somewhat pessimistic about the film overall....don't know why, it just bothers me that they just slap "of the dead" and GAR's name together like lame.

    i'd almost prefer an original title, one without "of the dead" tagged onto it. and i'm sick of that actor that's been in romero's last two films. how again is this film "more like dawn" or whatever that one thread claimed? not to knock on ol' george too hard, but i don't think that he's ever gonna re-capture the magic of his first three dead films. ever. again. end of story.

    and yep, i'm gonna say it: i'm looking forward to world war z film more than this.
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 06-Jan-2009 at 11:48 PM.

  14. #29
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Sorry, but something are better left on the shelf, and this promo trailer should have never been released. I think it made it come off as cheap and some of the dialog and acting in that teaser was pretty god awful. I would expect that kind of stuff from someone like me, with no budget to really work with, not a $5,000,000 zombie film.

    I think I will wait to pass full judgement on the movie which I will see when it comes out, but that trailer didn't really have mu cheering for good ole Uncle George.

    I liked Diary, but this looks LAND of the DEAD caliber so far.... TOTAL CRAP.
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  15. #30
    Fresh Meat Shemp's Avatar

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    I like what I see..

    Like all of the other films in the series, it looks like something completely new in style and form, despite the "situation" being the same. I'm looking forward to it.


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