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Thread: Next Terminator flick...

  1. #16
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    when i said that mz had pretty much summed up my thoughts, i forgot to mention that i sorta enjoyed t2 and the nostalgia factor most appealing aspect of it, as i saw it in theaters on vacation in florida.... i am more apt to agree with shooter's view that t1 was perfection, everything else since then has been a cheap imitation, starting with t2. while i don't hate it, it certainly isn't half as good as the first.

    going back and watching t2 recently, it felt way too "sequel-ish" and forced. i actually recently decided to cut down on needless material things, including dvd's that were just gonna gather dust. t2 was one of the first ones to go. (land and diary are on the chopping block as we speak.)
    Last edited by ProfessorChaos; 14-Aug-2010 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #17
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Can't fathom the lack of love for T2 from some folk ... utterly baffled by that.

    Well, whatever I guess...

  3. #18
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    I thought T 3 was utter tosh, and T4 under on the level of not sucking.

    I think I enjoyed the Sarah Connor Chronicles more then the last two movies.
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  4. #19
    Chasing Prey

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  5. #20
    Dead Exatreides's Avatar

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    Can't say I'm terribly disapointed at that news.

    As Pacificor tell Deadline, ''the company isn't looking for another project beyond what's envisioned as two or more live action feature films that continue the apocalyptic adventures hatched by James Cameron.''

    Thats what worries me.
    "if wishs were fishes we'd all cast nets" - Gurney Hallack

  6. #21
    HpotD Curry Champion krakenslayer's Avatar

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    Fuck this. Stop it, Hollywood. Stop failing to understand. Don't you get it? Have the last two film taught you anything? You can't rip the balls out of Terminator and succeed.

    Black rain-slick asphalt bathed in noirish neon. Smoke, menacing figures in the shadows. Ambivalence, uncertainty, grime and street grit. Tragic heroism, hungry-eyed, dangerous, innocent. Obscenities and military jargon woven together in violent poetry. Crimson blood on sweat-soaked flesh, rotting flesh on blood-soaked steel. Caterpillar treads crushing bone, the relentless march of rusting, hulking death. Nihilism, fear, passion and hope. Man and machine locked together in primal, Darwinian combat.

    These are the kind of images moviegoers see when they hear the word "Terminator". You can't package that up and slap it on a BigMac meal. It's too profound, too emotional, too primordial. You can't boil it down to a line of action figures and retain what makes it great. And you sure as hell can't water it down to a PG13 cartoon without tearing out everything that makes it actually connect with people on a level deeper than "ooh cool asplosian!"

    EDIT: Glad to see it has been stopped already. Whew!

  7. #22
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePizzoff View Post
    I will definitely see this. If this is done in the same way Resident Evil: Degeneration was (visuals wise) then it will certainly have potential to kick major ass.
    Regeneration kicked ass. I would be totally happy if they rebooted the series and did it with the same animation. If Regeneration would've played here I would've been all over it.

    I thought Bale was making more Terminator movies. I see someone said this deal was over, but what about it? Did the last one fail too badly?
    I kind of fell asleep alot myself.

  8. #23
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Kraken's got it on the nose. Well said, Sir.

    Also, yeah, I don't want anymore shit Terminator movies. T3 and T4 fail hard at being Terminator, and they fail hard in general movie respects too. From the "Super Terminators" nonsense, to the PG-13 toss-wankery, to the dull scripts, silly gags thrown in (T3 was chock full of these) and lots more beside that was just crap ... *sigh* ... please, no more shit Terminator movies!

    If someone who actually understands the franchise, and who can give us the actual Terminator movie we want, came along and made a new movie - that totally ignored T3 and T4, and got rid of the silliness, crap gags, and "Super Terminator" garbage - then that'd be okay. Anything less is a no-no.

  9. #24
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by krakenslayer View Post
    Fuck this. Stop it, Hollywood. Stop failing to understand. Don't you get it? Have the last two film taught you anything? You can't rip the balls out of Terminator and succeed.
    terminator 2

    box office


    dvd sales 112,000,000

    terminator 3

    box office $433,058,296

    dvd sales 103,129,000

    terminator salvation

    box office $531,628,539

    dvd sales $83,893,416

    looks to me like salvation kicked the hell out of the 'favorite' of the series box office wise. and part 3 didnt do too bad.
    Last edited by acealive1; 16-Aug-2010 at 10:18 PM.

  10. #25
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Ace....I'm fairly certain he's talking about the quality of those films rather than the amount of money they made. It could make billions, but that doesn't automatically make it a great film. Twilight or Avatar would be some current examples. Likewise, a great film can bomb at the box office....

  11. #26
    Feeding ProfessorChaos's Avatar

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    also, i suspect you may be failing to account for inflated ticket prices in 1991 vs 2009....

  12. #27
    Chasing Prey

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    Quote Originally Posted by bassman View Post
    Ace....I'm fairly certain he's talking about the quality of those films rather than the amount of money they made. It could make billions, but that doesn't automatically make it a great film. Twilight or Avatar would be some current examples. Likewise, a great film can bomb at the box office....

    i know what he means. but as long as people keep paying to see the terminator, the franchise will continue making movies and games and.........etc etc

  13. #28
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    i know what he means. but as long as people keep paying to see the terminator, the franchise will continue making movies and games and.........etc etc
    Because people are hoping for quality ... but they get let down - as you could extrapolate from the sliding DVD sales figures.

    And if you think about it, even the box office is lower - with inflated prices by comparison.

    And, naturally, box office doesn't equal quality anyway. Even if it turns out to be a bad movie, or the outlook isn't all that great, a Terminator fan will check it out regardless.

  14. #29
    through another dimension bassman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    And, naturally, box office doesn't equal quality anyway. Even if it turns out to be a bad movie, or the outlook isn't all that great, a Terminator fan will check it out regardless.
    Yup....the quality of the last two films is debatable, but the trailers made them look quite good. Especially that NIN trailer for Salvation. Anyone that was a fan of Cameron's films was going to see it regardless. So in reality, the people behind the last two have no one to thank but Cameron.

    It's amazing how trailers can make a bad film look good and a great film look crappy....

  15. #30
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Aye, the NIN trailer for T4 was a great trailer ... shit movie, but an awesome trailer. I saw that trailer like 30 fucking times ... the movie was still gash, mind. If only T4 was more like that song rather than what was actually produced. It has the odd moment, and looks the part, but the script is rubbish, the added T-machines are tripe, and the PG-13 rating is retarded.

    T3 was a movie I didn't even know about until it was out in the cinemas, I wasn't on the pulse on that one, and only saw it on DVD - gutted I spent £15 on that on release, it's not worth a penny. Such a ghastly franchise raper of a movie.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 17-Aug-2010 at 11:58 AM.


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