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Thread: the official HPOTD pet peeve thread...

  1. #16
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    The fact that I have to wait 2 days and 1 hour until I Can operate my mining barge in Eve online.

    I have the damn thing bought, but I need to get my astrogeography to lvl 4, and i've allready sunk 2 days into it, plus a week into getting my industrial to level 5. Jesus Christ.

    Oh, and arrogant people- I work with one and I almost threw him through a wall a few times.

    Liars and rumour spreaders.

    Driods and all manner of automated machines.

    Legs, I mean, wheels are more efficient for Gods sake. I'm waiting for the day when it becomes feasible to get your legs surgically replaced with monster truck wheels.

  2. #17
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Oh, this is funny. I think I'll participate.

    1. Commercials on television. Ads are to pay for programs, otherwise you'd have to pay to watch tv. Hmmm....we ARE paying for the ****ing tv, yet the ads are still there. Some greedy bastard needs a good beating for this.

    2. People with the waistline of their highwaters down around their knees. When I was a kid, this meant you went to the Retard Academy. Now, it means you're King of the High School. When did "geek" become popular?

    3. Telephone calls at work. Whatever it is, it can wait until I get home. If you're bleeding, call 9-1-1, not me; wtf am I going to be able to do to help you when I'm 20 miles away?

    4. Jackasses that let their dogs run loose across your yard, and refuse to obey the animal control laws even when the dog officer comes out to the house and confronts them. My former next-door neighbors were notorious for this. They wound up minus two dogs.

    5. Guys who bathe in about a gallon of "body scent". If you'd take a ****ing shower you dirty bastard, you wouldn't have to mask your funk under a bunch of Axe.

    6. Just about any movie that hits the screen over the past 10 years. Everyone can easily figure out why.

    7. People who honk their horns at stopped cars at a red light. The light's red, you ****tard; didn't you ever watch Sesame Street, or was it too advanced for you?

    8. The urge to piss in the middle of the night. Have to get out of the nice, comfortable bed to trudge to the toilet. Maybe they should invent self-sealing piss attachments for beds....

    9. The lowering of quality while at the same time raising price. Just about everything is guilty of this over the past decade. You know that pizza joint down the street that had great food in 1990, but tastes like stale ass now? It's because they're getting ingredients from a catfood cannery in Indochina to save a buck a pie. And they're still charging you 20 bucks apiece.

    10. Southern (American) hicks that can't get it through their "hey then there y'all" heads that they LOST the damn civil war. It's time to drop the bitching and whining about all things not deep-fried.

    ....there are more, but 10 is a nice round number.

  3. #18
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by scipio70 View Post
    so what irritates/annoys you?

    standing behind some hillbilly who is buying an assortment of f*cking lottery tickets at a convienience store.

    i swearm hillbillies and ghetto people are the worst when they buy tickets from me. they buy a crap load and cant make up their mind bout any of it.

  4. #19
    Twitching MaximusIncredulous's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    Oh, this is funny. I think I'll participate.

    1. Commercials on television. Ads are to pay for programs, otherwise you'd have to pay to watch tv. Hmmm....we ARE paying for the ****ing tv, yet the ads are still there. Some greedy bastard needs a good beating for this.
    I forgot informercials as an irritant. They practically killed late night TV. Somebody needs more than a beating for that.

  5. #20
    Rising Terran's Avatar

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    People who clap or cheer during movies..
    They made us too smart, too quick, and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us. That's why they hate us.

    There is no target consumer! Only targets. Targets that will tremble as their new master hands down edicts in my glorious booming voice!

  6. #21
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terran View Post
    People who clap or cheer during movies..


    ohh i got one. people who dont reset the microwave after using it. i wanna see 4:15 not :46

  7. #22
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusIncredulous View Post
    • Radios played super-loud from cars. Almost always sh*tty hip-hop/rap and makes me wish I had an RPG on hand.
    • The "Do not attempt" warning on commercials showing idiots doing stupid things, usually for sh*tty fast-food. Let morons attempt whatever outrageous stupidity they see on TV and do us the favor of killing themselves.
    • Yuppie sitcoms like "Friends". Dumb shows about annoying, self-centered people that are anything but funny.
    • Cigarette taxes. At least have the decency to admit why cigs are slapped with ever increasing taxes instead of the "we care about people's health" BS.
    • Conservatism. Steal from the working class to give to the rich. Evil bastards. doppleganger on this board. Nicely said!

    My pet peeves...

