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Thread: Diary of the Dead might suck.

  1. #16
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    To say that you'll completely "write him off" is a bit extreme and quite frankly, makes you come off as a bit of an imbecile.

    Every artist has work that doesn't stand out as well as the rest. Doesn't mean that the other works aren't worth experiencing.

  2. #17
    Kashwak = No Fo Cereval's Avatar

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    Overwhelmingly skeptical forecasts are just as interesting as the bulletproof fanboy perspectives. It seems like these two sides always pit themselves against each other by posts that bait the opposition. The common skeptic points I read are always surrounding Romero's age and the success of Land of the Dead, or even his overall track record. In these positions, it's rarely acknowledged that the guy's been making films for 40 years and is still chugging along. Few blockbuster and critically acclaimed filmmakers can boast this. On the other side, there's this blanket notion that everything Romero does is gold. Obviously, this bias lends itself to denial and favoritism, which I suppose is to be expected.

    Personally, I haven't liked everything George has done, but there are certain things that I love and revere about the man and his work. It's this respect that I use as a basis for talking about the guy and what he's done or is doing. When I hear things along the lines of Romero being too old or not being able to make a good movie, all I hear is something like fanboy regression - that stage of appreciation where bitterness or shame has set in from lack of appeasement that matches previous times or eras. The feeling of failure to the fans, the "where's Superman?" abandonment syndrome weighes heavily on the minds of what truly are honest and anxious fans.

    Because that's all we are: fans.

    Maybe sometimes when we get too negative, we should remember this. We sit high on our recliner thrones sometimes praising the hard work of others and pissing the ones that don't gain our approval. Meanwhile, the people we criticize are entertaining and even inspiring others.

    This is not so much directed at you, Chaos. Your post brought to mind the bigger issue of fans and critics. I don't share you opinion. But even though you make points that may hold some kind of validity, it's far from a balanced argument to state your disdain as fact. In my own personal opinion, the man is gold if not always the stuff he does. This lends credence to my viewpoints, be it criticism or praise.

  3. #18
    Walking Dead coma's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    He will be sixty-seven in February. He's no spring chicken. He's my grandfather's age and my grandfather is a senile old bastard. I think Romero might be in the early stages of Alzheimers but i'm still not entirely sure about that. We'll have to wait and see how Diary pans out. But if it ends up sucking, i'm thinking senility or Alzheimer's will definitely be the reason why.
    Reagans speeches were PRE WRITTEN. And in interviews (such as numerous court proceedings) he came off as a clueless buffoon. At least in his second term. When you have to spotaneously speak is when it really shows. At the time, if one was old enough to understand what was going on as it transpired, it was fairly obvious. When he kept saying "I don't remember" we thought he was lying. He wasn't.

    There has not been ONE person in my family, on either side, to go senile.
    My Mom is almost the same age as GAR and shes sharp as a tack. My Grandmother died at 82, slightly forgetful as is normal, but totally aware.
    I saw Clint Eastwood on the crap Larry King show last night and he's 75 and totally together.
    You want to think he now sucks, that's for you. I dont agree and I think you are projecting you Grandfathers siruation as being universsal. It isn't.
    Last edited by coma; 12-Dec-2006 at 04:46 PM.
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  4. #19
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman_Deluxe View Post
    Do you really think that making a movie can be held in the same context as a contact sport? I don't see any comparrison to be honest.

    Also, i didn't consider LAND to be a "sub par" zombie movie. While you may not see it as GARs best work to date, it STILL stands head and shoulders above the majority of zombie movies released in the last twenty years.
    I agree. Romero is still the best at zombie films. I know some of us were disappointed at Land, but I think that is the fault of Universal not Romero.
    And how does anything have to do with senility? (sp?) I think Chaos went over the edge on this.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cereval View Post
    Overwhelmingly skeptical forecasts are just as interesting as the bulletproof fanboy perspectives. It seems like these two sides always pit themselves against each other by posts that bait the opposition. The common skeptic points I read are always surrounding Romero's age and the success of Land of the Dead, or even his overall track record. In these positions, it's rarely acknowledged that the guy's been making films for 40 years and is still chugging along. Few blockbuster and critically acclaimed filmmakers can boast this. On the other side, there's this blanket notion that everything Romero does is gold. Obviously, this bias lends itself to denial and favoritism, which I suppose is to be expected.

