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Thread: Worst relationship/dating stories?

  1. #16
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Ah, here's another fucked up one for ya...

    There's this girl that a lot of people used to talk trash on. My room mate would talk trash on her and say she's a piece of shit human being. Somehow the two start dating?

    Slowly my room mate starts disappearing. Not hanging out as much and whatnot. Fast forward...

    Now it's to the point where he doesn't EVER hang out. This dude has been one of my good friends for over a decade and this bitch comes along and basically ruins our friendship. Through word, I've heard that she tells him not to hang out with me or my friends because she doesn't like us (for no good reason). The only days she "allows" him to do anything are Monday nights and Tuesday nights. But she still stops in to "check on him".

    She has manipulated him, along with my other room mate, to move out of our house and into a different one with her. This is super fucked up because now my girlfriend and I have to find another place to live. This was without warning, too. They basically said "Uh, we're moving so find a place within a month."

    He keeps making up excuses saying "it's too expensive to live in this house", yet we live in the cheapest house within miles and miles because the landlord is a family friend of our other room mate so she cuts us a huge break. $1,200 a month for our house split between 4 people is "too much" - yet he's willing to move out, into a more expensive house, with only 3 people? Bullshit! His girlfriend is forcing him to move out so she can completely shut him off from the outside world. We all know it.

    Here's one example of why this chick sucks majorly (aside from turning my buddy into a zombie): Some dude came over and trashed our basement when nobody was home. I told the dude to stay away from our house. Guess what the crazy girlfriend said about me... "He's over reacting and being immature". She knew damn well it's super fucked up that someone trashed our basement, the only reason she said that about me was to turn people (more importantly, my room mate) against me.

    Gah, I could go on about how much I hate her. Sorry guys, I needed to vent.
    Last edited by MikePizzoff; 11-Jun-2010 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #17
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    Slowly my room mate starts disappearing. Not hanging out as much and whatnot. Fast forward...

    Now it's to the point where he doesn't EVER hang out. This dude has been one of my good friends for over a decade and this bitch comes along and basically ruins our friendship.
    A lot of girls do that to blokes, unfortunately very few blokes fight against it and most just disappear off the scene, as said before I've lost a few friends over that, we havent fallen out and I would love to go for a beer with them again, but they're too far gone with the missus unfortunately & live in a little bubble where theres just the two of them! Im not one of those, I split my time between her & my friends, and she doesnt get a say on not seeing them or stopping things that I enjoyed doing before I met her (like my paintballing & nights out etc)

  3. #18
    Twitching fartpants's Avatar

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    its sad to say but most blokes when with a girl tend to think with the little head not the big one, and even sadder is that women know this and use it against us everyday...

  4. #19
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    That is so true FP...

    Shit, until recently I never opened myself up to any women accept for one who I barely know, and I can't figure out why. She was cool about it

    hell since my divorce 5 years ago I didn't get into any serious relationships, and not because she fucked me up that bad its because I figrued all women were devious and not worthy of myt ime or attention, I mean I dated but I said fuck this too many mind games I will just go hunting for short term company or friends with benefits type of shit.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  5. #20

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    Ocala, Florida
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    I'm gonna win the prize here, so here goes:

    I'm 13yrs old and a rather introverted, bookish/intellectual/socially awkward type, that somehow didn't fall into the classic "nerd" social niche (but only because I could fight at 2x my weight effectively) ((Thank you Mom for insisting I stick with martial arts since I was so young I hardly remember starting)) So, instead I end up a social pariah/Outsider-classified type.

    Had 2-3 good friends, and pretty much tuned out/was tuned out by everyone else at my Middle School/Junior High (was 7th Grade) anyways, one day my friend Larry starts bitching about his girlfriend...badmouthing her, sayin a lot of crude shit, and talkin about how they needed to break up, but that her and her friends always ganged up on him, bleh. So anyways, I get roped into going with him during the Free Portion of our P.E class (which is shared by like half the 7th grade), to where the girls hang out under this huge Oak tree (like only significant shade anywhere on the field where they turned us loose for the Free P.E-portion.)

