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Thread: Labour getting completely trashed in elections..

  1. #16
    Desiderata Satanicus Andy's Avatar

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    You know i honestly dont get why people slag thatcher off.. yeah she was hard faced but she pulled us right out of the mess labour made of the country in the 70's.. surely thats what we need again?

    Quite frankly i would vote ANYONE before i would vote labour, they are the biggest joke of party going.. the monster raving loony party have more common sense than brown and his cronies. get this shower of shite out of office ASAP i say.

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    You know i honestly dont get why people slag thatcher off.. yeah she was hard faced but she pulled us right out of the mess labour made of the country in the 70's.. surely thats what we need again?
    Well the thing with Thatcher is that she pretty much put this country in the state it's in today, the state it's been in for the last twenty years. But I will say is that she was tough, took no riff-raff and was not a bullshitter, and that I liked.

  3. #18
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    Your politics over there are just about as bad as ours over here.

    Everybody likes to ridicule Bush, and yeah, I agree, Bush was a joke. But have you ever heard Obama without his teleprompter? He's a stumbling fool too. He can't spit out a single, solitary sentence without going expressionless for ten seconds and saying, "uh."

    If Bush and Obama is the best America has to offer, this country really is in the crapper. Same can be said with the idiots running the show over in your neck of the woods. That Gordon Brown guy is one greasy asshole. I catch prime minister's questions on C-Span from time to time, and everytime I see that asshole, I want to take a shower afterward. He's just a greasy lump that looks like he washes his hair in lard. I just don't like him or that nerdy looking twit, Jack Straw. If that's who's calling the shots over there, I pity you guys.

    I'm proud to say i've voted in every election since '96, and the only republican or democrat I ever voted for was Bob Dole in '96. Buchanan in 2000. Badnarik in '04, and Ron Paul (A constitutionalist before he's a republican) in '08.

    As long as we continue to vote for Democrats, Republicans, LibDems, Labor, Conservatives and their establishment ilk, we're going to keep getting crapped on. I, for one, am too old and tired, to get stepped on and shit on. Even state and local elections, i'll vote for the independent. I just refuse to support any of those establishment clowns. Not after what they've done to this country. I just won't do it.
    Last edited by Pógmothóin; 07-Jun-2009 at 07:01 AM.

  4. #19
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    But I will say is that she was tough, took no riff-raff and was not a bullshitter, and that I liked.
    Which is what you need in tough times for the country - Labour haven't got a single person like that, especially as their government over the last 12 years has been guided by seeking popular headlines in tabloids, or playing the "class war" game yet again - like the whole Fox Hunting Ban - such effort and fuss went into all that, but er, hello - there's a lot more stuff out there that needed doing.

    I can't be doing with this class war, politics of envy bullshit - especially when it's being peddled by Labour politicians, many of whom are lawyers and the like, all of whom are earning very nice indeed, or very large sallaries ... a significant minority of them also rinsing the expenses business.

    They claim to be "for the working man", but this Labour government are anything but, they couldn't give a stuff about the common man, the average man, or any man, woman or child's opinion on anything. They think they know better, and Gordon's the epitome of that thinking "I'm the one for the job/we're getting on with the job/real help for real people" - the same fudged statistics, the same catch phrases that bring no actual action, the same tired out bullshit we've had for years now.

    Back to the main point at the start of this post, you need someone with consistency of vision (hell - vision, full stop), a strong will, a real determination to fix their country, and someone who can/has/is bringing change to their own party.

    The only leader in the UK doing that is David Cameron.

    Brown (or any possible follow-up for Labour) is a complete joke. Clegg is a twat leading a party who claim to be "of their own", but would just as soon leap gleefully into bed with Labour in the event of a hung parliament, than truly stand on their own merits (i.e. you can't trust folk like that, plus they're just odds-shouting numpties) ... then what else have you got? A bunch of one-note piddly-little parties who have no actual ideas or visions for the huge task of governing an entire country.

