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Thread: TWD 5x14 "Spend" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #16
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    1) Aye! I wonder what Team Rick will make of it once they find out.

    2) Yeah I heard that too!
    Theory/Comic Spoiler:
    Although I'm wondering if they'll replace Holly with Francine after that little skirmish at the construction site in this episode ... I think they're going to definitely do the story with Abraham cheating on Rosita - did you notice that short of him at the sink looking back at her in the bed in the mirror's reflection?

    3) Agreed! That agonised expression on Noah's face as it got torn to shreds really sold it in conjunction with that wide-eyed look of terror just before he got devoured ... even though he wasn't a major character and in some ways had limited potential, they show makers really made me feel his death in a big bad way. Poor Noah.

    4) Hooray for Eugene stepping up to the plate when the time called, in spite of his fear and lack of combat skills. Seeing him luring the walker gang away was good fun.
    Eugene rolling by with that crappy music playing was funny as hell lol. I just love that quirky guy and it just shows how the show has a special way of elevating comic book characters due to great casting when their comic counterparts just don't do it for me. Shane, Aaron, and The Governor are great examples of this.

    As for your theory spoiler...

    I think so too. In the books didn't Abraham save Holly from Walkers when they first met? I also noticed that shot of Rosita on the bed in the refeclection while Abraham looking back. I find it wierd they mention Holly but may replace her in story? Francine even had short hair too! I reckon they might make Holly a little Younger or if that was just a nod for us comic readers.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 16-Mar-2015 at 11:02 PM. Reason: Needs more Rosita.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  2. #17

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    Here's the thing (IMHO),
    I have NEVER been in, or heard tell of, a situation where once the principal(s) that are being talked about behind their backs discover that fact, has been IMPROVED by delaying laying all cards on the table and going full disclosure. Yes, that's anecdotal and very subjective, but so far as I go it's an article of faith. Allowing he-said/she-said to fester ALWAYS bears poisonous fruit.

    Regarding the Pete/Jessie suspected domestic abuse, and Carol bluntly stating to Rick he's going to have to kill Pete...I have a theory. Admittedly this is nothing but gut instinct, backed by nothing, but here you go:
    I don't believe it's Pete abusing Jessie, I believe Jessie is somehow abusing her husband...and Carol's background has lead her near the truth, but the in-built bias she carries has caused her to make an incorrect assumption. The kid wouldn't say who the gun was for, and Pete didn't seem aggressive when Carol asked to speak to either the kid or Jessie. Quite the opposite in fact. His "It's not a good time" was delivered (at least IMHO) with the subtext of the abused trying to conceal the problem and keep others out of it to avoid escalation. Not to mention the INCREDIBLY POWERFUL stigma attached to and experienced by men who are getting abused by their wives. It's emasculating, reveals what the victim perceives as deep-seated weakness, and is something Pete would be desperate to avoid having exposed due to what he perceives as "the shame of it" that he, a grown man, has somehow "allowed himself" to end up in a situation where his wife is dominating him in an ugly way. Again, just a theory, but given a) Rick's attraction to Jessie, and b) Rick's baggage concerning his "failure" to protect Laurie, I see all the components for a terrible tragedy already in play.

    Bottom line: (Again, IMHO) Maggie saw a major, utterly critical red flag go up and begin waving when Laura (That is the Mayor's name right?) expressed her obviously powerful unease about the "pattern forming" after Abe got the former construction boss's vote of confidence to take over as construction boss. Enough bad things have happened, and are happening, that the smart play for Team Rick would be to pull up stakes and get out while there's at least a trace of good will left. There is NO possible reality (short of Team Rick somehow inexplicably pulling off some sort of Governor-style total takeover and execution of all individuals who could organize a counter-insurgency to expel or eliminate Team Rick) where Team Rick manages to live in peace long-term with the Alexandrians.

    If they went to Alexandria's leader, they could allay her concerns about Team Rick dominating the town infrastructure AND Gabriel's accusations at the same time if they told her "Hey, we realize things just aren't working out and for the good of both our peoples we're going to take a step back out of the limelight. We'll of course continue pulling our own weight while we're here, but as soon as Tara recovers we'll be on our way.

    Otherwise here's what's going to happen, MINIMUM:
    Laura's suspicions are roused for multiple reasons at this juncture. Sooner or later it will occur to her to check in on critical supplies like medication, guns, ammunition and rare foodstuffs. The thefts will be discovered, and with the aforementioned suspicions a major factor, Laura will in her own mind construe said thefts, not to mention Aidan's death, in the worst possible light. At which point it becomes an overt Us Vs Them, but because the Alexandrians know how dangerous Rick's people can be in a fight it won't be a standup conflict. Instead the Alexandrians will somehow work to get the drop on them and force Team Rick into a situation where they're forced to disarm to save whichever member(s) of Team Rick that have been seized as hostages. From there, ABSOLUTE BEST CASE the Alexandrians toss them out the front gate unarmed with the clothes on their back. Team Rick could initiate a bloodbath before things get that far, but I don't believe they have it in them to just massacre the Alexandrians. Especially if Rick feels like they (the Alexandrians) are dangerously misguided as opposed to being "evil." Finally, recent events have given me a bad vibe about Daryl being maneuvered into taking the recruiter job, casting getting Daryl out of town (and away from the rest of Team Rick) for long periods of time in a more sinister light IMO.