    We walk over to this group of 3-4 girls, and with no lead-in, Larry just starts ranting the most vile shit in the world at this girl, in response to her saying "Hi hon" and greeting him with a warm smile and an attempt at a hug. My 1st reaction is like "Wow, unless she murdered his siblings or parents, NOTHING she could POSSIBLY have done merits this sort of verbal abuse."

    She sits there just stunned for several seconds as he finally winds down. I'm equally stunned, never having seen my friend of 3yrs behave in such an awful way...then she just bursts into uncontrollable weeping, sobbing and shaking. (Need to pause here and say that I'd seen a lot of girls cry, and even at that young age I was all-but-immune to girls turning on the water works-tears to gain an emotional/social advantage...but for some reason HER TEARS just tugged powerfully at something deep in my feelings...left me feeling the classic White Knight desire to make everything all better, and make her smile again.)

    Larry doesn't miss a beat, and laughs for a moment at her crying...obviously enjoying her being hurt/upset...very VISIBLY savoring it. Then out of nowhere he rages out and SLAPS HER twice in rapid succession. HARD. Hard enough to knock her backwards into the tree behind her, where she smacks the back of her head hard against it and gets dumped on her ass, all groggy and disoriented, with Larry standing over her beginning to LAUGH AT THIS AGAIN.

    I'm not normally given to wild swings of emotion, but right at that moment...something that had gone into motion when she (Samantha) first began to cry, crystallized due to this evil S.O.B's laughter due to his physical abuse of her into this explosive rage inside me. Not a hot out-of-control kind of rage...more an ice-cold matter-of-fact fury.

    Ever so calmly I say "Hey Larry" in a casual tone to catch his attention, and then as he turns towards me I just hit him as hard as I possibly could three times in the face, then jumped forward and crashed into him, knocking him down and continuing to beat his ass, not letting up for even a second, and he's so disoriented Larry can't even really defend himself. When he finally manages to turn sideways and get into a full Fetal Position and begin crying himself, my anger turned to disgust and I finally stopped hitting him...

    Then something stranger happened. I felt almost PHYSICALLY drawn over to Samantha, to make sure she was ok, though I had no idea what I, a complete stranger, could do to make anything better for her...

    Moving the account along...from that day I carried a major torch for this girl, and we were an on again/off-again, will-we/won't-we, frustrating as Hell kinda item from then until 11th grade. The only constant being we remained best friends over the years.

    Fast forward several years, end of 12th grade (like the 2nd weekend before graduation)..she arranges for us to go out for the day socially, then, at the end of the day when I'm dropping her off, turns to me and tells me she's getting married to this guy Bryan...because he's going into the military right out of high school and will be able to get her out of her psycho parents house, but he (feeling threatened by me) demands she cut off contact with me. Which she agreed to, basically telling me goodbye for good right there...

    Last time I hear from her for like 2yrs. Hear through the grapevine they got married, but things went all kinds of sour, and at various times finances forced the two of them to move in with either his parents or her own...

    So, 5 1/2 yrs after high school is over she calls me up hysterical...totally out of the blue. Telling me Bryan had been hitting her, and that he'd, ahem.."forced her"...and that she'd left him, but because they'd been living with her parents, who took HIS side...she had nowhere to go...

    I felt awful for her...enough time had gone by that while somewhere in the back of my head feelings for her still lurked, the vastly larger part of me just felt compassion for an old friend in DEEP SHIT. Well, my grandmother had recently moved in with us, since my grandfather had passed away a couple years earlier (me and my family, who I continued to live with due to serious health probs of my own).

    I talk to my family, and convince them to let Samantha come down here and live at my grandmother's house, which had essentially been standing vacant...with no more cost than her agreement to begin paying the utilities herself in a few months once she'd gotten a job/on her feet.

    So that's all arranged, and she comes down her with the car she rented with what cash she had...Swear to God, up until she stepped out of that car in my driveway, walked over and threw her arms around me, ALL I was thinking was helping out one of the best friends I'd ever matter what had come between us....

    Once she touched me though, the chemistry between us roared back to life explosively. Suffice to say, she never made it to my grandmother' least no until after we were an item and I went with her.