    Personally, I haven't liked everything George has done, but there are certain things that I love and revere about the man and his work. It's this respect that I use as a basis for talking about the guy and what he's done or is doing. When I hear things along the lines of Romero being too old or not being able to make a good movie, all I hear is something like fanboy regression - that stage of appreciation where bitterness or shame has set in from lack of appeasement that matches previous times or eras. The feeling of failure to the fans, the "where's Superman?" abandonment syndrome weighes heavily on the minds of what truly are honest and anxious fans.

    Because that's all we are: fans.

    Maybe sometimes when we get too negative, we should remember this. We sit high on our recliner thrones sometimes praising the hard work of others and pissing the ones that don't gain our approval. Meanwhile, the people we criticize are entertaining and even inspiring others.

    This is not so much directed at you, Chaos. Your post brought to mind the bigger issue of fans and critics. I don't share you opinion. But even though you make points that may hold some kind of validity, it's far from a balanced argument to state your disdain as fact. In my own personal opinion, the man is gold if not always the stuff he does. This lends credence to my viewpoints, be it criticism or praise.
    I definitely dig what you're saying. Romero is gold in my book too. I'm just saying he's been dropping the ball of late. I would love to see Diary deliver in the places where Land certainly failed. Two stinkers in a row is unacceptable for a filmmaker of his caliber.

    And I still stand on the senility remark if Diary flops. Either that, or maybe he just doesn't have it in him anymore. I see the move to Toronto as a bad omen, just like when Seinfeld moved from New York to Los Angeles. The series soon went downhill after that.

    This is just my opinion though, peeps. I know i'm cool and all but don't be afraid to form one for yourselves. It won't kill ya!
    Last edited by Chaos; 13-Dec-2006 at 12:59 AM.

  6. #21
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    We'll see when we see

    Personally I don't think Romero "dropped the ball" with Land... It wasn't as good IMHO as the original three, but it was a reasonably good flick...
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  7. #22
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    I definitely dig what you're saying. Romero is gold in my book too. I'm just saying he's been dropping the ball of late. I would love to see Diary deliver in the places where Land certainly failed. Two stinkers in a row is unacceptable for a filmmaker of his caliber.

    And I still stand on the senility remark if Diary flops. Either that, or maybe he just doesn't have it in him anymore. I see the move to Toronto as a bad omen, just like when Seinfeld moved from New York to Los Angeles. The series soon went downhill after that.

    This is just my opinion though, peeps. I know i'm cool and all but don't be afraid to form one for yourselves. It won't kill ya!
    You think you're cool... however with dumb statements like your original post you come off like a blubbering imbecile. Welcome to medicority chaos... enjoy your stay.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The original three had 20 years and more of loyal fanbase following and cult status before Land came along. The 20 year gap between Day and Land made some people build up so many expectations that Romero couldn't possibly deliver to satisfy them in a million years - that's the inherent problem with fanbase expectation.

    Yet Day of the Dead was a complete failure initially, but found it's audience on DVD - Land has already proven to have been a success and has done very well on DVD. Land is still the new kid on the block, but I really like the film, it's different to the other three movies. It retains what it needs to from the first three, but also goes in it's own direction.

    Much like Dawn did after Night and Day did after Dawn.

    My expectations for Diary were a bit muddled and lower than usual, but that was mainly due to first impressions and how Romero tried to explain it in the 'press release' of sorts. Since seeing and hearing more about it over the past few weeks, my interest is growing. I'm not expecting anything, just getting more interested/excited to see it.

