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Thread: Evolution is bollocks.

  1. #31
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legion2213 View Post
    Sorry folks, the "duck saves drowning child" story was a complete fabrication on my part - I just thought it sounded cool.

    nice one.

    here you've earned this:

    "The bumps you feel are asteroids smashing into the hull."

  2. #32
    Inverting The Cross MikePizzoff's Avatar
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    I love these forums and the odd stares it draws from my girlfriend when I'm sitting here cracking up.

  3. #33
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    Ducks, eh? Reminds me of the story of Chibi....
    Wait, you don't know the story of Chibi?!
    Last edited by blind2d; 22-Oct-2010 at 10:50 PM. Reason: wanted to

  4. #34

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    This had me crippled with laughter:
    The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I have a feeling this will take off.
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 24-Oct-2010 at 04:50 PM. Reason: k

  5. #35
    Being Attacked EDukes's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by BillyRay View Post
    If it's photoshop you want, Aces...

    That picture always reminds me of this clip.

  6. #36
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyldwraith View Post
    This issue bothers me,
    As a Christian and as someone with a mind I believe my deity wished me to have so that I might apprehend the nature of my existence, I find this new pseudo-scientific Creationism outright offensive and deceitful, where the old Creationism was merely out of touch with reality and obviously wrong.

    First of all, there are FOURTEEN places in the bible where it is inarguable the text is describing a year or a day as highly variable in duration. One passage indicates that the biblical "day" in question is actually 1,000yrs long. I could go on and on about this, but anyone with sense can see the obvious implications there. Second, the Bible should be taken for what it actually theologically is. Ie: A guide to the establishment of a relationship with God via His Son Jesus, and a manual depicting the necessary actions, words, and beliefs to secure Salvation/The forgiveness of Sin and in essence reconciling one with God. Over and over in passages left dusty and unused because they do not serve Biblical Literalist agendas it is intimated, implied and even stated that this is the real purpose of the document collection that is the Bible. God intended it to be a Manual on Attaining Spiritual Salvation, NOT a step-by-step blueprint of how Creation was brought into being by God. Lastly, I find it beyond offensive when adults use childhood against children to condition them to think/perceive in ways that will cause them no end of trouble in later life.

    Amusingly enough, many fundamentalists would identify me as an Apostate for what I just said.

    In the end, people like those tour-givers make me mad because they besmirch the credibility of my faith as a viable spiritual path to God. Lies never got anyone closer to any God worthy of worship.
    theres an even simpler flaw with the hard core creationism zealotry. asuming there is in fact a god and he did create us, has the ability to do so, how in ,well, gods name do they think we could understand such a process NOW, let alone thousands of years ago y'know?

    Like how did intelligent design go from the relatively logical thought process of the whole "well to have the planets the right distances and the moons at the right points and such to allow life at such a small chance of occurring maybe god set up this solar system as a 'garden of eden?', maybe he tended it over billions of years to shape our evolution with minute changes like a wise sage clipping a bonsai tree" that sort of 'it can be explained by science, but theres a director who sets the laws for it' type thing- which i dont believe in but i can see how others could, how does it go from that to "IT WAS MAGIC, STEPHEN HAWKING IS WITCH, FLAMING BALL IN SKY DEMANDS BOOK BURNING TO BE PLEASED!".

    As ive said before, the worst things these people do are not just attempting to stop people getting an education based on fact, but they get so much press as loud, obnoxious d-bags that they make the world think ALL christians are like them. Like the christians get less like there christ every year y'know? we all hear about the pedo priests or crazy book burning racist priests, what about the ones who help feed and cloth the homeless? not newsworthy or edgy enough i suppose. But when shit like the phelps family gets so many viewers all they do is give christianitys enemys more fodder. Also lengthening the tense divide between the religions and races of the world further. seriously. they do absolutely nothing good for there religion, or humankind as a whole. if i were them that would no doubt get me angry and chomping at the bit, but as an educated man gifted with the ability to reflect on my words and theres it just makes me sad.
    Last edited by Danny; 26-Oct-2010 at 07:17 AM. Reason: spelling mistakes, why else gestapo code?

  7. #37

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    Sorry for the thread necromancy
    did anyone see Sunday Morning Live a few weeks ago?

    I can't believe this was on the BBC it is a disgrace.