    So, for eight months and several days things were GREAT. Should probably mention that I was 24-25 by then, and had refrained from ...being intimate with any woman until her...just hadn't been interested with anyone Samantha was my first...

    So things were great...until I started discovering the lies she'd been telling me, one by one. Not little lies either. BIG ones. Like, she'd never formally even LEFT her husband...despite having sworn to me she'd filed for divorce. And that's just one of the big lies, but it gives you the idea.

    Well eventually her husband shows up on her doorstep wanting her back (I'd found out by then, having caught her calling him on the sly, that they were discussing possible reconciliation...while all the while me and her had been talking marriage when her divorce came through)

    So...I totally debase myself. Beg her not to go...does no good, and she goes back to him.....on CHRISTMAS EVE no less.

    Bad, right?

    Well, in the interim I'm just an emotionally destroyed husk of a shadow of a human being....hardly even remember the next month. Well, she calls me at the end of January, begging my forgiveness and wanting me back, telling me NOW its REALLY over with her and her husband. Fool that I was, I believe her and take her back.

    Things go along great for the next 3-4 months...but then one day she tells me her childhood friend Anna had just tried to kill herself (Anna lives in Maryland)...and that she needs to go up there and be there for her. I try to talk her out of it because Samantha had just been getting over serious pneumonia of her own...and the cold climate shift wouldn't do her any favors, but she stands firm about going. Equally firm in making excuses why I can't accompany her.

    At last I bow to her wishes, it being her right as an adult to go anywhere she damn well pleases...and I get ready to drive her to the bus station. My mother (who could see the deceit I refused to), insisted on driving us down there herself...citing the excuse I'd been sick myself. So she drives us down there.

    Even I can tell something fucked up is going on, because once we get to the bus station Sam goes from being all lovey-dovey "God I'm gonna miss u while I'm gone" to all cool and distant, barely pecking me on the cheek goodbye, before marching into the bus station without a look back.

    Well my Mom drives the van around the bus station and parks in the abandoned train station depot next door after circling the block where we can remain concealed, but insists I go over to the wood-paneled fence seperating the 2 parking lots and watch the bus station to see what happens.

    Sure enough, ten minutes later Samantha comes out of the bus station crying with some middle-aged woman and gets into this lady's car and drives back into downtown. I'm crushed, totally betrayed, and go home in complete silence.

    Bad enough, right?

    Wrong. Half an hour after we get home THE POLICE SHOW UP...because Samantha's mother had apparently called them, telling them her daughter had told her I was HOLDING HER AGAINST HER WILL...

    I get cuffed, my head slammed deliberately against a cruiser door, and tossed into the back of a squad car while my parents let them search the entire house for Samantha...telling them to call the bus station and ask the clerk to confirm a girl with vivid red hair and a NEON GREEN jacket had come in awhile ago. Once they do so they let me go, without an apology by the way...then Samantha herself calls the police, and they patch her through to the cops at my house, where she admits everything she'd told her mother was a lie in order to avoid her family and her husband thinking she'd shacked up with me again...but she'd never expected her Mom to call the cops on me for kidnapping...

    The COPS THEMSELVES are horrified at the sheer fucked up EVIL of what this girl has done to me and my whole family, for such a shitty, selfish, superficial reason. They leave, shaking their heads, with comments like "Damn, it would've been LESS fucked up if that bitch had killed this poor guy and his family"

    Should be the end of it, right?

    Nope. Fool than I am, STILL couldn't get her out of my system. When they move back to Ocala a year later, Samantha calls me up...typically remorseful and repentant, declaring how much she'd missed me, and explaining all the reasons she couldn't leave her husband, but she still wanted to be with me nevertheless.

    Thus began 2-3 yrs of an illicit affair with her. Me picking her up at their house after he'd gone to work, and dropping her off before he got home. Was a lot of fun actually.

    Other stuff too private to discuss (relates to me leaving her finally, meeting someone else, being involved with them for 2yrs before getting married...having cut all ties with Samantha for the last 3yrs, during the entirety of mine and Erin's relationship/marriage) happened...