    Just to reiterate people who talk loudly on phones or to their friends on public transport because they are showing off. "Look at the conversation I'm having, I'm special"

    Driving tests, failing them in particular. Especially stupid rules of the road "mirror before you brake"...Why? So I can be aware that I'm about to be crushed by a lorry that's right up my bottom...if I need to brake, I need to brake so what difference does it make that I know I'm about to be flattened by the guy behind me??!

    Friends who have no faith in me or other people and use any opportunity to pick holes in people and use them for fuel. ****s.

    Avid systems

    Adobe After Effects costing £1000s.

    People who ask you to proof read things then don't accept criticisms.

    Anti-smoking laws

    Labour government and it's dying whorish legislation

    humanity in general

  8. #23
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    -People who chew food with their mouth open.


    -When people casually throw around racial slurs and say "I'm not racists, it's just a word" and don't understand why it upsets others.

    -When people use the word "whatchamacallit" in serious conversation.

    -When people scream the term "WAHHH!" at you, like a baby, because their minds are too feeble to think up a decent retort. Usually when you inform them of their incapacity to iterate a proper response, they'll just "WAHHH!" you again further proving your theory of their idiocy.

    I have more but it's so early and I "can't be arsed" to think of them.

  9. #24
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    ....i hate that ****ing advert.
    Ugh! Me too! It's televised discrimination ... seriously, that's exactly what it is!

    * The Labour Party
    * The Liberal Democrats (at their fence-sitting, odds-shouting, Labour-nuzzling heights)

    * The lads next door who have a MORRIS MINOR as their first car, which has a useless exhaust which muzzles NOTHING. They insist on charging past our house going in and out of the cul-de-sac, and everything shakes.
    * The wanker in another equally loud car who was tearing around at 7am t'other morning.
    * The little kid who insessantly kept whining "bye, bye, bye" t'other morning as I was trying to get back to sleep, after than bastard car woke me up!
    * Birds that insist on sitting outside my window, chirping monotonously in the exact same mannor over and over and over again, so it's really loud - I have to get up, shake my window, and they piss off ... but argh!

    * BMW drivers - got cut up by one today, and saw THREE 1 series BMW's out and about - what MORON buys a BMW 1 series?! They're USELESS.
    * BMW "M" drivers - cocks. (Although according to Top Gear, they're all moving over to Audi RS' now )

    * Date Movie/Epic Movie/Meet the Spartans/Superhero Movie/Disaster Movie - and EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN THEM FROM START TO FINISH.

    * Constant remakes and Hollywood's current general lack of originality and balls.

    * The projectionist from when I went to see Diary of the Dead, who f*cked off right in the middle and left the image 'knocked down' the screen thus cutting off the bottom third - DO YOUR BLOODY JOB!

    * People who drive at 40mph in a 60 zone, and then proceed to drive through a 30 zone at the same 40mph - BASTARDS.

    * People who only drive at 40mph - F*CK OFF!

    * Spiders, flies, basically all insects.

    * Getting annoying songs stuck in my head, especially from adverts (most of which are advertising a super market).


    There's much more no doubt, heck, I could write an essay just on the Labour Party and all it's done, but I'll spare the people who are that way politically inclined...but I've ran out of steam for the moment.

    * Oh - those DVD cases that have those stupid bloody locking tabs on the side of them (like on the R1 dvds of Land of the Dead and Jackass 2, for instance) - NO F*CKING NEED!

    * Also - cardboard outer cases for DVDs - NO NEED if it's just a normal case on the inside, ESPECIALLY if the art work is NO different - WASTE!

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Ugh! Me too! It's televised discrimination ... seriously, that's exactly what it is!

    * The Labour Party
    * The Liberal Democrats (at their fence-sitting, odds-shouting, Labour-nuzzling heights)

    * The lads next door who have a MORRIS MINOR as their first car, which has a useless exhaust which muzzles NOTHING. They insist on charging past our house going in and out of the cul-de-sac, and everything shakes.
    * The wanker in another equally loud car who was tearing around at 7am t'other morning.
    * The little kid who insessantly kept whining "bye, bye, bye" t'other morning as I was trying to get back to sleep, after than bastard car woke me up!
    * Birds that insist on sitting outside my window, chirping monotonously in the exact same mannor over and over and over again, so it's really loud - I have to get up, shake my window, and they piss off ... but argh!

    * BMW drivers - got cut up by one today, and saw THREE 1 series BMW's out and about - what MORON buys a BMW 1 series?! They're USELESS.
    * BMW "M" drivers - cocks. (Although according to Top Gear, they're all moving over to Audi RS' now )

    * Date Movie/Epic Movie/Meet the Spartans/Superhero Movie/Disaster Movie - and EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN THEM FROM START TO FINISH.

