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Thread: time magazine call the ps3 a flop

  1. #31
    Banned User

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    Just a little update. We have a 60gig PS3 at my work that has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust since we got it in on Tuesday. If it sells this weekend I'll let you know.

    Chaos, I could go out and buy that PS3 at my work if I wanted one, the fact is I don't want one. Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3. I am glad that you like your PS3, at least somebody is getting enjoyment out of it. I honestly hope you don't have any problems with it as defective consoles seem to be Sony's greatest achievment in gaming.

    If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3!

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadJonas190 View Post
    Don't try to call people "poor" in a round about way just because they don't like the PS3.
    Yeah, most of us are too old to accept such lavish Xmas gifts from our parents anyway.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CapnKnut View Post
    Yeah, most of us are too old to accept such lavish Xmas gifts from our parents anyway.
    Some of us work for EVERYTHING we own, you know?

  4. #34

  5. #35
    Walking Dead mista_mo's Avatar

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    Easy now, chaos, I can understand the anger and frustration, but try and find a better vent then giving it to us here on the forum k? Leave it be, and BTW, just because someone works in retail, doesn't mean that they have no cash.

    Personally, I'm not getting any of the 3..well okay, I'll probibly get a 360.

    PS3- far too expensive for me right now (I do need to goto colelge, and that much money is a waste for me). And again, it's a new launch. I don't want to be one of the ones who gets stuck with a huge assortment of bugs on it (I bought my PS2 2 years after it came out and it works fine, and i swear that it is the best thing I've played from that era) We shall see what the future brings

    Wii- innovative doesn't mean that it's good. Plus knowing me, i'd rip my shoulder out of place getting hardcore into a game (docter still got ta get back to me on whether i need surgery or not on it) plus we haven't seen what bugs are instore for this system.

    360- Good price tag, alot of bugs fixed, amazing games and selection, x-box live...

    hmmm..what do you think I wanna get? I'm betting your thinking i'm getting a 360 eh? GOOD JOB *claps hands*

    my point is, that for someone in my income bracket, and someone who isn't one to jump on the band wagon for new things, the 360 is overall the best choice. I haven't played PS3 or WII, but again, i'm waiting before I consider them for purchase.

    BTW, my PC sucks ass (i got it for 50 bucks from a friend) and it is far more enjoyable then any console i've had. Diablo II: LOD is old, but is so much fun, Baldurs GAte II: Shadows of Amn is my favourite game ever's perfect....Diablo I is amazing still, Starcraft....a classic, i don't care how old it is, it's one of the best games ever made, as evident by the amount of people who still play it. Star trek Armada two is pretty fun as well, and warcraft II: TOD is still my fav. in the series (what can i say, i love the graphics)

    I just need to get some slight upgrades lol.

  6. #36
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3!
    Your right, I can not afford a PS3, I can afford about 10 of them currently. See, there is this thing called budgeting and by doing so, extra money accumulates so that one has money to do the things they enjoy doing.
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  7. #37
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Its not a matter of being able to afford a PS3 or not. I looked at the games and content of each system, and it just made sense to me to buy a premium 360 (great selection of games, Xbox Live, great looking future) and a Wii (for those quirky Nintendo-only titles) for $50 more than the cost of PS3.

    I want new game experiences, playing old PC games on PS3 doesn't entice me, neither does downloading PS1 games that I've beaten already.

  8. #38
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    yeah i think the 360 is for shooty-racing fans, whilst the wii is for fans of those wierd ass japanese games that rarely show up over here, im somewere between the two.

    which would mean playing halo with that maraca controller for the dreamcast.

  9. #39
    Walking Dead CoinReturn's Avatar

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    Haha, I have two sets of those maracas for Dreamcast, I should bust out Samba De Amigo one of these nights...

  10. #40
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    god damn i gotta get me another dreamcast, i loved that damn console

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by CoinReturn View Post
    I should bust out Samba De Amigo one of these nights...
    Well worth the £150 I shelled out for it last year.

    I have a strange uncontrollable urge to play Jet Set Radio now.

  12. #42
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    same here, albiet iwht a bit of house of the dead 2 thrown in.

    i wanna know were i can get one of those S.T.A.R.S dreamcasts, those were awesome.

  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    same here, albiet iwht a bit of house of the dead 2 thrown in.
    Clocked it again a couple of months ago. Even did the training challenges. *blows smoke from lightgun barrel*

  14. #44
    Banned HLS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing View Post
    excuse me but are you telling us to ,quote, "zip it" because we dont particulary care for a games console, i mean excuse me, but i thought this was a free speech kind of internet, and if youve only played a console for an hour on one game how can you say if its crap or not.

    EXACTLY. Just because there is a difference of opinions it does not mean we need to be insulted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Exatreides View Post
    Yes I want to buy a $600 console with controlers exclusive to each PS3, with numerous bugs and who's lost nearly all graphical comparisons with a console already out for a year. Did the PS2 lose graphical comparisons to the Dreamcast?

    I don't know. I do not think any system is worth paying 2 car paments worth of money. $600 geesh. I will wait a year lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    If you're working retail... YOU probably cannot AFFORD a PS3!

    Hey, I work retail and I probably make more that you *I mean that in a nice, non flaming way*
    Last edited by HLS; 07-Jan-2007 at 12:37 AM.

  15. #45
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Just to say in general, if there are more daft snide remarks flying about in this thread from this point forth, the thread will have to end up getting closed.


    Now ... back to the thread, I personally find all this P$3 bashing rather hilarious. I'm not a fan of the console, and it's just hilarious to see people ripping into the guys who were previously getting their poles smoked hourly by a legion of fans around the world ... P$2 was the console you'd see in a lot of movies or TV shows ... methinks that the new "official as-seen-on-TV/in movies" console will be the 360 and/or the Wii.


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