    But you get the idea. The fucked up stuff didn't stop there, but I'm tired now, and that's all I can share atm.

    Whatcha think, most twisted relationship stuff you've heard?

  6. #21
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Damn Wyld, that was one fucked up story. How'd your friends feel about all of that? Anyone mad at you? Anyone laugh at you?

    One fucked up thing I can remember about the ex (I spoke of previously) leaving me is a lot of my "friends" cracking jokes and finding it hilarious that I was in this slump of very serious depression for months. Needless to say, I cut those assholes out of my life and haven't really spoken to them since (this was 2.5 years ago, now).

  7. #22
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    when i was 18, a girl i had dated a couple of times took me to her church. i thought i was just being polite - "of course i'll come to church with your family." i had done that before with other girlfriends and it wasn't a big deal.

    WELL, this girl was a pentecostal and not knowing a fucking thing about pentecostals, i was literally blown away. people were getting crazy, jitterbugging around, speaking in tongues, just generally going crackerdog apeshit. i have never been so mortified in my entire life. flabbergasted does not even begin to cover it. worst thing was that i could not make an escape, i had ridden there with this chick's family and was stuck.

    never in my whole life have i been more desirous of the power of teleportation.

    anyhoo, i was so traumatized by the whole thing that i broke up with her.
    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  8. #23
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    That's hilarious, Mike. I too have seen one of those services and it is quite disturbing watching people speak in tongues and actually believe it.

    The fact that you didn't know it was coming still has me laughing....

  9. #24

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    My friends thought I was insane to take her back, and then continue to take her back time after time. Shoulda listened.

    Of course my marriage didn't go any better. I'd learned a lot about myself from the whole catastrophe of being involved with Samantha, and I eventually met Erin in a chatroom. Both of us were coming out of intensely fucked up, multi-years-long relationships, so we had a lot of common ground.

    Erin did a LOT to put me back together emotionally. Was a good friendship, and I helped her in a similar way with her own ghosts/emotional issues. She was the first one to express having romantic feelings, that centered around me.

    This time I was 120% up front about each and every one of my very serious flaws. Not least of which is/was health being so poor that I was 100% unable to work/attain gainful employment outside the house. Did everything I could to show her what a bad situation Erin would be mixing herself up in. Erin disregarded it all, saying things like "If you can't work I'll just take care of you and we'll do our best to get you healthy again. If we can't, I'll love you for being the man you are, and we'll find a way to make it work."

    Erin finally convinced me to lower my last few protective barriers, and somehow wormed her way deep in my heart. Partially because through her, I'd learned to try and trust again.

    Well, it was a long distance relationship to start. She was going to college in Salem, Mass., but we made do visiting each other as often as we could find time and money to do so. One of the healthiest things I gained was the ability (so I thought) to finally put Samantha behind me when Erin and I promised each other to have nothing further to do with our respective ex's.

    After a few years of back-and-forth visiting, Erin finally graduated, and as we'd planned moved down here and were allowed by my family to take up residence in my grandmother's empty but extremely nice, completely furnished house rent free until we could afford to cover the utilities.

    That's when the problems started of course. Erin couldn't find a job that utilized her (rather useless) European History degree...and grew more and more bitter about having to take a job as an Asst. Manager at a medical courier business....and even more bitter about me not being able to go out and work (despite the fact I was busting my ass as a house-husband/domestic partner, taking care of EVERYTHING needing doing BUT going out and getting a paycheck)

    So much for her endlessly repeated vow to "Take care of me", eh?

    Well, we went to relationship counselling...and for a time things seemed to improve a great deal. Enough that we went ahead with the wedding (though I did give her repeated opportunities to bow out and not go through with it/did everything to make it a pressure-free decision, because we'd been fighting ever more viciously again)

    She did a one-eighty again, and convinced me wholeheartedly what she'd been saying/doing was just a result of pre-wedding jitters and her stress over her resentful friends and family's reactions (who hated me and us getting married because it meant Erin would be living in Florida personally. Not that they missed HER...just that she'd basically been a domestic servant they'd all taken advantage of for years, and they were upset to be losing that unpaid work-resource she embodied)

    So we go through with it, and immediately everything goes to hell. 45 days after exchanging vows she leaves me with next to no warning. One minute we're talking marriage counseling, the next its "I want a divorce"...