    The Greens would give us more trees, but nothing else.
    The BNP would lynch all non-whites, and nothing else ... well, except maybe start building a series of ethnic cleansing ovens or something...wankers.
    UKIP would just remove us entirely from the EU (as I've said before, we need to pull right back from it, but leave our toes in the water - even I think we've had some benefit from the EU ... but £40 million a day benefit? pfft), but bugger all else.

    I can't even be arsed to think about the other slew of minority parties, what an absolute joke.

    Running a country is a massive deal, you need a large, strong party to take the job, not some pokey shower of shites (or a rabble of pokey shite showers scotch-taped together).

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    Back to the main point at the start of this post, you need someone with consistency of vision (hell - vision, full stop), a strong will, a real determination to fix their country, and someone who can/has/is bringing change to their own party.

    The only leader in the UK doing that is David Cameron.
    I would've been happy to vote for Cameron this year until I saw his interview on GMTV. What a f**king wanker, mate. He's just another in a long line of sewage cleaners who will fail at making this country better, it is as simple as that. He's already talking bullshit, he's had his fair share of controversies (and he's not even PM yet), and most of all, he's just a smug, punchable, toffee-nosed little Eton c**t full stop.

  6. #21
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I would've been happy to vote for Cameron this year until I saw his interview on GMTV. What a f**king wanker, mate. He's just another in a long line of sewage cleaners who will fail at making this country better, it is as simple as that. He's already talking bullshit, he's had his fair share of controversies (and he's not even PM yet), and most of all, he's just a smug, punchable, toffee-nosed little Eton c**t full stop.
    forget cameron & look at others in his party though,people like david davis,McLoughlin,osbourne & william hague are what we need right now,cameron is just the figurehead of the party & figureheads are usually wankers (a la brown & blair).Im not sold on cameron either but he's got a decent team behind him now after all the squabbling a few years back & thats what im supporting! better them than the champagne socialists & trotskyists that have ruined us over the last 12 years

  7. #22
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by capncnut View Post
    I would've been happy to vote for Cameron this year until I saw his interview on GMTV. What a f**king wanker, mate. He's just another in a long line of sewage cleaners who will fail at making this country better, it is as simple as that. He's already talking bullshit, he's had his fair share of controversies (and he's not even PM yet), and most of all, he's just a smug, punchable, toffee-nosed little Eton c**t full stop.
    Agreed and that's why the Conservatives are not the answer to Britain's problems. By and large, they are and always have been a party of the privileged, for the privileged and that is where there core values lie.

    Not that "New Labour" have been that far behind, I must say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    forget cameron & look at others in his party though,people like david davis,McLoughlin,osbourne & william hague are what we need right now,cameron is just the figurehead of the party & figureheads are usually wankers (a la brown & blair).Im not sold on cameron either but he's got a decent team behind him now after all the squabbling a few years back & thats what im supporting! better them than the champagne socialists & trotskyists that have ruined us over the last 12 years
    Willy Hague? The failed leader of the Cons? David Davis? Holy jesus no way.

    The figurehead of a party is what sells the party to the average punter. Most of which are blissfully unaware of any kind of actual policy. If your figurehead is a wanker, that kind of says a lot about the party.

    Yes Cameron is most definitely a "wanker", but no less a wanker than Michael Howard, Ian Duncan Smith, William Hague or John Major.

    Probably better than that cunt Margaret Thatcher, but only because at the moment he's promising the world on a plate.

    Day 1 after a Conservative victory, all that will change.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 07-Jun-2009 at 02:00 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  8. #23
    Feeding Tricky's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    Agreed and that's why the Conservatives are not the answer to Britain's problems. By and large, they are and always have been a party of the privileged, for the privileged and that is where there core values lie.

    Not that "New Labour" have been that far behind, I must say.

    Willy Hague? The failed leader of the Cons? David Davis? Holy jesus no way.

    The figurehead of a party is what sells the party to the average punter. Most of which are blissfully unaware of any kind of actual policy. If your figurehead is a wanker, that kind of says a lot about the party.

    Yes Cameron is most definitely a "wanker", but no less a wanker than Michael Howard, Ian Duncan Smith, William Hague or John Major.

