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Thread: TWD 3x16 "Welcome to the Tombs" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

  1. #16
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Last seasons finale conditioned me to expect much more than that. I love TWD so I wont turn my back on it by any means. I am worried about some of the more fringe viewers turning away as the last episode didnt have the same impact as last year. The horde scene at the farm really kept fans salivating and a frenzy maintained through the off season awaiting 3. Guess we'll see.

    My concern at the moment lies with Minion. Wondering if you feel vindicated with Andrea. Obviously we saw her heart charge but she never did get to act on it. And lets face it, her decision to not knife the Gov caused many deaths including her own.

    And please tell me next season will not be a story about team prison running a nursing home/day care.
    Last edited by facestabber; 01-Apr-2013 at 03:38 AM. Reason: addition

  2. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Last seasons finale conditioned me to expect much more than that. I love TWD so I wont turn my back on it by any means. I am worried about some of the more fringe viewers turning away as the last episode didnt have the same impact as last year. The horde scene at the farm really kept fans salivating and a frenzy maintained through the off season awaiting 3. Guess we'll see.

    My concern at the moment lies with Minion. Wondering if you feel vindicated with Andrea. Obviously we saw her heart charge but she never did get to act on it. And lets face it, her decision to not knife the Gov caused many deaths including her own.
    So many deaths. Not only that, but he's still roaming the countryside with Martinez and the unnamed Black Guy.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    And please tell me next season will not be a story about team prison running a nursing home/day care.
    I don't like this really. Ugghhhh.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  4. #19
    Just been bitten Staredge's Avatar

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    Vatos, episode 2.

  5. #20
    Fresh Meat

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    That was the worst episode of walking dead yet.

    -Andrea wouldnt shutup. If milton didnt have to talk he might have lived longer.
    -The battle was like 10 minutes
    -Were is the governor?
    -Why did they bring back all those older people and children? They could have stayed at woodbury unless they were scared the governor would come back but there was three of the governor and martinez and the bowman might change sides by then anyways.
    -What the hell carl you little punk? He needs the crap smacked out of him to get his head straight. That kid that got shot wasnt he the one that had asthma and is the child of that lady that survived the governor mass kill off?

  6. #21

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    Carl believes he has to make the hard decisions because nobody else is.

  7. #22

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    Oh the irony,
    One of the FEW things this episode got right WAS Carl murdering the surrendering teen. I was just waiting for him to add to the list, after the Walker he didn't kill ending up killing Dale, and Rick not killing the Governor resulting in more death/destruction/needing to watch over their mention Randall, along the lines of "Your moralizing over this punk who wanted to KILL YOU ended up with you needing to kill Shane, and ME needing to put him back down!"

    Carl's got the necessary morality for their world down pat, while his father is still vainly struggling to avoid accepting the grim reality that come the Apocalypse, Us Vs Them really means US *VS* THEM. Rick turning the Prison into a daycare/rest home only proves he STILL doesn't GET IT. I sincerely hope that there's a major Walker incursion through the Prison's open rear that results in the slaughter of these useless extras. If they were so useless that not even the Governor could find a way to use them as cannon fodder, they're nothing but a drain on community resources that need to be allocated to those capable of doing the work. What's an old woman with severe arthritis in both hands going to do to contribute to the collective? Answer: Nothing, but she'll sure suck up food/water/medical supplies. Not to mention Rick will no doubt feel compelled to divide his already scant roster of A-list combatants during any outside-the-Prison excursions, to leave some back at the Prison to ensure the safety of these refugees.

    These people are NOT the group's responsibility. The children I can accept...they can, like Carl, grow into the next generation of hardened survivors...but the old folks? Don't get me wrong, I love my CPD-having grandmother to death, and I'd lay down my life to protect her...but a woman with the exact same poor health, of the exact same age that's a stranger to me? Nope. Not risking priceless human resources to safeguard and provide for the used-up. Now if they can QUICKLY demonstrate a means by which they can contribute, great, I'm all for keeping them...I'm talking about the true non-contributors. The Vatos showed that mercy, and look what happened to them.