    So she goes back to Mass., but we continue to talk. Her family goes all psycho on her, determined to "pay her back for being such an ungrateful bitch as to leave them without her help" (something I actually heard her Mom say more than once.)

    So once again Erin does a one-eighty, and manages to convince me over a period of 4-5 months she wants to give our marriage another chance, and that she's coming back....we set a time for her return and work it all out financially etc.

    Three weeks before she's due to return to Florida she goes incommunicado on me. Then finally calls me up, tells me we're getting a divorce...and that's that. No further contact for months.

    Well meanwhile a bit after all this (probably 2-3 months after Erin's declaration we're getting divorced and cutting contact with me) I bump into Samantha again while out shopping at the bookstore. We get to talking, and she asks me what's wrong (she could always read me like a book) I tell her what had happened...

    Fast forward a bit...Samantha and I have become fast friends again, and we've worked things out between us to resolve our own feelings for each other once I'm mostly back to my old self thanks to her support. Her husband openly blesses her essentially having an extramarital relationship with me, and I actually get to be good friends with the guy (weird, huh?)...thus eliminating the need for lies and conflicts...

    Well, that was going along really well until my ex-wife found out I was back with Samantha and actually HAPPY. Adopting a "I don't want him, but I don't want anyone else to have him either" attitude...Erin manages to track Samantha down on Myspace and falsifies a bunch of emails to make it look like I was still trying to get back with her while with Samantha.

    So Samantha dumps me, believing me to be a two-timing liar (ironic for her, heh)...

    And that's the ruin my life has remained in ever since. I don't even think I have any capacity whatsoever for real, deep-down trust anymore. Oh I fake it in order to maintain "friendships" with some people, just to have people to socialize with and not go crazy from boredom...but I'm emotionally scarred down to the bone, with no sign of things ever improving, especially given the exponential increase of my daily pain level for the last few years, until its finally rendered me a near-total shut-in in my family's house...and my room in specific.

    So that's pretty much the story of my adult life. All of it together has just left me a kind of exhausted you don't recover from....

  10. #25
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  11. #26
    Chasing Prey

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    I've found no relationship to be 100%, not even my current one is 100%, and especially in the past my relationships haven't been even close to that but I disregard all my past relationships one way or another because I was a kid really. I've been with my fiancee for 8 years now, having been with her since I was 20 or so. Even at 20 years old I was still a kid really, finding my feet in the world and as such I made a load of mistakes and stupid decisions, but they were alligned with my mentality at the time - so to look back on certain ex girlfriends and criticise them for anything would be weird for me, because ultimately my mentality and the kind of person I was attracted that sort of girl to me and of course things didn't go to plan.

    Currently my fiancee and I have been solid for a long, long time. It was whirlwind at the start and we found that the "honeymoon" period never really dies down, we still enjoy each other's company immensely. The issues I have is that comfortability becomes almost taken for granted - and sometimes when we do argue (which isn't too often but does happen) we find it very easy to resort to dirty tactics to prove a point, which we both know is simply because we are so comfortable with each other and ultimately know that we're in this for the long run, so we try to find reasons to shock each other.

    But our issues are trivial in the grand scheme of things...I mean our last argument was about me holding my phone to her ear so she could speak to a friend while she was using a cashpoint...her point of view was that I should have gotten the money out for her instead but instead I didn't bother myself with it and held the phone cos I thought it'd be quicker - it's pathetic, and not a reason to argue...but if this is the only thing we can find to slap each other with, then I'm happy. It's trivial and we can resolve shit like that with a few angry words and a hug and a shag.

