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Thread: So which Night film is canon to George's series, original or remake?

  1. #376
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    I think we both got something out of it, so I wouldn't feel sad for anyone. I think JDP enjoys arguing and this is what he's done. If he does not enjoy it then he wouldn't have done it.

  2. #377

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Ok guys, hear me out. This is the future of green energy. I have found an unending source of clean and humane energy.
    Throughout this entire debate, I have not read JDP's posts. I have only ever read the first sentence and then replied to it. The goal has been to put in the minimum amount of effort to yield maximum results. It has worked almost consistently. I have no idea what JDP's arguments are, nor do I really care. I don't really care about Land of the Dead to begin with. But if you go back and look at all my posts from at least March and onwards you will see that I never quote JDP's full comments and only ever the first part of his posts. This is intentional. I have not even read them as that would require energy, which is what I'm trying to conserve.

    The experiment was a resounding success, for three+ months every single day I have managed to extract a positive net worth of energy from JDP where he seems to have put in much care into his posts - posting links, long texts and arguments - none of which I have read. Despite this all it ever took was just a few lines to extract yet another lengthy post from JDP.

    That's not all however, the experiment reached previously unimagined levels when Philly_Swat entered the discussion. For awhile, like in these posts above, they actually fed off each other. I did nothing! JDP and Philly_Swat would simply reply to each other, obviously quite irritated at my minimal effort (again, I'm only assuming - I never read any of their posts as that would require energy I spent doing other things).

    In the end I truly believe we have the future here. If we could only harness this energy source we have a clean source of energy: Pointless internet arguments.
    First of all, no one with even at least an iota of intelligence and common sense is buying this nonsense you write above. We only have to take a look at older threads about Land & Day issues, some of which I did not even participate in, to plainly see how much you do care about such stuff. Regarding this thread in particular, you obviously started being "serious", as usual, then later on switched to your frequent tactic of resorting to trolling when things are going "downhill" for you. But nice admission there that you do resort to such things when things don't go very well for your arguments, though. Guilty as charged: T-R-O-L-L

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beat_truck View Post
    I am not exactly surprised.

    I could have almost bet money that you were egging him on from nearly the beginning. At first I actually read the arguments, but when I figured out they weren't actually going anywhere (the last dozen pages at least), I just quickly skimmed through to see what was going on and to see who was going to be the one to crack.

    Now, I don't know whether to find it funny or sad. Even though I don't agree with him, I actually feel a little sorry for JDP.
    An interesting case of misplaced sympathy. You should actually feel sorry for the person who just actually openly admitted that he resorts to trolling when things don't go quite well for his side

  3. #378
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Sorry man, dont know what to say. But maybe you should learn something from this and just not... argue pointless shit on the internet?

  4. #379

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    Says the guy whose posts about said "pointless shit" fill pages and pages of these forums...

  5. #380
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Says the guy whose posts about said "pointless shit" fill pages and pages of these forums...
    Yepp, that's true. The difference is; I own up to it and can shake it off.

  6. #381
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Sorry man, dont know what to say. But maybe you should learn something from this and just not... argue pointless shit on the internet?
    So, the story here is that EvilNed, out of a sense of ...cyber altruism?... has endlessly argued pointless shit on the internet in an effort to encourage others to not waste their 'energy' arguing pointless shit on the internet? This makes me rethink many things in real life. Perhaps Ted Bundy should be praised and not condemned, as he may have engaged in 30 murders (30 confirmed, perhaps more) in a serial killing spree over four years in an effort to encourage people to NOT become serial killers, as they should learn from his example that doing so would result in death by electrocution, ruining dozens of lives, and having one's name in infamy as an EvilNed...errr....evil person. Perhaps the existence and actions of Ted Bundy was a net positive to the human condition.

    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Yepp, that's true. The difference is; I own up to it and can shake it off.
    This is an important point here, one that deserves praise. While the initial motivations might be highly and incredibly suspect, admitting that one was purposefully full of shit and disingenuous, purposefully not even bothering the hear (or read) another person's well-intentioned thoughts and arguments, in an effort to achieve... well, for whatever reason, at long lasts shows that person's true colors, and could perhaps be a valuable lesson to others that sometimes you should not do as your parents raised you and always give someone the benefit of the doubt about their intentions. Sometimes a persons true intentions have no value at all, and the quicker that one learns and accepts that, the better they will be.