    Also I was stunned to find out about the Italian Wall Lizards evolution on a island near Croatia:
    Last edited by Andy; 14-Dec-2010 at 09:27 PM. Reason: Fixed youtube link.

  8. #38
    Chasing Prey

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    so here's the problem i have with evolution....... if we evolved from monkeys, then why the fuck are they still here? thats called a paradox

  9. #39
    Walking Dead Legion2213's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by acealive1 View Post
    so here's the problem i have with evolution....... if we evolved from monkeys, then why the fuck are they still here? thats called a paradox
    I believe that we "branched off" from monkeys at some stage.
    Oblivion gallops closer, favoring the spur, sparing the rein - I think we will be gone soon

  10. #40
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    joking or genuinely uneducated on the subject?

    thats the trouble with the internet, you never can tell.

    for the record if any grown adult is actually shockingly ignorant to this imagine the two species, chimpanzee and homo sapiens two similar creatures, with obvious physiological differences are around 99% genetically identical. which means if you see our two species as branches on a tree they eventually come from a shared point as you get closer to the route source. we never were chimps, they arent destined to be humans. our two species are just convenient examples of evolutionary divergence. we adapted one way to conditions around us, they another. Thats it really. If memory serves man actually evolved from a much smaller creature, like a lemur. which in tern had its roots in the rodent family i believe, if memory serves the latent instructions in our dna form our long past rodent ancestors can randomly 'wake up' in some people during there actual construction process in the womb which is why you get people having more than two nipples for example. DNA be crazy son.

    -for the record i wasnt calling anyone ignorant, but before anyone gets the flame bile rising in there throat i mean ignorance in the literal sense, which is not an insult regardless of how many videogames forum posts use it otherwise. everyone is ignorant of everything until they learn how it works.

  11. #41
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    The Story of Chibi...
    Anyway, I don't think it matters whether evolution is right or wrong... I mean, none of us will live long enough for it to happen to our species to any great extent (unless radiation fallout or something, but that's mutation, so never mind...), so... is it really relevant? I mean, sure, it's important to understand how everything works biologically, but... yeah, it doesn't really affect us that much, does it? Just something for the religious to whine about, I think... I mean, if you believe in a God who is the Creator, then, what's wrong with believing in evolution, too? Why can't God have anything to do with that?
    ...Is it the Big Bang? Is that it? God could've started that too, y'know...

  12. #42

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    It's significent to education, the moment we say god did it 7000 years ago we'd have to ditch everything we know of chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology and future generations would be left to wonder how a lightbulb is working, why treatment isn't working on a new strain of influenza blighting them among other things.

    As for why monkeys still exist, think of the example of a rodent which eats leaves that falls from trees or worms the rain brings up, some rodents want more so they climb the tree's for fresh leaves and others burrow into the ground for more worms, hundreds or thousands of generations later, the original rodent may still be there but there's also monkeys and moles evolved from it now, this rodent now has competition so to evolves to a rodent requiring less food and the original species eventually dies off.
    Last edited by Rottedfreak; 15-Dec-2010 at 09:40 AM. Reason: made a balls of it

  13. #43
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blind2d View Post
    The Story of Chibi...
    Anyway, I don't think it matters whether evolution is right or wrong... I mean, none of us will live long enough for it to happen to our species to any great extent (unless radiation fallout or something, but that's mutation, so never mind...), so... is it really relevant? I mean, sure, it's important to understand how everything works biologically, but... yeah, it doesn't really affect us that much, does it? Just something for the religious to whine about, I think... I mean, if you believe in a God who is the Creator, then, what's wrong with believing in evolution, too? Why can't God have anything to do with that?
    ...Is it the Big Bang? Is that it? God could've started that too, y'know...

  14. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rottedfreak View Post
    It's significent to education, the moment we say god did it 7000 years ago we'd have to ditch everything we know of chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology
    Why? What does the historical question of the origin of life have to do with any of those physical processes now? Not saying I believe that God did it 7000 years ago, but I don't think the conclusion follows.
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  15. #45
    certified super rad Danny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Publius View Post
    Why? What does the historical question of the origin of life have to do with any of those physical processes now? Not saying I believe that God did it 7000 years ago, but I don't think the conclusion follows.
    what he means is, if you can wave away one school of thought in terms of scientific exploration and fact finding with the dismissal of simply "god did it" then that same notion can be applied to any other science as well.


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