    There were hairy moments in the past when we had a sort of open relationship. Things got a bit much with some random guy who took the word "open" to mean he could literally make a blatant attempt to steal her from me - she got caught up in a sort of whirlwind and substance dreamy haze because at the time we would party every week, very very it got a bit emotional and I called off the open thing until we could get our heads together - but this guy persisted and it got to a point where I made the "ultimatum" - she instantly accepted the ultimatum and never once looked back - and trust was restored. That was about 3 years that does tend to stick around a bit and can catalyse some paranoia from my perspective but a lot of it is easy to see is my perspective of myself reflecting on her. She is a rock and whilst she can piss me off no end, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to maintain our relationship and keep us on the straight and narrow. We oppose each other socially, I'm a bit of a self sufficient person (some would say loner) whilst she is very social - together we pull each other inwards with me helping her to see through some bullshit her "friends" put her through, and help reign in her altruistic tendencies when they are blatantly going to be ignored, and she gets me out in the open air, socialising and building up strong friendships....
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  12. #27
    Just been bitten paulannett's Avatar

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    Wow, you guys have had some fucked up relationships. "On a break" and "open relationships" are both deal breakers, be with me or not, no middle ground.

    As for you Wyld, WAT? There were red flags EVERYWHERE that this was always gonna end in a messy, hurtful fashion. I'm not ragging on you here, but I read your entire story shaking my head in disbelief!

    Now that it's all in the past (thoughI'm not so convinced!), you need to get your act together and don't make the same horrible mistakes again!

  13. #28
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by paulannett View Post
    Wow, you guys have had some fucked up relationships. "On a break" and "open relationships" are both deal breakers, be with me or not, no middle ground.
    For some people it's completely undebatable...but there is logic to the madness, that freedom means you don't feel the need to be unfaithful - and with that freedom, I've acted on it maybe 2/3 times in the past - and only actually went all the way with one girl, with which my fiancee was in the room at the time, on the same bed....shagging her too. Can't complain Basically the open relationship was in inverted commas because we are commited to each other but really don't mind getting someone else involved for giggles - and yeah it swings both ways (I don't swing both ways, the situation I mean) - we've done all sorts of crazy stuff.

    But that was in the past and it did get slightly hairy - it's always the males that mess these situations up though, after all that happened me and the fiancee are pretty much only up for girls now anyway, far safer emotionally. but even if it never happened again, I wouldn't care tbh - I can say I've achieved most male's fantasy, so part of my ego can die happy. I draw the line at confiding emotionally in people that we may have physical relationships with - if she needs to go to someone else to confide and get support then I'd start to worry.
    Innocent victims of merciless crimes, fall prey to some madman's impulsive designs.

    Step after step we try controlling our fate. When we finally start living, it's become too late.

  14. #29
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    I've had a few bad experiences myself, though all of them were in highschool. I never really bothered with the whole relationship thing back in junior high. My first bad experience happened in my Sophmore year.

    I had met this girl about a month into the new school year. Things were kind of akward between us, but there was definately an attraction. After taking quite a long time to grow enough of a pair, I finally asked her out. Because we were both still too young to drive on our own, and we really didn't want our parents getting involved in the whole mess before we could figure things out, we both agreed to hook up at a party that we both knew about on the coming Friday. Fast forward to the party, I'm basically on my own after my ride took off, spending somewhere close to an hour shifting through the masses looking for this girl. Finally getting a bit bumed out, I take a beer and go hang out in this gazeboo out in the back of the house. Now as I'm sitting out there, looking like a total dumbass because I'm sitting by myself, I finally spot the girl. I see that she's heading out back to where I am. I get so excited about finally seeing her that I didn't even realize until she's almost at the gazeboo that there's a dude trailing behind her. They both come in to where I am, and she looks straight at me, gives a smile that I've never seen before or since, and plops down with the guy on a hamock that was put up on the other side of the building. Now while I'm not even twenty feet away from them, they start making out in full french kissing like the entire world was going to blow up in the next ten minutes. I felt like some huge guy had punched me right in the stomach in that moment. With my head still spinning wildly trying to process what I had just saw, I stumbled away from them and wandered around for the rest of the night in a sort of daze. But here's the best part of this tale. The next Monday, the girl confronts after I didn't sit by her at lunch. The bitch actually couldn't understand why I didn't want to be her friend anymore, and asked if it had something to do with what happend the previous Friday night. I never gave her an answer, and I never talked to her after that.

