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Thread: More commercials I hate

  1. #31
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    The Mandatorium
    Count me in as a fellow fan of B&W film (funny how some of these numpties who deride a film for not being in colour, will routinely post pictures on their Facebook accounts or whatever having just put a B&W filter over them - or that ever-so-trendy 'seventies look' filter on to them). I, like bassman, didn't 'come up' watching B&W stuff as it originally aired ... I'm a kid of the 1980s after all (of the Ghostbusters generation! ), but I don't care if a film is colour or not - the only thing that counts is if the film is any good!

    I have found myself increasingly saying things like "when I was a kid, I never had [INSERT WHATEVER]" ... the luxuries are all relative to each generation of course, but if some kids don't grow beyond that childish naivety and get some perspective, then good lord.

  2. #32

    Join Date
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    Personally I hate ALL commercials. Not for the dancing monkeys that perform in them, but because advertising has such a cultural influence in American society. I'm disgusted by the idea that there's actually people out there that take cues from advertising, people that see a commercial and are stricken with the desire to have that product or service.
    1 that comes to mind is the ad that has some really hot chick talking to her date and explaining how she read an article that people who own iPhone's have the most sex. Makes me wonder what Apple had to do to slip that 1 in there. 2 commercials in 1 time slot!

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New worst commercial ever: "Poop There It Is"

    It's a diaper commercial featuring cartoon babies having an honest-to-God pooping contest, noisily filling their diapers to the bursting point before masses of cheering fans, to the sound of an execrable bastardization of Tag Team's "Whoomp There It Is."

    Google if you want. I won't link to the (literal) filth.

    This is not SNL. This is not The Onion. This is an actual commercial from an actual company that actually thinks it will make actual people want to buy an actual product. Unbelievable.
    "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist." - Queen Victoria

  4. #34
    Dead Sammich's Avatar

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    Aug 2007
    They just don't make commercials like this anymore. No hipsters, no smart ass talking babies, no whistle hum music, just pure excitement. I wish they would do something like this with the Walking Dead cast because it would be epic.


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