    There is a larger lesson to be learned here, but I can not figure out exactly what it is. In an effort to not be as 'pointless' as normal internet debate, here is a current situation and then questions to follow. Rick Scott is the current Governor of Florida. He is, by his own admissions and by everyone else, on the far right of the political scale. He thinks that government is ineffectual and inefficient, and that private business is the best solution to any of society's problems. You can agree with that or not, but that is what he claims he believes. He has a personal net worth of around $200 million dollars, most of which came from his involvement in the health care industry prior to becoming governor. His company committed massive fraud by bilking medicare for services not rendered, as well as giving payola to doctors. All told, they agreed to fraud settlements totaling over $2 billion dollars. He himself escaped any penalties for these actions. After this, he decided to run for governor, spending over $75 million of his own money in order to do so, and he was elected in 2010. He gave up his multi million dollar a year health care business in order to take a job that pays $130,000 a year, which he made a big point to not accept. So he is working for free. He did not expand medicaid under Obamacare, therefore millions of low income/no income Floridians had no health insurance. So for him it is OK for big business to commit fraud, in the health care industry, so much so they can afford to pay over $2 billion in settlements, but not OK for tax money to be spent on health care for the poor.

    So, Rick Scott is being 'termed out' as governor, meaning in the State of Florida, someone can not run for re-election if they have already been governor for two terms. This is something that republicans in general, and Rick Scott in particular, like and agree with, and they feel 'career politicians' are somehow by definition bad. He is now running for the US senate. His ad campaigns against his opponent rail against him for being in the Senate for too long, and feature a tagline of "they need to understand we dont work for them, they work for us". The 'they' he is referring to is the political class, and the 'us' he is referring to is the average ordinary people of Florida. He is including himself in the 'us' category.

    Unlike EvilNed, Rick Scott is not openly admitting that he is full of shit. Apparently he thinks it makes sense, as do a large swath of voters, that government is bad, business is good, while as a businessman he committed massive fraud, and then left the 'good' business world to join the 'bad' government world in order to ....what, encourage people to not engage in pointless debate on the internet? Not sure. He now runs a campaign against career politicians, while attempting to remain a politician after being termed out of office? He claims to be part of 'us' and not 'them'...most of 'us' are not multi hundred millionaires who have admitted to massive fraud and can afford to work for free for almost a decade. And working for does that make any sense when you proclaim how great the 'wealth creators' are? Is it pure altruism, or something else? For each to decide for themselves I suppose. But like EvilNed, he has dubious motivations, hammers the same talking points and refuses to change his mind regardless of quality information to the contrary, all in an effort to....create a new green energy start up to harness all the wasted energy of those who foolishly think he has the best interests of voters in mind? I guess I would like to have someone explain to me how rank hypocrisy and willful ignorance can get people ahead so far in this world? I mean, internet chat boards are pointless, so in the long run, who cares, but in real life, how do these qualities allow someone such as Rick Scott to succeed? I am sure that he has long term plans to run for President of the US, so I ponder these questions.

    Sorry if this post seems pointless, but kudos to EvilNed for fessing up.

  7. #382
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    So, the story here is that EvilNed, out of a sense of ...cyber altruism?... has endlessly argued pointless shit on the internet in an effort to encourage others to not waste their 'energy' arguing pointless shit on the internet?
    Exactly. So take note and go enjoy life.

  8. #383
    Dying beat_truck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    An interesting case of misplaced sympathy. You should actually feel sorry for the person who just actually openly admitted that he resorts to trolling when things don't go quite well for his side
    Well, I feel more sympathy for someone who doesn't even suspect that they are being played, and doesn't know when it's time to quit arguing over something trivial.

    When I'm on the internet (and most of the time in normal life), I state my opinion clearly and to the point, and then move on. If the other person doesn't agree with me or just doesn't want to hear it, oh well, it's no skin off my ass. I refuse to waste my time and energy arguing endlessly over nothing.

  9. #384

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    Quote Originally Posted by beat_truck View Post
    Well, I feel more sympathy for someone who doesn't even suspect that they are being played, and doesn't know when it's time to quit arguing over something trivial.

    When I'm on the internet (and most of the time in normal life), I state my opinion clearly and to the point, and then move on. If the other person doesn't agree with me or just doesn't want to hear it, oh well, it's no skin off my ass. I refuse to waste my time and energy arguing endlessly over nothing.
    First of all, you are swallowing his fairy tale hook, line & sinker, so maybe it is I who should feel more sympathy for someone actually falling for this. He only started really trolling some pages ago, and he was rather quickly spotted and given appropriate responses. Rest assured that contrary to the charade on parade here, he does care very much for these kinds of arguments involving apparent contradictions, paradoxes, inconsistencies, etc. in some movies. These forums have quite a bunch of his posts on these issues. And you can usually tell when he is really trolling and when he is "serious". He started "serious" in this thread, and ended up on a troll rampage.

    And second, you shouldn't back down from a discussion just because someone wants to contradict your points. An old saying says "silence implies consent."

  10. #385
    Dying beat_truck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    And second, you shouldn't back down from a discussion just because someone wants to contradict your points. An old saying says "silence implies consent."
    Eh, another old saying says that you should choose your battles wisely.