    * Constant remakes and Hollywood's current general lack of originality and balls.

    * The projectionist from when I went to see Diary of the Dead, who f*cked off right in the middle and left the image 'knocked down' the screen thus cutting off the bottom third - DO YOUR BLOODY JOB!

    * People who drive at 40mph in a 60 zone, and then proceed to drive through a 30 zone at the same 40mph - BASTARDS.

    * People who only drive at 40mph - F*CK OFF!

    * Spiders, flies, basically all insects.

    * Getting annoying songs stuck in my head, especially from adverts (most of which are advertising a super market).


    There's much more no doubt, heck, I could write an essay just on the Labour Party and all it's done, but I'll spare the people who are that way politically inclined...but I've ran out of steam for the moment.

    * Oh - those DVD cases that have those stupid bloody locking tabs on the side of them (like on the R1 dvds of Land of the Dead and Jackass 2, for instance) - NO F*CKING NEED!

    * Also - cardboard outer cases for DVDs - NO NEED if it's just a normal case on the inside, ESPECIALLY if the art work is NO different - WASTE!

    Can't say I disagree with a single, solitary point that you've made MZ. Only thing I want to say is screw you for being a motorist whilst poor little idiots like me fail their ****ing test!

    I'd also like to make a point on annoying advert songs....especially ads that use music from the 1920s or something ("I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper..." - and who remembers this one from last Christmas "put it together and what have you got? bippity boppity boo"...****ing hell. These ad people, the musicians who created the music and anyone who buys the products as a result deserves death, a long arduous, painful death.)

    Also...the Dolmio ad with the puppet italian family....sure it's innocent on the outside but put puppet arabic people in there for middle eastern cuisine and you'd have a ****ing lawsuit on your hands.

    Bill Hicks said it best: Child worship..."save the children, won't someone think of the children blah blah" - "You either love people of all ages or you shut the **** up"

    Thanks Bill.

  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Ah mate, BOTH those ads you mentioned drove me nuts!

    Only thing I want to say is screw you for being a motorist whilst poor little idiots like me fail their ****ing test!
    Hey! I had to take my test twice, you know. It was years ago now, but I still had to take it twice - which reminds me:

    * The bastard who examined me on my first driving test. Absolute C*NT.

    The bloke who examined me on my second test is an absolute saint.

    And before anyone says it, I'm a good driver - heck, I did a mock test the week before my first official test, and I passed it 100%.

    It was just that sweaty, greasy-smelling Welsh twat (no offence to Wales or the Welsh, they're nice people, and it's a nice country) on my first test who did a number on me, the git...right miserable sh*t he was, totally wrecked my confidence entirely ... I was absolutely gutted.

    Then I passed second time with a mere 3 minors, and haven't looked back since (unless I came across that first guy again, then I'd turn back, flip him the bird, throw a brick in his direction, and tell him to f*ck off ).

    Symph - I hope you pass your test soon, cos it's nerve-wracking until you do, but I'm sure you will.

  12. #27
    Chasing Prey Yojimbo's Avatar

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    Fanatics of all kinds. Especially the following:

    Born Again Christians

    Newly sober 12 steppers

    PETA idiots

    Millitant Vegetarians

    And while on this subject, might I add that I hate how popular it is to be green. Green vacations, green cleaners, green cars. It seems to me to be less about saving the environment and more about a marketing buzz word.
    Originally Posted by EvilNed
    As a much wiser man than I once said: "We must stop the banning - or loose the war."

  13. #28
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    People writing check's for 3 farting dollars

  14. #29
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    1.Watching Dawn of the dead (REMAKE).

    2.Boy racers with there sh*tty cars.

    3.Sitting by old people on the bus or train.

    4.Old people driving flashy cars.

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    And while on this subject, might I add that I hate how popular it is to be green. Green vacations, green cleaners, green cars. It seems to me to be less about saving the environment and more about a marketing buzz word.
    Oh geez, I HATE that too. It's all marketted towards guilt-laden upper-middle-class champagne socialist odds-shouting chatterers.

    The actual greens are already there mulching their used toilet paper and making new bum-wipes out of bark and riding on their ethnocentrically-diverse peace-bicycle.

    As for me, I'm all about not wasting. That's what I go about doing (or rather not doing ... as in I don't go around wasting stuff, be it products or energy).

    Where was I?

    Oh yeah, champagne socialists ... ugh ... can't be doing with them and their guilt which can be bought off by saying your plane ticket bought two and a half trees for the rain forrest.

    That said, I'm all for trees ... just not champagne socialists.

    Just an example there.


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