    Worst of all, nearly all my perceptions and theories concerning what's going to happen are based on information that one or more member of Team Rick is already in possession of. If they don't want an all-or-nothing no holds barred fight to the death, and Team Rick doesn't want to risk ending up helpless in the hands of allies-turned-enemies, it's time to make a short-term bid to defuse the situation, all the while keeping their feelers out watching for escalation, and get the hell out the moment Tara is ambulatory. (And for the record, I'm doing my level best to concoct a working plan using Rick & Co's "leave no man/woman behind" code. If it were me, and depending on how confident I was of my capacity to read the Alexandrians, I would be deciding where the line is, meaning at what point do we leave with a badly injured Tara whether or not moving her extensively in very medically inadvisable. It's a tough position for the group to be in.

    Michonne is burned out, and so desperate not to be "just surviving" that she now occupies Andrea's role when the two of them first arrived at Woodbury. She's not going to want to believe it's necessary to go until the incontravertible reality is right in her face, and by then it could be too late for all of them. Daryl is out of touch, meaning the group either has to wait for his return or resign themselves to getting badly separated from Daryl, and Tara is badly injured, acting as something of an anchor tying the group to the place at present.

    So they can't stay any longer without ever-increasing danger to all of them, but they have to stay for now unless they want to make some VERY BIG sacrifices...and that doesn't even resolve the Michonne problem. One thing's certain: From here on out every single second the group isn't united in their agreement that a) Alexandria, if not already hostile territory will be imminently, and b) Everything they're doing needs to be working towards an ASAP Exit Strategy dramatically increases the likelihood of terrible things happening to multiple members, if not all members, of Team Rick.

    Agree? Disagree? Undecided? How and why?

  3. #18
    Fresh Meat UndeadHippo's Avatar

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    Well, TWD has had criticism in the past for it's "revolving door" policy concerning black characters. Guess they got the memo....
    top work from Nicotero and the effects guys, and the homage to Rhodes raised a wry smile too

    Gabriel has severely lost the plot now. his own all-consuming guilt over the fate of his parishioners has finally gotten to him. I wonder if the actor had any reservations about being dressed as a priest, stood in a church ripping up a bible? hopefully it was just a job!

    On the topic of characters left behind/ not wanting to leave, i don't think i've seen Abe this happy, ever!

    there is a small part of my mind wondering what's up with Daryl, and wether this is a ploy to get him out of the way, but i doubt it. i kinda trust Aaron on this, and I doubt he'd knowingly put Eric in danger if it all went south
    I'm hungry, but I'm not hungry hungry.

  4. #19
    Just been bitten Harleydude666's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by UndeadHippo View Post
    Well, TWD has had criticism in the past for it's "revolving door" policy concerning black characters. Guess they got the memo....
    top work from Nicotero and the effects guys, and the homage to Rhodes raised a wry smile too

    Gabriel has severely lost the plot now. his own all-consuming guilt over the fate of his parishioners has finally gotten to him. I wonder if the actor had any reservations about being dressed as a priest, stood in a church ripping up a bible? hopefully it was just a job!

    On the topic of characters left behind/ not wanting to leave, i don't think i've seen Abe this happy, ever!

    there is a small part of my mind wondering what's up with Daryl, and wether this is a ploy to get him out of the way, but i doubt it. i kinda trust Aaron on this, and I doubt he'd knowingly put Eric in danger if it all went south

    Here's where it's at regarding Gabriel. You see him in the opening shot dealing with his grief and his GUILT. Him telling Deanna about the group is him absolving himself from the horror he cause the group of his parishioners. He wants to deflect his guilt and blame on to team Rick. Somehow he wants to feel better by having the group ousted for their "supposed" crime instead of team Deanna finding about his crime. I think he figures if can oust team Rick it will be easier for him to forget about his sin being he confessed it to team Rick

  5. #20
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Gabriel needs to have his testicles removed...
    Through his anus.

  6. #21
    Just been bitten DayoftheZ's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Gabriel needs to have his testicles removed...
    Through his anus.
    Also I hope Nicholas reaches an painful and slow demise after what happened to poor Noah.

  7. #22
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Another brilliant episode. Poor old Noah. I was genuinely was going "No, no, no! Ah fuck".