    Fast forward a year and a half later. I end up meeting this rather cute foreign exchange girl. She was a very quite and shy thing, which was probably what drew me to her in the first place. We never really interacted much during my junior year, but a wierd twist of fate found us both in summer school. Since neither of us had any friends going through the program, we started hanging out quite a bit. After a while I asked her out, and things were pretty good for the rest of the summer. Then, when we got back to our Senior year, everything changed. She started growing distant and not wanting to hang out with me, rathering instead to spend the time with her friends. Then one day, completely out of the blue, she calls me up and tells me its over. That's it, no explanations, nothing, just we're done. If that wasn't bad enough, she dumped me on the Friday of the week before September 11. So four days after having my heart crushed to pieces, I got treated to the image of the second plane smashing into the other twin tower on live tv. Long story short, I figured out why she dumped me about two weeks later when I saw her cuddling up with some dude that I've never seen before. Man, that left me fucked up for months.

    Another realy doosy for me was when I finally got over her, my best friend told me about how him and his girlfriend, along with several of her friends, were planning a trip to the beach. Not wanting to be the only guy there, he asked me if I wouldn't mind tagging along. Having nothing else to do, I agreed. When we all finally met up, I was introduced to one of his girlfriend's friends, who was a very pretty black haired chick with glasses. She was kind of clumsy and very reserved, which once again created an immediate attraction for me. We spent the whole day on the beach hanging out, realizing that we had a lot in common and got along really well. At one point, she mentioned to me about how she's never kayaked. I offered to take her out on one that was nearby. She totally sucked at it, eventually falling out of it about a hundred yards from shore. I ended up catching her and helped her back in, then actually dragged her and the stupid little boat all the way back to shore. I got a very affectionate hung from her for my good deed. Anyway, the next day, I'm talking to my friend, trying to get the girl's number, telling him about what a great time I had with her and that it sucked that I didn't have anything to get her number with when we parted at the beach. Then he drops a bombshell on me, saying that his girlfriend told him to tell me that she didn't want me to call her, and that she wasn't interested in me at all. "Dude, what the fuck?" were the first words out of my mouth. Against his protests, I eventually got the girl's number and called her up. She gives me some crap about there was never any real connection between us and that we had nothing in common, completely contrary to what I knew happened at the beach. Not wanting to just give up, I offered to take her out to dinner and a movie of her choice, even giving her my word of honor that if she still didn't want to date me after that, I would leave her alone and never bother her again, no grudges or anything. She still refused, saything that I was sounding really desperate and annoying, and told me to hang up and never call again. What happened next was rather funny when I think back on it, but I think at the time I was just plain fed up with all the bullshit I had been dealt by the opposite sex.

    "Can I say one last thing before I hang up and never speak to you again?" I asked. I hear a very angry grumble on the other end of the line.

    "Fine, go ahead."

    "You're fucking stupid."

    There was a very, very long pause before she answered. "Excuse me?"

    "You heard me, I said you're fucking stupid."

    She started to say something, but I cut her off. "You do realize that I just offered you free dinner and a movie of your choice. I've even said that there would be no strings attatched if you didn't want to hang out after tonight. And you still refused. So to me, that makes you fucking stupid. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go out to dinner and catch a flick."

    I hung up before she had a chance to say anything. I later found out that she had indeed thought that we had a somewhat ok cemestry that day at the beach, but apparently, at 5'10 and a 120 lbs, I wasn't nearly good looking enough to date. But you know what, I got the last laugh when I found out that a guy she chose over me had screwed around on her several times and left her completely devistated.

    Fortunately now, I'm happily married to a good woman and all that dumb shit is behind me.

  15. #30
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rightwing401 View Post
    "Can I say one last thing before I hang up and never speak to you again?" I asked. I hear a very angry grumble on the other end of the line.

    "Fine, go ahead."

    "You're fucking stupid."

    There was a very, very long pause before she answered. "Excuse me?"

    "You heard me, I said you're fucking stupid."
    You da man!


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