  8. #23
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    This time last year, I couldn't wait to get onto this forum to relay my excitement with the finale. I wish I could say the same thing for the Season 3 finale. Last year's finale was almost as good as Romero's trilogy. It was, on the edge of your seat, excitement. There was the potential for it this year but it never really happened.
    What was up with Andrea having a cozy conversation with Milton as he's ready to die and change?? She's been through enough to know she should be trying like a crazy woman to get those damned pliers up into her hands!! I got tired of yelling at my tv screen. At that point, I knew she was dead. I'm also pissed off that both Milton and Andrea got killed. They were two of my favorite characters.
    As far as the Woodbury residents the prison crew are taking in; the black woman with the kid. Is she the doctor from the beginning of season 3? Even though they're taking in a bunch of kids and old folks, a doctor would be a great asset to the group. And as far as this "new group" goes, they're just zombie food for the next attack, probably in the beginning of season 4.
    Thank God for Game of Thrones. It will get me through another 10 Sundays. October is a long way off. Even if I bitched about this episode, I love this show to death. It's by far the best tv show out there!!! Here's to another 10 seasons of The Walking Dead!!!!!

  9. #24
    Dead Trancelikestate's Avatar

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    A few cool things but all in all a total letdown. Maybe they jaded us last year? Super disappointing. The governors just out there driving around with the 2 guys whilst they visit Woodbury? Am I done with the show? No. But after last years finale and last weeks episode I feel like a high school girl who's prom date didn't show up. "Well ladies, the good news is your dates are here. Whats the bad news? They're dead." Pathetic.

  10. #25
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    Tough crowd in here today...I enjoyed it the finale.

    The governors face before he started murderizing his people was fucking legendary, what a complete and utter remorseless psychopath!!!

    Carl called it right, that kid was shaping to try something IMO, or he looked like it...should have turned the barrel of that gun well away from him if he wanted to make it clear he was surrendering, he looked like was about to sucker Carl as far as I am concerned...I would have malleted the guy myself in Carls situation.

    Edit: Just dawned on me, I have a few episodes left of this seasons "Archer" and I am then totally fucked for current TV to watch...when is the final half season of "Breaking Bad" coming back?
    Last edited by Legion2213; 01-Apr-2013 at 10:10 AM.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorChaos View Post
    i'm convinced this show has some of the weakest pacing and most glaring inconsistencies i've ever seen. funny how amy, who was bit by a walker repeatedly, took several hours to reanimate, while shane last season and milton this season both came to after natural deaths in a matter of a few convenient minutes when the writers called for it.
    Rewatch the season 1 finale. If I recall correctly, they specifically state that people come back at certain rates. It's been a while since I watched it myself, but I think it was stated as something like 45 minutes being the shortest scientifically verified to 12 hours.

    I think the marks on Andrea's wrists when she finally gets the pliers are suposed to indicate to us that she's been working and dropping those pliers for some time (but I'll need to rewatch to see if those marks were there at the beginning of the episode).

  12. #27
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Im one of those who doesn't have any preconceived ideas on what a finale/premiere should be so I really enjoyed this again. Some strange character decisions but that seems to be one of the main inconsistencies that need to be addressed on TWD I got a HUGE Lost vibe at the end as they welcomed the coach into the prison.
    Tyreese is where he should be AT LAST.
    Governor has completely gone off the scale and Im more than happy to see Morrissey coming back.
    Last edited by kidgloves; 01-Apr-2013 at 10:58 AM. Reason: m
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  13. #28
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    ...when is the final half season of "Breaking Bad" coming back?
    july, thank god.

    Quote Originally Posted by niiru View Post
    Rewatch the season 1 finale. If I recall correctly, they specifically state that people come back at certain rates. It's been a while since I watched it myself, but I think it was stated as something like 45 minutes being the shortest scientifically verified to 12 hours.