    So tense, that warehouse scene.

    This is the best series of 'The Walking Dead' yet.

    And Gabe? WTF? I wonder if Mags is going to sat something next week. She'll have to balance out the force there. She can't just let that slide. Although, TBH, that councilor would have to have brains of mush to take what Gabe said at face value. Even just by looking at him, you can see he's not firing on all cylinders.

    Only two more eps left.

    Hopefully the spin off series in the Summer will be of the same caliber.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #23
    Fresh Meat UndeadHippo's Avatar

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    as an it just me or is anyone else getting a Captain Janeway vibe off councillor Deanna.... hang on...councellor Deanna Troi???
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  9. #24

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    Know what Team Rick is to the Alexandrian leadership?

    They're the Earps. Do the heavy lifting, take care of any hyper-violent unpleasantness while the town is small and vulnerable, then once their short-term usefulness ends.....
    No more, no less. They are thought of as "A-Team Survivors" and the Alexandrians want to milk that, but they DON'T want to pay fair-market price for the use of Team Rick. They want them while they need them, and the moment they don't, "don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out."

    And that, my friends, is the most generous RATIONAL estimate of the Alexandrians you're likely to see.

  10. #25
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Know what Team Rick is to the Alexandrian leadership?

    They're the Earps. Do the heavy lifting, take care of any hyper-violent unpleasantness while the town is small and vulnerable, then once their short-term usefulness ends.....
    No more, no less. They are thought of as "A-Team Survivors" and the Alexandrians want to milk that, but they DON'T want to pay fair-market price for the use of Team Rick. They want them while they need them, and the moment they don't, "don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out."

    And that, my friends, is the most generous RATIONAL estimate of the Alexandrians you're likely to see.
    Bingo. They overlook any, less than pretty action team Rick has in their past as long as they serve the desired purpose for Alexandria.

  11. #26
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cykotic View Post

    But why do I sense a Macbeth thing going on with Rick and Carol?
    Bit of a leap of faith isn't it? I think maybe he's beating the kid, so you'll have to kill him? All on the suggestion the boy wants to defend himself? Maybe he's having nightmares? Maybe they have a dead relative in their basement chained up... But no... Without any evidence, you'll need to kill him... Hmmm!
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  12. #27
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    The. I thought that was a bit odd myself.

    Went from A to Z there in the blink of an eye and without an ounce of protest from Rick too?
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  13. #28
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    The. I thought that was a bit odd myself.

    Went from A to Z there in the blink of an eye and without an ounce of protest from Rick too?
    It was almost... "He wants to bake cookies? Kill his dad!"
    Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. [click for more]
    -Carl Sagan

  14. #29
    Chasing Prey MoonSylver's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    It was almost... "He wants to bake cookies? Kill his dad!"
    Don't get the sniffles or spank your kid around Carol, or she'll shank yer ass.

  15. #30
    Just Married AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Woah, just got to see the episode last night....what a ride!

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Props to Greg Nicotero once again for that awesome Noah puppet. I was actually disturbed for minutes on end after witnessing that carnage. Glenn's reaction was perfect and his emotion was very heartfelt.
    Couldn't agree more! Excellent effects that added to the story, rather than felt tacked on to meet a quota! And Glenn was fantastic!

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Eugene has more balls than the fine people of Alexandria.
    Damn right, he does. What a coming out party for Eugene, this episode was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Mother Dick!
    Mother Dick, indeed!

    So, on the matter of Father Gabriel...
    Quote Originally Posted by facestabber View Post
    Gabriel is a communist cocksucker and needs to die.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Gabriel...Man I hate that character!
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Gabriel - grrr ... ruddy turncoat ...
    Quote Originally Posted by UndeadHippo View Post
    Gabriel has severely lost the plot now.
    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Gabriel needs to have his testicles removed...
    Through his anus.
    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    And Gabe? WTF?
    Glad we all agree. Though it is odd, he seems to be accurately pegging our protagonists as likely antagonists, given Rick and Carol's mindsets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harleydude666 View Post
    Here's where it's at regarding Gabriel. You see him in the opening shot dealing with his grief and his GUILT. Him telling Deanna about the group is him absolving himself from the horror he cause the group of his parishioners. He wants to deflect his guilt and blame on to team Rick. Somehow he wants to feel better by having the group ousted for their "supposed" crime instead of team Deanna finding about his crime. I think he figures if can oust team Rick it will be easier for him to forget about his sin being he confessed it to team Rick
    What a perfect take on this character's disintegrating ability to reason within the circumstances in which he finds himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    Here's the thing (IMHO),
    I have NEVER been in, or heard tell of, a situation where once the principal(s) that are being talked about behind their backs discover that fact, has been IMPROVED by delaying laying all cards on the table and going full disclosure.
    Dead right, Wyld.

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