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Thread: Battleship (film)

  1. #31
    Dying rightwing401's Avatar

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    Just got back from seeing the movie this evening. Far exceeded my expectations in the plotline and the incorporation of the battleship game grid. I guess correctly that the aliens had a far easier time engaging the far more technologically advanced ships of our new navy, but were too advanced to have adaquet defenses against a ship that's primary armament is simply big ass guns.

    While a great and well thought out story, you do need to turn your brain off for the duration of the movie, otherwise you'll begin asking too many questions, one of the biggest being why an alien advance/pre-invasion force would consist of only five ships, considering it took them about 7 years to make the trip from their world to ours.

  2. #32
    Zombie Flesh Eater EvilNed's Avatar
    Zombie Flesh Eater

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    You've seen Iron Sky? And?
    OffTopic a bit, but:

    It was funny, but silly. The people I went with all liked it, but I felt it fell a bit flat towards the end. Also, the protagonists didn't really work. Not sure if a movie succeeds in it's storytelling or not when you start rooting for the nazis.

    A good film, but probably not worth a visit to the cinema. Wait for the DVD.

  3. #33
    Rising JDFP's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilNed View Post
    Not sure if a movie succeeds in it's storytelling or not when you start rooting for the nazis.
    Eh, not necessarily. Cheering for the Wehrmacht or Luftwaffe for example isn't the same thing as cheering for the S.S. after all. Most of the folks in the German military weren't evil S.S. henchmen - just average folks trying to survive like everyone else. And here's a huge exception to your rule in my opinion which is probably the best war film ever made (in my opinion)...

    "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." - Ronald Wilson Reagan

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  4. #34
    Rising rongravy's Avatar

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    Saw it last night alone and liked it. Not a brainbuster by any means, but big and loud. Lots of cool eye candy to look at, too.
    It didn't really bother me to not have to think too hard, kind of like watching fireworks/skyflowers, Land of the Dead style.
    Who needs Independence Day 2 when this pretty much covers the whole big scale alien invasion scenerio? I liked the aliens, and those hopping ships they cruised around in were way cool. Killer beards.
    The John Carter guy was the main character in this. I thought it was kind of funny that he's been in two big budget blockbuster flopozoids this year, even though I liked both.
    I'd recommend this on the bigscreen if you can see it cheap. I paid a grand total of zero dollars myself.


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