    With Romero returning to the indie scene after a somewhat-departure throughout the 1990s, I'm looking forward to seeing an invigorated GAR going out there and going crazy over filmmaking again.

    One last time - I liked Land, it's a good movie.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Welcome to medicority... enjoy your stay.
    Sounds like the perfect tagline for your movie, DJ!

  10. #25
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Ha ha ha so clever. Woot did you think that up all by yourself?

    Like I said I never set out to be the next Romero, can't beat or copycat the original. Also you shouldn't talk **** because you haven't seen the film. Of course a loser like yourself only knows how to degrade and belittle someone's effort without looking into or watching the final product. You are one in ten on IMDB maybe you should hang out there more often. You fit in with those people.

    BTW has your senile grandfather... ooops better go get him he is walking in traffic.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*

  11. #26
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    this guys posting some pretty juvenile stuff lately.

    but on the topic of the thread, no a director never "loses it" he make make a bad film, but that doesnt mean he suddenyl "gets ****" and starts making nothing but stinkers, look at uwe boll, you either can make films well or you cant.

    though i think george lucas is the exception to the rule.

    unless he's gone senile, which would explain the phantom menace.

  12. #27
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjfunkmasterG View Post
    Ha ha ha so clever. Woot did you think that up all by yourself?

    Like I said I never set out to be the next Romero, can't beat or copycat the original. Also you shouldn't talk **** because you haven't seen the film. Of course a loser like yourself only knows how to degrade and belittle someone's effort without looking into or watching the final product. You are one in ten on IMDB maybe you should hang out there more often. You fit in with those people.

    BTW has your senile grandfather... ooops better go get him he is walking in traffic.

    Do not waist your energy on Chaos. He is not worth it. He is just wanting attention. Everyone at HPOTD likes you so his opinion counts for nothing.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HLS View Post
    Do not waist your energy on Chaos. He is not worth it. He is just wanting attention. Everyone at HPOTD likes you so his opinion counts for nothing.
    Personal attacks directed at me because of my opinion regarding DJ's disappointing film debut and the state of Romero's mental health are uncalled for and a bit juvenile.

    You need a shrink, not a message board. I think you should talk to a professional about your many deep seeded neuroses. They are obviously effecting your personal life and the time spent on this forum.

    Let this serve as a warning to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who chooses to let something as insignificant as a post on a message board, be turned into a personal attack on my character (or anyone elses for that matter).

    Sure, I might be the new guy but i'm nobody's doormat.

    Here's a tip: Get a clue!

    We're all here because we're fans. Let's not lose sight of that.
    Last edited by Chaos; 14-Dec-2006 at 05:18 AM.

  14. #29
    Twitching strayrider's Avatar

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    Here we are discussing how lame or great GAR's next Dead film will pan out!

    8 years ago the topic on this forum was "Will GAR ever make another Dead film?"



  15. #30
    pissing in your Kool-Aid DjfunkmasterG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Personal attacks directed at me because of my opinion regarding DJ's disappointing film debut and the state of Romero's mental health are uncalled for and a bit juvenile.

    You need a shrink, not a message board. I think you should talk to a professional about your many deep seeded neuroses. They are obviously effecting your personal life and the time spent on this forum.

    Let this serve as a warning to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who chooses to let something as insignificant as a post on a message board, be turned into a personal attack on my character (or anyone elses for that matter).

    Sure, I might be the new guy but i'm nobody's doormat.

    Here's a tip: Get a clue!

    We're all here because we're fans. Let's not lose sight of that.
    Chaos... in the giant scheme of HPotD you're nothing. Assholes like yourself have come and gone. Like I mentioned in another thread check the member list of the numerous banned accounts. You're just another svengoolie but at least he had tact. You just lack any educated professionalism and I doubt you last another 90 days. So shoo fly shoo.
    Official member of the "ZOMBIE MAN" Fan Club Est. 2007 *FOUNDING MEMBER*


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