  11. #386
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    And second, you shouldn't back down from a discussion just because someone wants to contradict your points. An old saying says "silence implies consent."
    I think beat_truck is saying that you haven't convinced anyone and you haven't improved your lot in life meaning at the end of the day you've only spent a bunch of time doing something quite pointless. In fact, even more so than pointless - arguing on the internet can even be detrimental to your health (mildly, mind you, but it can affect sleep patterns)

    Which is fine, you can't win them all - but at the very least you should come to some form of realization at the end of it all. Hopefully that realization is; "Wow, this was a waste of time. Nex time I'll go fishing" or something like that.
    Last edited by EvilNed; 13-Jun-2018 at 06:05 AM. Reason: köjk

  12. #387
    Arcade Master Philly_SWAT's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Throughout this entire debate, I have not read JDP's posts. I have only ever read the first sentence and then replied to it. The goal has been to put in the minimum amount of effort to yield maximum results. It has worked almost consistently. I have no idea what JDP's arguments are, nor do I really care. I don't really care about Land of the Dead to begin with. But if you go back and look at all my posts from at least March and onwards you will see that I never quote JDP's full comments and only ever the first part of his posts. This is intentional. I have not even read them as that would require energy, which is what I'm trying to conserve.

    The experiment was a resounding success, for three+ months every single day I have managed to extract a positive net worth of energy from JDP where he seems to have put in much care into his posts - posting links, long texts and arguments - none of which I have read. Despite this all it ever took was just a few lines to extract yet another lengthy post from JDP.
    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    First of all, you are swallowing his fairy tale hook, line & sinker, so maybe it is I who should feel more sympathy for someone actually falling for this. He only started really trolling some pages ago, and he was rather quickly spotted and given appropriate responses. Rest assured that contrary to the charade on parade here, he does care very much for these kinds of arguments involving apparent contradictions, paradoxes, inconsistencies, etc. in some movies. These forums have quite a bunch of his posts on these issues. And you can usually tell when he is really trolling and when he is "serious". He started "serious" in this thread, and ended up on a troll rampage.

    And second, you shouldn't back down from a discussion just because someone wants to contradict your points. An old saying says "silence implies consent."
    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Originally Posted by JDP
    And second, you shouldn't back down from a discussion just because someone wants to contradict your points. An old saying says "silence implies consent."
    I think beat_truck is saying that you haven't convinced anyone and you haven't improved your lot in life meaning at the end of the day you've only spent a bunch of time doing something quite pointless. In fact, even more so than pointless - arguing on the internet can even be detrimental to your health (mildly, mind you, but it can affect sleep patterns)

    Which is fine, you can't win them all - but at the very least you should come to some form of realization at the end of it all. Hopefully that realization is; "Wow, this was a waste of time. Nex time I'll go fishing" or something like that.
    I post three quotes here... the first is EvilNed claiming to have never read beyond JDP's first sentence, the second is a 7 sentence, 2 paragraph posts from JDP which occurred after the initial EvilNed quote, the third is EvilNed quoting the 7th and last sentence in the JDP post... interesting.
    Last edited by Philly_SWAT; 13-Jun-2018 at 08:19 AM. Reason: changed my post to only be one sentence instead of several, to make sure one-sentence-only readers could read the whole post

  13. #388

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    I think beat_truck is saying that you haven't convinced anyone and you haven't improved your lot in life meaning at the end of the day you've only spent a bunch of time doing something quite pointless. In fact, even more so than pointless - arguing on the internet can even be detrimental to your health (mildly, mind you, but it can affect sleep patterns)

    Which is fine, you can't win them all - but at the very least you should come to some form of realization at the end of it all. Hopefully that realization is; "Wow, this was a waste of time. Nex time I'll go fishing" or something like that.
    Once again, look who's talking: the guy who has filled pages worth of such discussions over the years

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    I post three quotes here... the first is EvilNed claiming to have never read beyond JDP's first sentence, the second is a 7 sentence, 2 paragraph posts from JDP which occurred after the initial EvilNed quote, the third is EvilNed quoting the 7th and last sentence in the JDP post... interesting.
    LOL! Ned must think we are not already more than familiar with his modus operandi in these forums.

  14. #389
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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  15. #390
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Philly_SWAT View Post
    I post three quotes here... the first is EvilNed claiming to have never read beyond JDP's first sentence, the second is a 7 sentence, 2 paragraph posts from JDP which occurred after the initial EvilNed quote, the third is EvilNed quoting the 7th and last sentence in the JDP post... interesting.
    I never said I haven't read any post by JDP ever. Just anything regarding the debate on 3 years etc. from March onwards.

    Go check if you care, which you seem to do for god knows whatever reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDP View Post
    Once again, look who's talking: the guy who has filled pages worth of such discussions over the years
    Fuck yeah I did, and proud of it. Managed to keep you going for three months by minimal effort. I'm here to solve the energy crisis.


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