    I think the marks on Andrea's wrists when she finally gets the pliers are suposed to indicate to us that she's been working and dropping those pliers for some time (but I'll need to rewatch to see if those marks were there at the beginning of the episode).
    no thanks, that "finale" was a bit boring as well....i do recall what jenner said, but it's just amusing to me that whenever the episode's tension levels hinge on someone coming back as a walker, it only takes a few minutes. and yes, andrea's wrists were all cut and bloodied in the beginning of the episode from her likely struggling against the handcuffs.....must've been made by a different handcuff company than the ones merle couldn't cut using a hacksaw in season one. andrea seemed to have no problem using those pliers to get right through them.

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    I enjoyed it. Not sure what everyone was expecting. They said even before filming started that the prison arc would last into Season Four. Then they later openly admitted that the finale wouldn't be a huge cliff hanger like 213, but will be more of an emotional closure. There was never going to be a big Michonne/Prison/OMG reveal like last time.

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I'm with Legion, Kidgloves, and Bassman - I really dug this episode - I particularly liked how it played against expectations.

    I was fully expecting The Governor to be snuffed out - so blow me down, the bastard survives, with his terrified guards at his side - I'm actually quite good with that happening. Not surprised to see such bitching about it, though.

    Facestabber - ABSOLUTELY GUTTED that Andrea died. I wasn't expecting that at all. Poor Andrea.

    What's more - poor Milton! I really liked his character, so I was gutted to see him go, and oh man ... really sorry to see Andrea go. I always thought the sheer hatred she received was totally over-the-top (with some of it being really quite disgusting - she shags two blokes in the span of a year, and she's branded a "whore" and a "slut" - absolutely disgusting reaction from some corners of the Internet, quite frankly ) ... she wasn't perfect, but that's a good thing. So much of TWD is about mistakes, or causing problems by trying to do the right thing.

    There's a deeply moral vein to this episode that I found very satisfying - I liked that the truth of The Governor has been exposed to Woodbury, and it is the morally correct and just thing to do to take care of the other people. Burden or not, they are innocent victims of a horrendous plague, but as Dale said, we must choose to keep our humanity, otherwise what's the point?

    I liked how Rick's grief was, essentially, settled - a very mournful and bittersweet close as well resting on what I presume was Lori's grave marker.

    Carl shooting that kid - yes, very TWD, and straight outta the comics - I think the intentions of the teen with the shotgun was entirely vague. You can read it any way you like. It's entirely up to the viewer's own personal opinion. I would have told the kid to toss the shotgun to the side, but that would have been more practical but less tense, and it wouldn't have necessitated Carl shooting him, which is a whole new vein of dramatic development for season 4.

    As Rick says, it's easy to forget he's a kid, and so his moral compass was never completed by the time the apocalypse rocked up, and in this world it's incredibly easy for a child to become a monster if they're not strictly guided in very troubled moral waters. Killing is necessary, but restraint is just as necessary for one's own sanity - otherwise you'll end up like The Governor.

    I did bark at the screen for Andrea to not just stop reaching for the pliers while she was talking. By all means - talk - it was necessary to try and explain her justified motiviations, but for goodness sake, have her talk whilst trying to rescue herself. That would smooth over that annoyance.

    Speaking of which - still absolutely gutted Andrea got taken out.

    I had thought last week "what if Team Prison and Team Woodbury joined forces?" - and well, this is an interesting coming together. So I'll be interested to see where it goes.

    Damn it ... now I really wanna see season 4!

    Was the back-eight problematic in places? Absolutely, yes, and I've talked at length about my responses to certain issues - but an unmitigated disaster as some rather reactionary comments from some on here suggest? Don't be daft.

    Circling back to subverting expectations - yes - I liked that approach very much. Indeed, expectations are a killer - in such circumstances the viewer must share at least half of the blame for their response to the episode. I've hugely anticipated films or TV episodes in the past and been let down - but I recognised on a second viewing that I was considerably to blame for my original vitirolic/disappointed response ... sometimes disappointments are legitimate, but expectations are killers just as much.

    I'd advise temperance and a second viewing of the entire season in your own time.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 01-Apr-2013 at 01:00 PM.


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