    Probably better than that cunt Margaret Thatcher, but only because at the moment he's promising the world on a plate.

    Day 1 after a Conservative victory, all that will change.

    Whats wrong with hague?he's a decent enough bloke who took over the party at a time when they were still in a mess after losing power, he was also at the mercy of labours smear & spin machine when it was at its peak of its power & labour were still seen as popular so didnt stand much chance,and david davis is a former territorial SAS member,and to pass the training for that particular regiment reservist or not,you have to be pretty fucking tough. You seem very bitter about the conservatives despite the fact you dont live under british government,does it have something to do with thatchers policies in northern ireland when she came to power or were you living in england during the 80's?not trying to be a twat here,im just interested.You havent put anything on the table barring a hint at the pathetically limp & pro federal europe lib dems though, so who do YOU think should be running Britain this time next year when the general election has taken place in all seriousness?
    You say the conservatives are the party of the priviledged,but what about labours cabinet?they were all born with silver spoons wedged firmly up their arses & have all lived extremely priviledged lives!hardly working class heroes

  9. #24
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
    Whats wrong with hague?he's a decent enough bloke
    Hague is a wet. He's a do nothing, no answer public schoolboy. In no way do I consider him a man to get Britain out of it's quagmire.

    ...and david davis is a former territorial SAS member,and to pass the training for that particular regiment reservist or not,you have to be pretty fucking tough.
    Davis was an insurance clerk who joined the TA to get money to resit exams. But so what? Paddy Ashdowne was in the Royal Marines and he's a Lib Dem. That's meaningless.

    You seem very bitter about the conservatives despite the fact you dont live under british government...
    I distrust politicians and politics in general Tricky. Not just the right wing of politics. I don't buy into partisan propaganda that the faithful spout from any particular side. I also don't believe in "great white hope" flag waving that goes on when either political persuasion is the ropes and the vultures begin to circle. But Thatcher's Britain in particular, was an utterly depressing place to live (yes I did live there for a period) and her policies were destructive for many in Society (of course Maggie said society didn't exist ). I disagreed with her policy of rampant privatisation, I remember how she handled the miners, I remember the Poll Tax and the subsequent riots. But most of all, I remember her for what she was, a privileged position politician who felt that she was beyond the reproach of the people and not answerable to that society she claimed didn't exist. An upper echelon, "breed apart" person who mistook her position for rule, rather than one of governing for the betterment of all.

    But, as I've said before, the problem is not one of Conservative vs Labour, or Republican vs Democrat. It's the systems themselves that are at fault and need to be revamped. It's democracy lite and as long as there are limitations on choice, the merry-go-round will continue to turn and the only ones who'll really benefit are the political classes at the end of the day.

    Certainly not you, or I.

    not trying to be a twat here,im just interested.You havent put anything on the table barring a hint at the pathetically limp & pro federal europe lib dems though, so who do YOU think should be running Britain this time next year when the general election has taken place in all seriousness?
    Again, as I said earlier, I don't have the answer to that, short of a revolution . I don't know what the answer is to who should be running Britain, nor Ireland for that matter. I know the current crowd aren't doing the job at present (in either Country), but I also know that one must be wary of the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. Once you hop over, you soon find out that that field is covered in shit too.

    The problem is that rot has set in. It had set in centuries ago, but the wheel is turning slowly, but surly as the general population becomes more and more atune to the people who claim themselves to be "in power". The day will come when society will understand that politicians are answerable to us and means will be taken to make sure they understand that.

    Personally, I would like to see the Liberal Democrats become stronger, because it would offer more alternatives to people and that really is good for the "Democracy" that politicians are so fond of dribbling on about. That being said, I wouldn't hold fast with some of their policies either.

    You say the conservatives are the party of the priviledged,but what about labours cabinet?they were all born with silver spoons wedged firmly up their arses & have all lived extremely priviledged lives!hardly working class heroes
    Ah...I also said that "..."New Labour" have been that far behind".
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....


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